Is This Embarrassing?

-------------------------------------- The Trumps Purpose is to 'MAGA' , Make America Great Again so 'maga' on his personal challenge coin seems very appropriate to me LLaugher .

Campaign slogan.
-------------------------------------- The President Trumps purpose is to 'maga' or to Make America Great Again LLaugher . [don't get mad eh] :afro:

For most Americans, it was great before he came up with the slogan, dummy.

tell that to the hundreds of dead black kids in Chicago, Philly, and Detroit. Tell that to the people barely surviving in the coal mine states. Tell that to the vets who died waiting for treatment. Tell that to the victims of illegal alien criminals.

No, dude, it was not great, we had a lot of problems. Trump is working very hard to solve as many as he can and reverse the damage done by Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama. know....a gaudy/tacky knock-off of a challenge coin will certainly fix all that, eh?
-------------------------------- doesn't matter , as i said , no big deal and so what or 'feck' these Challenge Coins although i would like a New and Shiny , Gold TRUMP Challenge Coin for my kids Bodecea .
Please President Trump . i know that you are lurking so Please send me one of your 'MAGA' Challenge Coins please .
and just my guess but the Trump Challenge Coin will eventually be the most Collectable Presidential Challenge Coin in American History . [just a guess]

I doubt it from the sound of the article. They are creating them by the truck load and are going to hand them out at door prizes to anyone that shows up at a rally. The more you make of something the less collectable it becomes.
----------------------------------------------------- as i said , its my GUESS . Besides that its only a 20 year old tradition according to my article and 'mrobama' gave a few of his Challenge Coins to 'bowe bergdahl' along with some hamburger coupons . --- Trump Gives Presidential Challenge Coin a Makeover, and It Shows --- check it out GGator .
It's been around in one form or another for the military since WWI.
------------------------------------------- so what , but thanks for the info . My article says 20 years but as i said , so what or big deal . I suppose that next up it'll be 'first lady' and 'whitehouse gardner' Challenge Coins eh Bodecea .
That sounds like something those of you who have no concept of the tradition of Challenge Coins would come up with. No surprise here.
I wonder if any of our die hard Trump supporters think the design of the new Presidential Challenge Medal is embarrassing and inappropriate?

Presidential 'challenge coin' undergoes a Trumpian makeover

Here's a suggestion...don't buy one. Even easier than changing the channel on a television....dumbass.
"Buy one".....there it is...another one who doesn't know the concept of the Challenge Coin.

I understand the concept, I also understand they're being sold.
I wonder if any of our die hard Trump supporters think the design of the new Presidential Challenge Medal is embarrassing and inappropriate?

Presidential 'challenge coin' undergoes a Trumpian makeover

You people still haven't figured out where we're at...have you? Haha..that's funny.
ANYTHING with the potential to cause LefTards to squirm, cry, bitch and moan is an amazing idea.
I honestly believe the whole Trump admin discusses this behind the scenes...."How can we cause LefTards to piss themselves today?"
It's pretty gaudy. No doubt of that.

What are these for? Campaign rally attendance? Gimme a hat!
Campaign slogan.
-------------------------------------- The President Trumps purpose is to 'maga' or to Make America Great Again LLaugher . [don't get mad eh] :afro:

For most Americans, it was great before he came up with the slogan, dummy.

tell that to the hundreds of dead black kids in Chicago, Philly, and Detroit. Tell that to the people barely surviving in the coal mine states. Tell that to the vets who died waiting for treatment. Tell that to the victims of illegal alien criminals.

No, dude, it was not great, we had a lot of problems. Trump is working very hard to solve as many as he can and reverse the damage done by Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama. know....a gaudy/tacky knock-off of a challenge coin will certainly fix all that, eh?
-------------------------------- doesn't matter , as i said , no big deal and so what or 'feck' these Challenge Coins although i would like a New and Shiny , Gold TRUMP Challenge Coin for my kids Bodecea .
Yeah...trumpanzees cheapening a military tradition or "feck" these Challenge Coins, right?
I wonder if any of our die hard Trump supporters think the design of the new Presidential Challenge Medal is embarrassing and inappropriate?

Presidential 'challenge coin' undergoes a Trumpian makeover

Here's a suggestion...don't buy one. Even easier than changing the channel on a television....dumbass.
"Buy one".....there it is...another one who doesn't know the concept of the Challenge Coin.

I understand the concept, I also understand they're being sold.
in order to shake a vet's hand and give it to him/her....not sold to keep. It would be insulting to get one of those draft-dodger coins from the orange cheeto.
I wonder if any of our die hard Trump supporters think the design of the new Presidential Challenge Medal is embarrassing and inappropriate?

