ISIS Threatens Terror Attacks On NYC, San Francisco And LA

But, but, but I thought Trump defeated ISIS?
Based upon an unbiased PEW research study throughout Islamic nations, it is estimated that there are approximately 320 million Muslims that want you, me and any other non-believer, either converted to Islam, subjugated and obeying all Islamic laws, or....killed. That figure is approximately the population of our entire nation. Thus, ISIS may be defeated in one area, but easily rise again elsewhere. These "terrorists," are simply the para-military arm of Islam, for Islam consists of two houses; the House of Islam and the House of War.

I'm sure the War on Terror made them less angry & created less Muslim refugees too.
(Rolls eyes)
Heaven forbid we wage war on groups determined to kill you, if you don't convert to their barbaric religion.
He's only interest in going to war against "the Jews."
We’ll read about him one day and the news will show his USMB posts to show motive behind his action.
But, but, but I thought Trump defeated ISIS?
Based upon an unbiased PEW research study throughout Islamic nations, it is estimated that there are approximately 320 million Muslims that want you, me and any other non-believer, either converted to Islam, subjugated and obeying all Islamic laws, or....killed. That figure is approximately the population of our entire nation. Thus, ISIS may be defeated in one area, but easily rise again elsewhere. These "terrorists," are simply the para-military arm of Islam, for Islam consists of two houses; the House of Islam and the House of War.

I'm sure the War on Terror made them less angry & created less Muslim refugees too.
(Rolls eyes)
Heaven forbid we wage war on groups determined to kill you, if you don't convert to their barbaric religion.

A.) These wars created the Islamic Refugee Crisis.

B.) ISIS & Iran spread into Iraq because Saddam Husden was disposed of.

C.) What amount of Muslims hate us because of our Neocons?
A & B: Muammar Qaddafi publicly said that Muslims should stop shedding their blood on battlefields against the west and instead they should perform hijras to infidel lands and breed them out. The strikes against hostile targets only enlarged the numbers.
C: The PEW research study found that the hatred was founded in the firm belief in the religious teachings of their Imams, Ayatollahs and Mullahs.

So, you attack, kill & maim millions of Muslims.

ISIS comes up out of the rubble worse than Saddam
You think killing more & creating thus more refugees is the solution?

Ask non-Goyim Barbara Spectre about tge transformation Europe must make & who's behind it.
But, but, but I thought Trump defeated ISIS?
Based upon an unbiased PEW research study throughout Islamic nations, it is estimated that there are approximately 320 million Muslims that want you, me and any other non-believer, either converted to Islam, subjugated and obeying all Islamic laws, or....killed. That figure is approximately the population of our entire nation. Thus, ISIS may be defeated in one area, but easily rise again elsewhere. These "terrorists," are simply the para-military arm of Islam, for Islam consists of two houses; the House of Islam and the House of War.

I'm sure the War on Terror made them less angry & created less Muslim refugees too.
(Rolls eyes)
Heaven forbid we wage war on groups determined to kill you, if you don't convert to their barbaric religion.
He's only interest in going to war against "the Jews."
We’ll read about him one day and the news will show his USMB posts to show motive behind his action.

Hmm.. Yet...I have not called for war, bloodshed, nuking & exterminating anybody.

Unlike quite the number of members here who have called for such kind of violence against Muslims.

So, what makes me the threat?

Sort out your own garbage first, Neocon punks.
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But, but, but I thought Trump defeated ISIS?
Based upon an unbiased PEW research study throughout Islamic nations, it is estimated that there are approximately 320 million Muslims that want you, me and any other non-believer, either converted to Islam, subjugated and obeying all Islamic laws, or....killed. That figure is approximately the population of our entire nation. Thus, ISIS may be defeated in one area, but easily rise again elsewhere. These "terrorists," are simply the para-military arm of Islam, for Islam consists of two houses; the House of Islam and the House of War.

I'm sure the War on Terror made them less angry & created less Muslim refugees too.
(Rolls eyes)
Yep. National SOCIALISTS would never go to war against foreign shithole cultures

Western Europeans are feral.
Especially Anglo-Saxons.

You killed millions in WW2 as Nazis & now
Millions have been killed as Neocons in the Middle East countries.

I fail to see how your Anglo- Saxons should be criticizing anybody as blood thirsty.
Even the Muslims.

