Is Trump a racist?

Is Trump racist?

His actions and behavior represent his base, and we stand behind everything he says and does. There is no need to make any apologies for him, or soften it. We encourage him to double down, and continue to speak his mind. We support his comments on race and and his rejection of second class citizens from shit-holes around the world. Why would we want more of them when we already have more than our share.

Obama wasn't even a legal citizen, so of course he would endorse allowing more people coming into our great country from shit-holes.

Already a summons in Haiti.
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
/----/ With 35 years in the public eye, there was never a hint of racism until Trump had the audacity to run against a Clintoon.
Trump with Black Leaders.jpg
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
So rich white men are the answer to all the nations problems? Slavery ended slavery because it was the outcome of a war that was to keep the whites together. You do not know your counties' history. This has always been a racist country and always will be.
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
So rich white men are the answer to all the nations problems? Slavery ended slavery because it was the outcome of a war that was to keep the whites together. You do not know your counties' history. This has always been a racist country and always will be.
because of racists like you?

All I've pointed out was, that the supposedly soooo racist people back than were also the ones, abolishing slavery...but that doesn't fit your racist window,does it...

what do you mean? war to keep the whites togheter? wasn't it more about keeping a nation together? after all: people knew that the nation would be filled with lots of (now free) black people...but again...reality and truth don't count for you, right?

no wonder the left is melting in the sun...
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.

"Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013."

do you even follow current events or reality? or is that a leftist thing to just live in a bubble?

WHO is callin on colleges for "black safe spaces" or " days of absence for white people"? is that not calling for segregation...funny thing is,that equality was achieved a long time the left is pushing for SUPREMACY and that includes of course racism and sexism.

troubling that you don't see the problem with that...but than again...look at the looney left....sad for humans to sink that low
/——/ I stopped at the first lie in your link. Islamic women aren’t allowed to speak without permission from their husbands. How is that racist? Since when is being Muslim a race? When does he.mention race? He’s talking about the mother. Here is the Trump quote from your link. “If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me,” Trump said in an interview with ABC News that first appeared on July 30.
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.

"Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013."

do you even follow current events or reality? or is that a leftist thing to just live in a bubble?

WHO is callin on colleges for "black safe spaces" or " days of absence for white people"? is that not calling for segregation...funny thing is,that equality was achieved a long time the left is pushing for SUPREMACY and that includes of course racism and sexism.

troubling that you don't see the problem with that...but than again...look at the looney left....sad for humans to sink that low
The left has always been kkk
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.

"Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013."

do you even follow current events or reality? or is that a leftist thing to just live in a bubble?

WHO is callin on colleges for "black safe spaces" or " days of absence for white people"? is that not calling for segregation...funny thing is,that equality was achieved a long time the left is pushing for SUPREMACY and that includes of course racism and sexism.

troubling that you don't see the problem with that...but than again...look at the looney left....sad for humans to sink that low
Black lives have always matter, it just the slogan that is new. Slavery did not end in 1865. Segregation did not end in 1954. Why did slavery end? Slaves were becoming so expensive that they required a huge diversion of capital just to purchase slave-laborers. With the industrial age, capitalist owners were realizing that it was much cheaper and more cost-efficient to “rent” workers (actually turn them into “wage-slaves) than have to spend so much of their capital in purchasing labor outright (as chattel property). The civil war was not about freeing the slave but about keeping the colonies together. Lincoln wanted to deport all the slave but that was too expensive also. Lincoln was willing to keep slavery if it protected the union.
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.

"Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013."

do you even follow current events or reality? or is that a leftist thing to just live in a bubble?

WHO is callin on colleges for "black safe spaces" or " days of absence for white people"? is that not calling for segregation...funny thing is,that equality was achieved a long time the left is pushing for SUPREMACY and that includes of course racism and sexism.

troubling that you don't see the problem with that...but than again...look at the looney left....sad for humans to sink that low
Black lives have always matter, it just the slogan that is new. Slavery did not end in 1865. Segregation did not end in 1954. Why did slavery end? Slaves were becoming so expensive that they required a huge diversion of capital just to purchase slave-laborers. With the industrial age, capitalist owners were realizing that it was much cheaper and more cost-efficient to “rent” workers (actually turn them into “wage-slaves) than have to spend so much of their capital in purchasing labor outright (as chattel property). The civil war was not about freeing the slave but about keeping the colonies together. Lincoln wanted to deport all the slave but that was too expensive also. Lincoln was willing to keep slavery if it protected the union.
/—-/ Some of what you said is true.
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.

"Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013."

do you even follow current events or reality? or is that a leftist thing to just live in a bubble?

WHO is callin on colleges for "black safe spaces" or " days of absence for white people"? is that not calling for segregation...funny thing is,that equality was achieved a long time the left is pushing for SUPREMACY and that includes of course racism and sexism.

troubling that you don't see the problem with that...but than again...look at the looney left....sad for humans to sink that low
Black lives have always matter, it just the slogan that is new. Slavery did not end in 1865. Segregation did not end in 1954. Why did slavery end? Slaves were becoming so expensive that they required a huge diversion of capital just to purchase slave-laborers. With the industrial age, capitalist owners were realizing that it was much cheaper and more cost-efficient to “rent” workers (actually turn them into “wage-slaves) than have to spend so much of their capital in purchasing labor outright (as chattel property). The civil war was not about freeing the slave but about keeping the colonies together. Lincoln wanted to deport all the slave but that was too expensive also. Lincoln was willing to keep slavery if it protected the union.
Who owns the slaves in the inner cities today?

