Is this an Islam thing, or a Liberia thing?...

The pastor is the family pastor.

His name is James Nyemah, commonly known as Bro. James.

Bro James leads the African Faith Expression Church.


The Liberians involved in this horrible story are CHRISTIANS.

I knew it, raping little girls, blaming the victim etc.: a Christian Thing?

Now i will sit here and wait for the public apologies of the several rabid islam-bashers, it will not take long. i am sure.

So of the (2) Options I have Presented in my OP, it's a Liberian thing?...

As MANY who were just Appalled at the Observation that Islam REGULARLY does this kind of thing were Suggesting?...

I will Assume that this Man who now says he Never Denied his Daughter is a Christian from Liberia...

But none of this Changes the FACT that Islam Perpetuates the Victimizing of Victims, the Murder by Stoning of Victims and of course the Execution of Homosexuals and others, not only as a Religious Standard, but also as a Matter of Law in MANY Islamic Nations.

The same can NOT be said for Christianity.

I Asked a simple Question in my OP... The Father now Denies he ever Denied his Daughter who was Raped.

If he did, it Appears that it's a More a Liberian Cultural thing than an Islam thing.

For now, that's where this will stay...

I would Hope that L.K. and others who Assumed I Blamed Islam will Man up if it comes out that this Father is an Islamist who was Attending a Christian Church...

Not that any of it Matters, because I didn't Blame Islam for this, I simply Observed that it Stunk of the Filth that Modern Non-First-World Islam Preaches and Practices.

And in that I asked the Question... Islamic thing or Liberian thing?

It appears that L.K. has Evidence that it's a Liberian thing.

Good... Research is Good for you.



that is the shittiest, most insincere, most weaselly non-apology i ever had the misfortune to read.
that is the shittiest, most insincere, most weaselly non-apology i ever had the misfortune to read.

I have Nothing to Apologize for...

Your Inability to Comprehend what you Read, or Retain it, is Not my Problem.

My OP is a Question Based in the Recent History of Islam and Liberia, as it Related to this Story.

I Made NO Assertions outside of that.

If you Deny Islam's Tyranny and Murder Religiously and via ME Governments in the Modern Day, then you are Ignorant or Dishonest.

I Simply wondered if this Father was one of those People from Islam, or if this was a Liberian Cultural thing...

It Appears that he is either a Christian from Liberia, an Islamist Convert to Christianity via this Az Church, or simply one of MANY who come to this Country and Find MUCH Assistance from the Church... Specifically the Christian Church.

Funny how the Left Attacks the Christian Church so Regularly, when in Fact it Appears that this Christian Church in Arizona is Struggling to Assist Refugees and Show them the Peaceful way to Christ in the Process.

Again, I made NO Assertions about this "Fathers" Religion, I simply Observed that his Actions according to the News were the same as what is Perpetrated in the Islamic Non-First-World, along with FAR Worse Attrocities by the Church itself and MANY Islamist Governments.

Your Inability to Acknowledge what Islam is doing around the World, and in this Country in some Cases, is your Problem, not mine.


The OP implied that the persons were muslims.

The psster seems quite disingenuous with the 'apology' and more interested in weaseling out of admitting to the dishonest nature of the OP.
The OP implied that the persons were muslims.

The psster seems quite disingenuous with the 'apology' and more interested in weaseling out of admitting to the dishonest nature of the OP.

I asked a Question...

Christ on a Cracker, the Public School System is Failing our People Worse than I had Imagined...

And I ain't goin' anywheres, either... ;)


poor thing, so misunderstood :(

Is this an Islam thing, or a Liberia thing?...

^The 8 Year Old Brought Shame on her Father for being Raped...

I Love Cultures that are Living in the 15th Century... In OUR Country...


It's more than an Islam thing, unfortunately. A lot of people will blame the victim in situations like this. I would go into more detail but I got slammed last time I brought up anything like this so I'm going to stay quiet. :)

I can't Imagine an American Born, Non-Islamic Father Blaming his 8 Year Old for being Raped by (4) Boys...

It's that kind of Absurdity that is Exclusive to Islam in our Century.



Blaming women, girls for being raped is found in many cultures. In Italy, till a few years ago, a rape was considered a crime against morals, not against the woman. I believe the laws were finally changed in the early '90s. In Sicily, a rapist could get the charges dropped if he got the victim to marry him. If she refused she would often be harrassed and shunned by the community and her family' property vandalized. A way of forcing a girl to marry you who had refused you was to kidnap her and rape her. Then the only way she could maintain the family's honor was to agree to marry you.

Misogyny is rampant in sacred texts of the Judeo -Christian religions. Who is to say if the mysogyny came first? That of the religion or the culture?

Go ahead and show me TODAY who, other than Islam, who Denies an 8 Year Old Daughter who has been Raped...




Your OP presented a 'question' that implied a Muslim connection. Your intent was clear and you are fooling noone.
Go ahead and show me TODAY who, other than Islam, who Denies an 8 Year Old Daughter who has been Raped...



Yep... In the Context of Religion, show me...

I Know there are Cultures, the Distinction was made in the OP, you Idiot.

I gave (2) Examples... Islam or Liberia...

It's Apparently Liberia... Something I am MORE than Aware of, because I gave the Option in the OP... I didn't however give the Chrisitian Church, because they Christian Church, neither as a Church, or a Form of Government in the Modern Day, does what Islam does.... Fact.

What in the Fuck is the Matter with some People?... Is the Language we have all Agreed upon that Difficult to Comprehend and or Retain?


