Is this the end of trump in 2024?

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
Trump cost the chinese and other corrupt globalists trillions $$$$$$$$ with his sped bump presidency----------they do more than hate him at this point. His death or imprisonment will not even be enough to quench their thirsts----they will be going after him and his family and anyone who supported him as a lesson for all.........

Were you asleep all day yesterday. According to reports, and I expect to see a video soon...the trump criminals all jumped with joy when his mob attacked the Capital. As he said, he "loves" those people.

Just like that....trumpism is Dead. To those that want to keep his memory alive...good luck with that.
No one in the trump criminal family will never see a public office again. If the GOP wants to survive, they better run, not walk, away from the trump Mafia.

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.
I thought when he lost the election it was the end.
I could be wrong, but the only people I heard about him running in 2024 was from the liberals.
I figured they set that up just so they could keep knocking him down.
So to all you liberals....go pound sand.

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.

IF Speaker Pelosi decides to impeach Trump for a 2nd time - my understanding is that a 2nd impeachment would prevent Trump from ever running again - even if he's not convicted by the Senate. She is reportedly going to have a conference call with House members tomorrow at Noon to see how much appetite they have for a 2nd impeachment. Go Nancy!

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.

IF Speaker Pelosi decides to impeach Trump for a 2nd time - my understanding is that a 2nd impeachment would prevent Trump from ever running again - even if he's not convicted by the Senate. She is reportedly going to have a conference call with House members tomorrow at Noon to see how much appetite they have for a 2nd impeachment. Go Nancy!

If true...EXCELLENT!

God Help us! I hope it is. He is the most dangerous man to our nation that breathes. Even after his lies and fabrications have directly caused an attempted Coup....a Bloody Coup....trump still will not admit that he lost the election. He and Giuliani need to be sent to an island where they can tell each other that the election was fraudulent for the rest of their miserable lives.

IF Speaker Pelosi decides to impeach Trump for a 2nd time - my understanding is that a 2nd impeachment would prevent Trump from ever running again - even if he's not convicted by the Senate. She is reportedly going to have a conference call with House members tomorrow at Noon to see how much appetite they have for a 2nd impeachment. Go Nancy!

That's a "so-what" scenario.

Even if President Trump were impeached and removed, Melania would just run in his stead as a proxy candidate. Since Donald would be her chief advisor, it would make no difference.

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