Is this the end of trump in 2024?

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
LOL, looks like you people will be losing a lot of sleep the next four years. Already terrified of President Trump 2024 run.
As if any Republican stands a chance in 2024. How can we compete with their printers? The whole talking up 2024 is meant to make people accept the 2020 fraud.
True, this is assuming that Republicans fix those states to have fair election. Much like Florida did after 2000.

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
He's done now. There is poetic justice.

And his Trumpsters will never be able to wipe off the Trump Stink.

Good. They are a disgrace.

Not only is trump done...his entire family is done in politics. The GOP would be nuts to allow one of these rich brats to run as a Republican for public office. Remember...Ivanka called the mob patriots before she pulled it off of Twitter. Junior spoke the same words as his father, urging the mob on.

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
Yes. Trump is forever done as a politician.

Dan Crenshaw 2024...

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
He's done now. There is poetic justice.

And his Trumpsters will never be able to wipe off the Trump Stink.

Good. They are a disgrace.

Not only is trump done...his entire family is done in politics. The GOP would be nuts to allow one of these rich brats to run as a Republican for public office. Remember...Ivanka called the mob patriots before she pulled it off of Twitter. Junior spoke the same words as his father, urging the mob on.

Who do the Republicans have, other than the Trump Family, to run for President in 2024?

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
He's done now. There is poetic justice.

And his Trumpsters will never be able to wipe off the Trump Stink.

Good. They are a disgrace.

Not only is trump done...his entire family is done in politics. The GOP would be nuts to allow one of these rich brats to run as a Republican for public office. Remember...Ivanka called the mob patriots before she pulled it off of Twitter. Junior spoke the same words as his father, urging the mob on.
Yep, the Trump Stink will make it so that they'll only be of interest to other Trump freaks.

I'm sure that's enough for them.

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
He's done now. There is poetic justice.

And his Trumpsters will never be able to wipe off the Trump Stink.

Good. They are a disgrace.

Not only is trump done...his entire family is done in politics. The GOP would be nuts to allow one of these rich brats to run as a Republican for public office. Remember...Ivanka called the mob patriots before she pulled it off of Twitter. Junior spoke the same words as his father, urging the mob on.
Yep, the Trump Stink will make it so that they'll only be of interest to other Trump freaks.

I'm sure that's enough for them.

Do the GOP Moderates have a plan to regain the trust of the people , so that voters will be comfortable electing them to office in the post-Trump era?

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
He's done now. There is poetic justice.

And his Trumpsters will never be able to wipe off the Trump Stink.

Good. They are a disgrace.

Not only is trump done...his entire family is done in politics. The GOP would be nuts to allow one of these rich brats to run as a Republican for public office. Remember...Ivanka called the mob patriots before she pulled it off of Twitter. Junior spoke the same words as his father, urging the mob on.
Yep, the Trump Stink will make it so that they'll only be of interest to other Trump freaks.

I'm sure that's enough for them.

Do the GOP Moderates have a plan to regain the trust of the people , so that voters will be comfortable electing them to office in the post-Trump era?
How would they ever regain the trust of the people? To be a so-called "moderate" is to be a backstabbing douchebag. They all need to have their heads on the chopping block.

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
He's done now. There is poetic justice.

And his Trumpsters will never be able to wipe off the Trump Stink.

Good. They are a disgrace.

Not only is trump done...his entire family is done in politics. The GOP would be nuts to allow one of these rich brats to run as a Republican for public office. Remember...Ivanka called the mob patriots before she pulled it off of Twitter. Junior spoke the same words as his father, urging the mob on.
Yep, the Trump Stink will make it so that they'll only be of interest to other Trump freaks.

I'm sure that's enough for them.
That's the way to prove you aren't a "winger."

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
He's done now. There is poetic justice.

And his Trumpsters will never be able to wipe off the Trump Stink.

Good. They are a disgrace.

Not only is trump done...his entire family is done in politics. The GOP would be nuts to allow one of these rich brats to run as a Republican for public office. Remember...Ivanka called the mob patriots before she pulled it off of Twitter. Junior spoke the same words as his father, urging the mob on.
Yep, the Trump Stink will make it so that they'll only be of interest to other Trump freaks.

I'm sure that's enough for them.

Do the GOP Moderates have a plan to regain the trust of the people , so that voters will be comfortable electing them to office in the post-Trump era?
Couldn't tell you.

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
He's done now. There is poetic justice.

And his Trumpsters will never be able to wipe off the Trump Stink.

Good. They are a disgrace.

