Is this the "smoking gun"? Letter from Cohen stating Trump did not reimburse him for Stormy Daniels payment

i want quoting anyone, i was simply stating a fact. Those are my words or the facts

you only need to use “” marks when you are directly quoting someone

I don’t have to use “” marks when i say the germans lost WW2…because i’m simply stating a fact, not making things up or quoting anyone

try again…or better yet get an education.
Citations, imbecile.

Not rationalizations.
what’s vague? the report was in the Times that day…there is no presumption…do you know what these words mean? Bragg jump started the investigation Nov 25th
More vague descriptions...

Where's the link to this NYT report?
Irrelevant. Poroshenko was under both international pressure to dump Shokin, local pressure to dump Shokin & the Rada pressure to dump Shokin. Long time friends with Shokin, Poroskenko resisted. It took the threat of losing a one billion dollar loan guarantee to convince him otherwise.
It's not irrelevant....You petulant children went after Trump for merely suggesting that Ukraine look into possible criminal action, yet, will twist yourself into a pretzel when it comes to Biden using appropriated funds, something he couldn't do without congressional approval, to pressure Ukraine to fire their equivalent of an Atty General...You'd have lost your progressive liberal mind had Trump even come close to anything like that....
You're talking hysterical nonsense.
No, What I am looking for is an end to the hypocrisy that you lefties seem to cling to....And this latest tactic of simply saying that events in the news "never happened", is the absolute stupidest tactic I can imagine...Grow the fuck up for a change.
It's not irrelevant....You petulant children went after Trump for merely suggesting that Ukraine look into possible criminal action, yet, will twist yourself into a pretzel when it comes to Biden using appropriated funds, something he couldn't do without congressional approval, to pressure Ukraine to fire their equivalent of an Atty General...You'd have lost your progressive liberal mind had Trump even come close to anything like that....
You’re wrong on every count.

The President does have discretion as to how appropriated funds are spent.

And Shokin was fired because he was NOT investigating/prosecuting corruption unless it benefitted him . That’s the definition of corrupt.
Trump was trying to get ELECTION help from a foreign power. That’s a BIG no no.
and there we have it…dembot still trying to get revenge for Starr uncovering Clinton’s high crimes

I think you are a bit confused. If you guys insist that Clinton should have been impeached for what he did to Lewinsky, then you really have not a leg to stand on with Trump and Stormy. Clinton DID have to pay a fine and give up his law license. Trump should face the music as well for his considerably worse crime.

I do see this as being kind of like getting Al Capone on Tax Evasion... you know that he's done far worse things, but this is the easiest case to make.

Says who? Where’s the statute that says you can’t indict a sitting President?

I should say where is the provision in the Constitution saying a sitting President can’t be indicted?

None... but policy and practice is they can't. And to a degree, it makes sense. You can bog down a president by charging him in every jurisdiction that he didn't win.
No, What I am looking for is an end to the hypocrisy that you lefties seem to cling to....And this latest tactic of simply saying that events in the news "never happened", is the absolute stupidest tactic I can imagine...Grow the fuck up for a change.
You are operating under some delusion that your assertions have currency.

They don't.
It's not irrelevant....You petulant children went after Trump for merely suggesting that Ukraine look into possible criminal action, yet, will twist yourself into a pretzel when it comes to Biden using appropriated funds, something he couldn't do without congressional approval, to pressure Ukraine to fire their equivalent of an Atty General...You'd have lost your progressive liberal mind had Trump even come close to anything like that....
You have invented a narrative which is false.
It's not irrelevant....You petulant children went after Trump for merely suggesting that Ukraine look into possible criminal action, yet, will twist yourself into a pretzel when it comes to Biden using appropriated funds, something he couldn't do without congressional approval, to pressure Ukraine to fire their equivalent of an Atty General...You'd have lost your progressive liberal mind had Trump even come close to anything like that....

Except at the time, there was no controversy. Obama, Congress, the EU, the IMF were all in agreement that Shokin was corrupt and had to go before any more aide would be provided to the Ukraine.

Republicans called for Shokin's removal.

I think you are a bit confused. If you guys insist that Clinton should have been impeached for what he did to Lewinsky, then you really have not a leg to stand on with Trump and Stormy. Clinton DID have to pay a fine and give up his law license. Trump should face the music as well for his considerably worse crime.

I do see this as being kind of like getting Al Capone on Tax Evasion... you know that he's done far worse things, but this is the easiest case to make.

None... but policy and practice is they can't. And to a degree, it makes sense. You can bog down a president by charging him in every jurisdiction that he didn't win.
So he can be and thus the statute of limitations would not be placed on hold.
You’re wrong on every count.

The President does have discretion as to how appropriated funds are spent.

And Shokin was fired because he was NOT investigating/prosecuting corruption unless it benefitted him . That’s the definition of corrupt.
Trump was trying to get ELECTION help from a foreign power. That’s a BIG no no.
Only if a republican does it, amirite?
If so, Turn out the lights
The party's over
They say that all
Good things must end
Call it a night
The party's over
And tomorrow starts
The same old thing again.

EXCLUSIVE: Is this the smoking gun? Letter from Michael Cohen claiming Donald Trump did NOT reimburse him for hush money paid to Stormy Daniels appears to fly in the face of the star witness's grand jury testimony​

  • Bombshell document, exclusively obtained by, could cripple prosecutors pursuit of criminal charges against Trump over payments to Stormy Daniels
  • Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, is the star witness in the case over which Trump reportedly faces imminent arrest for campaign finance violations
  • But in a February 2018 letter Cohen’s attorney wrote that ‘Mr. Cohen used his own personal funds’ and that ‘neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign reimbursed Mr. Cohen'
Bombshell letter from Michael Cohen claims Trump didn't reimburse him
What? So you mean Trump told Cohen to
So, um, Cohen Paid Daniels $130,000 (and money to other women) and Trump paid him $420,000 for no legal work actually done, and you guys can't connect the dots?
JGalt is playing dumb. He didn't make any comments on the link because he didn't know how to eplain that Cohen was lying in that letter because he and Trump were obviously not going to tell the world, "Hey folks, I want you to know i'm paying a porn star hush money".

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