Is Trump the Reagan Reboot?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Is it possible many "rock-ribbed" elements of the Republican establishment are not as surprised by the rise of Trump as they act?

Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews

"The 'reboot' is the movie industry’s unimaginative answer to an increasingly cutthroat competition for both market share and brand relevance in an ever-more cynical marketplace (which sure sounds like the current political landscape).

"These 2.0 versions of anything and everything come at a time when the public’s sensibilities are dulled, their views are deeply jaded and their attention is divided by a dizzying array of on-demand options. In response,

"Hollywood seeks out proven hooks in the hope that garishly repackaged nostalgia will net a bountiful return on their mega-budget investments.

"So, instead of banking on a new script or original idea, Hollywood takes a well-worn story and 'sexes it up' with more of everything — more explosions, more sex, more twists, more turns, more shock and more schlock.

"Sometimes this steroidal formula works.

"Many times it doesn’t.

"But it worked like a charm in the race for the Republican nomination.

"Much to the chagrin of 'rock-ribbed' Conservatives, Donald Trump captured the GOP’s top spot by rebooting its most successful franchise — the Reagan Revolution."
More like the Trump v. Reagan "Face Off" sequel.

Is this what you meant?^^^
Trump doesnt deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as Reagan.
Is it possible many "rock-ribbed" elements of the Republican establishment are not as surprised by the rise of Trump as they act?

Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews

"The 'reboot' is the movie industry’s unimaginative answer to an increasingly cutthroat competition for both market share and brand relevance in an ever-more cynical marketplace (which sure sounds like the current political landscape).

"These 2.0 versions of anything and everything come at a time when the public’s sensibilities are dulled, their views are deeply jaded and their attention is divided by a dizzying array of on-demand options. In response,

"Hollywood seeks out proven hooks in the hope that garishly repackaged nostalgia will net a bountiful return on their mega-budget investments.

"So, instead of banking on a new script or original idea, Hollywood takes a well-worn story and 'sexes it up' with more of everything — more explosions, more sex, more twists, more turns, more shock and more schlock.

"Sometimes this steroidal formula works.

"Many times it doesn’t.

"But it worked like a charm in the race for the Republican nomination.

"Much to the chagrin of 'rock-ribbed' Conservatives, Donald Trump captured the GOP’s top spot by rebooting its most successful franchise — the Reagan Revolution."

No, moron, Trump is nothing like Reagan. Reagan was a free market, free trade capitalist. Trump is the reverse. You people need to keep your hands out of your pants outside your bedrooms
Is it possible many "rock-ribbed" elements of the Republican establishment are not as surprised by the rise of Trump as they act?

Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews

"The 'reboot' is the movie industry’s unimaginative answer to an increasingly cutthroat competition for both market share and brand relevance in an ever-more cynical marketplace (which sure sounds like the current political landscape).

"These 2.0 versions of anything and everything come at a time when the public’s sensibilities are dulled, their views are deeply jaded and their attention is divided by a dizzying array of on-demand options. In response,

"Hollywood seeks out proven hooks in the hope that garishly repackaged nostalgia will net a bountiful return on their mega-budget investments.

"So, instead of banking on a new script or original idea, Hollywood takes a well-worn story and 'sexes it up' with more of everything — more explosions, more sex, more twists, more turns, more shock and more schlock.

"Sometimes this steroidal formula works.

"Many times it doesn’t.

"But it worked like a charm in the race for the Republican nomination.

"Much to the chagrin of 'rock-ribbed' Conservatives, Donald Trump captured the GOP’s top spot by rebooting its most successful franchise — the Reagan Revolution."

No, moron, Trump is nothing like Reagan. Reagan was a free market, free trade capitalist. Trump is the reverse. You people need to keep your hands out of your pants outside your bedrooms
"The “HUUUGE” Reboot

Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews

"The reboot was as simple as it was effective.

"Trump took a proven hook — the Reagan Revolution — and 'pumped it up' with a relentless tweetstorm of tendentious tropes and a bomb-throwing rhetorical style that would make action-movie filmmaker Michael Bay blush.

"Like a seasoned — or cynical — Hollywood producer, Trump used political investments in himself, his own companies and those ubiquitous red hats to turn an old franchise into a new smash hit.

"Like so many of the films that have been rebooted in the whiz-bang era of computer animation, The Donald fills the screen like an action-packed, CGI-enhanced version of The Gipper.

"Along the way he’s sexed-up Reagan’s Revolution with a barrage of attacks on the corrupt political system, on the media and on the turncoats in his own party.

