Is Trump a sex predator?

First, he's innocent of those lying charges that were not satisfactorily proven.
He just can't help himself. He thinks of himself as a Star, and being trapped by a million years worth of Star/Idol Worshipping by the women of our species, he probably feels obligated to use them like they want him too, or anytime he, the star, feels the urge. It's all their fault, obviously.....
He just can't help himself. He thinks of himself as a Star, and being trapped by a million years worth of Star/Idol Worshipping by the women of our species, he probably feels obligated to use them like they want him too, or anytime he, the star, feels the urge. It's all their fault, obviously.....
Are you able to actually tell the truth, ever?
He just can't help himself. He thinks of himself as a Star, and being trapped by a million years worth of Star/Idol Worshipping by the women of our species, he probably feels obligated to use them like they want him too, or anytime he, the star, feels the urge. It's all their fault, obviously.....
That projection holds no water, and you know it but think you have pulled the wool over the world's eyes. Not even close, silly one.
the gop hates women...we are either whores or middle ground...sad that women continue to by into the gop rhetoric of hating women...
And women are starting to catch on....the GOP rape culture, plus abortion, plus mass shootings of children.............the trifecta that drive women away from the party.
That projection holds no water, and you know it but think you have pulled the wool over the world's eyes. Not even close, silly one.

the jury, in less than 3 hours - said he is liable.

HE said he did it without even realizing it.
They demonize birth control and then seek to totally take away a woman's right to make her own decision about her body. I have been saying for some time, they better resemble the Taliban than a political party.

Trump may like “pussy” but he hates women and that’s the problem. Women know that, and that’s why women don’t like him. There are a lot of heterosexual men in the world who hate women. Trump is a world leader in that regard.

It’s clear from the Access Hollywood tape that he had he enjoys assaulting women. As always with Trump, the cruelty is a feature, not a bug.

But what women truly find offensive, is men like you and the others in this thread, who see nothing wrong with his sexual assault of any woman he deems attractive enough.

Trump likes pussy! What’s the problem? Women are not “pussy”.
You lying scum are just upset he doesn't like little boys like biden does.
They demonize birth control and then seek to totally take away a woman's right to make her own decision about her body. I have been saying for some time, they better resemble the Taliban than a political party.
Says the inhuman monster that wallows in the blood of dead babies.
Trump was found 'Guilty' of giving Carroll A PECK ON THE CHEEK.

'U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan has instructed the jury that all they have to do is conclude that Trump gave Carroll an “unwanted peck on the cheek” in order to find him guilty.'

U. S. District Judge Kaplan told the jury all they had to do was conclude Trump (probably) gave Carroll AN 'UNWANTED' PECK ON THE CHEEK to find him 'guilty'.

They did.

1. It was a civil case, a case in which guilt of a crime is not criminally proven and much less evidence is needed to 'win'.

2. The judge told the jury what to do to find Trump 'guilty'. What he told them to do is what you would tell a jury if you were desperate for a win and wanted to ensure one.

3. Trump was not found guilty of rape - they failed to do that because IT NEVER HAPPENED.

4. The jury did not find Trump guilty of sexual assault.

The jury found Trump 'guilty' of sexual harrassment ... IF YOUR DEFINITION OF THAT IS GIVING A WOMAN AN 'UN-WANTED' PECK ON THE CHEEK.

Congrats Democrats, snowflakes, trolls, and bots - you FINALLY got the 'win' you have waited for after 7 long years of FAILED 'We have him this time's.



19 women have accused Trump of grabbing them.
They did consent, you fucking moron.

Even Trump says they didn’t consent because he didn’t ask. He doesn’t wait he just starts kissing and that’s exactly with the 26 women who accused him of sexual assault have said.

Trump admits he sexually assaults women and that he has the right to do so because he’s a star.

Are you saying Trump is lying to you?
Not just Trump, but all rich powerful figures. From Harvey Weinstein, to Jeffrey Epstein.

If you make people enough money, they’ll let you do anything and they’ll cover up for you too. Hell, they’ll even feed you victims to curry favour.

I did a contract with a big law firm with offices in London, New York, and Toronto. It had a sexual harassment policy and a process for reporting sexual harassment. Very enlightened.

They also had a senior partner, a real rainmaker, who had a “problem”. Every couple of years they paid off his secretary, had her sign an NDA, and helped find him a new one. The “cost” to the firm was reflected in his contract.

I also know of a stock brokerage where their top broker raped the receptionist, while working late one night. The firm talked her out of calling the police and promised her the sun in the moon and the stars and said they’d deal with him. They gave her six months off with pay to recover, and then they fired her.

If you make the company enough money, to let you do anything.

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