ISIS inside Baghdad, will Obama ramp it up?

unfinished & unpaid for repub instigated wars dropped in the Democratic President's lap. 'twas ever thus.

un-subbed :bye1:

Life is too short to try to inject reality into this rw kool aid thread. Theres a reason that only two zany rw'ers are posting in it besides OP ;)
unfinished & unpaid for repub instigated wars dropped in the Democratic President's lap. 'twas ever thus.

un-subbed :bye1:

Life is too short to try to inject reality into this rw kool aid thread. Theres a reason that only two zany rw'ers are posting in it besides OP ;)
You're pitiful.
unfinished & unpaid for repub instigated wars dropped in the Democratic President's lap. 'twas ever thus.

un-subbed :bye1:

Life is too short to try to inject reality into this rw kool aid thread. Theres a reason that only two zany rw'ers are posting in it besides OP ;)

Blah blah blah............yawn.

Show us where Iraq is on the map again, dummy?
unfinished & unpaid for repub instigated wars dropped in the Democratic President's lap. 'twas ever thus.

un-subbed :bye1:

Life is too short to try to inject reality into this rw kool aid thread. Theres a reason that only two zany rw'ers are posting in it besides OP ;)

that only two zany rw'ers are posting in it besides OP ;)

Yeah.....imagine someone with as much extensive experience in Iraq as myself posting in a thread about Baghdad. LOL

And the answer to the OP is no, he will not.

You know how I know, twinkle toes? Because I actually understand the topic.

You do NOT
I have the solution. Let's leave their lands. Those lands belong to the Peoples of those lands. We don't belong there. We never did. We now control most of their Banking Systems and have plundered enough of their resources. We can come home now. Time to end Endless War.

Assad is having the time of his life. And I'm thrilled for him.

Because our western mother fucking leaders have validated that he has been fighting terrorists and not rebels all along.

If our idiotic morons who are running amuck these days would stop trying to depose Assad he could take them out in a heartbeat.

Look at the idiocy. Our leaders are still trying to say they have a freaking game plan by training rebels.

Oh Lord Almighty! They have been doing that since 2011.

I'll take Assad any day over the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood or ISIS.

Our leaders are fools.
Are the Iraqis ever going to do anything?
According to Obama we have a couple years to get the locals ready for the fight.

I think his calculations were off by a couple years.
Maybe that has more to do with the average Iraqi soldier, and less to do with a leader of a nation 5 thousand miles away...Do you blame your toilet when you have constipation?

How about attending meetings who could have warned Obama of this? Hell's bells why don't we just get the freaking assholes in his administration jump into USMB and we could have filled them in. I'm just rock and roller but I was screaming on this board about ISIS and al Nusra because I follow middle east issues because I work with human rights specifically female human rights. Right from the 90's baby.

ISIS invaded Iraq. From Syria. Your dear leader/mine Harper/Cameron and others thought they were going to get what we call up here a 2 / 4.

You have to understand and clearly I cannot believe the CIA didn't realize the timeline of ISIS taking over 1/3 of Syria.

Last year.

Obama/Harper/Cameron own this shit.

By the way I'm between a rock and a hard place. If I take out Harper on this issue I open the door to the Liberals and their baby boy Justin Trudeau.

This politically is a hard go for me.
Obama administration repeatedly says Assad must g…:

'Regime Change' is Bullshit. It's exactly how ISIS came about.

So you disagree with the Obama administration.

Yes. 'Regime Change' is immoral and unjust. I mean, would we accept Nations declaring 'Regime Change' on us? And it also usually leads to awful Blow Back. ISIS is a perfect example. We had no business getting involved with Syria's Civil War. Period, end of story.
Also, it's important to point out that ISIS is not inside Baghdad. The OP is mistaken.
unfinished & unpaid for repub instigated wars dropped in the Democratic President's lap. 'twas ever thus.

un-subbed :bye1:

Life is too short to try to inject reality into this rw kool aid thread. Theres a reason that only two zany rw'ers are posting in it besides OP ;)

I don't remember Bush trying to overthrow Egypt. I don't remember that at all.