Is there a point to Malcontent's needless capitalization? Are we supposed to be decoding his posts to reveal the second Coming of Christ?
Is there a point to Malcontent's needless capitalization? Are we supposed to be decoding his posts to reveal the second Coming of Christ?

^My God... I could set my Watch to it.

It's an Out for you... When you have Failed, and the Frustration has gotten to you...

My Writing Style Saves the People and Possessions you have in your Life.

I Wouldn't want you going Postal on someone you Love because of your Frustration over me.

This is your Vent.

You're Welcome.


When you guys are finished arguing whether this is an Islam or a Christian thing, can we get back to the matter at hand? Those parents should NOT get their child back, they and their older daughter should be shipped back to Liberia immediately, we don't want or need their kind here. The boys should be shipped home with them as they are apparently claiming the boys as their own. The daughter should be given up for adoption into a loving American home.
When you guys are finished arguing whether this is an Islam or a Christian thing, can we get back to the matter at hand? Those parents should NOT get their child back, they and their older daughter should be shipped back to Liberia immediately, we don't want or need their kind here. The boys should be shipped home with them as they are apparently claiming the boys as their own. The daughter should be given up for adoption into a loving American home.

What are 'their kind'?
The OP implied that the persons were muslims.

The psster seems quite disingenuous with the 'apology' and more interested in weaseling out of admitting to the dishonest nature of the OP.

I asked a Question...

Christ on a Cracker, the Public School System is Failing our People Worse than I had Imagined...

And I ain't goin' anywheres, either... ;)




as has been shown repeatedly, you're a disingenuous fuckroast in a mullet.

the only educational failing i see is your mistaken belief that you have one.

have a nice day.
that is the shittiest, most insincere, most weaselly non-apology i ever had the misfortune to read.

I have Nothing to Apologize for...

Your Inability to Comprehend what you Read, or Retain it, is Not my Problem.

My OP is a Question Based in the Recent History of Islam and Liberia, as it Related to this Story.

I Made NO Assertions outside of that.

If you Deny Islam's Tyranny and Murder Religiously and via ME Governments in the Modern Day, then you are Ignorant or Dishonest.

I Simply wondered if this Father was one of those People from Islam, or if this was a Liberian Cultural thing...

It Appears that he is either a Christian from Liberia, an Islamist Convert to Christianity via this Az Church, or simply one of MANY who come to this Country and Find MUCH Assistance from the Church... Specifically the Christian Church.

Funny how the Left Attacks the Christian Church so Regularly, when in Fact it Appears that this Christian Church in Arizona is Struggling to Assist Refugees and Show them the Peaceful way to Christ in the Process.

Again, I made NO Assertions about this "Fathers" Religion, I simply Observed that his Actions according to the News were the same as what is Perpetrated in the Islamic Non-First-World, along with FAR Worse Attrocities by the Church itself and MANY Islamist Governments.

Your Inability to Acknowledge what Islam is doing around the World, and in this Country in some Cases, is your Problem, not mine.



Face it, mal.




The OP implied that the persons were muslims.

The psster seems quite disingenuous with the 'apology' and more interested in weaseling out of admitting to the dishonest nature of the OP.

I asked a Question...

Christ on a Cracker, the Public School System is Failing our People Worse than I had Imagined...

And I ain't goin' anywheres, either... ;)




as has been shown repeatedly, you're a disingenuous fuckroast in a mullet.

the only educational failing i see is your mistaken belief that you have one.

have a nice day.

The best part about this is the Fact that there has been NO Documentation of this "Father's" Religion...

There's Evidence because of a Pastor who has Spoken up, but even if it Plays out to be that he's Christian, then it's Option #2, which is "It's a Liberia thing"...

Check my OP before you Shit yourself being Wrong.

And what is your Fixation with me, del?...

It's Concerning... I would Hope that you would have better things to do than wait around to be Wrong in a "Gotcha"...


When you guys are finished arguing whether this is an Islam or a Christian thing, can we get back to the matter at hand? Those parents should NOT get their child back, they and their older daughter should be shipped back to Liberia immediately, we don't want or need their kind here. The boys should be shipped home with them as they are apparently claiming the boys as their own. The daughter should be given up for adoption into a loving American home.

What are 'their kind'?

People who would Deny their own 8 Year Old Daughter who has been Raped...

Which of course they now Deny Denying...

Which may Eventually make this Thread Moot...

But even then, Islam will Stand alone in the Modern Day as being not only Religiously Involved in this Kind of thing, but also Governmentally...

From Blaming a Rape Victim for the Rape, to Stoning Women to Death over Accusations of Infidelity...

Islam is it's own Filth.


I asked a Question...

Christ on a Cracker, the Public School System is Failing our People Worse than I had Imagined...

And I ain't goin' anywheres, either... ;)




as has been shown repeatedly, you're a disingenuous fuckroast in a mullet.

the only educational failing i see is your mistaken belief that you have one.

have a nice day.

The best part about this is the Fact that there has been NO Documentation of this "Father's" Religion...

There's Evidence because of a Pastor who has Spoken up, but even if it Plays out to be that he's Christian, then it's Option #2, which is "It's a Liberia thing"...

Check my OP before you Shit yourself being Wrong.

And what is your Fixation with me, del?...

It's Concerning... I would Hope that you would have better things to do than wait around to be Wrong in a "Gotcha"...



sorry, mal, i'm not fluent in stupid.

have a nice day.

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