ISIS inside Baghdad, will Obama ramp it up?

Obama or the west won't solve fight ISIL/ISIS with airstrikes. Supreme diplomacy or boots on the ground, either or. Obama reminds me of LBJ wimping out in Vietnam. Not making the ultimate commitment. Just do it. Man up.
a rw hacktard whose posts usually consist of two sentences, at most, in my head lol. You HAVE taken the Heritage Action/Fox brown acid :rofl:

whatever happened to the Repub battle cry "Stop spending!!!"?
You're the poster who keeps mentioning me in your posts. Yeah, I'm in your head. Carry on.
because you're posting AS IF vietraq began on January 20, 2009
Obama became Commander in Chief. He is now responsible on Jan 20, 2009. What is so difficult for you to understand?

Responsible for what? Sending more Americans to die in Iraq for a people that won't defend themselves?

What, exactly, is wrong with you? I'm genuinely curious...
Obama or the west won't solve fight ISIL/ISIS with airstrikes. Supreme diplomacy or boots on the ground, either or. Obama reminds me of LBJ wimping out in Vietnam. Not making the ultimate commitment. Just do it. Man up.

And what happened that was so bad that we lost in Vietnam? We were told that stopping NVN was vital to our interests.

We didn't stop them. Why are we still here?
Obama has stated he will Destroy ISIS..........


Which is nothing new to a Failure N Chief.........
Fuck you. I have firmly stated on MANY occasions on this forum what we should be/should have done.

Bombing Toyotas & vacant buildings was not part of my idea.

I gave my support to Obama from day one when he announced his decision. If he wants to keep that support he needs to make good on his plan. You know, decimate & destroy ISIS. FOURTEEN bombs a day is a god damn joke.
Actually the strategy is degrade and destroy. It is how we fight wars today, especially Iraq. Bush 41 and 43 both used the strategy until 43 veered off the page and decided to create an occupation force. Degrade comes before destroy. Destroying will take ground troops. At the present time the composition and abilities of those ground troops are unknown and various groups are being trained and equipped. The first part of the strategy, the degrade part is going slow because an abundance of caution to prevent losses and collateral damage are being taken. It's a good thing unless you prefer dead and beheaded airmen and civilian casualties. Whatever ground forces are used will be grateful for the degradation part of the strategy.
It's a good strategy that has certainly worked many times. I don't think there's any question that ground troops are going into Iraq. The question is when, how many, and their origin. It's been suggested that the greatest need in the Iraqi army is leadership. That can be provided without a massive number of troops.
there was too much corruption in their mil leadership ranks. They collected pay for ghost soldiers and made the real soldiers pay for uniforms/supplies that should have been given to them.
The military has always been corrupt in Iraq. Under Saddam, the military fought or ended up in Abu Ghraib or worse.

When we rebuilt the Iraqi military we made the erroneous assumption that they would fight for the nation if threaten. Nationalism, pride and patriotism demand it. The problem was that none of those attributes were present in the military. Being a solder in Iraq meant having a steady job, certainly not risking your life for the country.

Iraq has always been held together by force. Sunnis,Shiites, Kurds often refuse to work together. Baghdad and Basra are modern secular cities and have little in common with most of Iraq which consist of very small towns and villages filled with goat and sheep herders, peasant farmers, and Bedouins. Iraq is more of a region than a nation.

What the hell does that have to do with today?

Kiss my freaking ass. What part of ISIS invaded Iraq and has continued to gain ground all this year while your dearest fuck face leader played golf?

The division in Iraq has everything to do with their inability to protect the nation. Imagine a US army where Catholics would not eat at the same table with Protestants, military promotions based on political affiliation, and troops that refuse to defend those of other faiths.
air campaigns alone do not wars win PLUS the last Admin broke our treasury's back AND your people's love affair w/ fossil fuels has put us in this position w/ your initial, ill-advised, invasion that even Bush Sr. wrote a book advising against opening that genie bottle. Cheney's .

I want repubs like that hacktard- Ibentoken to voluntarily go on record to have their taxes raised to pay for all these, in their minds so-called "necessary wars"

. Dont enter this world. If Baghdad falls to ISIS I personally will go ballistic to the point that many won't be happy.

Please I like you. I do war very well. We can talk eco worlds after this.
Admin and Pentagon keep underestimating what ISIS is doing in Iraq.

They keep saying "oh, no way can Baghdad fall."


All it would take is for ISIS to launch well coordinated attack on Green Zone. That would be like cutting head of govt off.