Maybe you can clue me in on this one. Obama and Harper and Cameron dislodged Mubarak and handed the country over to your guys buddies the Muslim Brotherhood.

Then went for Gaddafi. We came. We saw We killed him Hillary douchebag.

Isn't it swell in Libya now?

Your fucking government has been trying to take out Assad. I want to know from my end because over this alone I can block two men who should take over from Harper.

Now you overthrew the Ukraine over 70 so in Maidan Square what a joke.

YOU, YOU AND YOUR MOTHER FUCKING PRESIDENT have now cost over 4000 lives in east Ukraine.

He got us out of iraq and then went against Gates, Bush, Panetta, and expert military advice by not leaving a residual force.

That's a lie but even it were true, he was right and they were wrong. Leaving a few thousand troops scattered around Iraq wouldn't have stopped the rise of ISIS and would only have guaranteed that more Americans died for nothing.
It's true. So all the people with experience in these matters were wrong and the Affirmative Action organizer was right. I think we've found the problem.

Virtually everyone in the Bush administration that perpetrated the disaster of Iraq had more 'experience' than Obama.

And yet Obama knew it was a bad idea as early as 2002.

Go figure.
yep, last Repub Admin "let the genie out of the bottle" & is now bellyaching (see OP & Ibentoken) that the the current President (then Senator who vehemently opposed the foreign policy disaster known as vietraq) can't get the genie back in the bottle that the Repubs let out. You can't make this stuff up. It would be comical were it not so catastrophic to this great nation in treasure & lives lost.

You act like Muslim extremists just showed up in 2003.

Uhhhhhhhh, NO

Dumb ass.

Muslim extremists were never a threat to the US until we began to meddle in ME affairs.
That's a lie but even it were true, he was right and they were wrong. Leaving a few thousand troops scattered around Iraq wouldn't have stopped the rise of ISIS and would only have guaranteed that more Americans died for nothing.
It's true. So all the people with experience in these matters were wrong and the Affirmative Action organizer was right. I think we've found the problem.

Virtually everyone in the Bush administration that perpetrated the disaster of Iraq had more 'experience' than Obama.

And yet Obama knew it was a bad idea as early as 2002.

Go figure.
yep, last Repub Admin "let the genie out of the bottle" & is now bellyaching (see OP & Ibentoken) that the the current President (then Senator who vehemently opposed the foreign policy disaster known as vietraq) can't get the genie back in the bottle that the Repubs let out. You can't make this stuff up. It would be comical were it not so catastrophic to this great nation in treasure & lives lost.

You act like Muslim extremists just showed up in 2003.

Uhhhhhhhh, NO

Dumb ass.

Muslim extremists were never a threat to the US until we began to meddle in ME affairs.
That's a lie but even it were true, he was right and they were wrong. Leaving a few thousand troops scattered around Iraq wouldn't have stopped the rise of ISIS and would only have guaranteed that more Americans died for nothing.
It's true. So all the people with experience in these matters were wrong and the Affirmative Action organizer was right. I think we've found the problem.

Virtually everyone in the Bush administration that perpetrated the disaster of Iraq had more 'experience' than Obama.

And yet Obama knew it was a bad idea as early as 2002.

Go figure.
yep, last Repub Admin "let the genie out of the bottle" & is now bellyaching (see OP & Ibentoken) that the the current President (then Senator who vehemently opposed the foreign policy disaster known as vietraq) can't get the genie back in the bottle that the Repubs let out. You can't make this stuff up. It would be comical were it not so catastrophic to this great nation in treasure & lives lost.

You act like Muslim extremists just showed up in 2003.

Uhhhhhhhh, NO

Dumb ass.

Muslim extremists were never a threat to the US until we began to meddle in ME affairs.

