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ISIS v Israel: Which Borders Change?

Your link:

"Hodgkinson said the majority of people buried in mass graves were Kurds murdered by Saddam in the 1980s after rebelling against the government and Shiites (search) killed after their 1991 uprising."

Those Kurds and Shiites weren't killed because of their religion.
They were killed because the US urged them to resist a brutal dictator and then did nothing to protect them when they launched their revolutions.
Want to try again, Goofy?
Tell us where Saddam was getting his weapons from when he murdered the Kurds, unless your corporate faux news sources are keeping that information secret.

Oh, you poor dear. You so desperately want to blame the Great Satan for the horrors of Islamism that you insist Shia and Kurds were not killed for their religious beliefs.

Have you already forgotten the comment you made?

Your comment:
Give me an example of Sunni/Shia violence between 1945 and March of 2003 that rivals the level of violence happening today.

Well, I gave you an example yet the example conflicted with your biases and preconceptions.

Need more examples? If you prefer totalitarian theocracies, there are any number in the islamist Middle East to choose from.

Here’s an interesting tidbit: In Algeria, where 150,000+ people have died in Allah's name since 1992, the violent fire of jihad still burns bright and hot in the hearts of the holy warriors. Anyway, you add that number to those killed during the same time period in the jihad fronts of the Sudan (200,000±) and you've got yourself a city's worth of Religion of Peace murder victims. But of course, it doesn't stop in Jammu & Kashmir, Algeria, and Darfur.
What role did French terrorism play in Algerian violence?
The killing in Sudan traces directly to western oil corporations, but you're too vapid to know that.
Saddam didn't slaughter Shia because of their religion in '91; he did so because they rose up in rebellion after Bush I urged them to do so.
You really swallow every load the MSM offers, don't you?

And you swallow everything those conspiracy theory garbage sites offer you.

Weather or weather not you agree with the U.S going to Iraq, Shiites and Sunni's are killing each other. America is not making them do it. They do it because they are Muslim radicals and because they are violent warmongers.
Oh, you poor dear. You so desperately want to blame the Great Satan for the horrors of Islamism that you insist Shia and Kurds were not killed for their religious beliefs.

Have you already forgotten the comment you made?

Your comment:
Give me an example of Sunni/Shia violence between 1945 and March of 2003 that rivals the level of violence happening today.

Well, I gave you an example yet the example conflicted with your biases and preconceptions.

Need more examples? If you prefer totalitarian theocracies, there are any number in the islamist Middle East to choose from.

Here’s an interesting tidbit: In Algeria, where 150,000+ people have died in Allah's name since 1992, the violent fire of jihad still burns bright and hot in the hearts of the holy warriors. Anyway, you add that number to those killed during the same time period in the jihad fronts of the Sudan (200,000±) and you've got yourself a city's worth of Religion of Peace murder victims. But of course, it doesn't stop in Jammu & Kashmir, Algeria, and Darfur.
What role did French terrorism play in Algerian violence?
The killing in Sudan traces directly to western oil corporations, but you're too vapid to know that.
Saddam didn't slaughter Shia because of their religion in '91; he did so because they rose up in rebellion after Bush I urged them to do so.
You really swallow every load the MSM offers, don't you?

And you swallow everything those conspiracy theory garbage sites offer you.

Weather or weather not you agree with the U.S going to Iraq, Shiites and Sunni's are killing each other. America is not making them do it. They do it because they are Muslim radicals and because they are violent warmongers.
The American invasion and occupation of Iraq is the only reason Muslims are killing each other in Iraq today in their present numbers. The US occupation promoted Iraqi organizations based on religion, ethnicity, nationality or sect rather than politics. Sunni and Shiite were deliberately separated in spite of the fact the majority of Ba'ath party founders were Shia. Every tribe in Iraq has Sunnis and Shiites in its ranks; every town and village has a mix of communities. In all of Iraq's modern history, the most serious sectarian and ethnic in that country has taken place after March 2003. The coming three-way national breakup in Iraq is simply a recipe for permanent wars in which only oil companies, arms merchants, and warlords will be the winners.
Last edited:
What role did French terrorism play in Algerian violence?
The killing in Sudan traces directly to western oil corporations, but you're too vapid to know that.
Saddam didn't slaughter Shia because of their religion in '91; he did so because they rose up in rebellion after Bush I urged them to do so.
You really swallow every load the MSM offers, don't you?