"He’s wowed disillusioned Republicans and entreated embattled Reagan Democrats with explosive charges against China’s economic rapists, with dire warnings about cunning Mexican negotiators and with blanket condemnations of incompetent, perhaps even nefarious politicians."
Reagan touched the nerve of America, exposed the weakness and failures of liberalism and socialism, while simultaneously promoting economic freedom and rights of all Americans. He believed in the American dream, held that given an equal chance America could once again grow and expand, that government is not the answer it's the problem. That carefully engineered economies evolve into corruption, incompetence, only serving to reward those that fail to address true economic freedom within the market place and are destined to fail. Reagan's premise was simple allow the market to reward and punish without government intervention, insure an equal starting point for all.
The Donald on the other hand grasps the discord and failures of government interference within a free open market place, resulting harm and benefit to a chosen few. He understands the discontent and sense of helplessness faced by the disenfranchised.
The question as to if the Donald understands that punitive government regulations coupled with the worlds highest corporate tax rate is what fueled corporate inversions and continued movement of businesses off shore and what he will do to rectify the problem.
Both understood the harm of centralized government control of all aspects of life and harm inflicted on the very people that it was designed to protect.
Trump is the antithesis of hollywood, i guess Donald and Ronald rhyme this time. sara silverman would play the part of Harriet Tubman. :cool:
awesome thread GP !
Reagan touched the nerve of America, exposed the weakness and failures of liberalism and socialism, while simultaneously promoting economic freedom and rights of all Americans. He believed in the American dream, held that given an equal chance America could once again grow and expand, that government is not the answer it's the problem. That carefully engineered economies evolve into corruption, incompetence, only serving to reward those that fail to address true economic freedom within the market place and are destined to fail. Reagan's premise was simple allow the market to reward and punish without government intervention, insure an equal starting point for all.
The Donald on the other hand grasps the discord and failures of government interference within a free open market place, resulting harm and benefit to a chosen few. He understands the discontent and sense of helplessness faced by the disenfranchised.
The question as to if the Donald understands that punitive government regulations coupled with the worlds highest corporate tax rate is what fueled corporate inversions and continued movement of businesses off shore and what he will do to rectify the problem.
Both understood the harm of centralized government control of all aspects of life and harm inflicted on the very people that it was designed to protect.

"Here is a Newsmax look at 15 things The Donald has in common with The Gipper.
15 Things Trump and Reagan Have in Common
"1. Like Reagan, Trump is a Washington outsider. Reagan was twice elected governor of California but never served in Congress. Trump has never held political office. And then as now, being an outsider is a virtue to voters who desperately want change.

"2. Reagan was dismissed as a serious candidate, and so was Trump. 'The establishment critics said the exact same things about Reagan,' Jeffrey Lord, a former Reagan aide who is close to the Trump campaign, told The Telegraph. 'Reagan was ridiculed as 'not serious' and a B-movie actor, and they said over and over he could never win — until he did. It's happening again. I really feel it.'"

Breaking News at 15 Things Trump and Reagan Have in Common
Urgent: Do You Back Trump or Hillary? Vote Here Now!

IMHO, if Ronald Reagan and Dubya could be elected president, Trump could bury Hillary forever.
Trump is his own man. I wouldn't call him a Reagen clone at all.
I think you're creating something of a Straw Man argument by injecting the word "clone" into this discussion.

The OP suggests Trump might be rebranding himself in more Reaganesqe hues, and there are a number of significant issues Trump and Reagan agreed on:

"14. Trump and Reagan both have defended gun rights and the Second Amendment. Reagan in 1986 signed the Firearm Owners Protection Act, which among other things ended federal records-keeping on ammunition sales. He said if we give up 'that part of the Constitution" that is the Second Amendment, 'we give up part of our freedom and increase the chances that we will lose it all.' Trump told Breitbart News in April: 'It is so important that we maintain the Second Amendment and that we maintain it strongly. And one of the main reasons is because the good people, the upstanding people, follow laws and norms, but the bad ones don't.'

"15. Reagan was the first president who had been divorced. President Trump would be the second. Reagan divorced Jane Wyman before marrying Nancy Davis in 1952. Donald and Ivana Trump divorced and he went on to wed Marla Maples in 1993 and Melania Knauss in 2004."

Breaking News at 15 Things Trump and Reagan Have in Common
Urgent: Do You Back Trump or Hillary? Vote Here Now!
Trump is the antithesis of hollywood, i guess Donald and Ronald rhyme this time. sara silverman would play the part of Harriet Tubman. :cool:
awesome thread GP !
How are you defining "Hollywood?"

"7. Trump began as a Democrat before becoming a Republican. Reagan, too, was initially a liberal Democrat, but he backed Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon and went on to register as a Republican in 1964.

"8. Trump, like Reagan, has been a TV star. Reagan hosted 'General Electric Theater' in the 1950s and 'Death Valley Days' in the 1960s. Trump found TV stardom with 'The Apprentice' and 'Celebrity Apprentice.'"

Breaking News at
Urgent: Do You Back Trump or Hillary? Vote Here Now!
Trump as the Reagan Reboot – Consortiumnews
"Of course, Trump’s biggest reboot was lifted directly from Reagan’s winning campaign when he successfully sold the idea of a 'crusade to make America great again' at the 1980 GOP Convention. Trump has not only rebooted the line — which first appeared with Reagan’s face on buttons and posters — but he’s actually trademarked it and made it a popular culture mainstay. Sorry, Matt Taibbi. That isn’t 'stupid.' That’s how you own it."
Trump is almost a graduate of Reagan Charm School. big toe in the sand, awww shucks ma'am...

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