Is Trump fit to be President?

That is complete nonsense obviously because republicans had full control his first two years.
We know what full Republican control is. Somehow, we never make a far turn and down the stretch they come moment that has massive legislative packages like the Progs.
Trump is accused of sexual misconduct from DOZENS of women including one who said Trump raped her when she was 13. You’re a moron.
Give it a couple of decades and these kids will be issuing similar accusations. We've already heard from Pedo Joe's own daughter. What a sick bastard.

I damn sure ain't gonna refer to you people as conservative, you're the furthest from it.



You again make no sense. You don’t know the meaning of conservative. Asalickers like you conflate tea party and MAGA with conservative. And just to be a bit more clear, there is no concern about what a douchenugget like you labels anybody else. Gfy.
You again make no sense. You don’t know the meaning of conservative. Asalickers like you conflate tea party and MAGA with conservative. And just to be a bit more clear, there is no concern about what a douchenugget like you labels anybody else. Gfy.
You’re right. Teabaggers are incredibly stupid but they are no match for the moronic cult worship of a sentient,
orange, sack of garbage that thinks they are all beneath him.
You’re right. Teabaggers are incredibly stupid but they are no match for the moronic cult worship of a sentient,
orange, sack of garbage that thinks they are all beneath him.
You’re wrong. But that’s redundant.

Tea Party advocates are seeking to correct our course. They are great people. Unlike asshole Dimocraps like you who seek to continue the downfall of our republic.

And nobody on our side “worships” any leader. We leave that to idiots like you.
Now get back down on Potato’s junk and toss that salad. Choke on his Depends, little billie.
An idiot always shows up
Blow it out your a$$, Orange Baboon-God cultist...

The Benedict Arnold analogy stands...

January 6, 2021...

The worst example of traitorous behavior on the part of an American President since James Buchannan...

Your boy is now un-electable... as you idiots will finally figure-out on the morning after the November 2024 general election...

The nation will be greatly harmed by another four years of Democratic rule, but that's what you idiots condemn us to, by re-running your failed Messiah.
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