Is This Embarrassing?

-------------------------------------- The Trumps Purpose is to 'MAGA' , Make America Great Again so 'maga' on his personal challenge coin seems very appropriate to me LLaugher .

Campaign slogan.
-------------------------------------- The President Trumps purpose is to 'maga' or to Make America Great Again LLaugher . [don't get mad eh] :afro:

For most Americans, it was great before he came up with the slogan, dummy.
True. Quite some time before... Thus "Again"...

Name the time. When was Ametica great in your opinion.
While it was at its very best, prior to the altering of constitution, having just defeated the British empire, and still a nation with room to grow into anything... The PNR was probably when Lincoln allowed the US Army to attack the South. Not that I'm a fan of slavery by any means; I'm quite opposed to it. These United States entered into the Union freely. As such; they should have been allowed the leave in the same manner. Once the war began; our nation turned its back on the very principles which brought it into existence.
While riddled with many "high" points since, I'd say the spirit of the founders vision has been fading since that moment.
Campaign slogan.
-------------------------------------- The President Trumps purpose is to 'maga' or to Make America Great Again LLaugher . [don't get mad eh] :afro:

For most Americans, it was great before he came up with the slogan, dummy.
True. Quite some time before... Thus "Again"...

Name the time. When was Ametica great in your opinion.
While it was at its very best, prior to the altering of constitution, having just defeated the British empire, and still a nation with room to grow into anything... The PNR was probably when Lincoln allowed the US Army to attack the South. Not that I'm a fan of slavery by any means; I'm quite opposed to it. These United States entered into the Union freely. As such; they should have been allowed the leave in the same manner. Once the war began; our nation turned its back on the very principles which brought it into existence.
While riddled with many "high" points since, I'd say the spirit of the founders vision has been fading since that moment.

Of course.
in my remembering the USA was great in the 60s when America was mostly and lightly populated by Americans . I'd say that 1970 was the high point when USA population was right around 210 million in a big huge geographical area filled with productive Americans. Thats what i REMEMBER as i lived in those days . ------------------ those that disagree is cool . I at 68 am not going to live forever and the younger millenial know nothings and younger types will live the future LLaugher.
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------------------------------------------------ Remember that 'maga' is the purpose of the President Trump so that purpose is relevant to a President Trump Challenge coin , imo . . --------------------------------------------------- Other than that , what is the Purpose of a or any Presidential CHALLENGE Coin . Please be Specific . Are Challange Coins minted for other Presidents LLaugher ??

You are incoherent. Let me try to decipher that mess.

Yes. Other presidents have minted coins. They celebrate the office. Not the campaign. Simple.
-------------------------------------- The Trumps Purpose is to 'MAGA' , Make America Great Again so 'maga' on his personal challenge coin seems very appropriate to me LLaugher .

Campaign slogan.
-------------------------------------- The President Trumps purpose is to 'maga' or to Make America Great Again LLaugher . [don't get mad eh] :afro:

For most Americans, it was great before he came up with the slogan, dummy.

Yeah, for all its problems it is still the best country on the planet which in my opinion makes it great. I never understood why the Trump lemmings supported such an unpatriotic slogan.
in my remembering the USA was great in the 60s when America was mostly and lightly populated by Americans . I'd say that 1970 was the high point when USA population was right around 210 million in a big huge geographical area filled with productive Americans. Thats what i REMEMBER as i lived in those days . ------------------ those that disagree is cool . I at 68 am not going to live forever and the younger millenial know nothings and younger types will live the future .

The 60's? Awesome.
You are incoherent. Let me try to decipher that mess.

Yes. Other presidents have minted coins. They celebrate the office. Not the campaign. Simple.
-------------------------------------- The Trumps Purpose is to 'MAGA' , Make America Great Again so 'maga' on his personal challenge coin seems very appropriate to me LLaugher .

Campaign slogan.
-------------------------------------- The President Trumps purpose is to 'maga' or to Make America Great Again LLaugher . [don't get mad eh] :afro:

For most Americans, it was great before he came up with the slogan, dummy.

Yeah, for all its problems it is still the best country on the planet which in my opinion makes it great. I never understood why the Trump lemmings supported such an unpatriotic slogan.
------------------------------------ LOTS of people agreed with President Trumps opinion . As proof , see PRESIDENT Trump GGator .
Name the time. When was Ametica great in your opinion.

I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another.... Our families were strong, our country had a direction.
-------------------------------------- The Trumps Purpose is to 'MAGA' , Make America Great Again so 'maga' on his personal challenge coin seems very appropriate to me LLaugher .

Campaign slogan.
-------------------------------------- The President Trumps purpose is to 'maga' or to Make America Great Again LLaugher . [don't get mad eh] :afro:

For most Americans, it was great before he came up with the slogan, dummy.

