ISIS inside Baghdad, will Obama ramp it up?

It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.
The last report I saw stated we were averaging 14 bombings per day.

Hardly the bank breaker you keep making it out to be.

Perhaps if you got more info from places other than tinfoilhatsrus you might be better informed?

Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
wonder if OP & his "yes man"- Ibentoken are willing to have their taxes raised to pay for yet another war for oil.

I've found that many who call themselves 'Small Government Conservatives', are really Big Government Neocons/Progressives. I see almost no evidence that they're for Small Government. I suspect the OP is one of em.
I am for what is right regardless of what stupid political box you try to place me in.
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.
The last report I saw stated we were averaging 14 bombings per day.

Hardly the bank breaker you keep making it out to be.

Perhaps if you got more info from places other than tinfoilhatsrus you might be better informed?

Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
wonder if OP & his "yes man"- Ibentoken are willing to have their taxes raised to pay for yet another war for oil.
I bet you wonder about a lot of things.
LOL, dotcommie prob wonders if Iraq is in South America or Africa. Poor idiot doesn't even understand a map.
The last report I saw stated we were averaging 14 bombings per day.

Hardly the bank breaker you keep making it out to be.

Perhaps if you got more info from places other than tinfoilhatsrus you might be better informed?

Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.

Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
Repubs are in bed w/ defense contractors. Have been & will continue to be. Corporate welfare/cronyism

I think your hubby must have hidden you daily dose of Bon Bons cause you're gettin quite looney in this thread.

I pretty much skip over her dumbass posts....unless I'm looking for a good chuckle....then her posts in these serious threads has a value. :)
Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
You fucking quoted the president and you're gonna question my source?


What will the costs be? How many $Billions in Tax Dollars are gonna be flushed on this Intervention/War? What benefit will it be to Average Americans? The answer is, none whatsoever. They'll just be forced to pay for yet another absurd Globalist Elite scam.
That is your OPINION. Nothing more. You are certainly entitled to it but you are not entitled to force it upon me.

Why not? You guys have been forcing endless Intervention/War on us for many many years. Maybe it's time for us to force some things on you?
Dude your problem is not with me. The sooner you realize that the better. I don't have a hotline to the white house or the defense industry.
I'm not going to change your mind anymore than you are going to change mine.

This thread is about the tactics in use currently in Iraq. If you want to have a discussion about the morality of war please feel free to create a thread based on that premise.

How much more of your Tax Dollars do you want to be flushed down the endless Intervention/War toilet? What are you getting out of it?
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.
The last report I saw stated we were averaging 14 bombings per day.

Hardly the bank breaker you keep making it out to be.

Perhaps if you got more info from places other than tinfoilhatsrus you might be better informed?

Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
wonder if OP & his "yes man"- Ibentoken are willing to have their taxes raised to pay for yet another war for oil.

I've found that many who call themselves 'Small Government Conservatives', are really Big Government Neocons/Progressives. I see almost no evidence that they're for Small Government. I suspect the OP is one of em.
I am for what is right regardless of what stupid political box you try to place me in.

Try truly being a 'Small Government Conservative.' Stop being a cross-hybrid Big Government Neocon/Progressive. Once you do that, you'll begin doing the right thing more often.
He got us out of Iraq. That was his job. I've already taken him to task for letting us get sucked back in.

It is outrageous to support the idea of American soldiers to have to go and do the fighting and dying for Iraqis who refuse to. Not one American should be harmed in that cause.
He got us out of iraq and then went against Gates, Bush, Panetta, and expert military advice by not leaving a residual force.

That's a lie but even it were true, he was right and they were wrong. Leaving a few thousand troops scattered around Iraq wouldn't have stopped the rise of ISIS and would only have guaranteed that more Americans died for nothing.
It's true. So all the people with experience in these matters were wrong and the Affirmative Action organizer was right. I think we've found the problem.

Virtually everyone in the Bush administration that perpetrated the disaster of Iraq had more 'experience' than Obama.

And yet Obama knew it was a bad idea as early as 2002.

Go figure.
yep, last Repub Admin "let the genie out of the bottle" & is now bellyaching (see OP & Ibentoken) that the the current President (then Senator who vehemently opposed the foreign policy disaster known as vietraq) can't get the genie back in the bottle that the Repubs let out. You can't make this stuff up. It would be comical were it not so catastrophic to this great nation in treasure & lives lost.

You act like Muslim extremists just showed up in 2003.

Uhhhhhhhh, NO

Dumb ass.
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.

I'll have this discussion with you after the election, P. Like I said, you ask fair questions.

But my short answer is one of the few things the FEDERAL govt SHOULD be paying for is national defense....not all this other welfare crap.

I'd be limiting fed expeditures WAYYYYYYYYYYY down and the first thing on the list is national security.
The last report I saw stated we were averaging 14 bombings per day.

Hardly the bank breaker you keep making it out to be.

Perhaps if you got more info from places other than tinfoilhatsrus you might be better informed?

Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.

Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
Repubs are in bed w/ defense contractors. Have been & will continue to be. Corporate welfare/cronyism

I think your hubby must have hidden you daily dose of Bon Bons cause you're gettin quite looney in this thread.
you ever serve? When where? i ask because you, like most rw career civilians in this thread have no problem sending other people to carry out your zany, unpaid-for, rw world police actions.
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.

