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ISIS v Israel: Which Borders Change?

Israel has been strangely silent about the ISIS freedom fighters success in Syria and Iraq. .. :cool:

There is nothing strange about Israel's silence, Princess. This Arab/Muslim infighting has been going on for centuries and unless or until it impacts Israel it is none of her biz. Of course, if and when it does impact Israel I expect her response to be something which will cause you and those ISIS "freedom fighters" serious consternation. :D
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Sunni..are ISIS freedom fighters....?
or agents of Chaos?
hmmmm...I know you support constitutional law...I suspect you do not see ISIS as "freedom fighters ;) )

think (or "suspect") again I will help------yes--sunni does see ISIS as "freedom fighters"---

How do you know what Sunni sees Rosie?
I'll await his answer :)

I believe Sunni provided that answer on the first page of this thread:
"Israel has been strangely silent about the ISIS freedom fighters success in Syria and Iraq." - Sunni :cool:
think (or "suspect") again I will help------yes--sunni does see ISIS as "freedom fighters"---

How do you know what Sunni sees Rosie?
I'll await his answer :)

I believe Sunni provided that answer on the first page of this thread:
"Israel has been strangely silent about the ISIS freedom fighters success in Syria and Iraq." - Sunni :cool:

Sunni has been very candid and very clear about his support of the ISIS agenda---which is the
establishment of an Islamic state in a large area of the middle east to include at least Iraq and
Syria-----a "caliphate"-----It is possible that Coyote does not believe him. I do
OK Jews and Pro Jew non-Jews...Be PROUD!
We Jews are running the world.
We are responsible for the Holocaust because it was good for us.
We are responsible for all the economic bubbles and crashes because it's good for us.
We are responsible for allowing Iz-lame-oh! murderers to attempt to take over 21 nations because it's good for us.

Tomorrow Belongs To Us because Today Belongs To Us.

I am a PROUD Jew because I am running the vould!
You wouldn't believe it any way.:lol:

hundreds of millions do believe it-----that is why terrorism is rampant
across the globe
Terrorism is rampant across the globe because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world launched wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq, and because 650,000 Jews were allowed to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million non-Jews in Palestine 66 years ago.

Sorry, george, but your Jew haten' mentality clouds your ability to reach rational conclusions.

The skirmishes taking place across Iraq and Syria are a continuation of the 1,400 year old blood-feud that divides the Sunni and Shia, and, implementation of Islamic ideology.

Islam’s Holy Warriors of al-Qaeda and all other jihad groups are simply pious Moslems who know their Koran and sunnah, and who are following the books to the letter. They are back in those halcyon days of virtue-less conquest and murder for God when these books were written—the days when they enjoyed so much success at fighting, killing, and subduing infidels, crusading or otherwise.

As then, now.

You know what "caliphate" means in terms of Islamic ideology, right?
Someway.....somehow.....the Israel's are involved with the situation.

We just don't know to what extent. .. :cool:

Haha of course the Muslim brings up Israel when there is no connection, but is silent about the actual Muslim group itself who is committing acts of terror anywhere they go in the name of Allah :lol:

you maybe expected something different from the terrorist supporter?
How do you know what Sunni sees Rosie?
I'll await his answer :)

I believe Sunni provided that answer on the first page of this thread:
"Israel has been strangely silent about the ISIS freedom fighters success in Syria and Iraq." - Sunni :cool:

Sunni has been very candid and very clear about his support of the ISIS agenda---which is the
establishment of an Islamic state in a large area of the middle east to include at least Iraq and
Syria-----a "caliphate"-----It is possible that Coyote does not believe him. I do

Sunni simply trolls this and other threads with comments intended to provoke a reaction. He's a goofy convert who slams away at his keyboard from the safety and convenience of Infildel'istan.

ISIS schmISIS. He'd be the last one on the planet to trade the comforts and safety afforded by the Great Satan.
Terrorism is rampant in the world because of Islamic militants.

And you are nothing but one of their sheeps who defends their crimes.

Theres terrorism in the world because of Israel... Right :rolleyes:

If Israel wasn't around, Muslims would stop attacking eachother right??

