Is this the best America could give us?

The top candidates for a major political party are a billionaire bully who inherited his wealth who feels laws do not apply to him, and a psychotic Evangelical Dominionist/Rapturist.

Is that the best you could give us?

yes, because the other side giving us a former communist and a person with enough baggage to fill a train is much better.

At least the Republicans aren't trying to pretend this election is taking place in 2004.

A "former Communist"? I think he's a Communist currently.

There is a big difference between Obama and a communist. A communist admits that business is state owned as where a Progressive like Obama pretends they are not until they need bailed out.

bingo. thankfully most people are starting to see through the sham/games of these Progressives calling themselves, Democrats. Hopefully it's enough for this upcoming election
The top candidates for a major political party are a billionaire bully who inherited his wealth who feels laws do not apply to him, and a psychotic Evangelical Dominionist/Rapturist.

Is that the best you could give us?

yes, because the other side giving us a former communist and a person with enough baggage to fill a train is much better.

At least the Republicans aren't trying to pretend this election is taking place in 2004.

A "former Communist"? I think he's a Communist currently.

There is a big difference between Obama and a communist. A communist admits that business is state owned as where a Progressive like Obama pretends they are not until they need bailed out.

I was referring to Bernie Sanders.
Referring to post #4:

Most of the above are egotistical worthless Republican attention seekers.
No reason to think that the Democrat roster is any different.

Sad fact is that one will be President.

For the amount of money spent on even a congressional seat today, I do not know how anybody expects to have citizen candidates for anything in the future.

And then, once elected, if they don't follow the party vote, they are cut out of funds for re-election from the party.

In all reality..........which will probably make you cringe...............only 8 or 10 people are actually running our government. The rest of them just do as they are told. We all know who these people are on both sides of the aisle, and it is exactly why our country is in the trouble it is in today.

We can throw out a senator in a primary, elect a new one, but the truth is that Tricky Mitch and Harry Reid are going to tell the new one how to vote!

Now I can't speak for the Democratic side, but on the Republican side, the only ones who have stood up to that type of stuff is, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and 1 or 2 others.

Guess what! They are going to primary Cruz and Lee, while Paul has come somewhat on board when he cut a deal to change the law in Kentucky (or get an exemption) to be able to run for both the Presidency and his senate seat, or keep it, or some such thing.

These 8 or 10 people in Washington run the whole show, period! They are the invisible hands that helped get us in this mess, and only THEIR CONSTITUENTS can throw them out. Bad deal if you ask me, because they wield so much damn power!
The top candidates for a major political party are a billionaire bully who inherited his wealth who feels laws do not apply to him, and a psychotic Evangelical Dominionist/Rapturist.

Is that the best you could give us?
Every Corpse Man in all 57 States who take the Intercontinental Railroad agree with Obama that Islam means peace.
The top candidates for a major political party are a billionaire bully who inherited his wealth who feels laws do not apply to him, and a psychotic Evangelical Dominionist/Rapturist.

Is that the best you could give us?
Every Corpse Man in all 57 States who take the Intercontinental Railroad agree with Obama that Islam means peace.

oh that was good. and how can we forget the senile old coot eyeing up all the little girls. Joey Biden. these people could be taken seriously if they careD as much about the nuts in BOTH PARTIES
The top candidates for a major political party are a billionaire bully who inherited his wealth who feels laws do not apply to him, and a psychotic Evangelical Dominionist/Rapturist.

Is that the best you could give us?

yes, because the other side giving us a former communist and a person with enough baggage to fill a train is much better.

At least the Republicans aren't trying to pretend this election is taking place in 2004.

A "former Communist"? I think he's a Communist currently.

He's only a socialist now, I'm trying to be fair.
I got news for you, Sugar Plum, you are not owed anything, you selfish little millennial parasite. In a society filled with ungrateful little narcissists who only care about what they can get out of the government, then yes, this is the best that you are going to get. Frankly, I think that you have gotten far better than you deserve.

You want to live in an improved country? Then work for it! Fag!
The top candidates for a major political party are a billionaire bully who inherited his wealth who feels laws do not apply to him, and a psychotic Evangelical Dominionist/Rapturist.

Is that the best you could give us?
Every Corpse Man in all 57 States who take the Intercontinental Railroad agree with Obama that Islam means peace.

^ Best and Brightest
The top candidates for a major political party are a billionaire bully who inherited his wealth who feels laws do not apply to him, and a psychotic Evangelical Dominionist/Rapturist.

Is that the best you could give us?
...dems - two old white people straight out of an Tim burton film...
the two old crusty Career Politicians who claim they know what the young people in the country, want and need. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah right.
The top candidates for a major political party are a billionaire bully who inherited his wealth who feels laws do not apply to him, and a psychotic Evangelical Dominionist/Rapturist.

Is that the best you could give us?
Every Corpse Man in all 57 States who take the Intercontinental Railroad agree with Obama that Islam means peace.
The top candidates for a major political party are a billionaire bully who inherited his wealth who feels laws do not apply to him, and a psychotic Evangelical Dominionist/Rapturist.

Is that the best you could give us?
Every Corpse Man in all 57 States who take the Intercontinental Railroad agree with Obama that Islam means peace.

This is a classic!

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