And you swallow everything those conspiracy theory garbage sites offer you.

Weather or weather not you agree with the U.S going to Iraq, Shiites and Sunni's are killing each other. America is not making them do it. They do it because they are Muslim radicals and because they are violent warmongers.
The American invasion and occupation of Iraq is the only reason Muslims are killing each other in Iraq today in their present numbers. The US occupation promoted Iraqi organizations based on religion, ethnicity, nationality or sect rather than politics. Sunni and Shiite were deliberately separated in spite of the fact the majority of Ba'ath party founders were Shia. Every tribe in Iraq has Sunnis and Shiites in its ranks; every town and village has a mix of communities. In all of Iraq's modern history, the most serious sectarian and ethnic in that country has taken place after March 2003. The coming three-way national breakup in Iraq is simply a recipe for permanent wars in which only oil companies, arms merchants, and warlords will be the winners.

Georgie dear----the very first muslim I knew---well (very well to the point we discussed
our own family histories) ----was long ago-----I was about 20---he, about 25----from
India----new dehli---young doctor in the US for internship. He was a SHIITE----
from india. HE HATED HINDUS "terrible people , horrible" One day----naïve me
asked ----"if you and your family HATE hindus so much why did your family not go
to Pakistan in 1948??? I was young----but over the years did learn----even back
in the 50s-----Pakistani sunnis were murdering Shiites in the streets -------- as for
sunnis murdering Shiites-----make that 'even in the 8th century AD' Over time
I learned more..........I noticed Iranians (just in from Iran) glared at anything
either arab or Pakistani with BITTER HATRED -----really bitter even though they
had never met each other before (I am referring to the 1960s)-----Shiites and
sunnis have been at each other's throats for 1400 years you seem to have
missed that fact. There is no way to know how much they killed each other here
and there centuries ago. We do know that ---in general---they did not end up living
happily together anywhere.
And you swallow everything those conspiracy theory garbage sites offer you.

Weather or weather not you agree with the U.S going to Iraq, Shiites and Sunni's are killing each other. America is not making them do it. They do it because they are Muslim radicals and because they are violent warmongers.
The American invasion and occupation of Iraq is the only reason Muslims are killing each other in Iraq today in their present numbers. The US occupation promoted Iraqi organizations based on religion, ethnicity, nationality or sect rather than politics. Sunni and Shiite were deliberately separated in spite of the fact the majority of Ba'ath party founders were Shia. Every tribe in Iraq has Sunnis and Shiites in its ranks; every town and village has a mix of communities. In all of Iraq's modern history, the most serious sectarian and ethnic in that country has taken place after March 2003. The coming three-way national breakup in Iraq is simply a recipe for permanent wars in which only oil companies, arms merchants, and warlords will be the winners.

Georgie dear----the very first muslim I knew---well (very well to the point we discussed
our own family histories) ----was long ago-----I was about 20---he, about 25----from
India----new dehli---young doctor in the US for internship. He was a SHIITE----
from india. HE HATED HINDUS "terrible people , horrible" One day----naïve me
asked ----"if you and your family HATE hindus so much why did your family not go
to Pakistan in 1948??? I was young----but over the years did learn----even back
in the 50s-----Pakistani sunnis were murdering Shiites in the streets -------- as for
sunnis murdering Shiites-----make that 'even in the 8th century AD' Over time
I learned more..........I noticed Iranians (just in from Iran) glared at anything
either arab or Pakistani with BITTER HATRED -----really bitter even though they
had never met each other before (I am referring to the 1960s)-----Shiites and
sunnis have been at each other's throats for 1400 years you seem to have
missed that fact. There is no way to know how much they killed each other here
and there centuries ago. We do know that ---in general---they did not end up living
happily together anywhere.
They lived together happily enough in Iraq to inter-marry.
They found no need to inquire about the religious indoctrination of their neighbors prior to March 2003.
Their feud began centuries ago, and the US used it to balkanize Iraq in the same way it did in Libya.
Syria is currently in the corporate cross hairs with Iran due its turn.
Just as Wesley Clark predicted in March 2003.
BTW, did you ever ask one of those kindly Hindus how many Muslims were involuntarily sterilized in India?
The American invasion and occupation of Iraq is the only reason Muslims are killing each other in Iraq today in their present numbers. The US occupation promoted Iraqi organizations based on religion, ethnicity, nationality or sect rather than politics. Sunni and Shiite were deliberately separated in spite of the fact the majority of Ba'ath party founders were Shia. Every tribe in Iraq has Sunnis and Shiites in its ranks; every town and village has a mix of communities. In all of Iraq's modern history, the most serious sectarian and ethnic in that country has taken place after March 2003. The coming three-way national breakup in Iraq is simply a recipe for permanent wars in which only oil companies, arms merchants, and warlords will be the winners.

