Islam is misunderstood.

Sorry, you are so sorry. Stop the names and look at what Islam says. Tell me, does me being a racist change what it says?

I've looked at what Islam says. It has the same percentage of crazy as the Bible has, but if it was what you going around claiming, we'd be facing 1 Billion angry Muslims and not just a handful in some country we brutalized into insanity.

Christians don't kill over misunderstandings, more than enough Muslims do.


Hey, let's try this one on for size.

"Though shall not suffer a witch to live!" How many women were killed on the mere suspicion of being witches. Except the original word in Hebrew was mekhashepha which more accurately translates into "poisoner".

We can also talk about how many Christians went around killing each other over the number of sacraments or whether or not the bread and wine really turns into Jesus.

If you want to get a more modern example, how about all the Christian nuts who go around bombing abortion clinics and gay bars because that's what Jesus would do?

Do you think terror will stop because you just say "but Christians" out of apathy or fear? The religion is at war, and always has been. And, again, it tells you it is.

No, guy, I think it stops when we stop invading over there, stop arming bad guys and expecting them to not turn on us, stop supporting bad regimes and the Zionist entity. Then human beings, being what they are, will find something else to be shitty over.
There is one thing that is unqiue to Islam. They will actually sacrifice their own lives to kill others, knowngly and willingly. That is a form of insanity that cannot be beaten.
And all countries governed by them as a majorty are truly shitholes in terms of human rights. It can't be a coincidence.

Do you think if space aliens came down, wiped out the American government, subjected us to absolute poverty and ruined our communities, looted our resources, do you think we wouldn't have Americans willing to strap bombs to themselves to take out a flying saucer or two?

And you'd probably have a couple of space monsters saying, "Tsk, tsk, you know they believe in a Zombie who was nailed to a stick!"
Thanks for the spam propaganda, dupe. There's exactly the same kind of stuff in the Bible. That's why
Yep, we had nothing to do with screwing up the Middle East, overthrowing democracy in Iran and supporting all the dictators in the Middle East. Now bombing the hell and starving Yemen.
only fundamentalist Christians read it literally.
Except for Christ never condoned it, Unlike Islam and Mohammed
That is why Fundamentalists are the problem. They take anachronist BS literally. Christ is a very important Muslim Prophet also. My favorite thing lately is a poll of Muslims that shows they drink as much as Christians. A good sign LOL of progress. GOP hate of all Muslims not so much.
Typical weak progressive Muzzie-Excusers and Enablers...
Typical hater Duke ignoramus of the greedy idiot GOP who have wrecked the Mideast since 1953 with their Pals the shah, Uncle Saddam, and now their new dictator Pals in Saudi Arabia fighting for us. Stop the covert and overt meddling, assholes and dupes.
I am going to go slow for you. All of those things happened after the religion was founded. The hate is not caused by our actions it is caused by what they are taught, Islam.

Yup. The death cult teachs this to their young in their schools. All unbelievers are enemies.

Any cult that worships a pedophile as a prophet isn't a religion at all. Its a pack of morons who haven't got a working brain cell between them.
Look at the Regressives line up to defend Islam.

Throw a gay man off a roof, slice the head of an innocent child off, slaughter a woman for the crime of being raped, and you won't hear a peep from them unless they're challenged.

Some Christian broad doesn't want to bake a cake AND SHE MUST BE PUNISHED AND MADE AN EXAMPLE OF.

This is just sick.

Naw, guy, we just don't get outraged because the Oil Companies and Jews tell us we should be.

If they throw someone off a roof in THIS COUNTRY, I'm for throwing the book at them, just like you throw the book at the lady who breaks the public accommodation laws.

But exaggerating things that happen in other countries, usually because we did something to either prop up a bad regime or bring down a regime and cause chaos, all because we want their oil, I'm not going to get worked up about that.

"We got to save the, the women, I meant the women!!!"

"Okay, so you are going to sign up for the Army tomorrow, right?"

"Um, er, no. Let some working class kid do that!"
RE: Islam is misunderstood.
※→ et al,

I'll step out of the fray and go back to the basic questions in the beginning of the discussion; and the Jihad Watch Article published earlier this month (4 FEB 18) by Robert Spencer.

If there is a misunderstand about the meaning and intent of the thought being communicated, it is the fault of the communicator and the ineffectual impact. But, as always, the entire story does not just rest on laying the blame, but it may become a compound mistake for good leadership to step-in with and interrogation as a reply to clarification.

And in matters that span the gambit of such topics as Regional Peace and Security in the Middle East, the subtext that the meaning may intentionally by made confusing and ambiguous. Confusion, misdirection, obscurantism and evasion are the very tools used in religion, law, politics, and anything shadowy. In the case of Middle East bantering, nothing has been so written as Security Council Resolution 242 S/RES/242 • (1967); where what you think you read is not exactly what it says (See The Meaning of UNSC S/RES/242 as explained by those that wrote it.).

