Is USA Civil War, Part II is Inevitable?

mitigate that paranoia
Which paranoia?
I think this "commie" stuff is cartoonish paranoia.

So Joe Biden quoting Mao is according to you just "cartoonish paranoia"?

Is the below also just "cartoonish paranoia"?

View attachment 363374
Yes. Calm down. Have a beer.

Mac you are what Josef Stalin would have called one of The Useful Idiots. This is not me doing an insult, it's me telling you what Josef Stalin called your type.
Maybe spend less energy going drama queen and spend more energy promoting smarter capitalism.

The only reason these people have anyone's ear is that capitalism has become distorted.

This ain't that complicated. But you folks would rather try to scare people. It's. Not. Working.
It’s amazing how many think we have good capitalism. How can any capitalist support tariffs? It’s crazy.
It's what they're told to think.

Socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards for their help.

I am not told what to think by anyone, I use me own Independent Thinking Process, nobody tells me what to think, I make my own decisions.

Mac is a cagey Marxist.
Yes, I'm the world's first commie financial advisor.


If your clients knew what you're really about, fair guess most could do better with a different one.
mitigate that paranoia
Which paranoia?
I think this "commie" stuff is cartoonish paranoia.

So Joe Biden quoting Mao is according to you just "cartoonish paranoia"?

Is the below also just "cartoonish paranoia"?

View attachment 363374
Yes. Calm down. Have a beer.

Mac you are what Josef Stalin would have called one of The Useful Idiots. This is not me doing an insult, it's me telling you what Josef Stalin called your type.
Maybe spend less energy going drama queen and spend more energy promoting smarter capitalism.

The only reason these people have anyone's ear is that capitalism has become distorted.

This ain't that complicated. But you folks would rather try to scare people. It's. Not. Working.
It’s amazing how many think we have good capitalism. How can any capitalist support tariffs? It’s crazy.
It's what they're told to think.

Socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards for their help.

I am not told what to think by anyone, I use me own Independent Thinking Process, nobody tells me what to think, I make my own decisions.

Mac is a cagey Marxist.
Yes, I'm the world's first commie financial advisor.


If your clients knew what you're really about, fair guess most could do better with a different one.
Or, you're just paranoid and ignorant.

One of the two.
mitigate that paranoia
Which paranoia?
I think this "commie" stuff is cartoonish paranoia.

So Joe Biden quoting Mao is according to you just "cartoonish paranoia"?

Is the below also just "cartoonish paranoia"?

View attachment 363374
Yes. Calm down. Have a beer.

Mac you are what Josef Stalin would have called one of The Useful Idiots. This is not me doing an insult, it's me telling you what Josef Stalin called your type.
Maybe spend less energy going drama queen and spend more energy promoting smarter capitalism.

The only reason these people have anyone's ear is that capitalism has become distorted.

This ain't that complicated. But you folks would rather try to scare people. It's. Not. Working.
It’s amazing how many think we have good capitalism. How can any capitalist support tariffs? It’s crazy.
It's what they're told to think.

Socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards for their help.

I am not told what to think by anyone, I use me own Independent Thinking Process, nobody tells me what to think, I make my own decisions.

Mac is a cagey Marxist.
Yes, I'm the world's first commie financial advisor.


If your clients knew what you're really about, fair guess most could do better with a different one.
Or, you're just paranoid and ignorant.

One of the two.

Glad to reduce you to usual.
mitigate that paranoia
Which paranoia?
I think this "commie" stuff is cartoonish paranoia.

So Joe Biden quoting Mao is according to you just "cartoonish paranoia"?

Is the below also just "cartoonish paranoia"?

View attachment 363374
Yes. Calm down. Have a beer.

Mac you are what Josef Stalin would have called one of The Useful Idiots. This is not me doing an insult, it's me telling you what Josef Stalin called your type.
Maybe spend less energy going drama queen and spend more energy promoting smarter capitalism.

The only reason these people have anyone's ear is that capitalism has become distorted.

This ain't that complicated. But you folks would rather try to scare people. It's. Not. Working.
It’s amazing how many think we have good capitalism. How can any capitalist support tariffs? It’s crazy.
It's what they're told to think.

Socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards for their help.

I am not told what to think by anyone, I use me own Independent Thinking Process, nobody tells me what to think, I make my own decisions.

Mac is a cagey Marxist.
Yes, I'm the world's first commie financial advisor.


If your clients knew what you're really about, fair guess most could do better with a different one.
Or, you're just paranoid and ignorant.