Presidential 'challenge coin' undergoes a Trumpian makeover

You people still haven't figured out where we're at...have you? Haha..that's funny.
ANYTHING with the potential to cause LefTards to squirm, cry, bitch and moan is an amazing idea.
I honestly believe the whole Trump admin discusses this behind the scenes...."How can we cause LefTards to piss themselves today?"
----------------------------------- and yep , i do believe that lots of TRUMPS style is messin with the libs simply for grins . [aw haw]
-------------------------------------- The President Trumps purpose is to 'maga' or to Make America Great Again LLaugher . [don't get mad eh] :afro:

For most Americans, it was great before he came up with the slogan, dummy.

tell that to the hundreds of dead black kids in Chicago, Philly, and Detroit. Tell that to the people barely surviving in the coal mine states. Tell that to the vets who died waiting for treatment. Tell that to the victims of illegal alien criminals.

No, dude, it was not great, we had a lot of problems. Trump is working very hard to solve as many as he can and reverse the damage done by Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama. know....a gaudy/tacky knock-off of a challenge coin will certainly fix all that, eh?
-------------------------------- doesn't matter , as i said , no big deal and so what or 'feck' these Challenge Coins although i would like a New and Shiny , Gold TRUMP Challenge Coin for my kids Bodecea .
Yeah...trumpanzees cheapening a military tradition or "feck" these Challenge Coins, right?
-------------------------------------- since ww2 , as i said , big deal Bodecea.
I wonder if any of our die hard Trump supporters think the design of the new Presidential Challenge Medal is embarrassing and inappropriate?

Presidential 'challenge coin' undergoes a Trumpian makeover

Here's a suggestion...don't buy one. Even easier than changing the channel on a television....dumbass.
"Buy one".....there it is...another one who doesn't know the concept of the Challenge Coin.

I understand the concept, I also understand they're being sold.
in order to shake a vet's hand and give it to him/her....not sold to keep. It would be insulting to get one of those draft-dodger coins from the orange cheeto.

Presidential Challenge Coin | eBay
I wonder if any of our die hard Trump supporters think the design of the new Presidential Challenge Medal is embarrassing and inappropriate?

Presidential 'challenge coin' undergoes a Trumpian makeover

You people still haven't figured out where we're at...have you? Haha..that's funny.
ANYTHING with the potential to cause LefTards to squirm, cry, bitch and moan is an amazing idea.
I honestly believe the whole Trump admin discusses this behind the scenes...."How can we cause LefTards to piss themselves today?"
y'all got any of them there con-federate challenge coins? the one's with the white flag on it?
you guys will be touting the military tradition of transgenders getting 'dicks' added or removed if transgenders get to have taxpayer paid sex surgery in the military Bodecea .
For most Americans, it was great before he came up with the slogan, dummy.

tell that to the hundreds of dead black kids in Chicago, Philly, and Detroit. Tell that to the people barely surviving in the coal mine states. Tell that to the vets who died waiting for treatment. Tell that to the victims of illegal alien criminals.

No, dude, it was not great, we had a lot of problems. Trump is working very hard to solve as many as he can and reverse the damage done by Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama. know....a gaudy/tacky knock-off of a challenge coin will certainly fix all that, eh?
-------------------------------- doesn't matter , as i said , no big deal and so what or 'feck' these Challenge Coins although i would like a New and Shiny , Gold TRUMP Challenge Coin for my kids Bodecea .
Yeah...trumpanzees cheapening a military tradition or "feck" these Challenge Coins, right?
-------------------------------------- since ww2 , as i said , big deal Bodecea.
I wonder if any of our die hard Trump supporters think the design of the new Presidential Challenge Medal is embarrassing and inappropriate?

Presidential 'challenge coin' undergoes a Trumpian makeover

You people still haven't figured out where we're at...have you? Haha..that's funny.
ANYTHING with the potential to cause LefTards to squirm, cry, bitch and moan is an amazing idea.
I honestly believe the whole Trump admin discusses this behind the scenes...."How can we cause LefTards to piss themselves today?"
----------------------------------- and yep , i do believe that lots of TRUMPS style is messin with the libs simply for grins . [aw haw]

Absolutely 100% without question....FACT
tell that to the hundreds of dead black kids in Chicago, Philly, and Detroit. Tell that to the people barely surviving in the coal mine states. Tell that to the vets who died waiting for treatment. Tell that to the victims of illegal alien criminals.

No, dude, it was not great, we had a lot of problems. Trump is working very hard to solve as many as he can and reverse the damage done by Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama. know....a gaudy/tacky knock-off of a challenge coin will certainly fix all that, eh?
-------------------------------- doesn't matter , as i said , no big deal and so what or 'feck' these Challenge Coins although i would like a New and Shiny , Gold TRUMP Challenge Coin for my kids Bodecea .
Yeah...trumpanzees cheapening a military tradition or "feck" these Challenge Coins, right?
-------------------------------------- since ww2 , as i said , big deal Bodecea.
-------------------------------------- as i said , big deal Bodecea .

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