That's where we've kept Iraq govt protected.
Are the Iraqis ever going to do anything?
According to Obama we have a couple years to get the locals ready for the fight.

I think his calculations were off by a couple years.

Liberals are fucking clueless on this subject.

If the NCOs and officers leading our own Navy SEALs abandoned the fight in a similar situation, the SEALs would be demoralized too.

I could say it, anyone could say it a million times, these dumbass libs will never grasp the dynamics there.
Are the Iraqis ever going to do anything?
According to Obama we have a couple years to get the locals ready for the fight.

I think his calculations were off by a couple years.
I don't think the locals give a fuck.

You've got to be kidding. Truly. You're joking right?

Ace is an idiot. I remember how hard he and a bunch of the libs argued with me about the SOFA for months....only to have Panetta (and Ambass and Generals) confirm my side of the argument. You'd think they'd just STFU after making such fools of themselves.
Hope not. Let the Peoples of the region sort out their problems. If that means them killing each other for several years, than so be it. I'm good with that. But we don't belong in their lands. It's time to come home.

I agree.

I could care less if they all kill each other. I sure don't want anymore of our military men and women killed in that shithole.

Enough is enough. We left Iraq with an Army, a Govt and a country that they could do what they wanted with.

If they couldn't hold onto their country and fight off jihadists then tough shit.

Its not our responsibility to fight their battles for em. I could care less if they wipe each other out.

I hear ya. If they wanna go on killing each other for years, than so be it. And it has nothing to do with righteous causes anyway. We're only there to control their Banking Systems and plunder their resources. That's the real reasons we're still there. But we've done enough damage. It's time to come home.

I respect you and Claudette a lot. I completely disagree with both of you on this topic. After the election I may take the time to explain how isolationists are in complete denial of the interdependent, global economy on which the US depends. And it's not just oil.

It's too long a discussion for now though.
Many Sunnis in Iraq will help ISIS. They've been abused by the U.S. Shiite Puppet Government for years. This is what the Iraq War has unleashed. It's ugly Blow Back. Haven't we done enough damage over there? Maybe it is time to withdraw from the Middle East?

Wrong. These people are the same people we've been fighting since the 90s, but with different names. People can pretend they just appeared in 2003, but it's not accurate. They're all Muslin extremists. Arguing over how they go about their extremism is irrelevant.
Obama or the west won't solve fight ISIL/ISIS with airstrikes. Supreme diplomacy or boots on the ground, either or. Obama reminds me of LBJ wimping out in Vietnam. Not making the ultimate commitment. Just do it. Man up.

And what happened that was so bad that we lost in Vietnam? We were told that stopping NVN was vital to our interests.

We didn't stop them. Why are we still here?
The US didn't 'wimp out in Vietnam', but it did have some really poor military planners who under-estimated the Viet Cong and expended vast resources on fighting pointlessly in the middle of the jungle - the US could have won in South Vietnam if it ignored the countryside and focused on protecting the urban centers and developing a capitalist (and democratic) alternative to North Vietnam.

Iraq though is even more complex, as you have various religious groups that hate each other and fought a civil war after the US deposed Saddam. But Shiites and Sunnis have been at each others throats for a long time in the Middle East, and Christians and Kurds are usually the victims when they can't find the 'wrong type of Muslim' to kill.

ISIS/ISIL is just the next group in a long line of religious extremist groups (with religious-nationalist ambitions) to carry out bloodshed. I don't trust the Iraqi army to win against them, best you can hope for (at the moment) is a divided Iraq with Baghdad, Southern Iraq, and most of the Kurdish territories not under ISIS/ISIL control.
Are the Iraqis ever going to do anything?
According to Obama we have a couple years to get the locals ready for the fight.

I think his calculations were off by a couple years.
Maybe that has more to do with the average Iraqi soldier, and less to do with a leader of a nation 5 thousand miles away...Do you blame your toilet when you have constipation?
a rw hacktard whose posts usually consist of two sentences, at most, in my head lol. You HAVE taken the Heritage Action/Fox brown acid :rofl:

whatever happened to the Repub battle cry "Stop spending!!!"?
You're the poster who keeps mentioning me in your posts. Yeah, I'm in your head. Carry on.
because you're posting AS IF vietraq began on January 20, 2009
Obama became Commander in Chief. He is now responsible on Jan 20, 2009. What is so difficult for you to understand?

Responsible for what? Sending more Americans to die in Iraq for a people that won't defend themselves?

What, exactly, is wrong with you? I'm genuinely curious...
Nothing wrong with me. What's wrong is you can't find the courage to hold your first black president responsible for doing his job. You're the problem.

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