One of the two.

Glad to reduce you to usual.
Um, you jumped in with...

Oh, never mind. I'm sure you're right.
Please tell me I'm wrong!
What good would it do? You have allowed yourself to become convinced that Donald Trump is the only thing standing between you and absolute communist tyranny and misery.

There's nothing that can be said to address or mitigate that degree of paranoia.
Biden could have chosen billions of other quotes regarding women - he choose Chairman Mao!

BLM leadership brags they are Marxist.

Bernie Bros want to march Conservatives to the Gulag.

They are Marxists. You are either stupid or lying.
mitigate that paranoia
Which paranoia?
I think this "commie" stuff is cartoonish paranoia.

So Joe Biden quoting Mao is according to you just "cartoonish paranoia"?

Is the below also just "cartoonish paranoia"?

View attachment 363374
Yes. Calm down. Have a beer.

Mac you are what Josef Stalin would have called one of The Useful Idiots. This is not me doing an insult, it's me telling you what Josef Stalin called your type.
Maybe spend less energy going drama queen and spend more energy promoting smarter capitalism.

The only reason these people have anyone's ear is that capitalism has become distorted.

This ain't that complicated. But you folks would rather try to scare people. It's. Not. Working.
It’s amazing how many think we have good capitalism. How can any capitalist support tariffs? It’s crazy.
It's what they're told to think.

Socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards for their help.

I am not told what to think by anyone, I use me own Independent Thinking Process, nobody tells me what to think, I make my own decisions.

Mac is a cagey Marxist.
Yes, I'm the world's first commie financial advisor.


If your clients knew what you're really about, fair guess most could do better with a different one.
Or, you're just paranoid and ignorant.

One of the two.

Glad to reduce you to usual.
Um, you jumped in with...

Oh, never mind. I'm sure you're right.

Please tell me I'm wrong!
What good would it do? You have allowed yourself to become convinced that Donald Trump is the only thing standing between you and absolute communist tyranny and misery.

There's nothing that can be said to address or mitigate that degree of paranoia.
Biden could have chosen billions of other quotes regarding women - he choose Chairman Mao!

BLM leadership brags they are Marxist.

Bernie Bros want to march Conservatives to the Gulag.

They are Marxists. You are either stupid or lying.

He's a smart Marxist liar.
Its quite evident that the left is moving towards marxism/communism. They worship the state. It is their religion. It is all they have. This isn't difficult to discern.

What is difficult is why they are full court pressing at taking another stab at such a failed political/social theory?

I guess Hillary losing revived this crap!
I love you keyboard warriors. You'll be the first to hide in your mother's basement and run if the shit hits the fan.

Once again we have a ninny punk calling genuine WARRIORS their own little nicknames. I can tell you never say shit in who's the "keyboard warrior" ya little fairy?
Clearly it's easier to scream COMMIE that it is to make an intelligent case for capitalism.
I' not seen you ask that- can you make an intelligent case for another economic system?
I can make an intelligent case for both sides of any major issue.

I advocate for smart capitalism, and that's what it will take to keep the hardcore left wing for getting what they want.

What we're doing right now is not smart.
I can make an intelligent case for both sides of any major issue.

I advocate for smart capitalism, and that's what it will take to keep the hardcore left wing for getting what they want.

What we're doing right now is not smart.
Do it, then talk about it-
I advocate for smart capitalism, and that's what it will take to keep the hardcore left wing for getting what they want.

What we're doing right now is not smart.

Who gives a shit what maybe 5% of your "hardcore" left wing wants? The Weather Underground never got shit from us and they were five times the action communists this little band of misfits are. Tell me when Antifa robs a bank or bombs a building...then we'll decide how to deal with these little cowards.
With Loony Tunes Biden quoting Mao today "women hold up half the sky" it is clear that we can no longer share a country with the American Taliban. We are a house Divided against ourselves far more than when the democrats decided to fight us to keep their slaves. At least the democrat South still believed in the Constitution and the USA. Today's democrat + Communist = American Taliban Party shares NOTHING in common with Americans. They are AGAINST simply everything that makes us unique as a Country.

The best outcome is for a Trump victory and then an orderly, lawful elimination of the Coup plotters and the Antifa BLM funders. I seriously hardly give a fuck about the rank and file.

The Leadership of the American Taliban MUST be eliminated.

In the unlikely event Trump loses, there is no way we can continue as United States. The American Taliban proudly and boldly threatens our very lives and Liberties.

Please tell me I'm wrong!
Given your batting average, do you think you’re right?

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