ISIS inside Baghdad, will Obama ramp it up?

He got us out of iraq and then went against Gates, Bush, Panetta, and expert military advice by not leaving a residual force.

That's a lie but even it were true, he was right and they were wrong. Leaving a few thousand troops scattered around Iraq wouldn't have stopped the rise of ISIS and would only have guaranteed that more Americans died for nothing.
Don't use logic w/ "that one'. His head might explode :blowup:
Poor baby.

Fmr. defense secretary on disagreements with Obama -

I already proved that Panetta lying in other threads. Go search 'Panetta' under my username if you want to read about it.
Hillary also told Obama to leave a residual force. Everyone is lying. LOL. Pitiful.

Hillary is not President Hillary because she voted for the Iraq War.
Hey, did ISIS take Baghdad and take over the World yet? Ah, probably not. If the Nazis couldn't do it, i seriously doubt a few Terrorist nutters can.
Go suck some Paul cock ya smartass. You sound just like the lib pussies on here with your smart ass comments.

So they haven't taken Baghdad or took over the World yet? Yeah, that's what i thought. Seriously, you need to calm down. If the Nazis and Soviets couldn't take over the World, i'm pretty sure a couple thousand Terrorist kooks can't either.

The Iraq Military has been given several $Billions in American Tax Dollars. They have the weaponry and the numbers. They should be able to route ISIS. But if they can't, so be it. Our time is up over there. We've done enough damage. Time to withdraw from Iraq and the entire Middle East. We don't belong there.
Many Sunnis in Iraq will help ISIS. They've been abused by the U.S. Shiite Puppet Government for years. This is what the Iraq War has unleashed. It's ugly Blow Back. Haven't we done enough damage over there? Maybe it is time to withdraw from the Middle East?

Wrong. These people are the same people we've been fighting since the 90s, but with different names. People can pretend they just appeared in 2003, but it's not accurate. They're all Muslin extremists. Arguing over how they go about their extremism is irrelevant.

The Sunnis have been given good reason to support ISIS. The U.S. Shiite Puppet Government is treating them miserably. Just more Blow Back.
How many personnel do we have in Baghdad?

A LOT. Including contractors put in by State inside and outside GZ.
As of July 1st, there were 750 US troops in Iraq. This number increased to about 1,000 in Aug. In addition there are 300 military advisory.

Also in Aug, The U.S. Army Contracting Command posted a notice last month seeking contractors willing to work on an initial 12-month contract, who should be “cognizant of the goals of reducing tensions between Arabs and Kurds, and Sunni and Shias.”

They would focus on administration, force development, procurement and acquisition, contracting, training management, public affairs, logistics, personnel management, professional development, communications, planning and operations, infrastructure management, intelligence and executive development, the notice stated.

It appears that the US is increasing operations in Iraq in preparation for an extended military engagement. One can only guess what those plans might include. I think one thing is central to any planing. US has to bolster the Iraqi army with US advisers, equipment, and troops if necessary. For political purposes, the fight against ISIS must be seen as an Iraqi military engagement supported by the US and other nations, not the reverse.

How many U.S. troops are currently in Iraq - CBS News
In place of boots on the ground US seeks contractors for Iraq - News - Stripes
Details Emerge About U.S. Plans To Fight ISIS In Iraq NPR
How many personnel do we have in Baghdad?

A LOT. Including contractors put in by State inside and outside GZ.
As of July 1st, there were 750 US troops in Iraq. This number increased to about 1,000 in Aug. In addition there are 300 military advisory.

Also in Aug, The U.S. Army Contracting Command posted a notice last month seeking contractors willing to work on an initial 12-month contract, who should be “cognizant of the goals of reducing tensions between Arabs and Kurds, and Sunni and Shias.”

They would focus on administration, force development, procurement and acquisition, contracting, training management, public affairs, logistics, personnel management, professional development, communications, planning and operations, infrastructure management, intelligence and executive development, the notice stated.

It appears that the US is increasing operations in Iraq in preparation for an extended military engagement. One can only guess what those plans might include. I think one thing is central to any planing. US has to bolster the Iraqi army with US advisers, equipment, and troops if necessary. For political purposes, the fight against ISIS must be seen as an Iraqi military engagement supported by the US and other nations, not the reverse.

How many U.S. troops are currently in Iraq - CBS News
In place of boots on the ground US seeks contractors for Iraq - News - Stripes
Details Emerge About U.S. Plans To Fight ISIS In Iraq NPR

We'll be in Iraq for many many years. We never left.
Nothing wrong with me. What's wrong is you can't find the courage to hold your first black president responsible for doing his job. You're the problem.

He got us out of Iraq. That was his job. I've already taken him to task for letting us get sucked back in.

