Is this the year of the Libertarian Party?

Is 2018 the year of the Libertarian Party?

  • Yes, because the DNC has provided little of an option for independents.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, because the GOP has provided little to retain the independent vote.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thank god for Federal overstep. Otherwise, we would all be little house on the prairie, right Derp? Federal Gov's abuse of its authority saved humanity, right?:lmao:

Well, it sure did for the millions of slaves who were freed. Abusing that authority sure seemed to work out well for the people who were slaves.
You admitted earlier that federal drug laws discriminate against blacks.

You hoisted yourself on your own petard.

Now tell us how legalizing pot in Minnesota hurts blacks, retard.

So if they smoke pot in Florida and smoke pot in Michigan, then they smoke pot. So it's a "they" issue.
It is an issue the people of Florida and Michigan should decide for themselves. That's what this topic is all about.

How many pages, and you STILL have not figured that out!?!?!

I don't understand your incredibly submissive desire to turn your will over to Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. I don't get it.

Sure -- bribing folks for support.

"Bribing" how? How are they being bribed with non-partisan map drawing?

Good plan.. Fuck the "district" lines. State is NATURALLY divided into free and occupied areas.

The non-partisan board has drawn boundaries free of partisan influence. So CA is among the least gerrymandered states in the country. No red state can claim that mantle. They don't even come close. And Democrats have a near-Super Majority in CA without gerrymandering...just imagine if there was gerrymandering.

You like the "top 2" primary system that officially BARS AND PREVENTS anything but 2 names on General Election ballot?? No ACCESS to the ballot by Indies and 3rd parties? TWO DEMOCRATS only offered for US Senate in 2016?

I think that's perfectly fine and more than fair. Why should losers be bailed out? You don't want the government picking winners and losers, yet here you are arguing for just that.

I actually believe that you should get to vote for every House rep in your state. If your state has 45 reps, then you choose 45 people from the ballot. Then the top 45 vote-getters become the reps. That's more democratic than the current system, which disenfranchises voters.

Thats stuff that would make the Old Soviet Politboro proud man. Good work....

What's ironic about this is that Donald Trump accepted help from the former KGB officer Putin to employ Russian Active Measures during the 2016 campaign.

Gerrymandering the San Fran Peninsula or the LA area would NOT affect the outcomes. These are already NATURALLY "gerrymandered". Look at the county maps. NO OPPORTUNITY to gerrymander. The Red areas are ALREADY geographically separated.

BRIBING as in handing out benefits and special considerations to all their constituent groups. MASSIVE deals to govt employees and unions. Minority and illegal interests, etc.. Monies blown on multilingual, multicultural expeditions into absurdity. Like ESL extensions for teaching chemistry, physics in multiple languages.

Also there is the "initiative" abuse. Where know nothing voters USURP the representative powers of the elected govt and vote themselves into fiscal oblivion approving faulty rail, power, infrastructure deals that NEVER MANIFEST. Hardly a bond issue EVER rejected by the public referendum. Folks that have NO CONCEPT OF or any responsibility for fiscal sanity voting themselves projects and debt.

THAT kind of bribing. The legislature hardly EVER makes controversial law or policy. Let's the political ADVERTISERS fight it off for the 20 initiatives on the ballot that hardly ANY voters understand or study.. Sound bite public democracy gone amuck..

The govt PICKED THE WINNERS in the "Top 2" concept. That's why I VEHEMENTLY OPPOSE it. And any citizen that gets disenfrancised by a "top 2" ought to be furious. YOU -- disenfranchised any OPPOSITION party voters with this rule. It's quite clear that with "superdelegates", the screwing of Bernie and not running candidates in losing districts and onerous shit like "top 2" -- that DEMS are the party of voter disenfranchisement.

Your statement about bailing out "losers", just cements your status as a leftist. More concerned about WINNING and MAINTAINING power than you are about what's right or consistent principles and policy. Politics is NOT About winning. America is "winning" so much that only LOSERS are given as choices on major ballots. Like the devil's choice of Clinton or Trump. THAT IS NOT WINNING. It's tanking quality of debate, discussion and problem solving in politics.

