Is this an Islam thing, or a Liberia thing?...

Is this an Islam thing, or a Philippine thing?

Self-flagellation is only practiced by some sects of Shite muslims.

Just as some sects of Christianity still nail people to the cross.

Oddly enough, both are openly practiced in the Phillipines :eek:

i know that, it was a spoof on this bullshit thread.

mild self-flagellation is part of the ashura festival. i witnessed several processions in tehran and other cities. the bloody self-flagellations are practiced only by a few extreme groups. those will be the processions the media will show you. when it bleeds it leads.
the Shi'ia in Iraq did it as well
Self-flagellation is only practiced by some sects of Shite muslims.

Just as some sects of Christianity still nail people to the cross.

Oddly enough, both are openly practiced in the Phillipines :eek:

i know that, it was a spoof on this bullshit thread.

mild self-flagellation is part of the ashura festival. i witnessed several processions in tehran and other cities. the bloody self-flagellations are practiced only by a few extreme groups. those will be the processions the media will show you. when it bleeds it leads.
the Shi'ia in Iraq did it as well

the bloody version? probably in najaf and esp. in kerbela.

i was told by persians that the arab shi'ites take their ashura processions way too seriously.
Is this an Islam thing, or a Philippine thing?

Self-flagellation is only practiced by some sects of Shite muslims.

Just as some sects of Christianity still nail people to the cross.

Oddly enough, both are openly practiced in the Phillipines :eek:

Which Christian sects nail people to the cross? That's something I haven't heard of.

watch the first vid i posted ETA: only the flagellation is shown, crucifixion is part of the rites. one village in the philippines has very special passion rites.

San Pedro Cutud Lenten Rites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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So...has anyone gotten an good explanation as to why "Islam" was even mentioned in the thread title?

You are not Honest enough to Acknowledge it, and your Reason for being on this Thread isn't to get that Answer anyway, is it, Bodey...



look now, failmaster. this thread has moved on to wacky bloody rites by extreme factions of followers of monotheistic religions. why don't you sit in the corner and think about your errors instead of shitting your pants in public again?
So...has anyone gotten an good explanation as to why "Islam" was even mentioned in the thread title?

Anyone? Why is Islam mentioned in the title when everything I've read on this indicates the family is Christian?

that's because tha failmaster is clairvoyant and creative in finding ways to fail. it is a gift.

I have Failed at Nothing, Junior...

I didn't Claim the Family was Muslim, and it hasn't been Proven that they are not...

Their Involvement in a Typically Christian Immigrant Church is not a Verification of thier Faith...

Nor does it Verify if they Converted from Islam...

Either way, I never Claimed they were Muslim...

As any Asshat can Read, I ASKED a Question about it...

Amazing how Fucking Stupid or Fixated some People can be.


The question in and of itself certainly implies that they are Muslims.

I mean, "Islam thing or Liberian thing" ... if you were uncertain that they were Muslims you wouldn't have given option B as the nation they were in.

You stepped in it.

It happens.
The question in and of itself certainly implies that they are Muslims.

I mean, "Islam thing or Liberian thing" ... if you were uncertain that they were Muslims you wouldn't have given option B as the nation they were in.

You stepped in it.

It happens.

That's your Opinion... It Stunk of the Middle East Standard for Islam... The Non-First-World Standard for Islam...

To Deny what Organized Islam is there... What Governmental Islam is there... Is to Deny Reality.

And a Passing Reference to a Church that Assists Immigrants doesn't Prove that this "Father" isn't Islamic.

His Religion has NOT been Verified.

It's funny, the "Free Press" is Reporting on a Shooting in Israel that Targeted a Group of People, and they Assume it's not Terrorism, which I Assume is to Clear any Islamists of the Shooting, and then let the Reader Know that Orthodox Jews view Homosexuality as an Abomination, Insinuating that an Orthodox Jew was behind it or that the Organized Orthodox Jewish Leaders there are Targeting Homosexuals for Death...

Assumptions are made ALL of the time by ALL kinds of People.

I Assumed this was either an Islam thing or a Liberian thing...

MANY others hear Chose a Liberian thing to Islam...

Really no Different, one is Cultural and the other is Religious.

I don't Think it's Normal for ANY Father to Turn their Backs on their 8-Year-Old Daughter after she's been Raped...

But that's EXACTLY kind of Shit that comes out of Islam once it has Indocrinated it's Members...

So NOT Knowing, I Asked when this Story Broke...

The Fact that those who Excuse Islam and it's Tyranny whenever the Oppurtunity presents itself came to this Thread with Sand in their Vaginas doesn't really Matter to me.

It Stunk of Islam and the Original Story didn't Elude to it...

By Contrast, the "Free Press" Insinuates the Shooting in Israel was Possibly the Product of Orthodox Jewish Homophobia.

Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch also said he believed the attack had homophobic motives and promised the police would do everything possible to arrest the gunman.

Tel Aviv mayor Ron Huldai insisted the attack would not change the city as a bastion of "tolerance and openness."

"We will continue to offer the gay community a warm house in our city and fight for everyone's right to live according to his faith and beliefs," Huldai said.

In 2005, an ultra-Orthodox Jew stabbed three participants of a gay pride parade in Jerusalem. He was later sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Gays and lesbians enjoy freedom in Israel, serving openly in the military, and Tel Aviv holds an annual gay pride parade.

Israel repealed a ban on consensual same-sex sexual acts in 1988 and certain rights of gay or lesbian couples have since been recognised by the courts.

Israel launches manhunt after two killed in gay club

Get it?...

And the Distinction between how Islamist Nations View Homosexuals and how Israel does is Illustrated in that Story that Attempts to Paint these Murders as Most Likely an Orthodox Jewish thing.

Iran doesn't allow Homosexuals to Openly Serve in their Military... As a Matter of Fact, they don't allow Homosexuals to LIVE Openly in Iran, as with other Islamic Nations.

But these Assumptions are NEVER Made against Islam, because the Coward Liberals in the "Free Press" are either Sympathetic to Islam or Afraid of it...

They Know an Orthodox Jew won't come Kill them for their Opinions, nor will the Israeli Government put a Price on their Head.

Satanic Verses and all...


And the Distinction between how Islamist Nations View Homosexuals and how Israel does is Illustrated in that Story that Attempts to Paint these Murders as Most Likely an Orthodox Jewish thing.

That's because Tel Aviv is 93% Jewish and 1% Muslim, fuckstick. :lol:
Once again. Islam is not just a religious thing. It's a religious, political AND cultural thing. It's the only religion that embraces politics and provides a political schematic.
Once again. Islam is not just a religious thing. It's a religious, political AND cultural thing. It's the only religion that embraces politics and provides a political schematic.

They are either Sympathetic to it, Afraid of it, or they Obsess on me...

Either way, they aren't about to Concede your Point...


Let me get this straight..."Islam" was mentioned in the title of a thread about this poor girl's rape...ergo, there is no inference by the OP that Muslims were somehow involved.

I see...the terminology "Islam" and "Muslim" does NOT mean "Islam" and "Muslim".

Down the Rabbit Hole again...and again...and again. :cuckoo:

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