Georgie dear----the very first muslim I knew---well (very well to the point we discussed
our own family histories) ----was long ago-----I was about 20---he, about 25----from
India----new dehli---young doctor in the US for internship. He was a SHIITE----
from india. HE HATED HINDUS "terrible people , horrible" One day----naïve me
asked ----"if you and your family HATE hindus so much why did your family not go
to Pakistan in 1948??? I was young----but over the years did learn----even back
in the 50s-----Pakistani sunnis were murdering Shiites in the streets -------- as for
sunnis murdering Shiites-----make that 'even in the 8th century AD' Over time
I learned more..........I noticed Iranians (just in from Iran) glared at anything
either arab or Pakistani with BITTER HATRED -----really bitter even though they
had never met each other before (I am referring to the 1960s)-----Shiites and
sunnis have been at each other's throats for 1400 years you seem to have
missed that fact. There is no way to know how much they killed each other here
and there centuries ago. We do know that ---in general---they did not end up living
happily together anywhere.
They lived together happily enough in Iraq to inter-marry.
They found no need to inquire about the religious indoctrination of their neighbors prior to March 2003.
Their feud began centuries ago, and the US used it to balkanize Iraq in the same way it did in Libya.
Syria is currently in the corporate cross hairs with Iran due its turn.
Just as Wesley Clark predicted in March 2003.
BTW, did you ever ask one of those kindly Hindus how many Muslims were involuntarily sterilized in India?

you lose again Georgie India began a two children per family program
LONG AGO------in the 70s------and gave a free transistor radio to any man
willing to undergo vasectomy. The actual number of vasectomies actually
done was FAR AND AWAY greater done on HINDUS than on muslims---even in proportion
to the repective populations. The Islamic partyline regarding birth control is
routine----WORLD WIDE------described as being "ANTI MUSLIM" from availability
of birth control pills (forced on musiim women, of course) ---to vaccinations----
which somehow work to sterilize muslim men SELECTIVELY. AIDS is also
a plot against muslims. Muslim men were not forced to undergo vasectomy.-----
they were bribed----just as hindu men were.
Someway.....somehow.....the Israel's are involved with the situation.

We just don't know to what extent. .. :cool:

In other words you haven't found a lie that will stick so you are biding your time, on one board we have an ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST preaching that Israel is behind every civil dispute in the Islamic world, and another trying to find a reason to blame the Jews for the arab spring and now you spreading more BLOOD LIBELS
As I have said many times in the past, "Anytime there is conflict, chaos, or war, in the ME region;

Israel is either financing , supplying the weapons, or orchestrating the event behind the scenes".

Nothing goes on in the ME without Israel's involvement. .. :cool:

Do explain how a nation of 6 million can be spread so thinly across the M.E., have they invented a time machine that allows them to be 20 different places at the same time.

You really don't think things through all that well do you, the financing is coming from iran or Saudi, the weapons come from Russia and the extremists don't need any to conduct them in their dances of death and destruction
Israel has been strangely silent about the ISIS freedom fighters success in Syria and Iraq. .. :cool:
Iranian and Iraqi leaders are trying to link ISIS with Israel and the US:

"Iranian Army Chief of Staff Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi claimed Wednesday that Israel created and supports the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“ISIS is Israel’s cover up for distancing the revolutionary forces from Israeli borders and creating a margin of security for the Zionists, and the Zionist media have also admitted this fact,” he said, Fars News Agency reported..."

"Meanwhile, the commander of Iran’s Basij force, Brig.-Gen.

"Mohammed Reza Naqdi, said on Wednesday that recent attacks by ISIS are part of a new US plot.