At least according to this pathetic POS it is. He is right, in a way. Islam is misunderstood. But not in the way he is saying.

King Abdullah of Jordan: “Maybe there’s a lack of understanding of Islam” in Washington

Islam is a religion; one of the many religions that hold to a monotheistic belief in a Supreme Being and the associated entourage of supernatural entities and spirits that represent both good and evil.

In fact, the three basic religions represented in the Middle East, all seem to hold beliefs on the same monotheistic Supreme Being; and believe in the existence of many of the same supernatural entities and spirits.

Each of these religions come with baggage of there own in terms of rituals, cannons, laws and practices.

There is no single reason for the debacle in the Region. But the suggestion that there is either "understanding" or the "misunderstanding" of Islam is quite mysterious. Whether you follow the teaching of the Shiite Supreme Leader of Iran of the senior Sunni Muslim clerics around the world, the radical difference in the cultural environment and dynamic variations in ritual have often been a source of conflict.

Do we have an understanding of Islam? Evidently not enough to keep the peace.

In the past century there have been more acts of aggression by Christian nations against Muslim nations, than the other way around.

Since these are faith based social developments, there will never be solutions to conflict based on these wants for wealth, power and influence.

Islam is only about (≈) 1400 years old. Judaism dates back to the time well before the Prophet Moses, who received the laws of the Supreme Being at Mount Sinai, some two millennium before the Christ (maybe 4000 years ago).

This is a philosophical debate on the nature of religions that often becomes the source of evil actions. Currently the only way to prevent conflict is to extract religious components and filter-out the religious concepts from the negotiated efforts.

Most Respectfully,
Sorry, you are so sorry. Stop the names and look at what Islam says. Tell me, does me being a racist change what it says?

I've looked at what Islam says. It has the same percentage of crazy as the Bible has, but if it was what you going around claiming, we'd be facing 1 Billion angry Muslims and not just a handful in some country we brutalized into insanity.

Christians don't kill over misunderstandings, more than enough Muslims do.


Hey, let's try this one on for size.

"Though shall not suffer a witch to live!" How many women were killed on the mere suspicion of being witches. Except the original word in Hebrew was mekhashepha which more accurately translates into "poisoner".

We can also talk about how many Christians went around killing each other over the number of sacraments or whether or not the bread and wine really turns into Jesus.

If you want to get a more modern example, how about all the Christian nuts who go around bombing abortion clinics and gay bars because that's what Jesus would do?

Do you think terror will stop because you just say "but Christians" out of apathy or fear? The religion is at war, and always has been. And, again, it tells you it is.

No, guy, I think it stops when we stop invading over there, stop arming bad guys and expecting them to not turn on us, stop supporting bad regimes and the Zionist entity. Then human beings, being what they are, will find something else to be shitty over.
It is a shame you cannot talk about Islam, it is the topic. Prove it is not what it says it is. You seem to be good at finding Christian verses, give Islam a try.

I got an idea, find one verse where Muhammad or Allah condemn terror.
You won't even acknowledge the topic. Go away.
You are no expert on Islam, brainwashed hater dupe. What is it I am not acknowledging, mr. big?
The most important facts about Islam are right in front of you. You are far too stupid to see it.

And the hate comes from Islam, read the OP.
Yeah because Jihad watch is so fair and balanced LOL. I'll go with my cousin King Abdullah seems to be a good guy and he's my cousin. His mother is from Suffolk.

Abdullah said: “It is not a religion of hate. We as Muslims believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. We believe in the Holy Virgin Mother. We believe in the Bible and the Torah, and I think this is the way that all of us were brought up. When we all greet each other as Arabs and Muslims, we say, ‘As-salamu alaykum’ — peace be unto you,” claiming that this phrase was “the basis of Islam.”
You are a special kind of stupid aren't you? Jihad Watch sourced the Koran. That is Islams source too. There is nothing to balance just something to read.
So you take it literally also... That makes you a Fundamentalist twit too.
The Koran, itself, says to interpret it literally. You know 0 about Islam even after all you have seen and been told. Try a thread where you can fool someone.
Look at the Regressives line up to defend Islam.

Throw a gay man off a roof, slice the head of an innocent child off, slaughter a woman for the crime of being raped, and you won't hear a peep from them unless they're challenged.

Some Christian broad doesn't want to bake a cake AND SHE MUST BE PUNISHED AND MADE AN EXAMPLE OF.

This is just sick.

Naw, guy, we just don't get outraged because the Oil Companies and Jews tell us we should be.

If they throw someone off a roof in THIS COUNTRY, I'm for throwing the book at them, just like you throw the book at the lady who breaks the public accommodation laws.

But exaggerating things that happen in other countries, usually because we did something to either prop up a bad regime or bring down a regime and cause chaos, all because we want their oil, I'm not going to get worked up about that.

