Is Trump a racist?

Trump a white supremacist You sit at his table you get all of the greatest con mans buffet
As a senator recently said "years from now when trump is just a painful memory the republican scum will say they never liked him
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.

"Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013."

do you even follow current events or reality? or is that a leftist thing to just live in a bubble?

WHO is callin on colleges for "black safe spaces" or " days of absence for white people"? is that not calling for segregation...funny thing is,that equality was achieved a long time the left is pushing for SUPREMACY and that includes of course racism and sexism.

troubling that you don't see the problem with that...but than again...look at the looney left....sad for humans to sink that low
The left has always been kkk
No, the Ku Klux Klan Has Never, Ever Been a 'Leftist' Organization
Throughout its history, the Klan has been a conservative, not revolutionary, organization. As a vigilante, it has sought to uphold "law and order," white dominance, and traditional morality. To do this it has threatened, flogged, mutilated, and on occasion, murdered. The main purpose of the Klansmen, Kligrapps, Kludds, and Night Hawks, Cyclopses, Titans, Dragons, and Wizards assembled in their Dens, Klaverns, and Klonvokations, rallying in rented cow pastures, and marching in solemn procession through city streets, has been to defend and restore what they conceived as traditional social values. The Klan has basically been a revitalization movement when the members of the Klan were Democrats, as in the 1920s, as well as in the '40s when they called themselves "Dixiecrats," they were conservative Democrats. And ever after the Southern Strategy-fueled party switch of the 1960s and '70s, those conservatives have now become uniformly Republican..
-- the current KKK -- features a mostly diffuse Klan organization, comprised of 30 or so individual groups that favor their own versions of Klan ideology. While the levels of violence emanating from these groups is relatively low-level (the groups are mostly content to hold annual barbecues in which they inevitably complain about minorities and liberals, and then wrap it all up by lighting a cross, these groups attract and harbor violent personalities who frequently act out their beliefs violently, sometimes as "lone wolves."
Another pile of crap....In 1981, Mauritania became the last country in the world to abolish slavery, when a presidential decree abolished the practice. Britain abolished slavery throughout its empire by the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 (with the notable exception of India), the French colonies re-abolished it in 1848 and the U.S. abolished slavery in 1865 with the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
1. Lincoln wasn’t an abolitionist.
2. Lincoln didn’t believe blacks should have the same rights as whites.
3. Lincoln thought colonization could resolve the issue of slavery.
4. Emancipation was a military policy.

5. The Emancipation Proclamation didn’t actually free all of the slaves.
By war’s end, some 200,000 black men would serve in the Union Army and Navy, striking a mortal blow against the institution of slavery and paving the way for its eventual abolition by the 13th Amendment.

Lincoln, Jackson, Jefferson and all the slave owners fucked their slave and fathered children so by the end of slavery there were so many mixed people that they could not have sent them back to Africa anyway. Lincoln wanted to send them all to Liberia.

dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
Oh so trump giving billions to farmers is just in my imagination?
"People look to their leadership for guidance. And to say that it doesn't have an effect is wrong. So what the president says is very important. And if he supports, or says nice things about, racists, it encourages racism. If he goes and says nice things about white supremacists, he encourages that kind of violence."

Trump has repeatedly used violent rhetoric when discussing immigration and the border, some of which was echoed by the manifesto that investigators believe was written by the suspected El Paso shooter. The president has repeatedly described caravans of Central American migrants seeking asylum as an "invasion." In an infamous incident, Trump also praised "very fine people, on both sides" of a deadly 2017 clash between white supremacists and protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

"I hope he understands this: He cannot go and shoot off his mouth and say anything," said Bloomberg.
dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
Oh so trump giving billions to farmers is just in my imagination?
Farmers has always got assistance from the government. Trump is not you bogey man. Lol
dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
No but the brokers buying up the china goods have to pay that extra tariff price which gets handed down to the retailers they sell to Who in turn raise their retail prices
dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
No but the brokers buying up the china goods have to pay that extra tariff price which gets handed down to the retailers they sell to Who in turn raise their retail prices
It will be okay. Every doom in gloom prediction you loons gave about Trump has come back to smack you on the ass. In the end we will win.
dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
No but the brokers buying up the china goods have to pay that extra tariff price which gets handed down to the retailers they sell to Who in turn raise their retail prices

Traitor. You’re on this thread too? really need a job and or a hobby.
dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
No but the brokers buying up the china goods have to pay that extra tariff price which gets handed down to the retailers they sell to Who in turn raise their retail prices

Traitor. You’re on this thread too? really need a job and or a hobby.
Haven't had a job in 10 years or more My hobby is the stock markets Not open today so I come here for laughs You republicans are a laugh a minute
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
No but the brokers buying up the china goods have to pay that extra tariff price which gets handed down to the retailers they sell to Who in turn raise their retail prices

Traitor. You’re on this thread too? really need a job and or a hobby.
Haven't had a job in 10 years or more My hobby is the stock markets Not open today so I come here for laughs You republicans are a laugh a minute

Trust me, us Republicans get quite a laugh out of the libtards on this board. BTW, if you are heaily vested in the stock market like me, you should be doing very well under this president.

I like saying RACIST
it's so invigorating !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
Oh so trump giving billions to farmers is just in my imagination?
Farmers has always got assistance from the government. Trump is not you bogey man. Lol
They are currently getting billions more.

I thought you kids hated welfare?
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
Oh so trump giving billions to farmers is just in my imagination?
Farmers has always got assistance from the government. Trump is not you bogey man. Lol
They are currently getting billions more.

I thought you kids hated welfare?
they are RACISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
No one is going broke, the price of China's good haven't gone up.
No but the brokers buying up the china goods have to pay that extra tariff price which gets handed down to the retailers they sell to Who in turn raise their retail prices

Traitor. You’re on this thread too? really need a job and or a hobby.
Haven't had a job in 10 years or more My hobby is the stock markets Not open today so I come here for laughs You republicans are a laugh a minute

Makes sense. Since you’re a parasite. You’re no Jew.

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