“The scene they have created in Iraq is the result of the United States’ behind-the-scene attempts to sow discord and they are certainly the main mastermind of these events,” said Naqdi, Fars reported.

"Naqdi attributed this to the US and its allies’ desire for Iraq’s oil."

Iraq and Syria never posed an existential threat to the Jewish state; however, decades ago both were legitimate states with rights under international law. The US and its ME proxy has decided to break each sovereign state into a series of warring sub-states with no protection under international law.

It seems likely to two greatest threats to peace in the world, the US and Israel, haven't underestimated the threat of blowback on their homelands. The national security state is well established in both "democracies."

Iran army chief accuses Israel of creating ISIS | JPost | Israel News

Shows how far the ISLAMOINAZI TERRORISTS are prepared to LIE when history shows that Iraq and Syria were created nearly 30 years before Israel .
Israel knows ISIS is backed by Obama so they have to tread carefully
"Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date,
the United States has provided Israel $121 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in
bilateral assistance.

"Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance,
although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional
support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for
example, Israel can use some U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the
United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers."


In reality the Islamic waqf gets 3 times more than Israel and it is all in aid not loans that must be paid back. Why do you think the U.S. has told the P.A. it is prepared to withhold aid unless they play ball and negotiate a peace and mutual borders.
Terrorism is rampant across the globe because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world launched wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq, and because 650,000 Jews were allowed to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million non-Jews in Palestine 66 years ago.

Terrorism is rampant in the world because of Islamic militants.

And you are nothing but one of their sheeps who defends their crimes.

Theres terrorism in the world because of Israel... Right :rolleyes:

If Israel wasn't around, Muslims would stop attacking eachother right??

Terrorism will stop when you and your ilk are removed from this planet. You are just as vile and disgusting as the people you support. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American.
"new poll commissioned by the European Commission show that Israel is believed by Europeans in 15 countries to be the greatest threat to world peace, greater than North Korea, Iran or Afghanistan.

While the European Commission will release the full results of the poll on Monday, the International Herald Tribune reported that the 7,500 people polled living in the European Union (500 in each of the 15 E.U. member states) were presented with a list of 15 countries and asked if these countries present a threat to world peace. Shockingly, Israel was rated first."

Better start working on that back-stroke, Toastie.
It's a long swim to Cyprus.

European Poll: Israel Biggest Threat To World Peace | The Jewish Federations of North America

What does an opinion poll about how much your fellow Nazis dislike Israel
have to do with the FACT of hundreds of thousands of dead bodies in the gutter?
Remember Jay Leno's "jaywalks"??? your posts often remind me
Israel has been strangely silent about the ISIS freedom fighters success in Syria and Iraq. .. :cool:
Iranian and Iraqi leaders are trying to link ISIS with Israel and the US:

"Iranian Army Chief of Staff Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi claimed Wednesday that Israel created and supports the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“ISIS is Israel’s cover up for distancing the revolutionary forces from Israeli borders and creating a margin of security for the Zionists, and the Zionist media have also admitted this fact,” he said, Fars News Agency reported..."

"Meanwhile, the commander of Iran’s Basij force, Brig.-Gen.

"Mohammed Reza Naqdi, said on Wednesday that recent attacks by ISIS are part of a new US plot.

“The scene they have created in Iraq is the result of the United States’ behind-the-scene attempts to sow discord and they are certainly the main mastermind of these events,” said Naqdi, Fars reported.

"Naqdi attributed this to the US and its allies’ desire for Iraq’s oil."

Iraq and Syria never posed an existential threat to the Jewish state; however, decades ago both were legitimate states with rights under international law. The US and its ME proxy has decided to break each sovereign state into a series of warring sub-states with no protection under international law.

It seems likely to two greatest threats to peace in the world, the US and Israel, haven't underestimated the threat of blowback on their homelands. The national security state is well established in both "democracies."

Iran army chief accuses Israel of creating ISIS | JPost | Israel News

Shows how far the ISLAMOINAZI TERRORISTS are prepared to LIE when history shows that Iraq and Syria were created nearly 30 years before Israel .
"The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."

It's no lie to say Israel, Iraq, and Syria were created by European powers about the same time their Navies were switching from coal to oil.