Not only is trump done...his entire family is done in politics. The GOP would be nuts to allow one of these rich brats to run as a Republican for public office. Remember...Ivanka called the mob patriots before she pulled it off of Twitter. Junior spoke the same words as his father, urging the mob on.
Yep, the Trump Stink will make it so that they'll only be of interest to other Trump freaks.

I'm sure that's enough for them.
That's the way to prove you aren't a "winger."

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
He's done now. There is poetic justice.

And his Trumpsters will never be able to wipe off the Trump Stink.

Good. They are a disgrace.

Not only is trump done...his entire family is done in politics. The GOP would be nuts to allow one of these rich brats to run as a Republican for public office. Remember...Ivanka called the mob patriots before she pulled it off of Twitter. Junior spoke the same words as his father, urging the mob on.
Yep, the Trump Stink will make it so that they'll only be of interest to other Trump freaks.

I'm sure that's enough for them.
That's the way to prove you aren't a "winger."
Mac’s go to when he is abashed

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
Yes. Trump is forever done as a politician.

Dan Crenshaw 2024...
Crenshaw is a possibility. I think Cotton has an eye on it too.

The problem with the trumpanzees claims of "oh it was rigged, how unfair" is that elections are legally rigged by every state in every election. We gerrymander. Yes, CA may legally harvest votes. Miss can have voter ID. Kemp in Ga is the governor instead of Abrams because he kicked blacks off of voter rolls - now 20 years ago that was probably illegal..... oh wait W's little brother did it in Fla for 2000 … I AM SO SHOCKED.

Trump had probably a legit grievance that the former Obama officials were spying on him, illegally, because they thought he might be a spy.

Trump thought he'd get some vindication by winning in 2020 and really sticking it to the dems. Well, covid came along and Trump decided his best way to deal with a pandemic that is going to kill half a million at least was to ignore it. That was a political mistake. It is also a moral failing (of which Trump has many) and an epic failure of policy because China now has us by the balls over trade, and our allies in Europe hate our guts.

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
Trump cost the chinese and other corrupt globalists trillions $$$$$$$$ with his sped bump presidency----------they do more than hate him at this point. His death or imprisonment will not even be enough to quench their thirsts----they will be going after him and his family and anyone who supported him as a lesson for all.........

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
Yes. Trump is forever done as a politician.

Dan Crenshaw 2024...
Crenshaw is a possibility. I think Cotton has an eye on it too.

The problem with the trumpanzees claims of "oh it was rigged, how unfair" is that elections are legally rigged by every state in every election. We gerrymander. Yes, CA may legally harvest votes. Miss can have voter ID. Kemp in Ga is the governor instead of Abrams because he kicked blacks off of voter rolls - now 20 years ago that was probably illegal..... oh wait W's little brother did it in Fla for 2000 … I AM SO SHOCKED.

Trump had probably a legit grievance that the former Obama officials were spying on him, illegally, because they thought he might be a spy.

Trump thought he'd get some vindication by winning in 2020 and really sticking it to the dems. Well, covid came along and Trump decided his best way to deal with a pandemic that is going to kill half a million at least was to ignore it. That was a political mistake. It is also a moral failing (of which Trump has many) and an epic failure of policy because China now has us by the balls over trade, and our allies in Europe hate our guts.

Trump didn't "ignore" the pandemic at all. He had countless press conferences with Doc Fauci and that scarf chick. He move hospital ships around, built temp hospitals in the NY Convention Center and got his friend , top theologian Frank Graham to open another in Central Park. The President's Operation Warp Speed produced multiple vaccines at Warp Speed.

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
Yes. Trump is forever done as a politician.

Dan Crenshaw 2024...
Crenshaw is a possibility. I think Cotton has an eye on it too.

The problem with the trumpanzees claims of "oh it was rigged, how unfair" is that elections are legally rigged by every state in every election. We gerrymander. Yes, CA may legally harvest votes. Miss can have voter ID. Kemp in Ga is the governor instead of Abrams because he kicked blacks off of voter rolls - now 20 years ago that was probably illegal..... oh wait W's little brother did it in Fla for 2000 … I AM SO SHOCKED.

Trump had probably a legit grievance that the former Obama officials were spying on him, illegally, because they thought he might be a spy.

Trump thought he'd get some vindication by winning in 2020 and really sticking it to the dems. Well, covid came along and Trump decided his best way to deal with a pandemic that is going to kill half a million at least was to ignore it. That was a political mistake. It is also a moral failing (of which Trump has many) and an epic failure of policy because China now has us by the balls over trade, and our allies in Europe hate our guts.

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