Is this Khashoggi Killing going to Turn out to be Trump's Benghazi, in a weird sort of way??

What did you know, and when did you know it, Mr President?

Did you know thru intelligence that Khashoggi was in Danger before he went to Turkey, Mr. President?

Why are you lying, with and for, a Saudi Prince, about his brutal, grotesque and cruel murder, Mr. President?
/——/ My God man, you are pathetic
I find it very interesting that this murder has stopped the new kings reforms....almost like it was Muslim hardliners that did this....Kashoggi was a Muslim brotherhood member and against Saudi reforms and their warming up to the west....don't be surprised if we find out the pro Iranian hard liners in Turkey are actually responsible....
khashoggi had not been to the Muslim Brotherhood in ages, he stopped going to their meetings.... he was a journalist, who cared about his country and concerned with where it was being lead with this new Prince....

Be Careful:

Most of the negative GARBAGE that you are reading about him and spread on social media is Arab Propaganda being spread by their lobbying firm's trolls and bots to right wing media.

Mohammed bin Salman is a psychopath and should NOT be trusted.

Mohammed bin Salman is much better than Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

On 60minutes, Trump blasted the situation and he said there would be consequences.

What the fuck do left wingers want?

He has you fools spinning in circles.

Trump vows 'severe punishment' if Saudis killed Jamal Khashoggi


We've known for 2 and a half weeks who viciously murdered Khashoggi, what is Trump waiting for...? And during those 2 1/2 weeks he has done nothing but try to help the Prince CREATE a story that was mutually good for both of them.... and that's just awful that he has done that, so openly, imo.
Sadly, your opinion is based on biased talking points, Care. You have no facts, just political tripe.
A few days ago you stated how much I changed since I was last here, I think it's you that has changed. just an observation
What did you know, and when did you know it, Mr President?

Did you know thru intelligence that Khashoggi was in Danger before he went to Turkey, Mr. President?

Why are you lying, with and for, a Saudi Prince, about his brutal, grotesque and cruel murder, Mr. President?
Trump has nothing to do with this.

He is simply between a rock and a hard place.

The rock - his wallet.

And the hard place - international justice.
trump's attempted COVER UP for the animals is more on the lines of what I meant....

Comrade, SIXTEEN JOURNALISTS WERE MURDERED IN MEXICO over the summer. Not a peep from you Marxist/Fascists or your sleazy corrupt press.

Why is that? Why is is okay to kill journalists by those who are bringing opium and illegals in?

Oh wait, those are the allies of the Nazicrats.'

Journalist murdered in Mexico

You don't fucking care, you only want to attack Trump and try to disrupt the modernization of Saudi Arabia.
Did Trump help the drug dealers make excuses for these murders? :rolleyes:

Oh, and start YOUR OWN THREAD on your topic, please.

No, Trump didn't - YOU and your fuckwad press did.

So why is Kashoggi more important than the 16 murdered in Mexico?
Libs are racist and Islamaphobic.

Wow, bad week for libs.

Who are we to tell Saudis how to govern?

Let’s not be ugly Americans pushing exceptionalism on brown people.
What did you know, and when did you know it, Mr President?

Did you know thru intelligence that Khashoggi was in Danger before he went to Turkey, Mr. President?

Why are you lying, with and for, a Saudi Prince, about his brutal, grotesque and cruel murder, Mr. President?
Uh no, because trump had nothing to do with it. That was a foreign dictatorship, doing as foreign dictatorships do. Bhengazi on the other hand, was a country we helped to topple their government, in the years after that, that country got very dangerous. Our embassy over there made request after request for more security that went ignored, while pretty much every other country pulled their diplomats out because of how dangerous it was. Then 9/11 hit, they got attacked, we had plenty of opportunity to send actual legit help over within 20 minutes from a carrier group, in the span of a 7 hour battle that the whitehouse was watching every second of with drone survalience. The “help” that they did send was a small team of CIA contractors from all the way on the other side of the country that arrived too late. What resulted was an ambassador dying, another civilian, and 2 security contractors, all of them American. The Obama administration then knowingly lied to the American people, and told us this was a random protest that went haywire over an obscure YouTube video that nobody saw, and because of a warfare problem called “fog of war”, that hasn’t existed since the 1970s and severely diminished with the invention of radio transmission even earlier, they didn’t know to send help when they should have. What it actually was, was not a protest, had nothing to do with the video, and was a well coordinated attack carried out by terrorist armed with AKs and mortars, on the anniversary of the worst attack on American homeland in not even close to the same thing.

Turkey, the country where this happened, has imprisoned like 100,000 or so political dissedents, probably executed dozens...but we for some reason care oh so much about one journalist, well because it can make trump look bad,
On 60minutes, Trump blasted the situation and he said there would be consequences.

What the fuck do left wingers want?

He has you fools spinning in circles.

Trump vows 'severe punishment' if Saudis killed Jamal Khashoggi


We've known for 2 and a half weeks who viciously murdered Khashoggi, what is Trump waiting for...? And during those 2 1/2 weeks he has done nothing but try to help the Prince CREATE a story that was mutually good for both of them.... and that's just awful that he has done that, so openly, imo.
Sadly, your opinion is based on biased talking points, Care. You have no facts, just political tripe.
A few days ago you stated how much I changed since I was last here, I think it's you that has changed. just an observation

I have zero love for Trump, if that is what you mean.... but I simply can not support a pathological liar, and a divisive person like trump, who is every single thing mom and dad taught me to stay away from, a liar, boastful, arrogant, rude, nasty, multi time adulterer with no remorse, a cheater, greedy, lawless and crooked to his very core....

and a person like Trump, who wakes every day to call me, and all my friends and relatives, the enemy, and lie and bash me n company daily, is unacceptable for any President....

so, no... I have not changed... I, unlike many, still have a moral compass....
What did you know, and when did you know it, Mr President?