Terrorism will stop when you and your ilk are removed from this planet. You are just as vile and disgusting as the people you support. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American.
"new poll commissioned by the European Commission show that Israel is believed by Europeans in 15 countries to be the greatest threat to world peace, greater than North Korea, Iran or Afghanistan.

While the European Commission will release the full results of the poll on Monday, the International Herald Tribune reported that the 7,500 people polled living in the European Union (500 in each of the 15 E.U. member states) were presented with a list of 15 countries and asked if these countries present a threat to world peace. Shockingly, Israel was rated first."

Better start working on that back-stroke, Toastie.
It's a long swim to Cyprus.

European Poll: Israel Biggest Threat To World Peace | The Jewish Federations of North America

First off, that's not the same as what you said about terrorism being rampant in the world because of Israel.
For fucks sake George, at least try and make some sense. Islamic radicals, who are slaughtering, torturing and destroying in record breaking numbers are doing do in large parts of the world, like the ME and northern Africa. Not to mention some parts of Asia.
That poll asked only 7500 people and you know just as well as I do that they chose Israel because it's a Jewish state, and we all know how anti Semitism is rampant there ( ironically enough, it has increased as Muslim immigration has as well).
Sorry Georgie, you lose.
If there was an article that said Israel was responsible for the earthquakes in Haiti, you would believe it :l:
BTW, just a reminder, don't forget to look under your bed for the Zionist Jew boogeyman :cool:
First off, I said "(t)errorism is rampant across te globe because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world launched wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq and because 650,000 Jews were allowed to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million non-Jews in Palestine 66 years ago."

Since the end of WWII Sunni and Shia were not killing each other on the scale we see today before the US launched regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Sudan. There is only one state responsible for the mass displacement and death of millions of Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland. Israel is its cop on the beat.

Europeans are more aware than Americans of Jewish apartheid in Palestine because they see proof of it regularly on their televisions. Never mind earthquakes in Haiti, you are such a devout Jew-Firster you don't even care they murdered 34 Americans in international waters in "67. That tells me everything I need to know about your Zionist Jew boogeyman.

Maybe you'd be happier in Haifa?:D
hundreds of millions do believe it-----that is why terrorism is rampant
across the globe
Terrorism is rampant across the globe because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world launched wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq, and because 650,000 Jews were allowed to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million non-Jews in Palestine 66 years ago.

Sorry, george, but your Jew haten' mentality clouds your ability to reach rational conclusions.

The skirmishes taking place across Iraq and Syria are a continuation of the 1,400 year old blood-feud that divides the Sunni and Shia, and, implementation of Islamic ideology.

Islam’s Holy Warriors of al-Qaeda and all other jihad groups are simply pious Moslems who know their Koran and sunnah, and who are following the books to the letter. They are back in those halcyon days of virtue-less conquest and murder for God when these books were written—the days when they enjoyed so much success at fighting, killing, and subduing infidels, crusading or otherwise.

As then, now.

You know what "caliphate" means in terms of Islamic ideology, right?
I know what the "capitalist caliphate" means, do you?
You're about the last poster on this board capable of drawing rational conclusions about anything, but even a troll should recognize the graft and corruption stemming from an illegal war of aggression waged against Islam

"One consequence of the way that the true costs of the Iraq war was hidden from the American people was an explosion of fraud, waste and abuse. The recent final report of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (Sigir) estimates that the US lost to corruption or waste at least $8bn of the $60bn devoted to reconstructing Iraq."

The rational conclusion to draw here involves connecting the dots between US war whores paying Sunni and Shiite to fight (or not) in order to balkanize Iraq, Syria, and Iran while earning billions of dollars in war profits.

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle | Comment is free | theguardian.com
Terrorism is rampant across the globe because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world launched wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq, and because 650,000 Jews were allowed to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million non-Jews in Palestine 66 years ago.

Sorry, george, but your Jew haten' mentality clouds your ability to reach rational conclusions.

The skirmishes taking place across Iraq and Syria are a continuation of the 1,400 year old blood-feud that divides the Sunni and Shia, and, implementation of Islamic ideology.

Islam’s Holy Warriors of al-Qaeda and all other jihad groups are simply pious Moslems who know their Koran and sunnah, and who are following the books to the letter. They are back in those halcyon days of virtue-less conquest and murder for God when these books were written—the days when they enjoyed so much success at fighting, killing, and subduing infidels, crusading or otherwise.

