ISIS member tasked with 'bringing in migrants'

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Next 911 Is Being Planned As We Speak!

I have been telling people this. ICE and Border Patrol have been telling you they are capturing people on Terrorist Watch Lists at our Border. They so called Refugee Crisis, Caravans, Asylum Seekers, and Lax Border Policies and weak Immigration Policy is being weaponized against us.

This is part of an overall strategy to infiltrate The US and Europe then to radicalize and mobilize refugees already immigrated in to those Nations. Europe is slowly descending in to chaos. They have a stabbings epidemic there in these Islamic Enclaves and surrounding communities, and its getting worse. Crime in The US is escalating in areas where there are large populations of immigrants like Chicago and Maryland. It's going to continue to get worse unless we refine immigration policies and tighten security.

ISIS member tasked with 'bringing in migrants,' newly obtained terror group documents show

ISIS has tasked one of its terror bosses with moving militants out of Syria and into Europe, newly procured documents show.

Newly obtained documents by The Sunday Times show ISIS has a member tasked with “bringing in migrants and taking out brothers who have been given jobs" as a way to move fighters and money from Syria through Turkey into Europe.

The documents were obtained by the paper after being found on a hard drive dropped by members of an ISIS cell during a battle near the group's tiny remaining stronghold in Syria earlier this year.

In a bid to stay relevant, the terror group -- which recently lost nearly all of its self-proclaimed "caliphate" in Iraq and Syria -- is planning to launch a fresh wave of attacks in Europe and the Middle East inspired by past atrocities: the 2015 Paris attacks that killed 130 people and 2017 truck attack in New York City that left eight dead.

Among the documents on the hard drive is a letter signed by six ISIS leaders and addressed to 47-year-old leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, which lays out the group's new strategy of operations involving bank robberies, vehicle rammings, assassinations and computer hacking.

Operations around the world are to be directed by an ISIS member named Abu Khabab al-Muhajir, who controls two terror cells in Germany and one in Russia. Initial goals of the terror cells are to steal money to fund the group, the papers say.

"Killing infidel venture capitalists, hacking banks through bank accounts, bank robberies or robberies of places that are pre-studied. After any operation of this kind, we will send the money as we procure it,"

“We will tell you here in our letter the targets that we will hit, Allah willing, and they are targets that will destroy the economic world in Europe and spread horror in the hearts of the enemies of Allah," he wrote, according to a letter obtained by The Sunday Times.

The terror cells are also tasked with committing attacks, including vehicle-ramming operations that listed the 2015 Paris attacks and "Manhattan attack" as inspiration.

No wonder that Omar bitch is so adamant about wanting to release ISIS members back into the United States .
Interesting they only speak of Europe.

You don't have to wait for an attack plan on America when we are already catching some terrorists trying to come across the border.

The Terror Threat on the Southern Border - Center for Security Policy

Agents nab Pakistanis with terrorist connections crossing U.S. border

Terrorists from groups besides ISIS crossing U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis says

Along with human traffickers, drug-cartel and gang members, law enforcement personnel in recent years had several run-ins with so-called "special interest aliens." These are people coming into the United States from 35 Middle Eastern, African and Asian countries associated with terrorist groups.

Texas reported 439 cases of people from these countries — including Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan and Syria — either caught crossing the border or presenting themselves at ports of entry without permission to enter. The report also said authorities had reported 143 "land border crossing encounters with watch-listed individuals in southwest border states between November 2013 and July 2014."

These encounters included one with an alleged member of al-Shabaab, the Somalia-based group responsible for the 2013 mall massacre in Nairobi, Kenya. In June 2014, he said he had been trained for a suicide attack in Mogadishu but escaped and surrendered to African Union troops, who stopped the attack. That account was unverified and the person sought immigration benefits from the United States, the report said.

The report also noted the 2008 apprehension of a Somali named Ahmed Muhammed Dhakane, whom the government said had ties to terrorist groups al-Shabaab, al-Itihaad al-Islamiya and al-Barakat. Dhakane had crossed into Texas and helped move an unknown number of suspected Somali terrorists, as well, although he had claimed he was seeking asylum for religious persecution in Somalia. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2011.

It further said one U.S. citizen had smuggled 272 Somalis into the United States through Cuba and Mexico until January 2010. Although he claimed he had been approached by al-Shabaab members for help smuggling people, he said he’d refused, the report said.

Also detained were three Sri Lankans, one of whom said he was a member of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and was on his way to Canada.

There are many more instances than what was detailed by Texas officials, too.
It should be known that the latest thing that terrorists are doing is producing fake documents, giving themselves Hispanic Names. They come from Honduras, up in to Mexico with legitimate looking papers, and they are coming in to The US in this fashion by simply claiming Asylum. I personally think Asylum program needs shutdown until the security issues with it can be addresses and immigration policy can be re-written.

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