Did you know thru intelligence that Khashoggi was in Danger before he went to Turkey, Mr. President?

Why are you lying, with and for, a Saudi Prince, about his brutal, grotesque and cruel murder, Mr. President?

Khashoggi is a Saudi national, a subject of the House of Saud.

His fate isn't America's business.

If the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia asks America to investigate- Khashoggi works for an American employer and was living in the United States- sure I don't see a problem with helping them out.

But until they ask, who gives a shit about him.

The King of Saudi Arabia found out about his disappearance the same way we did- read it in the paper.
On 60minutes, Trump blasted the situation and he said there would be consequences.

What the fuck do left wingers want?

He has you fools spinning in circles.

Trump vows 'severe punishment' if Saudis killed Jamal Khashoggi


We've known for 2 and a half weeks who viciously murdered Khashoggi, what is Trump waiting for...? And during those 2 1/2 weeks he has done nothing but try to help the Prince CREATE a story that was mutually good for both of them.... and that's just awful that he has done that, so openly, imo.
Sadly, your opinion is based on biased talking points, Care. You have no facts, just political tripe.
A few days ago you stated how much I changed since I was last here, I think it's you that has changed. just an observation

I have zero love for Trump, if that is what you mean.... but I simply can not support a pathological liar, and a divisive person like trump, who is every single thing mom and dad taught me to stay away from, a liar, boastful, arrogant, rude, nasty, multi time adulterer with no remorse, a cheater, greedy, lawless and crooked to his very core....

and a person like Trump, who wakes every day to call me, and all my friends and relatives, the enemy, and lie and bash me n company daily, is unacceptable for any President....

so, no... I have not changed... I, unlike many, still have a moral compass....
So this is the reason that you're just carrying the water of the democrats. You know there isn't facts, but you don't like the guy.
So you'll say anything to smirch Trump.
I remember when Obama called the republicans the enemy, he was a pathological liar, he was divisive, boastful, arrogant, etc
Somewhere Trump crossed a line. To be truthful politics is a dirty profession if you haven't noticed. I don't vote for a person for a popularity
contest, He isn't a Mother Teresa, none of them are. I want results to issues that affect me. Trump has done an outstanding job regarding those issues.
What did you know, and when did you know it, Mr President?

Did you know thru intelligence that Khashoggi was in Danger before he went to Turkey, Mr. President?

Why are you lying, with and for, a Saudi Prince, about his brutal, grotesque and cruel murder, Mr. President?

Damn, it almost sounds like you were there, or are you just lying and making up crap about the characteristics of the murder? Actually it sounds like you made the whole damn thing up.

What did you know, and when did you know it, Mr President?

Did you know thru intelligence that Khashoggi was in Danger before he went to Turkey, Mr. President?

Why are you lying, with and for, a Saudi Prince, about his brutal, grotesque and cruel murder, Mr. President?

Trying to put the blame on Trump, or even Jared Kushner (as I heard the mayor of San Antonio saying) of "putting out a hit" is just propaganda. Trump has nothing to do with it and bears no responsibility. The guy was outspoken against his own people and made his own fate.

I don't recall Obama getting any blame or even making a statement when these reporters were beheaded on camera by ISIS in 2014:

What did you know, and when did you know it, Mr President?

Did you know thru intelligence that Khashoggi was in Danger before he went to Turkey, Mr. President?

Why are you lying, with and for, a Saudi Prince, about his brutal, grotesque and cruel murder, Mr. President?

What's so weird about it? Tolerating gross violations of human rights has been the US Mid East policy for decades.
maybe it has been, but at least we pretended like it mattered...

we attacked Iraq for what the 15 Saudi terrorists did on 9/11! :rolleyes:

Exactly. We attacked Iraq.
What did you know, and when did you know it, Mr President?

Did you know thru intelligence that Khashoggi was in Danger before he went to Turkey, Mr. President?

Why are you lying, with and for, a Saudi Prince, about his brutal, grotesque and cruel murder, Mr. President?

I find it ironic that the Democrats are finally taking some blame for Benghazi, it only took 5 years
What did you know, and when did you know it, Mr President?

Did you know thru intelligence that Khashoggi was in Danger before he went to Turkey, Mr. President?

Why are you lying, with and for, a Saudi Prince, about his brutal, grotesque and cruel murder, Mr. President?

What's so weird about it? Tolerating gross violations of human rights has been the US Mid East policy for decades.
maybe it has been, but at least we pretended like it mattered...

we attacked Iraq for what the 15 Saudi terrorists did on 9/11! :rolleyes:

Exactly. We attacked Iraq.
Stormy is it true trump has a micro penis?
No, this is not going to become TRUMP's Benghazi. CNN and the rest of the fake news media's over hysteria will backfire.
then he better get his ACT together... And keep his "love" for the murdering Saudi Prince in the closet instead of on his coat sleeve for everyone to see...and learn to hide how weak and pathetic, and immoral America is now....
No, this is not going to become TRUMP's Benghazi. CNN and the rest of the fake news media's over hysteria will backfire.
then he better get his ACT together... And keep his "love" for the murdering Saudi Prince in the closet instead of on his coat sleeve for everyone to see...and learn to hide how weak and pathetic, and immoral America is now....

Why, because a miserable excuse for a human like you is willing to parrot any defamatory meme against any person who stands against what you want politically? You are a disgusting piece of filth.

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