As then, now.

You know what "caliphate" means in terms of Islamic ideology, right?
I know what the "capitalist caliphate" means, do you?
You're about the last poster on this board capable of drawing rational conclusions about anything, but even a troll should recognize the graft and corruption stemming from an illegal war of aggression waged against Islam

"One consequence of the way that the true costs of the Iraq war was hidden from the American people was an explosion of fraud, waste and abuse. The recent final report of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (Sigir) estimates that the US lost to corruption or waste at least $8bn of the $60bn devoted to reconstructing Iraq."

The rational conclusion to draw here involves connecting the dots between US war whores paying Sunni and Shiite to fight (or not) in order to balkanize Iraq, Syria, and Iran while earning billions of dollars in war profits.

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle | Comment is free | theguardian.com

As usual, george, you hope to move the goal posts. When your first conspiracy theory is exposed as fraud, you moved on to another.

The fact is, the daily slaughter in Iraq is linked directly to the ancient blood-feud that has pitted the Sunni against the Shia since just after the death of islam's inventor. The grisly internecine Sunni-Shia war is worse than most of us know.

Ancient hatreds die hard... the innocent just die.

This is not the innocuous, pedestrian kind of “I don’t like you”, kind of hate. This is ideologically based rage and fury that manifests itself in the most lurid and violent fashion.

Even though there can't really be a person on the planet who isn't aware of the Islamist death cult's atrocities, there are still times when I am snapped into the chilling realization of the immeasurable human cost it exacts to appease its hateful Gods ie: muhammud and the allah god.

Coming from the West, it's just so counterintuitive for us to grasp the depraved and ghoulish behavior of islamism being connected with Gods in any way. In fact, most of us—or those of us who look it in the eye without multicultural glasses on—can't call it anything else but satanic.
First off, that's not the same as what you said about terrorism being rampant in the world because of Israel.
For fucks sake George, at least try and make some sense. Islamic radicals, who are slaughtering, torturing and destroying in record breaking numbers are doing do in large parts of the world, like the ME and northern Africa. Not to mention some parts of Asia.
That poll asked only 7500 people and you know just as well as I do that they chose Israel because it's a Jewish state, and we all know how anti Semitism is rampant there ( ironically enough, it has increased as Muslim immigration has as well).
Sorry Georgie, you lose.
If there was an article that said Israel was responsible for the earthquakes in Haiti, you would believe it :l:
BTW, just a reminder, don't forget to look under your bed for the Zionist Jew boogeyman :cool:
First off, I said "(t)errorism is rampant across te globe because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world launched wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq and because 650,000 Jews were allowed to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million non-Jews in Palestine 66 years ago."

Since the end of WWII Sunni and Shia were not killing each other on the scale we see today before the US launched regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Sudan. There is only one state responsible for the mass displacement and death of millions of Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland. Israel is its cop on the beat.

Europeans are more aware than Americans of Jewish apartheid in Palestine because they see proof of it regularly on their televisions. Never mind earthquakes in Haiti, you are such a devout Jew-Firster you don't even care they murdered 34 Americans in international waters in "67. That tells me everything I need to know about your Zionist Jew boogeyman.

Maybe you'd be happier in Haifa?:D

It isn't Toasty who daily expresses disdain for America and Americans, GP, but rather you who posts all manner of camel crap in a lame attempt to blame the many serious ills of the Arab/Muslim World on America and Israel. I suggest you'd be emotionally more comfortable living elsewhere but you really don't have the courage of your hateful convictions ... just your whining.
"new poll commissioned by the European Commission show that Israel is believed by Europeans in 15 countries to be the greatest threat to world peace, greater than North Korea, Iran or Afghanistan.

While the European Commission will release the full results of the poll on Monday, the International Herald Tribune reported that the 7,500 people polled living in the European Union (500 in each of the 15 E.U. member states) were presented with a list of 15 countries and asked if these countries present a threat to world peace. Shockingly, Israel was rated first."

Better start working on that back-stroke, Toastie.
It's a long swim to Cyprus.

