Is Trump a sex predator?

You sure seem focused on Trumps sex life. According to left winger logic, that means you must want to have sex with him.

I find it interesting in reading comments from the right, that, how, on the whole, how stupid and juvenile most of them are.
GOD the TDS here....:cuckoo:

TDS is a 'thought-terminating cliché'.

These are snappy terms implanted into the gullible minds of followers by a demagogue leader which are designed to kill dissent and curb critical thinking. Cult of personality types don't like their flock to think critically and/or dissent.

Apparently it has killed your critical thinking skills, but what it has failed to do is kill the conversation.

Nice try, though, but it's and old tired right wing trope.

Time to put it to pasture, just like the cow you call Donald Trump, sex offender.
I would say that it's very clear that he is a sex Predator. In fact he was accused of rape by several girls who were forced into sex slavery by jeffrey epstein at parties held by epstein that trump attended.

He was also accused by several contestants in the Teen miss america pageants forcing his way into the dressing room while they were naked. More than a few of them have even claimed that they were told that trump gets to do whatever he wants and to not complain about it if they want. To have a chance at winning.
A couple of his responses really were troubling, signaling what we already knew - that he can rationalize pretty much any behavior to himself.

Backing up to the 20,000-foot perspective, it's so troubling that instead of being shocked and profoundly alarmed, we now just look at this kind of awful thing through somewhat bored and weary eyes. "Yeah, well, that's him". This may be the worst of all the things that this socio-political disaster has done to the country.
He’s a sociopath like almost all rich people and politicians. You don’t achieve that measure of “success” if you have any empathy at all for the people you climb over and destroy on the road to success. Biden, Feinstein, Nixon, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison were just a few.
Not only is Trump a sexual predator, he has once again revealed he has a yellow streak of cowardice a mile wide.

He talks tough but behaves like a textbook cowardly bully.

He made his reputation with "You're fired" but never once had the courage to fire anyone in his Administration to their face.

He said he was going to rip his rape victim apart in court, and then never showed.

He's a giant fat piece of garbage.
All their claims were discredited almost the day they made them.

You're proud of being an idiot.

Gawd but you’re funny and pathetic.

Trump brags that he sexually assaults women and then 26 women came forward and said ”Yes he does. He did it to me!”, Trump said well I didn’t assault any of THOSE women.

Now like a good little cultist, you’re here insulting these women. Only a complete and total moron would ever believe that Donald Trump didn’t abuse these women.

Even his first wife said he beat and raped her after a bad hair plug operation.

In his deposition, Trump said that for 1 million years men like him could do anything they wanted to any woman they wanted.

Trump was convicted by his own words and buy his own arrogance and disrespect towards women.

Donald Trump is the disgusting piece of shit that we have always claimed he was. You can defend him, but we’re just gonna laugh at you because you’re such a fool pretending to be women....

Fckn loons

What does Trani’s have to do with Donald Trump’s history of rape and abuse of women? This is the weakest attempt deflection I’ve ever seen.


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I don't believe in the justice system in America any more. It's corrupt to the core thanks to the "Alinsky Method Experiment" destroying the unity of a country that was once a celebration of tolerance and brotherhood. We're now divided between evil emanating from the leftist press obeying the carrot stick situation of getting a big fat check from George Soros for lies screamed out loud on television rendered. It's time to end the union. It is nothing with an extortion scheme in charge of the White House. The trouble with blindfolded elections, criminals have no compunction about creating their own mansions with fat and fabulous kitchens and everyone else's tax poor famine.
My goodness, somebody really had to manipulate the color settings to make him look THAT orange.

Why do the site sheeple support such obvious fakery? I as it dishonesty, stupidity, or the combination of both?
Nah. He's an unconvicted elitist, serial rapist, period, full stop.
First, he's innocent of those lying charges that were not satisfactorily proven. By engendering and supporting false witnesses with lying to get millions of dollars, he Democrats are kicking out the pillars that hold up their house, and it's a matter of time till the roof falls down. Their next goal is to obliterate free speech and the right to defend one's family. Breaking God's laws leads to criminal thinking. and the loss of confidence in the government.
Trump took lessons from the Master ,,,,Bill Clinton who raped hundreds of women BUT Clinton gets a break since he is a Democrap.

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