Jefferson s War America s First War on Terror 1801-1805 by Joseph Wheelan Reviews Discussion Bookclubs Lists
a rw hacktard whose posts usually consist of two sentences, at most, in my head lol. You HAVE taken the Heritage Action/Fox brown acid :rofl:

whatever happened to the Repub battle cry "Stop spending!!!"?
You're the poster who keeps mentioning me in your posts. Yeah, I'm in your head. Carry on.
because you're posting AS IF vietraq began on January 20, 2009
Obama became Commander in Chief. He is now responsible on Jan 20, 2009. What is so difficult for you to understand?

Responsible for what? Sending more Americans to die in Iraq for a people that won't defend themselves?

What, exactly, is wrong with you? I'm genuinely curious...

STFU, you were never there, I was. That's why I know everything out of your mouth is bullshit on this topic.

Won't defend themselves??? I'll match my first hand experiences with them defending themselves (along with defending me) with your NON EXPERIENCE in Iraq any minute, any day, any hour.

Really? Then explain how a force of a few thousand fighters is able to be threatening Baghdad against an Iraq army of half a million.
You're the poster who keeps mentioning me in your posts. Yeah, I'm in your head. Carry on.
because you're posting AS IF vietraq began on January 20, 2009
Obama became Commander in Chief. He is now responsible on Jan 20, 2009. What is so difficult for you to understand?

Responsible for what? Sending more Americans to die in Iraq for a people that won't defend themselves?

What, exactly, is wrong with you? I'm genuinely curious...

STFU, you were never there, I was. That's why I know everything out of your mouth is bullshit on this topic.

Won't defend themselves??? I'll match my first hand experiences with them defending themselves (along with defending me) with your NON EXPERIENCE in Iraq any minute, any day, any hour.

Really? Then explain how a force of a few thousand fighters is able to be threatening Baghdad against an Iraq army of half a million.
That's a good question. Obama has been Commander n Chief for almost 6 years. Ask him.
It's true. So all the people with experience in these matters were wrong and the Affirmative Action organizer was right. I think we've found the problem.

Virtually everyone in the Bush administration that perpetrated the disaster of Iraq had more 'experience' than Obama.

And yet Obama knew it was a bad idea as early as 2002.

Go figure.
yep, last Repub Admin "let the genie out of the bottle" & is now bellyaching (see OP & Ibentoken) that the the current President (then Senator who vehemently opposed the foreign policy disaster known as vietraq) can't get the genie back in the bottle that the Repubs let out. You can't make this stuff up. It would be comical were it not so catastrophic to this great nation in treasure & lives lost.

You act like Muslim extremists just showed up in 2003.

Uhhhhhhhh, NO

Dumb ass.

Muslim extremists were never a threat to the US until we began to meddle in ME affairs.
It's true. So all the people with experience in these matters were wrong and the Affirmative Action organizer was right. I think we've found the problem.

Virtually everyone in the Bush administration that perpetrated the disaster of Iraq had more 'experience' than Obama.

And yet Obama knew it was a bad idea as early as 2002.

Go figure.
yep, last Repub Admin "let the genie out of the bottle" & is now bellyaching (see OP & Ibentoken) that the the current President (then Senator who vehemently opposed the foreign policy disaster known as vietraq) can't get the genie back in the bottle that the Repubs let out. You can't make this stuff up. It would be comical were it not so catastrophic to this great nation in treasure & lives lost.

You act like Muslim extremists just showed up in 2003.

Uhhhhhhhh, NO

Dumb ass.

Muslim extremists were never a threat to the US until we began to meddle in ME affairs.

Jefferson s War America s First War on Terror 1801-1805 by Joseph Wheelan Reviews Discussion Bookclubs Lists

lol, I almost posted that this is the point where some RWnut posts some nonsense about the Barbary Pirates... I wish I had.


...why aren't Muslims attacking the Chinese?

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