European Poll: Israel Biggest Threat To World Peace | The Jewish Federations of North America

First off, that's not the same as what you said about terrorism being rampant in the world because of Israel.
For fucks sake George, at least try and make some sense. Islamic radicals, who are slaughtering, torturing and destroying in record breaking numbers are doing do in large parts of the world, like the ME and northern Africa. Not to mention some parts of Asia.
That poll asked only 7500 people and you know just as well as I do that they chose Israel because it's a Jewish state, and we all know how anti Semitism is rampant there ( ironically enough, it has increased as Muslim immigration has as well).
Sorry Georgie, you lose.
If there was an article that said Israel was responsible for the earthquakes in Haiti, you would believe it :l:
BTW, just a reminder, don't forget to look under your bed for the Zionist Jew boogeyman :cool:
First off, I said "(t)errorism is rampant across te globe because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world launched wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq and because 650,000 Jews were allowed to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million non-Jews in Palestine 66 years ago."

Since the end of WWII Sunni and Shia were not killing each other on the scale we see today before the US launched regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Sudan. There is only one state responsible for the mass displacement and death of millions of Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland. Israel is its cop on the beat.

Europeans are more aware than Americans of Jewish apartheid in Palestine because they see proof of it regularly on their televisions. Never mind earthquakes in Haiti, you are such a devout Jew-Firster you don't even care they murdered 34 Americans in international waters in "67. That tells me everything I need to know about your Zionist Jew boogeyman.

Maybe you'd be happier in Haifa?:D

And you are such a Jew Hater that you never EVER mention anything about the Americans who were killed by Palestinians.
Stop pretending like you give a crap about dead Americans. You care only a out vilifying Israel and Jews.

As for Shiites and Sunnis, they are killing each other because of their religious beliefs. You're brainwashed if you think otherwise.
Sorry, george, but your Jew haten' mentality clouds your ability to reach rational conclusions.

The skirmishes taking place across Iraq and Syria are a continuation of the 1,400 year old blood-feud that divides the Sunni and Shia, and, implementation of Islamic ideology.

Islam’s Holy Warriors of al-Qaeda and all other jihad groups are simply pious Moslems who know their Koran and sunnah, and who are following the books to the letter. They are back in those halcyon days of virtue-less conquest and murder for God when these books were written—the days when they enjoyed so much success at fighting, killing, and subduing infidels, crusading or otherwise.

As then, now.

You know what "caliphate" means in terms of Islamic ideology, right?
I know what the "capitalist caliphate" means, do you?
You're about the last poster on this board capable of drawing rational conclusions about anything, but even a troll should recognize the graft and corruption stemming from an illegal war of aggression waged against Islam

"One consequence of the way that the true costs of the Iraq war was hidden from the American people was an explosion of fraud, waste and abuse. The recent final report of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (Sigir) estimates that the US lost to corruption or waste at least $8bn of the $60bn devoted to reconstructing Iraq."

The rational conclusion to draw here involves connecting the dots between US war whores paying Sunni and Shiite to fight (or not) in order to balkanize Iraq, Syria, and Iran while earning billions of dollars in war profits.

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle | Comment is free | theguardian.com

As usual, george, you hope to move the goal posts. When your first conspiracy theory is exposed as fraud, you moved on to another.

The fact is, the daily slaughter in Iraq is linked directly to the ancient blood-feud that has pitted the Sunni against the Shia since just after the death of islam's inventor. The grisly internecine Sunni-Shia war is worse than most of us know.

Ancient hatreds die hard... the innocent just die.

This is not the innocuous, pedestrian kind of “I don’t like you”, kind of hate. This is ideologically based rage and fury that manifests itself in the most lurid and violent fashion.

Even though there can't really be a person on the planet who isn't aware of the Islamist death cult's atrocities, there are still times when I am snapped into the chilling realization of the immeasurable human cost it exacts to appease its hateful Gods ie: muhammud and the allah god.

Coming from the West, it's just so counterintuitive for us to grasp the depraved and ghoulish behavior of islamism being connected with Gods in any way. In fact, most of us—or those of us who look it in the eye without multicultural glasses on—can't call it anything else but satanic.
Those goal posts never moved.
You blamed the violence in today's Middle East on a 1400 year-old feud.
I defended my argument that the US invasion of Iraq triggered the latest round of killing, and I provided proof of my claim by linking to the profits made from that illegal war of aggression.

