Is your name written in God's book in indelible ink?



So I turn on the TV and I'm watching David Jeremiah give a sermon to a completely silent and enraptured audience. So many things I didn't know.

The rapture is very close. People at war, Israel in rebellion. Any day now. So who will be "saved"?

God keeps a book and everyone's name, even though they don't have one yet, is written into it at the moment of conception in indelible ink. Next to that is the day they are born. Next to that is the day they understand enough they understand the Gospel. Next to that is the day they welcome Christ. Next to that is the day they die. And when they die, since it's alphabetical, God can look you up and know your life.

When the "Great Tribulation" begins, out of all of Israel, only the Jews who believe in Christ will be saved, a remnant of a remnant.

We shouldn't sit around studying the nuances of the Bible. God has that. We should be out spreading the Gospel.

God told Danial three things:
Protect the prophecy

Precede with your life (the answers are sealed up. They are not for you to know.)

Prepare for the future


Don't you sense the tolerance for Christians is way less? It's nearly here, it's coming and we have to face it or be cowards. We can't be Secret Service Christians, we have to be stand up Christians.

We have the Good News of Salvation in these last days.

Buy Agents of Babylon. Or send off for free "Turning Points".


It blows my mind that people believe this stuff. I think the worse part was: We shouldn't sit around studying the nuances of the Bible. God has that. We should be out spreading the Gospel.

Don't study, just spread it around?

I got into a discussion with a cab driver one time. He was telling me "Bible Stuff". I told him I went to a Catholic School and what he was telling me was not in the Bible because the Bible is required reading. He told me I was wrong. So I asked him if he ever read the Bible and he said he didn't have to. His pastor tells him what it says and his pastor would never lie.
If you can convince people the end is near that they don't feel they need their money as much as you do, congrats. :)

A fool and their money are soon parted.
Mine isn't, because there is no book. :)

If not for the ethical objection to taking advantage of retarded people, I'd make an awesome prosperity-gospel type. :) Was on a fast track to becomming a rabbi once upon a time, but couldn't work through not believing in God. :)
Thank you for saving me from starting a new post on the exact same broadcast.
I was gonna post how his sermon proved my recent post on their thieving from Michael.
In his sermon he claims those who give themselves to Jesus are automatically written into the book of life.
(this would include Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, etc)
Well his comnent is more proof they give all Roles of Michael to Jesus as the thief.
Dan 12:1-4 is clear, by any other name = imposter.
Period the end.
Besides like I posted, their book is in death, they are only interested in signing people up for death, not life.
I just witnessed a minor miracle.

Rdean made a post without including the words "conservative" or "republican".

Maybe the world is coming to an end? ..... :eek-52:
So I turn on the TV and I'm watching David Jeremiah give a sermon to a completely silent and enraptured audience. So many things I didn't know.

The rapture is very close. People at war, Israel in rebellion. Any day now. So who will be "saved"?

God keeps a book and everyone's name, even though they don't have one yet, is written into it at the moment of conception in indelible ink. Next to that is the day they are born. Next to that is the day they understand enough they understand the Gospel. Next to that is the day they welcome Christ. Next to that is the day they die. And when they die, since it's alphabetical, God can look you up and know your life.

When the "Great Tribulation" begins, out of all of Israel, only the Jews who believe in Christ will be saved, a remnant of a remnant.

We shouldn't sit around studying the nuances of the Bible. God has that. We should be out spreading the Gospel.

God told Danial three things:
Protect the prophecy

Precede with your life (the answers are sealed up. They are not for you to know.)

Prepare for the future


Don't you sense the tolerance for Christians is way less? It's nearly here, it's coming and we have to face it or be cowards. We can't be Secret Service Christians, we have to be stand up Christians.

We have the Good News of Salvation in these last days.

Buy Agents of Babylon. Or send off for free "Turning Points".


It blows my mind that people believe this stuff. I think the worse part was: We shouldn't sit around studying the nuances of the Bible. God has that. We should be out spreading the Gospel.

Don't study, just spread it around?

I got into a discussion with a cab driver one time. He was telling me "Bible Stuff". I told him I went to a Catholic School and what he was telling me was not in the Bible because the Bible is required reading. He told me I was wrong. So I asked him if he ever read the Bible and he said he didn't have to. His pastor tells him what it says and his pastor would never lie.

Rapture is very close? A major load of bullshit. When I was a youngster you should have heard all the crap about the end times during the 2nd World War. Over 400,000 Americans died and the total deaths from all countries represented 3% of the world's population. There were signs along the road, "Jesus Is Coming Soon!" Damn strange that you don't see them now. Do you suppose a lot of folks have given up? I'll tell you what it might be.....Jesus has already returned but he just hangs out with twelve guys.
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