Is Trump a sex predator?

If you make people enough money, they’ll let you do anything and they’ll cover up for you too. Hell, they’ll even feed you victims to curry favour.

I did a contract with a big law firm with offices in London, New York, and Toronto. It had a sexual harassment policy and a process for reporting sexual harassment. Very enlightened.

They also had a senior partner, a real rainmaker, who had a “problem”. Every couple of years they paid off his secretary, had her sign an NDA, and helped find him a new one. The “cost” to the firm was reflected in his contract.

I also know of a stock brokerage where their top broker raped the receptionist, while working late one night. The firm talked her out of calling the police and promised her the sun in the moon and the stars and said they’d deal with him. They gave her six months off with pay to recover, and then they fired her.

If you make the company enough money, to let you do anything.
That's just how leftist scum are. Did you quit sexually harassing her?
Why is this allowed to remain in Politics, if it was about Biden it would have been moved to the garbage dump on day 1.
Even Trump says they didn’t consent because he didn’t ask. He doesn’t wait he just starts kissing and that’s exactly with the 26 women who accused him of sexual assault have said.

Trump admits he sexually assaults women and that he has the right to do so because he’s a star.

Are you saying Trump is lying to you?
Wrong. What part of "they let you" didn't you understand?
This is the essential question in the E Jean Carroll rape/defamation civil trial.

This 50 second clip will tell the tale, and you be the judge:

Keep in mind Trump was considered a “playboy” prior to his running for President. Playboys had a certain reputation and Trump played one to the full. Those were the days of the “casting couch” and the secretary who made her way into management by the skill she had displayed on her knees.

You could say, “You’ve come a long way, baby” since those times.

Keep in mind Trump was considered a “playboy” prior to his running for President. Playboys had a certain reputation and Trump played one to the full. Those were the days of the “casting couch” and the secretary who made her way into management by the skill she had displayed on her knees.

You could say, “You’ve come a long way, baby” since those times.

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This added absolutely nothing to the conversation.
This added absolutely nothing to the conversation.
Times change. At one time “Boys will be boys” but no longer.

Trump was a playboy in his younger days and acted like one.

You are attempting to apply modern morality to a different time.

That was then, this is now. I feel we have made progress and live in a better society, but then I was never a playboy.
Times change. At one time “Boys will be boys” but no longer.

Trump was a playboy in his younger days and acted like one.

You are attempting to apply modern morality to a different time.

That was then, this is now. I feel we have made progress and live in a better society, but then I was never a playboy.
Do you know what 'playboy' translates to in 2023? Douchebag. Guy who needs his head caved in post haste. Loser still living in 1981.

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