I support Pole Jozef Beck over Adolf Hitler by a long shot.
Jozef Beck had similar policies without going berserk killing.
Let us give you a history lesson... I'll forgo the bloodthirsty wars raged by Islam's founder to conquer "infidel" the name of Allah and fast forward to 1920's..Egypt. Along comes Hassan al-Banna, a Sunni. He was excited to be going to see a land he dreamed of...the United States. Well, he went and what he saw (it was the Roaring Twenties after all), disgusted him. Upon his return to Egypt, he founded the "Muslim Brotherhood." While part of it was charitable to fellow Muslims and helped Muslims learn to read, it's goal was also to change infidel lands to Islamic Theocracies through any means necessary. In short, he used "abrogation", believing that Muhammad's latter teachings of hate and violence against those who do not obey the teachings of Muhammad, superseded Muhammad's earlier teachings of peace. Knowing that they could not conquer the west in pitched battle, the use of para-military forces against all civilian and military targets were acceptable and that any infidel was NOT an innocent, regardless of age.
The attack of the USS Cole, the bombing of the World Trade Center and the subsequent aerial attack on the World Trade Center buildings were a result of the strict Sunni teachings of Islam and created Osama bin-Laden and his followers. His attacks were not because we were at war with him, but because of Islam's teachings and the fact that there were "infidels" in Islamic lands. He is quoted as saying that he "could not rest until there were no more infidels."
When we found out that bin-Laden was in Afghanistan, our government asked the Afghan Taliban government to turn him over to us. Afghan custom is that you cannot turn out an ally to their enemy, so the Taliban government told the US to try and come take him. We accepted their challenge. Thus started the longest war in US history. As for now, the current Afghan government prefers us there as a buffer against the Taliban.
Anyway, we didn't start the conflicts; Islam's teachings of hatred for all who deny its rule foments the conflicts, whether it's Thailand, India, China, Russia, Sri-Lanka, Fiji, France, Spain, Lebanon, Germany, England, et cetera, et cetera.
When Islamists claim to be oppressed in infidel lands, even though they can freely pray, hold jobs and live their lives, one needs only look closer and see that they only reason they claim to be oppressed is because they are not ruling infidels.
Religion, at least the Abrahamic religions have always been oppressive ones and they sadly stir people to do horrible things in the name of God, or Allah.
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But, but, but I thought Trump defeated ISIS?
Based upon an unbiased PEW research study throughout Islamic nations, it is estimated that there are approximately 320 million Muslims that want you, me and any other non-believer, either converted to Islam, subjugated and obeying all Islamic laws, or....killed. That figure is approximately the population of our entire nation. Thus, ISIS may be defeated in one area, but easily rise again elsewhere. These "terrorists," are simply the para-military arm of Islam, for Islam consists of two houses; the House of Islam and the House of War.

I'm sure the War on Terror made them less angry & created less Muslim refugees too.
(Rolls eyes)
Yep. National SOCIALISTS would never go to war against foreign shithole cultures

Western Europeans are feral.
Especially Anglo-Saxons.

You killed millions in WW2 as Nazis & now
Millions have been killed as Neocons in the Middle East countries.

I fail to see how your Anglo- Saxons should be criticizing anybody as blood thirsty.
Even the Muslims.

I support Pole Jozef Beck over Adolf Hitler by a long shot.
Jozef Beck had similar policies without going berserk killing.
Let us give you a history lesson... I'll forgo the bloodthirsty wars raged by Islam's founder to conquer "infidel" the name of Allah and fast forward to 1920's..Egypt. Along comes Hassan al-Banna, a Sunni. He was excited to be going to see a land he dreamed of...the United States. Well, he went and what he saw (it was the Roaring Twenties after all), disgusted him. Upon his return to Egypt, he founded the "Muslim Brotherhood." While part of it was charitable to fellow Muslims and helped Muslims learn to read, it's goal was also to change infidel lands to Islamic Theocracies through any means necessary. In short, he used "abrogation", believing that Muhammad's latter teachings of hate and violence against those who do not obey the teachings of Muhammad, superseded Muhammad's earlier teachings of peace. Knowing that they could not conquer the west in pitched battle, the use of para-military forces against all civilian and military targets were acceptable and that any infidel was NOT an innocent, regardless of age.
The attack of the USS Cole, the bombing of the World Trade Center and the subsequent aerial attack on the World Trade Center buildings were a result of the strict Sunni teachings of Islam and created Osama bin-Laden and his followers. His attacks were not because we were at war with him, but because of Islam's teachings and the fact that there were "infidels" in Islamic lands. He is quoted as saying that he "could not rest until there were no more infidels."
When we found out that bin-Laden was in Afghanistan, our government asked the Afghan Taliban government to turn him over to us. Afghan custom is that you cannot turn out an ally to their enemy, so the Taliban government told the US to try and come take him. We accepted their challenge. Thus started the longest war in US history. As for now, the current Afghan government prefers us there as a buffer against the Taliban.
Anyway, we didn't start the conflicts; Islam's teachings of hatred for all who deny its rule foments the conflicts, whether it's Thailand, India, China, Russia, Sri-Lanka, Fiji, France, Spain, Lebanon, Germany, England, et cetera, et cetera.
When Islamists claim to be oppressed in infidel lands, even though they can freely pray, hold jobs and live their lives, one needs only look closer and see that they only reason they claim to be oppressed is because they are not ruling infidels.
Religion, at least the Abrahamic religions have always been oppressive ones and they sadly stir people to do horrible things in the name of God, or Allah.