Don't believe it? Give me an example of Sunni/Shia violence between 1945 and March of 2003 that rivals the level of violence happening today. Maybe you know how many millions of innocents since 1945 have died at the hands of the US military in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia.

Does that fog up your star-spangled shades?

You just can't wrap your small mind around the fact that your country is responsible for the ghoulish killing going on in Iraq, Libya, and Syria today.
First off, that's not the same as what you said about terrorism being rampant in the world because of Israel.
For fucks sake George, at least try and make some sense. Islamic radicals, who are slaughtering, torturing and destroying in record breaking numbers are doing do in large parts of the world, like the ME and northern Africa. Not to mention some parts of Asia.
That poll asked only 7500 people and you know just as well as I do that they chose Israel because it's a Jewish state, and we all know how anti Semitism is rampant there ( ironically enough, it has increased as Muslim immigration has as well).
Sorry Georgie, you lose.
If there was an article that said Israel was responsible for the earthquakes in Haiti, you would believe it :l:
BTW, just a reminder, don't forget to look under your bed for the Zionist Jew boogeyman :cool:
First off, I said "(t)errorism is rampant across te globe because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world launched wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq and because 650,000 Jews were allowed to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million non-Jews in Palestine 66 years ago."

Since the end of WWII Sunni and Shia were not killing each other on the scale we see today before the US launched regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Sudan. There is only one state responsible for the mass displacement and death of millions of Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland. Israel is its cop on the beat.

Europeans are more aware than Americans of Jewish apartheid in Palestine because they see proof of it regularly on their televisions. Never mind earthquakes in Haiti, you are such a devout Jew-Firster you don't even care they murdered 34 Americans in international waters in "67. That tells me everything I need to know about your Zionist Jew boogeyman.

Maybe you'd be happier in Haifa?:D

It isn't Toasty who daily expresses disdain for America and Americans, GP, but rather you who posts all manner of camel crap in a lame attempt to blame the many serious ills of the Arab/Muslim World on America and Israel. I suggest you'd be emotionally more comfortable living elsewhere but you really don't have the courage of your hateful convictions ... just your whining.
The most serious ills of the Muslim world were deliberately made worse by a pair of illegal wars of aggression launched in the wake of 911. Since I don't profit from the murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims, I'm not going anywhere. Be my guest if you feel like running from what's coming home to roost.
First off, that's not the same as what you said about terrorism being rampant in the world because of Israel.
For fucks sake George, at least try and make some sense. Islamic radicals, who are slaughtering, torturing and destroying in record breaking numbers are doing do in large parts of the world, like the ME and northern Africa. Not to mention some parts of Asia.
That poll asked only 7500 people and you know just as well as I do that they chose Israel because it's a Jewish state, and we all know how anti Semitism is rampant there ( ironically enough, it has increased as Muslim immigration has as well).
Sorry Georgie, you lose.
If there was an article that said Israel was responsible for the earthquakes in Haiti, you would believe it :l:
BTW, just a reminder, don't forget to look under your bed for the Zionist Jew boogeyman :cool:
First off, I said "(t)errorism is rampant across te globe because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world launched wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq and because 650,000 Jews were allowed to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million non-Jews in Palestine 66 years ago."

Since the end of WWII Sunni and Shia were not killing each other on the scale we see today before the US launched regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Sudan. There is only one state responsible for the mass displacement and death of millions of Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland. Israel is its cop on the beat.

Europeans are more aware than Americans of Jewish apartheid in Palestine because they see proof of it regularly on their televisions. Never mind earthquakes in Haiti, you are such a devout Jew-Firster you don't even care they murdered 34 Americans in international waters in "67. That tells me everything I need to know about your Zionist Jew boogeyman.

Maybe you'd be happier in Haifa?:D

And you are such a Jew Hater that you never EVER mention anything about the Americans who were killed by Palestinians.
Stop pretending like you give a crap about dead Americans. You care only a out vilifying Israel and Jews.

