Is this the "smoking gun"? Letter from Cohen stating Trump did not reimburse him for Stormy Daniels payment

It's called a "retainer" dunce.
No, the $420,000 Trump gave Cohen was not a retainer. A retainer is a payment made to a lawyer in advance for legal services that the lawyer will provide in the future. In this case, Trump gave Cohen $420,000, but there was no agreement for Cohen to provide any legal services.
I think you are a bit confused. If you guys insist that Clinton should have been impeached for what he did to Lewinsky, then you really have not a leg to stand on with Trump and Stormy. Clinton DID have to pay a fine and give up his law license. Trump should face the music as well for his considerably worse crime.

I do see this as being kind of like getting Al Capone on Tax Evasion... you know that he's done far worse things, but this is the easiest case to make.

None... but policy and practice is they can't. And to a degree, it makes sense. You can bog down a president by charging him in every jurisdiction that he didn't win.
huh? clinton wasn’t impeached for his affairs…

he was impeached for perjury…that is a horrible crime that undermines our judicial system….and he got off with a plea deal to only plea to contempt of court. What crime for trump? the allegation is he falsified business records…for paying his lawyer legal fees…a misdemeanor in NY, with a two stat of limitations.
Post the link.
yoj keep moving the goal post! haha you have all the information you need to educate yourself

even based on your own info the grand jury wasn’t formed until Jan…after trump announced

you are a pathetic troll
yoj keep moving the goal post! haha you have all the information you need to educate yourself

even based on your own info the grand jury wasn’t formed until Jan…after trump announced

you are a pathetic troll
Where's this link?
Where's this link?

NY Times, Nov 25, 2022…i stand corrected it was actually NY Times Nov 21, 2022

works for me, can’t help you can’t figure it out…frankly at this point i think you are willfully not making it work
i don’t know how to copy and paste using my phone..but as i amended my last post…Nov 21, 2022 NY Times…Bragg jump starts trump probe into hush money

go educate yourself
Found it.

The renewed scrutiny of the hush money in recent months

Grifty announced on the 15th of November, the date of the article is the 21st of November.

According to your own source, when was scrutiny of the case renewed?

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