Who doesn’t report the black on black murders?
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.

"Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013."

do you even follow current events or reality? or is that a leftist thing to just live in a bubble?

WHO is callin on colleges for "black safe spaces" or " days of absence for white people"? is that not calling for segregation...funny thing is,that equality was achieved a long time the left is pushing for SUPREMACY and that includes of course racism and sexism.

troubling that you don't see the problem with that...but than again...look at the looney left....sad for humans to sink that low
Black lives have always matter, it just the slogan that is new. Slavery did not end in 1865. Segregation did not end in 1954. Why did slavery end? Slaves were becoming so expensive that they required a huge diversion of capital just to purchase slave-laborers. With the industrial age, capitalist owners were realizing that it was much cheaper and more cost-efficient to “rent” workers (actually turn them into “wage-slaves) than have to spend so much of their capital in purchasing labor outright (as chattel property). The civil war was not about freeing the slave but about keeping the colonies together. Lincoln wanted to deport all the slave but that was too expensive also. Lincoln was willing to keep slavery if it protected the union.
/—-/ Some of what you said is true.
Did he mention the entire world owned slaves? And the US is the only country officially freeing them?
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.

"Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013."

do you even follow current events or reality? or is that a leftist thing to just live in a bubble?

WHO is callin on colleges for "black safe spaces" or " days of absence for white people"? is that not calling for segregation...funny thing is,that equality was achieved a long time the left is pushing for SUPREMACY and that includes of course racism and sexism.

troubling that you don't see the problem with that...but than again...look at the looney left....sad for humans to sink that low
Black lives have always matter, it just the slogan that is new. Slavery did not end in 1865. Segregation did not end in 1954. Why did slavery end? Slaves were becoming so expensive that they required a huge diversion of capital just to purchase slave-laborers. With the industrial age, capitalist owners were realizing that it was much cheaper and more cost-efficient to “rent” workers (actually turn them into “wage-slaves) than have to spend so much of their capital in purchasing labor outright (as chattel property). The civil war was not about freeing the slave but about keeping the colonies together. Lincoln wanted to deport all the slave but that was too expensive also. Lincoln was willing to keep slavery if it protected the union.
/—-/ Some of what you said is true.
Did he mention the entire world owned slaves? And the US is the only country officially freeing them?
/—-/ I don’t know, I stopped reading after the first lie. I’m guessing he didn’t make that point.
Trump a white supremacist You sit at his table you get all of the greatest con mans buffet
Trump is not the first racist president we have had. Americans have survived racist presidents before. Woodrow Wilson, a southerner, opposed postwar Reconstruction because "the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded." He opposed giving blacks the right to vote, claiming “it was a menace to society,” and as president he oversaw the re-segregation of the federal government. He lived in the White House a century ago.

Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration bill aimed at keeping out “the yellow peril” — i.e. Asians, along with Africans and Arabs. “America must be kept American,” he said in 1923.

And everyone knows that after Pearl Harbor was bombed, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, leading to the forced relocation of 117,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast to inland internment camps. FDR’s defenders pointed out that we had just been bombed by Japan and were at war.

There are other examples — Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was probably the worst of all — but you get the idea. American history is dotted with presidents who harbored visions of racial superiority.
Then there is Reagan and Nixon.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.

"Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013."

do you even follow current events or reality? or is that a leftist thing to just live in a bubble?

WHO is callin on colleges for "black safe spaces" or " days of absence for white people"? is that not calling for segregation...funny thing is,that equality was achieved a long time the left is pushing for SUPREMACY and that includes of course racism and sexism.

troubling that you don't see the problem with that...but than again...look at the looney left....sad for humans to sink that low
Black lives have always matter, it just the slogan that is new. Slavery did not end in 1865. Segregation did not end in 1954. Why did slavery end? Slaves were becoming so expensive that they required a huge diversion of capital just to purchase slave-laborers. With the industrial age, capitalist owners were realizing that it was much cheaper and more cost-efficient to “rent” workers (actually turn them into “wage-slaves) than have to spend so much of their capital in purchasing labor outright (as chattel property). The civil war was not about freeing the slave but about keeping the colonies together. Lincoln wanted to deport all the slave but that was too expensive also. Lincoln was willing to keep slavery if it protected the union.

"it just the slogan that is new."

no,what's new is the push for segregation..the openly displayed racism

THIS is,what BLM is about...openly racist bullshit

Black Lives Matter protest leader calls for racial segregation during demonstration | Daily Mail Online

you want more videos and links? I can give you enough to spend the rest ofg the day browsing through them....but you won't...cause you're a dishonest most leftists are.

That's why you support racism...or misogyny in form of your support of islam and economic terrorism in teh form of China

besides: if slave are sooo expensive,why is it stioll a winning formula in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, who lure Indian men and women into the country and exploit as them as slaves?

how come China expolits it's own people from the interior as slaves in their coastel factories?

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