When the oil from the Middle East is no longer needed, these same powers will care less if every Jew drowns in the Mediterranean.

Except for Rich Jews, of course.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As I have said many times in the past, "Anytime there is conflict, chaos, or war, in the ME region;

Israel is either financing , supplying the weapons, or orchestrating the event behind the scenes".

Nothing goes on in the ME without Israel's involvement. .. :cool:

Do explain how a nation of 6 million can be spread so thinly across the M.E., have they invented a time machine that allows them to be 20 different places at the same time.

You really don't think things through all that well do you, the financing is coming from iran or Saudi, the weapons come from Russia and the extremists don't need any to conduct them in their dances of death and destruction
Why would Russians supply Sunni extremists with weapons?
It's more likely the CIA plays a bigger role regarding ISIS

"The 'supreme commander' of ISIS/ISIL is Prince Abdul Rachman al-Faisal, the royal Saudi family, Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry and its intelligence service.

"ISIS Unveiled discloses a standard Saudi – U.S. – NATO – run intelligence operation and mercenary army.

"There is nothing 'mysterious' about ISIS / ISIL.

"It is not even mysterious that western mainstream media fail to report the facts..."

"ISIS Unveiled – A Two-Headed Monster. We have unveiled ISIS, and ISIS Unveiled turned out to be a two-headed monster.

"Its body consists of volunteers, mercenaries and Saudi, Turkish and U.S. intelligence operatives and special forces. Its two heads are the royal family of Saudi Arabia and the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, U.S.A."

ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq | nsnbc international
Why would Russians supply Sunni extremists with weapons?
It's more likely the CIA plays a bigger role regarding ISIS

"The 'supreme commander' of ISIS/ISIL is Prince Abdul Rachman al-Faisal, the royal Saudi family, Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry and its intelligence service.

"ISIS Unveiled discloses a standard Saudi – U.S. – NATO – run intelligence operation and mercenary army.

"There is nothing 'mysterious' about ISIS / ISIL.

"It is not even mysterious that western mainstream media fail to report the facts..."

"ISIS Unveiled – A Two-Headed Monster. We have unveiled ISIS, and ISIS Unveiled turned out to be a two-headed monster.

"Its body consists of volunteers, mercenaries and Saudi, Turkish and U.S. intelligence operatives and special forces. Its two heads are the royal family of Saudi Arabia and the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, U.S.A."

ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq | nsnbc international

I certainly hope that Mideast powers-that-be are working with our CIA to give Arab/Muslim rads in the region the opportunity to sincerely express themselves but it will take more than an opinion piece from your source to convince me:

Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982...
Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination. In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as "The Embargo on Truth" by founding and running an independent webmedia. In Feb, 2013 he founded nsnbc on the basis of a blog that was established by Lehmann in 2011. :cool:
Last edited:
Why would Russians supply Sunni extremists with weapons?
It's more likely the CIA plays a bigger role regarding ISIS

"The 'supreme commander' of ISIS/ISIL is Prince Abdul Rachman al-Faisal, the royal Saudi family, Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry and its intelligence service.

"ISIS Unveiled discloses a standard Saudi – U.S. – NATO – run intelligence operation and mercenary army.

"There is nothing 'mysterious' about ISIS / ISIL.

"It is not even mysterious that western mainstream media fail to report the facts..."

"ISIS Unveiled – A Two-Headed Monster. We have unveiled ISIS, and ISIS Unveiled turned out to be a two-headed monster.

"Its body consists of volunteers, mercenaries and Saudi, Turkish and U.S. intelligence operatives and special forces. Its two heads are the royal family of Saudi Arabia and the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, U.S.A."

ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq | nsnbc international

I certainly hope that Mideast powers-that-be are working with our CIA to give Arab/Muslim rads in the region the opportunity to sincerely express themselves but it will take more than an opinion piece from your source to convince me:

Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982...
Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination. In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as "The Embargo on Truth" by founding and running an independent webmedia. In Feb, 2013 he founded nsnbc on the basis of a blog that was established by Lehmann in 2011. :cool:
"Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982, Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology in 1986, Advisor to Joshua Nkomo on the Impact of Torture and Psychological Trauma on Conflict Solution and Reconsiliation in Zimbabwe´s Politics in 1986-1990, Advisor to Nelson Mandela on Social Politics, Public Mental Health and the Effect of Psychological Trauma on Peace and Reconsiliation in 1994-1997.

"Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination.

"In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as 'The Embargo on Truth' by founding and running an independent webmedia: http://nsnbc.wordpress.com."

The 4th Media - Christof Lehmann

I can't vouch for Lehmann's accuracy, but his integrity can't be worse than John Forbes Kerry.

The internet makes truth available, but it is often difficult to believe.

The US government and its corporate press will be the last place truth on this scale will be found.

"A 'trusted source' close to the Saudi – Lebanese multi-billionaire and former Lebanese P.M. Saad Hariri told on condition of anonymity, that the final green light for the war on Iraq with ISIS or ISIL brigades was given behind closed doors, at the sidelines of the Atlantic Council’s Energy Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 22 – 23, 2013..."

"The summit was, among others, attended by Turkey’s President Abdullah Gül, U.S. Energy Secretary Ernst Monitz, Atlantic Council President Frederick Kempe, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former U.S. National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft.

"It is noteworthy that Scowcroft has long-standing ties to Henry Kissinger and to the Minister of Natural Resources of the Kurdish Administrated Region of Northern Iraq.

“'Had Baghdad been more cooperative about the Syrian oil fields at Deir-Ez-Zor in early 2013 and about autonomy for the North [Iraq's northern, predominantly Kurdish region] they would possibly not have turned against al-Maliki; Or he would have been given more time', said the Hariri insider during the almost two-hour-long conversation..."

"Noting that a prominent member of Saudi Arabia’s royal family, Prince Abdul Rachman al-Faisal has been named as the one being 'in command' of the ISIS brigades, and if he could either confirm or deny, he nodded, adding that 'the Prince' is responsible for financing the operation and for part of the command structure, but that the operations headquarter is the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey. 'As far as I know, nothing moves without Ambassador Riccardione', he added."

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq - Hariri Insider | nsnbc international
Why would Russians supply Sunni extremists with weapons?
It's more likely the CIA plays a bigger role regarding ISIS

"The 'supreme commander' of ISIS/ISIL is Prince Abdul Rachman al-Faisal, the royal Saudi family, Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry and its intelligence service.

"ISIS Unveiled discloses a standard Saudi – U.S. – NATO – run intelligence operation and mercenary army.

"There is nothing 'mysterious' about ISIS / ISIL.

"It is not even mysterious that western mainstream media fail to report the facts..."

"ISIS Unveiled – A Two-Headed Monster. We have unveiled ISIS, and ISIS Unveiled turned out to be a two-headed monster.

"Its body consists of volunteers, mercenaries and Saudi, Turkish and U.S. intelligence operatives and special forces. Its two heads are the royal family of Saudi Arabia and the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, U.S.A."

ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq | nsnbc international

I certainly hope that Mideast powers-that-be are working with our CIA to give Arab/Muslim rads in the region the opportunity to sincerely express themselves but it will take more than an opinion piece from your source to convince me:

Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982...
Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination. In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as "The Embargo on Truth" by founding and running an independent webmedia. In Feb, 2013 he founded nsnbc on the basis of a blog that was established by Lehmann in 2011. :cool:

I can't vouch for Lehmann's accuracy, but his integrity can't be worse than John Forbes Kerry.

Uh-huh ... and you got that "fact" where? From Lehmann? :lol:
I certainly hope that Mideast powers-that-be are working with our CIA to give Arab/Muslim rads in the region the opportunity to sincerely express themselves but it will take more than an opinion piece from your source to convince me:

Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982...
Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination. In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as "The Embargo on Truth" by founding and running an independent webmedia. In Feb, 2013 he founded nsnbc on the basis of a blog that was established by Lehmann in 2011. :cool:

I can't vouch for Lehmann's accuracy, but his integrity can't be worse than John Forbes Kerry.

Uh-huh ... and you got that "fact" where? From Lehmann? :lol:

What would you consider to be a credible source?

The 4th Media
ISIS attack Israel?
Not what I'd be recommending they do if I were their advisor.

If they start losing, they'll move from fighting the Shia and attack Israel in the hopes that their Allah will save them and bring about the end of times.

Yeah, it's a pipe dream, but that's what Saddam did too.

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