As for Shiites and Sunnis, they are killing each other because of their religious beliefs. You're brainwashed if you think otherwise.
Sunnis and Shiites in Baghdad weren't killing each other in Baghdad at the same level they are today prior to the US invasion of Iraq. They were deliberately set at each others' throats by the US military during the occupation, and today Iraq is reaping that whirlwind.
That would not be happening today on the same scale absent the American invasion. If you think otherwise, you're a slave.
I know what the "capitalist caliphate" means, do you?
You're about the last poster on this board capable of drawing rational conclusions about anything, but even a troll should recognize the graft and corruption stemming from an illegal war of aggression waged against Islam

"One consequence of the way that the true costs of the Iraq war was hidden from the American people was an explosion of fraud, waste and abuse. The recent final report of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (Sigir) estimates that the US lost to corruption or waste at least $8bn of the $60bn devoted to reconstructing Iraq."

The rational conclusion to draw here involves connecting the dots between US war whores paying Sunni and Shiite to fight (or not) in order to balkanize Iraq, Syria, and Iran while earning billions of dollars in war profits.

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle | Comment is free | theguardian.com

As usual, george, you hope to move the goal posts. When your first conspiracy theory is exposed as fraud, you moved on to another.

The fact is, the daily slaughter in Iraq is linked directly to the ancient blood-feud that has pitted the Sunni against the Shia since just after the death of islam's inventor. The grisly internecine Sunni-Shia war is worse than most of us know.

Ancient hatreds die hard... the innocent just die.

This is not the innocuous, pedestrian kind of “I don’t like you”, kind of hate. This is ideologically based rage and fury that manifests itself in the most lurid and violent fashion.

Even though there can't really be a person on the planet who isn't aware of the Islamist death cult's atrocities, there are still times when I am snapped into the chilling realization of the immeasurable human cost it exacts to appease its hateful Gods ie: muhammud and the allah god.

Coming from the West, it's just so counterintuitive for us to grasp the depraved and ghoulish behavior of islamism being connected with Gods in any way. In fact, most of us—or those of us who look it in the eye without multicultural glasses on—can't call it anything else but satanic.
Those goal posts never moved.
You blamed the violence in today's Middle East on a 1400 year-old feud.
I defended my argument that the US invasion of Iraq triggered the latest round of killing, and I provided proof of my claim by linking to the profits made from that illegal war of aggression.

Don't believe it? Give me an example of Sunni/Shia violence between 1945 and March of 2003 that rivals the level of violence happening today. Maybe you know how many millions of innocents since 1945 have died at the hands of the US military in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia.

Does that fog up your star-spangled shades?

You just can't wrap your small mind around the fact that your country is responsible for the ghoulish killing going on in Iraq, Libya, and Syria today.

You're both ill-informed and naive. The US invasion of Iraq did not trigger the latest round of killing. In terms of the hatreds that divide the Sunni and Shia, those hatreds were very much in effect during the Saddham Hussein rein.

Expert: 300,000 in Iraq's Mass Graves | Fox News

BAGHDAD, Iraq – As many as 300,000 Iraqis killed during Saddam Hussein's 23-year dictatorship are believed to be buried in more than 250 mass graves found so far around the country, the top human rights official in the U.S.-led civilian administration said Saturday.

See george, this is what happens when you spend as much time as you do chasing goofy conspiracy theories.
As usual, george, you hope to move the goal posts. When your first conspiracy theory is exposed as fraud, you moved on to another.

The fact is, the daily slaughter in Iraq is linked directly to the ancient blood-feud that has pitted the Sunni against the Shia since just after the death of islam's inventor. The grisly internecine Sunni-Shia war is worse than most of us know.

Ancient hatreds die hard... the innocent just die.

This is not the innocuous, pedestrian kind of “I don’t like you”, kind of hate. This is ideologically based rage and fury that manifests itself in the most lurid and violent fashion.

Even though there can't really be a person on the planet who isn't aware of the Islamist death cult's atrocities, there are still times when I am snapped into the chilling realization of the immeasurable human cost it exacts to appease its hateful Gods ie: muhammud and the allah god.

Coming from the West, it's just so counterintuitive for us to grasp the depraved and ghoulish behavior of islamism being connected with Gods in any way. In fact, most of us—or those of us who look it in the eye without multicultural glasses on—can't call it anything else but satanic.
Those goal posts never moved.
You blamed the violence in today's Middle East on a 1400 year-old feud.
I defended my argument that the US invasion of Iraq triggered the latest round of killing, and I provided proof of my claim by linking to the profits made from that illegal war of aggression.

