Islam forbids

Funny we are blessed to have a prolific Islamic scholar @ USMB who seems unable to view or post in this thread,

Muslims like to say,"Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please prove unequivocally that none muslims (disbelievers)are innocent according to Islamic scripture.
Funny we are blessed to have a prolific Islamic scholar @ USMB who seems unable to view or post in this thread,

Muslims like to say,"Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please prove unequivocally that none muslims (disbelievers)are innocent according to Islamic scripture.

Yeah, but, but, but... THE CRUSADES!...



Muslims like to say,"Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please prove unequivocally that none muslims (disbelievers)are innocent according to Islamic scripture.

they have not found anything yet, I wish they could. It is not a possibility from what I have read, and studied, unfortunate, but true

I have to get up early to pay my jizah

In the United States, the Tax Freedom Day changes. I think it's now roughly about mid-April.

Under the malignant Islamic thumb, if they could impose their jizyah on us, tax freedom day would be -- never.

My earnings are the fruit of my laber. Liberty includes being able to keep and enjoy the fruits of my own labor. Confiscatory taxation denies me liberty. Islam abhors liberty.
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The mere fact that the resident experts on Islam are free of this thread speaks volumes .
I could be convinced if someone had a coherent argument , something rational ,not answers like, bigot ,hate monger, your taking the Quran out of context, abrogation is a false doctrine.Christianity is worse, haven't you read Deuteronomy ? You have to read arabic to understand Islam,move out of your mothers basement etc etc.

Something that abrogates


And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allâh) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allâh Alone [in the whole of the world[]]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allâh), then certainly, Allâh is All-Seer of what they do
And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allâh) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allâh (Alone).[] But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zâlimûn (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc193

Index of /what-is-islam/quran/noble Tafsir Ibn Kathir Tafsir Ibn Kathir Tafsir Ibn Kathir

A scholarly edict from a well known mosque in mecca maybe.
Feel free to invite any muslims to come here and inform is how non muslims are innocent according to Islamic scripture.
Maybe we can make this a sticky .
"innocence" funny little word, I guess no muhammadans want to step up and let us know who it applies to and who it does not apply to?
[ame=]YouTube - Robert spencer :Summit on Radical Islam.Islam forbids the killing of innocent people[/ame]

Spencer hits it out of the park this morning
[ame=]YouTube - Killing "Infidels"[/ame]
Islam forbids nothing accept questioning Islam, that is. Islam is about love, unless You aren't Muslim. Jihad means something about self struggle. Mien Kampf means pretty much the same thing. Struggle against WHAT, that is the question. Islam excludes all that are not apart of their ideology. So did Fascist Nazis. Accept, the Nazis didn't stoop to accept self obliteration as a tool to take over the freakin world. Got to hand Nazis that, Muslims don't seem to have that inhibition. Kudos for NAZIS, they got that going for them. Muslims not are only blind extremists, they also won't mind killing innocence people to prove it. I really don't like religion anyway. But Islam is the cream of the crop, when it comes to assholes without a clue . Islam? Phtzzl! Bullshit. Come on.
Islam is bigotry defined

Why do people insist that islam is peaceful? Because they either fear it, or they are intentionally ignorant

The Noble Quran

This translation of the Qur'an seems to be the least watered-down of all the online translations available. It leaves essential Arabic words untranslated, such as fitnah and Mushrikûn. I have hosted it here in the Disbelievers Guide because Islamic text, such as certain passages from Sahih Bukhari on USC's Islamic server and Tafsir Ibn Kathir, which are potentially damning of Islam, are mysteriously dissapearing from the net, for whatever reason. To download this entire directory to your computer for easy reference, click here.
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Islam is bigotry defined

Why do people insist that islam is peaceful? Because they either fear it, or they are intentionally ignorant

The Noble Quran

This translation of the Qur'an seems to be the least watered-down of all the online translations available. It leaves essential Arabic words untranslated, such as fitnah and Mushrikûn. I have hosted it here in the Disbelievers Guide because Islamic text, such as certain passages from Sahih Bukhari on USC's Islamic server and Tafsir Ibn Kathir, which are potentially damning of Islam, are mysteriously dissapearing from the net, for whatever reason. To download this entire directory to your computer for easy reference, click here.

intentionaly ignorant about sums it up, they are in cahoots (sp?) they have the same goals when their philosophy is understood in its full bloom. you be good girl, peace.
Islam is bigotry defined

Why do people insist that islam is peaceful? Because they either fear it, or they are intentionally ignorant

The Noble Quran

This translation of the Qur'an seems to be the least watered-down of all the online translations available. It leaves essential Arabic words untranslated, such as fitnah and Mushrikûn. I have hosted it here in the Disbelievers Guide because Islamic text, such as certain passages from Sahih Bukhari on USC's Islamic server and Tafsir Ibn Kathir, which are potentially damning of Islam, are mysteriously dissapearing from the net, for whatever reason. To download this entire directory to your computer for easy reference, click here.

intentionaly ignorant about sums it up, they are in cahoots (sp?) they have the same goals when their philosophy is understood in its full bloom. you be good girl, peace.

I once wrote a short thought about what Islamists and liberals have in common. It was interesting to see the responses. :lol:

I think, according to some I am a hatefilled far right extremist, that is one commonality that they have, and they lie, but for different reasons, but in the end, they all serve allah. Peace
Islam is bigotry defined

Why do people insist that islam is peaceful? Because they either fear it, or they are intentionally ignorant

The Noble Quran

This translation of the Qur'an seems to be the least watered-down of all the online translations available. It leaves essential Arabic words untranslated, such as fitnah and Mushrikûn. I have hosted it here in the Disbelievers Guide because Islamic text, such as certain passages from Sahih Bukhari on USC's Islamic server and Tafsir Ibn Kathir, which are potentially damning of Islam, are mysteriously dissapearing from the net, for whatever reason. To download this entire directory to your computer for easy reference, click here.

intentionaly ignorant about sums it up, they are in cahoots (sp?) they have the same goals when their philosophy is understood in its full bloom. you be good girl, peace.

I once wrote a short thought about what Islamists and liberals have in common. It was interesting to see the responses. :lol:

I think, according to some I am a hatefilled far right extremist, that is one commonality that they have, and they lie, but for different reasons, but in the end, they all serve allah. Peace

I think it is progressives more than liberals( marxists: Hillary, Obama, Reid, Bush)
leftist - Google Search
Get rid of Islam and all religion, talk about being backward, who in their right minds think that women should be told they have to cover themselves, be denied education ect. Again this is nothing more than religion keeping people down time to get rid of it all and the fanatics that peddle it.

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