THey have created a system where the PARTIES are FORCED to limit choices to the voters to be able to survive to the primaries. PRIMARIES are NOT a GOVT function. They are a PARTY FUNCTION. The LParty doesn't even put the primary candidates to the public. ONLY to the party members. Which is the way it should be. Govt shouldn't be "culling the field" of choices that are offered on a Gen Election ballot. It's no BURDEN on govt to print another 10 names on the ballot. Are Californians THAT STUPID that they can sort thru a full years work of the Legislature in the Initiative Section? 20 or more "laws" that the PUBLIC is now making. But CAN'T HANDLE more than a 2 way choice for elected office?
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You see, one of the first things an auto insurance retailer asks you is where you live. Your insurance premiums are determined by your age, how many miles you drive each year, your accident history, and WHERE YOU LIVE.It does not matter to a driver in DC how crazy people drive in Kansas.Nice try. :lol:

Yes it fucking does. Because you're buying into a national plan. You're not buying into a car insurance plan that is localized to your area...because that's fucking dumb.
Wow. That's insane.
"You just admitted that Washington is not California. So clearly they aren't different states."
That is what you sound like. :lol:

Here's what you sound like:

You lament big business controlling government and your solution is to...have big business control local and state government.

It's like a circle jerk, and you're voluntarily eating the cracker.
It is an issue the people of Florida and Michigan should decide for themselves.


29 states that cover more than half of the population have legalized pot to some degree. So clearly, this is a national issue and has been for a while. Which is why we should be changing federal policy on it through reclassification or through legislation. The route we have now -through state-based legalization- only sets up a Constitutional crisis. It's not a permanent fix. It has to be done at the federal level since it's federal prohibition on which these state-based anti-pot laws are based.

I don't understand your incredibly submissive desire to turn your will over to Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. I don't get it.Sad.

Who says that? We can vote Trump and McConnell out. That's the beauty of our democracy.
If the Libertarians or any other third party wants to move enough people to consider more than the two doggerel parties, they'll have to spend millions on ads that will need to run for years, that are professionally made and look to be mainstream ads. The money has to be spent on tv ads, a lot of it, over a long period of time.
You see, one of the first things an auto insurance retailer asks you is where you live. Your insurance premiums are determined by your age, how many miles you drive each year, your accident history, and WHERE YOU LIVE.It does not matter to a driver in DC how crazy people drive in Kansas.Nice try. :lol:

Yes it fucking does. Because you're buying into a national plan. You're not buying into a car insurance plan that is localized to your area...because that's fucking dumb.

Every state has it's own insurance regulations and requirements. Rates are set by STATE and maybe even LOCAL risks of where your vehicle is garaged. Rates vary by 2 to 1 from place to place. Depending on LOCAL risks such as hail, tornadoes, winter conditions, traffic, and claims experience. There is no "national" indemnity pool for car insurance other than the liability reserves that each national company keep for contingencies.
You see, one of the first things an auto insurance retailer asks you is where you live. Your insurance premiums are determined by your age, how many miles you drive each year, your accident history, and WHERE YOU LIVE.It does not matter to a driver in DC how crazy people drive in Kansas.Nice try. :lol:

Yes it fucking does. Because you're buying into a national plan. You're not buying into a car insurance plan that is localized to your area...because that's fucking dumb.

Every state has it's own insurance regulations and requirements. Rates are set by STATE and maybe even LOCAL risks of where your vehicle is garaged. Rates vary by 2 to 1 from place to place. Depending on LOCAL risks such as hail, tornadoes, winter conditions, traffic, and claims experience. There is no "national" indemnity pool for car insurance other than the liability reserves that each national company keep for contingencies.

Apparently The Derp has never bought auto insurance.
Gerrymandering the San Fran Peninsula or the LA area would NOT affect the outcomes. These are already NATURALLY "gerrymandered". Look at the county maps. NO OPPORTUNITY to gerrymander. The Red areas are ALREADY geographically separated.

And the non-partisan commission that draws the districts takes that into account. So you're complaining about the very thing you want.

BRIBING as in handing out benefits and special considerations to all their constituent groups. MASSIVE deals to govt employees and unions. Minority and illegal interests, etc.. Monies blown on multilingual, multicultural expeditions into absurdity. Like ESL extensions for teaching chemistry, physics in multiple languages.

So now you're just being a whiny, white MAGA moron. Get the fuck over yourself. The people of CA are perfectly happy with this agenda, as they have awarded Democrats full control. If the agenda was bad, then they wouldn't be in control. The problem is your shit agenda looks so shitty by comparison that it's unfair to you. Well too fucking bad. Get better policy that people like and they'll vote for you.

What a fucking whiner.

Also there is the "initiative" abuse. Where know nothing voters USURP the representative powers of the elected govt and vote themselves into fiscal oblivion approving faulty rail, power, infrastructure deals that NEVER MANIFEST. Hardly a bond issue EVER rejected by the public referendum. Folks that have NO CONCEPT OF or any responsibility for fiscal sanity voting themselves projects and debt.