I'll have this discussion with you after the election, P. Like I said, you ask fair questions.

But my short answer is one of the few things the FEDERAL govt SHOULD be paying for is national defense....not all this other welfare crap.

I'd be limiting fed expeditures WAYYYYYYYYYYY down and the first thing on the list is national security.

defense contractor AKA corporate welfare dwarfs whatever you're talking about Sugar Shorts.
But back to the discussion of Baghdad, rumors of attack on GreenZone made me nervous in 04, but if I were there now, I'd be panicked w Obama as CINC.

My heart goes out to the people working there now....military and non military.
It's not getting much play in the Government/Corporate Media, but how much is this round the clock bombing costing American Taxpayers? Those planes, drones, and bombs sure ain't cheap. It's incredibly costly to bomb around the clock. So, how many $Billions is this round of Intervention/War gonna cost us? Something the self-avowed 'Small Government Conservatives' on this Board should contemplate.

I'll have this discussion with you after the election, P. Like I said, you ask fair questions.

But my short answer is one of the few things the FEDERAL govt SHOULD be paying for is national defense....not all this other welfare crap.

I'd be limiting fed expeditures WAYYYYYYYYYYY down and the first thing on the list is national security.

defense contractor AKA corporate welfare dwarfs whatever you're talking about Sugar Shorts.
Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.

Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
Repubs are in bed w/ defense contractors. Have been & will continue to be. Corporate welfare/cronyism

I think your hubby must have hidden you daily dose of Bon Bons cause you're gettin quite looney in this thread.
you ever serve? When where? i ask because you, like most rw career civilians in this thread have no problem sending other people to carry out your zany, unpaid-for, rw world police actions.

I served in the military...........and I later served in Iraq as a civilian.
Failed post. So STFU.
Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.

Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
Repubs are in bed w/ defense contractors. Have been & will continue to be. Corporate welfare/cronyism

I think your hubby must have hidden you daily dose of Bon Bons cause you're gettin quite looney in this thread.
you ever serve? When where? i ask because you, like most rw career civilians in this thread have no problem sending other people to carry out your zany, unpaid-for, rw world police actions.
Opinions do not require service.

Thanks for yet another pointless contribution
Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.

Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
Repubs are in bed w/ defense contractors. Have been & will continue to be. Corporate welfare/cronyism

I think your hubby must have hidden you daily dose of Bon Bons cause you're gettin quite looney in this thread.

I pretty much skip over her dumbass posts....unless I'm looking for a good chuckle....then her posts in these serious threads has a value. :)
says the chick who claims to have changed airplane tires for 10 years then did a "Palin" (quit 1/2 way through :clap2: )
Well, some in the Military are boasting about 'round the clock' bombing. In fact, i even saw the President on TV boasting about it too. But regardless, operating all the planes, helicopters, drones, and the bombs, is incredibly costly. We'll probably never be given the official numbers, but i can assure you the numbers are staggering. It's something a self-avowed 'Small Government Conservative' should be very concerned with.
The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.

Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
Repubs are in bed w/ defense contractors. Have been & will continue to be. Corporate welfare/cronyism

I think your hubby must have hidden you daily dose of Bon Bons cause you're gettin quite looney in this thread.
you ever serve? When where? i ask because you, like most rw career civilians in this thread have no problem sending other people to carry out your zany, unpaid-for, rw world police actions.

In fairness, both Parties have advanced the 'Permanent War' agenda for many years. This is a great piece from John Stossel on how Neocons and Progressives are really the same entity in the end. They're both staunch supporters of endless Intervention/War...

The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.

Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
Repubs are in bed w/ defense contractors. Have been & will continue to be. Corporate welfare/cronyism

I think your hubby must have hidden you daily dose of Bon Bons cause you're gettin quite looney in this thread.

I pretty much skip over her dumbass posts....unless I'm looking for a good chuckle....then her posts in these serious threads has a value. :)
says the chick who claims to have changed airplane tires for 10 years then did a "Palin" (quit 1/2 way through :clap2: )
Obama is Commander n Chief. He never served. You can't be this stupid.
OP needs to put down the neocon (unpaid-for wars) kool aid. You can tell his thread is a FAIL when the two people supporting him are Ibentoken & Ecolichic :rofl:
The last report I saw was an actual pentagon briefing. Not some hyperbole spouted off by some super secret confidential source reported on a paranoiaisus website.

Yeah, cuz the Pentagon always tells ya the truth. Come on man!
Repubs are in bed w/ defense contractors. Have been & will continue to be. Corporate welfare/cronyism

I think your hubby must have hidden you daily dose of Bon Bons cause you're gettin quite looney in this thread.

I pretty much skip over her dumbass posts....unless I'm looking for a good chuckle....then her posts in these serious threads has a value. :)
says the chick who claims to have changed airplane tires for 10 years then did a "Palin" (quit 1/2 way through :clap2: )

LOL, I squashed the few smart liberals on here with facts over the SOFA discussion, dimwit.... I can squash you with just a glance on this.

Oh, and hey.......I also cooked up ebola in Iraqi and Syrian labs.

Plz repeat that too....pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze

Did I miss it or did dotcommie explain her extensive experience in Iraq on this thread? Musta missed it. LOL

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