Is this really your president? Cause he isn't mine.

Our Founding Fathers said that if the government gets oppressive (like it is now) then we have the moral obligation to fix it. If we don't then we deserve the tyranny. They even gave us the ability to resist tyranny with the Second Amendment.

However, at the end of the day we have to have the courage to do the right thing. Like the Man said "A Republic, if you can keep it".

Feel free to step up and start the shooting war.
The “president” focused his speech on declaring a war with the half of all voters who aren‘t Democrats.
Pretty much so. He gave a Hitler like hate speech that it is probably the most despicable speech ever given by an American President.

It was so vile that the sonofabitch had to lie and deny about what he said the next day.
Are you triggered?
Feel free to step up and start the shooting war.

You stupid Moon Bats think that since the government has nuclear weapons and F-15s that you would be able to resist the American people restoring the Constitution. That moron Potatohead even said so himself. However, it will not go like you idiots think it will go.
Our Founding Fathers said that if the government gets oppressive (like it is now) then we have the moral obligation to fix it. If we don't then we deserve the tyranny. They even gave us the ability to resist tyranny with the Second Amendment.

However, at the end of the day we have to have the courage to do the right thing. Like the Man said "A Republic, if you can keep it".
Oppressive is the president of the USA trying to leverage his power to stay in power and illegally reverse the results of an election.
Of course he is your president you silly baby. If you are an American citizen, he is your president. You can't change that by holding your breath, or saying goofy crap like in your post.
He is the American president until kicked out of office by the voters or the Senate, sad to say, but he is extremely divisive and, after this cannot hope to effectively govern the entire nation. He is now limited to imposing his will by force, always hoping the last yank on the chain won't be the one that ignites the final fire.
Oppressive is the president of the USA trying to leverage his power to stay in power and illegally reverse the results of an election.

It doesn't do any good to have a Republic when the filthy Democrats use fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat swing districts to steal an election from the American people.

After all it is not the people that vote that chooses the winner. It is the people that count the votes.

When we can't get to make things right at the ballot box when there is blatant thievery like we saw in 2020 then we either be cowards and accept the tyranny like we are seeing from the Potatohead administration or else we do like our Founding Fathers said to do and fix it by other means.

Liberals in general and Democrats specifically are the scum of the earth and they want to make this country a Socialist Shithole and they will lie, steal cheat to make it happen. All Leftest revolutionaries believe in "any means necessary". We saw that big time in 2020, didn't we?
What do I think? I think this nation is a moral and ethical cesspool on the level of Somalia. This country is a shit hole that should be burned to the ground, have the foundation demolished and be salted to ensure noting regrows here for three or four generations.

THEN maybe we can consider rebuilding a proper nation in its place.
Maybe you should go live in a Somalia for a spell so you can really feel the difference. You sound very spoiled entitled and naïve
It doesn't do any good to have a Republic when the filthy Democrats use fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat swing districts to steal an election from the American people.

After all it is not the people that vote that chooses the winner. It is the people that count the votes.

When we can't get to make things right at the ballot box when there is blatant thievery like we saw in 2020 then we either be cowards and accept the tyranny like we are seeing from the Potatohead administration or else we do like our Founding Fathers said to do and fix it by other means.

Liberals in general and Democrats specifically are the scum of the earth and they want to make this country a Socialist Shithole and they will lie, steal cheat to make it happen. All Leftest revolutionaries believe in "any means necessary". We saw that big time in 2020, didn't we?
You really don’t understand how crazy you sound when you whine about a stolen election that you can’t prove happened. I bet whenever you lose at something you just accuse the other person or team of cheating… am I right? Yeah I’m right.
You stupid Moon Bats think that since the government has nuclear weapons and F-15s that you would be able to resist the American people restoring the Constitution. That moron Potatohead even said so himself. However, it will not go like you idiots think it will go.

It won't go at all.

I have been online and on political debate sites since the mid-1990s. And I have been seeing these threats of revolution since then.

Not a damn one has produced anything more than harsh words.
You really don’t understand how crazy you sound when you whine about a stolen election that you can’t prove happened. I bet whenever you lose at something you just accuse the other person or team of cheating… am I right? Yeah I’m right.
All they have to do is prove it to themselves and each other.

The rest of the planet, in their minds, are not part of the world.

Absolutely fucking bizarre.
Maybe you should go live in a Somalia for a spell so you can really feel the difference. You sound very spoiled entitled and naïve
I understand the rest of the world is an even larger shit hole than the USA. This nation WAS the last hope for decent in human society. That’s fine now. There is nowhere to go, just sit here and suffer until I die.

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