It is outrageous to support the idea of American soldiers to have to go and do the fighting and dying for Iraqis who refuse to. Not one American should be harmed in that cause.
He got us out of iraq and then went against Gates, Bush, Panetta, and expert military advice by not leaving a residual force.

That's a lie but even it were true, he was right and they were wrong. Leaving a few thousand troops scattered around Iraq wouldn't have stopped the rise of ISIS and would only have guaranteed that more Americans died for nothing.
It's true. So all the people with experience in these matters were wrong and the Affirmative Action organizer was right. I think we've found the problem.

Virtually everyone in the Bush administration that perpetrated the disaster of Iraq had more 'experience' than Obama.

And yet Obama knew it was a bad idea as early as 2002.

Go figure.
yep, last Repub Admin "let the genie out of the bottle" & is now bellyaching (see OP & Ibentoken) that the the current President (then Senator who vehemently opposed the foreign policy disaster known as vietraq) can't get the genie back in the bottle that the Repubs let out. You can't make this stuff up. It would be comical were it not so catastrophic to this great nation in treasure & lives lost.
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.
That's a lie but even it were true, he was right and they were wrong. Leaving a few thousand troops scattered around Iraq wouldn't have stopped the rise of ISIS and would only have guaranteed that more Americans died for nothing.
Don't use logic w/ "that one'. His head might explode :blowup:
Poor baby.

Fmr. defense secretary on disagreements with Obama -

I already proved that Panetta lying in other threads. Go search 'Panetta' under my username if you want to read about it.
Hillary also told Obama to leave a residual force. Everyone is lying. LOL. Pitiful.

Hillary is not President Hillary because she voted for the Iraq War.
He got us out of Iraq. That was his job. I've already taken him to task for letting us get sucked back in.

It is outrageous to support the idea of American soldiers to have to go and do the fighting and dying for Iraqis who refuse to. Not one American should be harmed in that cause.
He got us out of iraq and then went against Gates, Bush, Panetta, and expert military advice by not leaving a residual force.

That's a lie but even it were true, he was right and they were wrong. Leaving a few thousand troops scattered around Iraq wouldn't have stopped the rise of ISIS
He got us out of Iraq. That was his job. I've already taken him to task for letting us get sucked back in.

It is outrageous to support the idea of American soldiers to have to go and do the fighting and dying for Iraqis who refuse to. Not one American should be harmed in that cause.
He got us out of iraq and then went against Gates, Bush, Panetta, and expert military advice by not leaving a residual force.

That's a lie but even it were true, he was right and they were wrong. Leaving a few thousand troops scattered around Iraq wouldn't have stopped the rise of ISIS and would only have guaranteed that more Americans died for nothing.
It's true. So all the people with experience in these matters were wrong and the Affirmative Action organizer was right. I think we've found the problem.

Virtually everyone in the Bush administration that perpetrated the disaster of Iraq had more 'experience' than Obama.

And yet Obama knew it was a bad idea as early as 2002.

Go figure.
yep, last Repub Admin "let the genie out of the bottle" & is now bellyaching (see OP & Ibentoken) that the the current President (then Senator who vehemently opposed the foreign policy disaster known as vietraq) can't get the genie back in the bottle that the Repubs let out. You can't make this stuff up. It would be comical were it not so catastrophic to this great nation in treasure & lives lost.

and would only have guaranteed that more Americans died for nothing.
It's true. So all the people with experience in these matters were wrong and the Affirmative Action organizer was right. I think we've found the problem.

Virtually everyone in the Bush administration that perpetrated the disaster of Iraq had more 'experience' than Obama.

And yet Obama knew it was a bad idea as early as 2002.

Go figure.
yep, last Repub Admin "let the genie out of the bottle" & is now bellyaching (see OP & Ibentoken) that the the current President (then Senator who vehemently opposed the foreign policy disaster known as vietraq) can't get the genie back in the bottle that the Repubs let out. You can't make this stuff up. It would be comical were it not so catastrophic to this great nation in treasure & lives lost.
So all that bragging in 2012 by Obama on how successful Iraq now was is by your own admission just BS.
Many Sunnis in Iraq will help ISIS. They've been abused by the U.S. Shiite Puppet Government for years. This is what the Iraq War has unleashed. It's ugly Blow Back. Haven't we done enough damage over there? Maybe it is time to withdraw from the Middle East?

Wrong. These people are the same people we've been fighting since the 90s, but with different names. People can pretend they just appeared in 2003, but it's not accurate. They're all Muslin extremists. Arguing over how they go about their extremism is irrelevant.