Yet, the Muslims divided into many states without Nukes,
so much more concerning,
than the Globalists who not only cause & influence almost all of America's issues, including importing, and creating Islamic refugees?

This idea that several Nuclear powers, like the USA, Russia, England, and France, are being so threatened by Muslims, is completely absurd.

Sure, that doesn't mean the Islamists can't cause damage.

They cause damage mostly in the West as refugees, immigrants, and tourists, that we let in because of the Globalists.
But, but, but I thought Trump defeated ISIS?
Based upon an unbiased PEW research study throughout Islamic nations, it is estimated that there are approximately 320 million Muslims that want you, me and any other non-believer, either converted to Islam, subjugated and obeying all Islamic laws, or....killed. That figure is approximately the population of our entire nation. Thus, ISIS may be defeated in one area, but easily rise again elsewhere. These "terrorists," are simply the para-military arm of Islam, for Islam consists of two houses; the House of Islam and the House of War.

I'm sure the War on Terror made them less angry & created less Muslim refugees too.
(Rolls eyes)
Yep. National SOCIALISTS would never go to war against foreign shithole cultures

Western Europeans are feral.
Especially Anglo-Saxons.

You killed millions in WW2 as Nazis & now
Millions have been killed as Neocons in the Middle East countries.

I fail to see how your Anglo- Saxons should be criticizing anybody as blood thirsty.
Even the Muslims.

I support Pole Jozef Beck over Adolf Hitler by a long shot.
Jozef Beck had similar policies without going berserk killing.
Blah, blah blah. A pollack's opinion on Western Europe or America is meaningless. Eastern Europe is almost irrelevant in this world

That's not to say I don't think Muslims are a problem, they're a problem created largely by the Globalists.
The USA has Nukes, and every other Islamic state doesn't, except Pakistan which is one of the most friendly Islamic states to the USA, as of late.

So, WTF?
Yeah, because Globalists create war refugee Islamist's headed West, and let them in, and call everybody a heartless racist who doesn't want them here,
the Islamist's become our issue, when they commit a terrorist attack by living in a Western country.

that doesn't change that
Western Europeans are a incredibly primitive race, from my eyes.
Not much worse, or much better than the Islamist's in terms of brutality.

You kind of prove my point for me, you root for a Neocon induced Apocalypse because you think the Bible says so,
Even though it's disputable, ESPECIALLY, when you consider the fact, that you'd be destroying God's green Earth & all it's creatures,
how is
that Holy?

Not to mention,
you seem to think that rather than reason influences opinion,
you instead seem to
think might is right, even in opinions. (That's quite Animalistic)
You seem to think only powerful countries should have opinions, no matter how smart, or not smart, why are my opinions as a Polish American any less, or more valuable?
Poles don't matter to your WASP's, that's the message I've gotten, well maybe Poles should re-create a Warsaw Pact with Russia, and seek to dismantle the dumb, dumb West.

Especially, considering you people don't respect us, thinking we owe people reparations.
But, somehow America owes no one nothing.

But, also even more, because you're losing against Russia.

Russia's much more united than America, and if you hit a Civil War, you'll be unable to back Poland from Russia, not that I'm so sure your Anglos will do anything, other than use Poles as a meat-shield to be mass-murdered for your goals, Just like in WW2.
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Would anyone notice?
Could we put in a request to add Chicago and Baltimore?

ISIS Threatens Terror Strikes in San Francisco, New York, London
ISIS has been defeated, didn't you know that?

Trump said so. LOL

Trump Declares ISIS ‘100%’ Defeated in Syria. ‘100% Not True,’ Ground Reports Say.

ISIS being defeated would be good, because ISIS is terrible,
Still, Iran spread into the region, with the collapse of the Islamic State.

So, now Iran has grown more powerful into the region,
a Neocon nightmare. (Or dream come true, for some of the more sinister Neocons who want an Apocalypse to bring the Messiah)

But, the idiots defeated Saddam an ex USA agitator against Iran.

Wow, they're not so bright, after-all.
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If we could eradicate 50% of the Democrats from congress, we would be able to control immigration and fix all the stupid loopholes that Democrats favor. Don't forget the voter ID law and everify. Viva Trump.

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