Don't believe it? Give me an example of Sunni/Shia violence between 1945 and March of 2003 that rivals the level of violence happening today. Maybe you know how many millions of innocents since 1945 have died at the hands of the US military in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia.

Does that fog up your star-spangled shades?

You just can't wrap your small mind around the fact that your country is responsible for the ghoulish killing going on in Iraq, Libya, and Syria today.

You're both ill-informed and naive. The US invasion of Iraq did not trigger the latest round of killing. In terms of the hatreds that divide the Sunni and Shia, those hatreds were very much in effect during the Saddham Hussein rein.

Expert: 300,000 in Iraq's Mass Graves | Fox News

BAGHDAD, Iraq – As many as 300,000 Iraqis killed during Saddam Hussein's 23-year dictatorship are believed to be buried in more than 250 mass graves found so far around the country, the top human rights official in the U.S.-led civilian administration said Saturday.

See george, this is what happens when you spend as much time as you do chasing goofy conspiracy theories.
Your link:

"Hodgkinson said the majority of people buried in mass graves were Kurds murdered by Saddam in the 1980s after rebelling against the government and Shiites (search) killed after their 1991 uprising."

Those Kurds and Shiites weren't killed because of their religion.
They were killed because the US urged them to resist a brutal dictator and then did nothing to protect them when they launched their revolutions.
Want to try again, Goofy?
Tell us where Saddam was getting his weapons from when he murdered the Kurds, unless your corporate faux news sources are keeping that information secret.
Those goal posts never moved.
You blamed the violence in today's Middle East on a 1400 year-old feud.
I defended my argument that the US invasion of Iraq triggered the latest round of killing, and I provided proof of my claim by linking to the profits made from that illegal war of aggression.

Don't believe it? Give me an example of Sunni/Shia violence between 1945 and March of 2003 that rivals the level of violence happening today. Maybe you know how many millions of innocents since 1945 have died at the hands of the US military in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia.

Does that fog up your star-spangled shades?

You just can't wrap your small mind around the fact that your country is responsible for the ghoulish killing going on in Iraq, Libya, and Syria today.

You're both ill-informed and naive. The US invasion of Iraq did not trigger the latest round of killing. In terms of the hatreds that divide the Sunni and Shia, those hatreds were very much in effect during the Saddham Hussein rein.

Expert: 300,000 in Iraq's Mass Graves | Fox News

BAGHDAD, Iraq – As many as 300,000 Iraqis killed during Saddam Hussein's 23-year dictatorship are believed to be buried in more than 250 mass graves found so far around the country, the top human rights official in the U.S.-led civilian administration said Saturday.

See george, this is what happens when you spend as much time as you do chasing goofy conspiracy theories.
Your link:

"Hodgkinson said the majority of people buried in mass graves were Kurds murdered by Saddam in the 1980s after rebelling against the government and Shiites (search) killed after their 1991 uprising."

Those Kurds and Shiites weren't killed because of their religion.
They were killed because the US urged them to resist a brutal dictator and then did nothing to protect them when they launched their revolutions.
Want to try again, Goofy?
Tell us where Saddam was getting his weapons from when he murdered the Kurds, unless your corporate faux news sources are keeping that information secret.

Oh, you poor dear. You so desperately want to blame the Great Satan for the horrors of Islamism that you insist Shia and Kurds were not killed for their religious beliefs.

Have you already forgotten the comment you made?

Your comment:
Give me an example of Sunni/Shia violence between 1945 and March of 2003 that rivals the level of violence happening today.

Well, I gave you an example yet the example conflicted with your biases and preconceptions.

Need more examples? If you prefer totalitarian theocracies, there are any number in the islamist Middle East to choose from.

Here’s an interesting tidbit: In Algeria, where 150,000+ people have died in Allah's name since 1992, the violent fire of jihad still burns bright and hot in the hearts of the holy warriors. Anyway, you add that number to those killed during the same time period in the jihad fronts of the Sudan (200,000±) and you've got yourself a city's worth of Religion of Peace murder victims. But of course, it doesn't stop in Jammu & Kashmir, Algeria, and Darfur.
You're both ill-informed and naive. The US invasion of Iraq did not trigger the latest round of killing. In terms of the hatreds that divide the Sunni and Shia, those hatreds were very much in effect during the Saddham Hussein rein.