Yeah, for all its problems it is still the best country on the planet which in my opinion makes it great. I never understood why the Trump lemmings supported such an unpatriotic slogan.
------------------------------------ LOTS of people agreed with President Trumps opinion . As proof , see PRESIDENT Trump GGator .

That is a good point. I guess I just underestimated the number of unpatriotic people in the country. Well, as they say, "live and learn".
What's becoming embarrassing is this year old butt hurt.

Any chance you leftist assholes will be accepting the fact Trump kicked you to the curb soon?

He kicked some Americans to the curb? That's not very presidential.

He won the election. That's not in dispute. When will you move on? It's been over a year.

You are OK with having his campaign slogan on this medal? It's it embarrassing to you?
Hard to embarrass trumpanzees....they've already kicked their dignity to the curb.
What's becoming embarrassing is this year old butt hurt.

Any chance you leftist assholes will be accepting the fact Trump kicked you to the curb soon?

He kicked some Americans to the curb? That's not very presidential.

He won the election. That's not in dispute. When will you move on? It's been over a year.

You are OK with having his campaign slogan on this medal? It's it embarrassing to you?

I'm not a lil snowflake like you. You're whining and bawling about a nothing burger

You imagine me whining and bawling. I'm simply guaging how honest you can be.

I'm not imagining anything. You're the one that started a thread about a medal....whining and bawling about it
It's not a medal....another thing about the military you fail on.....
and just my guess but the Trump Challenge Coin will eventually be the most Collectable Presidential Challenge Coin in American History . [just a guess]

I doubt it from the sound of the article. They are creating them by the truck load and are going to hand them out at door prizes to anyone that shows up at a rally. The more you make of something the less collectable it becomes.
And that's not what a challenge coin is for....but why am I not surprised that trump and his trumpanzees don't know that.
What's becoming embarrassing is this year old butt hurt.

Any chance you leftist assholes will be accepting the fact Trump kicked you to the curb soon?

He kicked some Americans to the curb? That's not very presidential.

He won the election. That's not in dispute. When will you move on? It's been over a year.

You are OK with having his campaign slogan on this medal? It's it embarrassing to you?

I'm not a lil snowflake like you. You're whining and bawling about a nothing burger

You imagine me whining and bawling. I'm simply guaging how honest you can be.

I'm not imagining anything. You're the one that started a thread about a medal....whining and bawling about it
It's not a medal....another thing about the military you fail on.....

I never said it was military you fucking dunce
and just my guess but the Trump Challenge Coin will eventually be the most Collectable Presidential Challenge Coin in American History . [just a guess]

I doubt it from the sound of the article. They are creating them by the truck load and are going to hand them out at door prizes to anyone that shows up at a rally. The more you make of something the less collectable it becomes.
----------------------------------------------------- as i said , its my GUESS . Besides that its only a 20 year old tradition according to my article and 'mrobama' gave a few of his Challenge Coins to 'bowe bergdahl' along with some hamburger coupons . --- Trump Gives Presidential Challenge Coin a Makeover, and It Shows --- check it out GGator .
It's been around in one form or another for the military since WWI.
and just my guess but the Trump Challenge Coin will eventually be the most Collectable Presidential Challenge Coin in American History . [just a guess]

I doubt it from the sound of the article. They are creating them by the truck load and are going to hand them out at door prizes to anyone that shows up at a rally. The more you make of something the less collectable it becomes.
----------------------------------------------------- as i said , its my GUESS . Besides that its only a 20 year old tradition according to my article and 'mrobama' gave a few of his Challenge Coins to 'bowe bergdahl' along with some hamburger coupons . --- Trump Gives Presidential Challenge Coin a Makeover, and It Shows --- check it out GGator .
It's been around in one form or another for the military since WWI.
------------------------------------------- so what , but thanks for the info . My article says 20 years but as i said , so what or big deal . I suppose that next up it'll be 'first lady' and 'whitehouse gardner' Challenge Coins eh Bodecea .
You are incoherent. Let me try to decipher that mess.

Yes. Other presidents have minted coins. They celebrate the office. Not the campaign. Simple.
-------------------------------------- The Trumps Purpose is to 'MAGA' , Make America Great Again so 'maga' on his personal challenge coin seems very appropriate to me LLaugher .

Campaign slogan.
-------------------------------------- The President Trumps purpose is to 'maga' or to Make America Great Again LLaugher . [don't get mad eh] :afro:

For most Americans, it was great before he came up with the slogan, dummy.

tell that to the hundreds of dead black kids in Chicago, Philly, and Detroit. Tell that to the people barely surviving in the coal mine states. Tell that to the vets who died waiting for treatment. Tell that to the victims of illegal alien criminals.

No, dude, it was not great, we had a lot of problems. Trump is working very hard to solve as many as he can and reverse the damage done by Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama. know....a gaudy/tacky knock-off of a challenge coin will certainly fix all that, eh?

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