More fucking whining. Grow up. If you want representation in CA, then come up with better policy to attract voters. Because right now, you sound like a fucking crybaby because no one likes you and you have no friends.

Your statement about bailing out "losers", just cements your status as a leftist. More concerned about WINNING and MAINTAINING power than you are about what's right or consistent principles and policy. Politics is NOT About winning. America is "winning" so much that only LOSERS are given as choices on major ballots. Like the devil's choice of Clinton or Trump. THAT IS NOT WINNING. It's tanking quality of debate, discussion and problem solving in politics.

Sigh...a jungle primary is the exact definition of winning. Why should loser parties with losers be bailed out? Fuck you. You want to get representation, then get people to vote for your cause. You're not going to accomplish that by acting like a little entitled brat.
Every state has it's own insurance regulations and requirements. Rates are set by STATE and maybe even LOCAL risks of where your vehicle is garaged. Rates vary by 2 to 1 from place to place. Depending on LOCAL risks such as hail, tornadoes, winter conditions, traffic, and claims experience. There is no "national" indemnity pool for car insurance other than the liability reserves that each national company keep for contingencies.

other than the liability reserves that each national company keep for contingencies.

So qualifier on qualifier there.
If the Libertarians or any other third party wants to move enough people to consider more than the two doggerel parties, they'll have to spend millions on ads that will need to run for years, that are professionally made and look to be mainstream ads. The money has to be spent on tv ads, a lot of it, over a long period of time.

But don't you know? Money's not the problem according to some folks. So why should money matter?
The same reason why they had the authority to prohibit alcohol for a time; it's within their Constitutional powers to do so.
It took a constitutional AMENDMENT to prohibit alcohol, so again, why does the Federal Government need a constitutional amendment for alcohol but not pot?

You see, one of the first things an auto insurance retailer asks you is where you live. Your insurance premiums are determined by your age, how many miles you drive each year, your accident history, and WHERE YOU LIVE.It does not matter to a driver in DC how crazy people drive in Kansas.Nice try. :lol:

Yes it fucking does. Because you're buying into a national plan. You're not buying into a car insurance plan that is localized to your area...because that's fucking dumb.

Every state has it's own insurance regulations and requirements. Rates are set by STATE and maybe even LOCAL risks of where your vehicle is garaged. Rates vary by 2 to 1 from place to place. Depending on LOCAL risks such as hail, tornadoes, winter conditions, traffic, and claims experience. There is no "national" indemnity pool for car insurance other than the liability reserves that each national company keep for contingencies.

Apparently The Derp has never bought auto insurance.

So who was it who was saying car insurance prices are coming down? Oh right, you said that. Well, about that...

Auto insurance rates rising at fastest rate in almost 13 years
May 27, 2016

"The number of accidents has gone up," said Jim Lynch, chief actuary of the Insurance Information Institute, a trade group. "At the same time, the size of claims settlements has been rising as well, so the industry is kind of getting hit by a double whammy."

So would seem that the liability reserves are being exhausted, which is doing what???? Causing premiums to rise. That's because of what? Reckless driving.

From that same link:
Americans are driving more, thanks to rising employment and cheaper gasoline. But that also means they're getting into more accidents — and that's leading to higher insurance rates.
So if Kansas decided that they were going to raise their speed limit to 100, then that means the likelihood for accidents rises, which means the liability reserves get exhausted faster, which means higher premiums for everyone.
It took a constitutional AMENDMENT to prohibit alcohol, so again, why does the Federal Government need a constitutional amendment for alcohol but not pot?

I think we do need a Constitutional Amendment for pot. But I'd be happy with a reclassification of the drug.
Because, fuck the Libertarian Party?

I am ambivalent about the LP. They strike me as a bunch of propellorheads.

Nevertheless, I have a pretty wide libertarian (small l) streak. I was a follower of William F. Buckley, after all. And Reagan.

However, the LP is horribly unrealistic and completely ignorant of human nature. If I was to choose one word to describe them, it would be "naive".

Actually they believe what they believe BECAUSE of human nature. Because power WILL corrupt, and it doesn’t even have to be in the evil tyrant, or fraudulent criminal way. Bureaucracy, ineffective programs, irresponsible spending, and continuous government growth and reach into areas they don’t belong is corrupt.
Because that can be accomplished through legislation, and has. You can't buy automatic weapons or nuclear missiles.
So, pot or alcohol prohibition can't be accomplished by statutes or through legislation, requiring a constitutional amendment, but gun prohibition can? You didn't answer why.

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