Expert: 300,000 in Iraq's Mass Graves | Fox News

See george, this is what happens when you spend as much time as you do chasing goofy conspiracy theories.
Your link:

"Hodgkinson said the majority of people buried in mass graves were Kurds murdered by Saddam in the 1980s after rebelling against the government and Shiites (search) killed after their 1991 uprising."

Those Kurds and Shiites weren't killed because of their religion.
They were killed because the US urged them to resist a brutal dictator and then did nothing to protect them when they launched their revolutions.
Want to try again, Goofy?
Tell us where Saddam was getting his weapons from when he murdered the Kurds, unless your corporate faux news sources are keeping that information secret.

Oh, you poor dear. You so desperately want to blame the Great Satan for the horrors of Islamism that you insist Shia and Kurds were not killed for their religious beliefs.

Have you already forgotten the comment you made?

Your comment:
Give me an example of Sunni/Shia violence between 1945 and March of 2003 that rivals the level of violence happening today.

Well, I gave you an example yet the example conflicted with your biases and preconceptions.

Need more examples? If you prefer totalitarian theocracies, there are any number in the islamist Middle East to choose from.

Here’s an interesting tidbit: In Algeria, where 150,000+ people have died in Allah's name since 1992, the violent fire of jihad still burns bright and hot in the hearts of the holy warriors. Anyway, you add that number to those killed during the same time period in the jihad fronts of the Sudan (200,000±) and you've got yourself a city's worth of Religion of Peace murder victims. But of course, it doesn't stop in Jammu & Kashmir, Algeria, and Darfur.
What role did French terrorism play in Algerian violence?
The killing in Sudan traces directly to western oil corporations, but you're too vapid to know that.
Saddam didn't slaughter Shia because of their religion in '91; he did so because they rose up in rebellion after Bush I urged them to do so.
You really swallow every load the MSM offers, don't you?
Your link:

"Hodgkinson said the majority of people buried in mass graves were Kurds murdered by Saddam in the 1980s after rebelling against the government and Shiites (search) killed after their 1991 uprising."

Those Kurds and Shiites weren't killed because of their religion.
They were killed because the US urged them to resist a brutal dictator and then did nothing to protect them when they launched their revolutions.
Want to try again, Goofy?
Tell us where Saddam was getting his weapons from when he murdered the Kurds, unless your corporate faux news sources are keeping that information secret.

Oh, you poor dear. You so desperately want to blame the Great Satan for the horrors of Islamism that you insist Shia and Kurds were not killed for their religious beliefs.

Have you already forgotten the comment you made?

Your comment:
Give me an example of Sunni/Shia violence between 1945 and March of 2003 that rivals the level of violence happening today.

Well, I gave you an example yet the example conflicted with your biases and preconceptions.

Need more examples? If you prefer totalitarian theocracies, there are any number in the islamist Middle East to choose from.

Here’s an interesting tidbit: In Algeria, where 150,000+ people have died in Allah's name since 1992, the violent fire of jihad still burns bright and hot in the hearts of the holy warriors. Anyway, you add that number to those killed during the same time period in the jihad fronts of the Sudan (200,000±) and you've got yourself a city's worth of Religion of Peace murder victims. But of course, it doesn't stop in Jammu & Kashmir, Algeria, and Darfur.
What role did French terrorism play in Algerian violence?
The killing in Sudan traces directly to western oil corporations, but you're too vapid to know that.
Saddam didn't slaughter Shia because of their religion in '91; he did so because they rose up in rebellion after Bush I urged them to do so.
You really swallow every load the MSM offers, don't you?

Such an angry george. Here I was being helpful and educating you to some history surrounding your Islamist heroes.

What is it the Shia had to rise-up against? Are you suggesting that the Shia were treated unfairly by their Islamist brethren? Say it ain't so, george!

Blame the Amreekans. That's so often the refuge of punk tyrants, dictators and those who flail their Pom Poms for totalitarian fear societies. Blame the U.S. and blame the Jews. It never fails to amaze me how Conspiracy theorists have convinced themselves that others are responsible for their own self created failures and inadequacies.

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