The Sunnis have been given good reason to support ISIS. The U.S. Shiite Puppet Government is treating them miserably. Just more Blow Back.
No doubt there are many Sunnis that hate the Iraqi government. The old proverb, "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" describes the Iraqi Sunni support. The Sunnis are using ISIS like a crowbar to break the Iraqi government. There goal is certainly not a unified Islamic republic controlled by Isis. The Sunnis want Iraq partitioned into three new proto-states: Sunnistan in the west, Kurdistan in the north and an Iranian Shiite protectorate stretching from Baghdad east to the Arabian Sea and oil port of Basra. Another major difference between ISIS and Iraqi Sunnis is their view of Islam. Although Sunnis are less secular than the Shiites, they are not about to accept the lSIS's vision of Muslim life.
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.
The last report I saw stated we were averaging 14 bombings per day.

Hardly the bank breaker you keep making it out to be.

Perhaps if you got more info from places other than tinfoilhatsrus you might be better informed?
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.
The last report I saw stated we were averaging 14 bombings per day.

Hardly the bank breaker you keep making it out to be.

Perhaps if you got more info from places other than tinfoilhatsrus you might be better informed?

Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.
The last report I saw stated we were averaging 14 bombings per day.

Hardly the bank breaker you keep making it out to be.

Perhaps if you got more info from places other than tinfoilhatsrus you might be better informed?

Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.
The last report I saw stated we were averaging 14 bombings per day.

Hardly the bank breaker you keep making it out to be.

Perhaps if you got more info from places other than tinfoilhatsrus you might be better informed?

Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.

Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
One thing you have to give the Libertarian element. They are not afraid to unequivocally state what they want Obama or the US to do or not do.

Alleged right wingers, on the other hand, would rather rip off their own jawbone than state what they would like Obama or the US to do about ISIS or the Middle East or Iran or any other foreign policy matter. They will do flips and twists to avoid doing so.

Any jackass can criticize what the other guy is doing. It takes balls to offer up a plan, and these pessimistic whiny bitches are sorely lacking.
Fuck you. I have firmly stated on MANY occasions on this forum what we should be/should have done.

Bombing Toyotas & vacant buildings was not part of my idea.

I gave my support to Obama from day one when he announced his decision. If he wants to keep that support he needs to make good on his plan. You know, decimate & destroy ISIS. FOURTEEN bombs a day is a god damn joke.
Actually the strategy is degrade and destroy. It is how we fight wars today, especially Iraq. Bush 41 and 43 both used the strategy until 43 veered off the page and decided to create an occupation force. Degrade comes before destroy. Destroying will take ground troops. At the present time the composition and abilities of those ground troops are unknown and various groups are being trained and equipped. The first part of the strategy, the degrade part is going slow because an abundance of caution to prevent losses and collateral damage are being taken. It's a good thing unless you prefer dead and beheaded airmen and civilian casualties. Whatever ground forces are used will be grateful for the degradation part of the strategy.
It's a good strategy that has certainly worked many times. I don't think there's any question that ground troops are going into Iraq. The question is when, how many, and their origin. It's been suggested that the greatest need in the Iraqi army is leadership. That can be provided without a massive number of troops.
there was too much corruption in their mil leadership ranks. They collected pay for ghost soldiers and made the real soldiers pay for uniforms/supplies that should have been given to them.
The military has always been corrupt in Iraq. Under Saddam, the military fought or ended up in Abu Ghraib or worse.

When we rebuilt the Iraqi military we made the erroneous assumption that they would fight for the nation if threaten. Nationalism, pride and patriotism demand it. The problem was that none of those attributes were present in the military. Being a solder in Iraq meant having a steady job, certainly not risking your life for the country.

Iraq has always been held together by force. Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds often refuse to work together. Baghdad and Basra are modern secular cities and have little in common with most of Iraq which consist of very small towns and villages filled with goat and sheep herders, peasant farmers, and Bedouins. Languages vary as you go through the country. About half the people speak Arabic and reminder speak Kurdish or Turkmen. Politically the country is extremely divided with over 25 political parities in Parliament. The best way to describe Iraq is a nation divided, very divided.

"Nationalism, pride and patriotism demand it. The problem was that none of those attributes were present in the military."

Flopper, this was not my experience with most Iraqis. Are you familiar with CPATT...the organization that trained police, border patrol, etc.? I worked very closely with them.

The folks in charge of training them used to say it would be hard to rewire the thinking of a lot of current
Are the Iraqis ever going to do anything?

You really are an idiot on this topic. We'll call ya when it's all over and update ya. (roll eyes)
Yes, because the Iraqi Army has put up such a great fight against ISIS.

What part of "command structure missing" you not grasp?? That's missing because your hero, the great idiotic Obama pulled out.
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.
The last report I saw stated we were averaging 14 bombings per day.

Hardly the bank breaker you keep making it out to be.

Perhaps if you got more info from places other than tinfoilhatsrus you might be better informed?

Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.

Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
You fucking quoted the president and you're gonna question my source?


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