ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
ISIS militants released gruesome video footage this afternoon of the beheading of American photojournalist James Wright Foley as a message to the U.S. to stop intervening in Iraq. Foley, a freelancer who contributed to the Global Post, was first captured in Libya in 2012, released, and then kidnapped again around Thanksgiving 2012 by unidentified gunmen in Syria. He was 39 years old.
The (extremely disturbing) video can be viewed.....

ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.
ISIS militants released gruesome video footage this afternoon of the beheading of American photojournalist James Wright Foley as a message to the U.S. to stop intervening in Iraq. Foley, a freelancer who contributed to the Global Post, was first captured in Libya in 2012, released, and then kidnapped again around Thanksgiving 2012 by unidentified gunmen in Syria. He was 39 years old.
The (extremely disturbing) video can be viewed.....

ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.

Regardless of "sides" ISIS is beyond terorist, and "Muslims killing other Muslims, GOOD" doesn't cut it.
Under current standards this would appear to entitle ISIS to a Nobel Peace Prize.
Send the Bruhs to do the same to them. Our soldiers piss on their corpses and get slapped. When will we learn?
It was the journalists own fault for being there in the first place.

Not exactly his fault per se, but I agree that he assumed the risk when he went. It isn't a surprise that there are some places where a press pass is not some universally recognized diplomatic immunity.
Hey V, didn't realize you had a thread on this. Boy you were REALLY on top of this news!
Send the Bruhs to do the same to them. Our soldiers piss on their corpses and get slapped. When will we learn?

That would be when the 'Christian' West wakes up to itself and gets serious about the threat to its very existence from certain people.
Crystal clear just who those people are.

Wakes up, stops being decent, PC, appeasing, and grovelling....and starts singing the uptempo version of the Battle Hymn of The Republic as it blows ISIS barbarians/Islamic Jihadists to bits!

As a poster in the old NYT forums told me after that Hamas leader in the wheelchair was turned into swiss cheese;

"Dead terrorists do not kill anyone"
We in the West already knew that this brand of Muslim is barbaric. They are stupid also thinking that cutting off the head of a journalist is going to have any positive results for their goals.

All it will do is ramp up the air support being engaged by the U S.

At least a thousand more of these ignorant A-Holes will be blown to red mist for their effort to scare us into backing down.

The "tiger" was leaving anyway yet these morons in all their Muslim wisdom have decided to kick the beast with unspeakable ability to kill in the nuts.

Now they will be exposed by air strikes and the Kurds will gleefully mop up the wounded.
ISIS is about to be destroyed. As they should be.
True - Muslims are vicious beasts, civilized people can't be anywhere near them. 20,000 feet with Hellfires is the best distance for dealing with Muslims. :thup:
Especially ISIS, which make Al Qaeda or the Taliban look like teddy bears. ISIS doesn't deserve mercy, the more of the sick fucks dead and buried the better. The bombs and missiles should be given a good coating of pig fat, so ISIS fighters never reach the afterlife to rape virgins like they are doing to scores of women as we speak.
No video just some pictures. That aside with fat money comes risk. He knew what he was getting into.
Send the Bruhs to do the same to them. Our soldiers piss on their corpses and get slapped. When will we learn?


We set up ridiculous ROE's for our troops when we should just let them decide.

This IS crew are monsters in every way. Our troops should behead a few of them and to hell with the politics. Its the only language these dirtbags understand.

Behead the bastards and put it on Al Jazzera.

I, for one, would applaud.
I'm not watching any video of this. I just heard on the radio it took over 7 minutes to behead him, using a small knife. The hell that guy endured, imagine the terror and the pain, the realization that life will soon be over, never to see friends or loved ones again.

Fucking savages, subhuman filth who ought to be burned alive.
Especially ISIS, which make Al Qaeda or the Taliban look like teddy bears. ISIS doesn't deserve mercy, the more of the sick fucks dead and buried the better. The bombs and missiles should be given a good coating of pig fat, so ISIS fighters never reach the afterlife to rape virgins like they are doing to scores of women as we speak.

Only a moron believes in such nonsense but then we have plenty of morons here too that believe in all that christian gobletygook.

We should get the Iraqis to drop leaflets in the area CLAIMING that we dip the bombs and rockets in pig shit and grease on the carriers before we send em off. These people are dumb enough to believe it. I have no problem with using their stupidity against them. We couldn't do it because of world opinion but if the Iraqis did it the only ones the ISIS could blame would be those they are murdering.
Perhaps in response Obama will free more Gitmo terrorist. Who knows, that guy in black could be one of the 5 he already released. Could have took a break from his vacation villa/house arrest.
Regardless of "sides" ISIS is beyond terorist, and "Muslims killing other Muslims, GOOD" doesn't cut it.

As has been pointed out by minds greater than mine (what few there are hehe) calling ISIS 'Muslims' is like calling KKK 'Christians.'

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