"We got to save the, the women, I meant the women!!!"

"Okay, so you are going to sign up for the Army tomorrow, right?"

"Um, er, no. Let some working class kid do that!"
Not about the Jews. You need to start a new thread. This is about the violence and hate promoted in Islamic holy literature. Pay attention.
You are no expert on Islam, brainwashed hater dupe. What is it I am not acknowledging, mr. big?
The most important facts about Islam are right in front of you. You are far too stupid to see it.

And the hate comes from Islam, read the OP.
Yeah because Jihad watch is so fair and balanced LOL. I'll go with my cousin King Abdullah seems to be a good guy and he's my cousin. His mother is from Suffolk.

Abdullah said: “It is not a religion of hate. We as Muslims believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. We believe in the Holy Virgin Mother. We believe in the Bible and the Torah, and I think this is the way that all of us were brought up. When we all greet each other as Arabs and Muslims, we say, ‘As-salamu alaykum’ — peace be unto you,” claiming that this phrase was “the basis of Islam.”
You are a special kind of stupid aren't you? Jihad Watch sourced the Koran. That is Islams source too. There is nothing to balance just something to read.
So you take it literally also... That makes you a Fundamentalist twit too.
The Koran, itself, says to interpret it literally. You know 0 about Islam even after all you have seen and been told. Try a thread where you can fool someone.
The Bible says the same thing, so don't wear cotton and gabardine at the same time or else you'll be stoned to death or whatever it is LOL
Look at the Regressives line up to defend Islam.

Throw a gay man off a roof, slice the head of an innocent child off, slaughter a woman for the crime of being raped, and you won't hear a peep from them unless they're challenged.

Some Christian broad doesn't want to bake a cake AND SHE MUST BE PUNISHED AND MADE AN EXAMPLE OF.

This is just sick.

Naw, guy, we just don't get outraged because the Oil Companies and Jews tell us we should be.

If they throw someone off a roof in THIS COUNTRY, I'm for throwing the book at them, just like you throw the book at the lady who breaks the public accommodation laws.

But exaggerating things that happen in other countries, usually because we did something to either prop up a bad regime or bring down a regime and cause chaos, all because we want their oil, I'm not going to get worked up about that.

"We got to save the, the women, I meant the women!!!"

"Okay, so you are going to sign up for the Army tomorrow, right?"

"Um, er, no. Let some working class kid do that!"
Not about the Jews. You need to start a new thread. This is about the violence and hate promoted in Islamic holy literature. Pay attention.
I know this thread is about brainwashed GOP dupes who become haters.
He'll quote something from the Old Testament, no doubt. What an idiot.

Um, yeah. the Old Testament is in the Christian Bible. The God of Abraham is the God of Jesus.

Did he suddenly become a nicer guy because he was human for a few years?
The book of Romans ties the old and New Testaments together perfectly, if the Bible is not taken as a whole it is nothing more than useless gibberish.

not for anyone who thinks your book is made up silliness.
It’s a Christian thing obviously you don’t understand...

I do understand it. that's why I know it's silly.
The most important facts about Islam are right in front of you. You are far too stupid to see it.

And the hate comes from Islam, read the OP.
Yeah because Jihad watch is so fair and balanced LOL. I'll go with my cousin King Abdullah seems to be a good guy and he's my cousin. His mother is from Suffolk.

Abdullah said: “It is not a religion of hate. We as Muslims believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. We believe in the Holy Virgin Mother. We believe in the Bible and the Torah, and I think this is the way that all of us were brought up. When we all greet each other as Arabs and Muslims, we say, ‘As-salamu alaykum’ — peace be unto you,” claiming that this phrase was “the basis of Islam.”
You are a special kind of stupid aren't you? Jihad Watch sourced the Koran. That is Islams source too. There is nothing to balance just something to read.
So you take it literally also... That makes you a Fundamentalist twit too.
The Koran, itself, says to interpret it literally. You know 0 about Islam even after all you have seen and been told. Try a thread where you can fool someone.
The Bible says the same thing, so don't wear cotton and gabardine at the same time or else you'll be stoned to death or whatever it is LOL
Is it fun being as dumb and useless as you?
Yeah because Jihad watch is so fair and balanced LOL. I'll go with my cousin King Abdullah seems to be a good guy and he's my cousin. His mother is from Suffolk.

Abdullah said: “It is not a religion of hate. We as Muslims believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. We believe in the Holy Virgin Mother. We believe in the Bible and the Torah, and I think this is the way that all of us were brought up. When we all greet each other as Arabs and Muslims, we say, ‘As-salamu alaykum’ — peace be unto you,” claiming that this phrase was “the basis of Islam.”
You are a special kind of stupid aren't you? Jihad Watch sourced the Koran. That is Islams source too. There is nothing to balance just something to read.
So you take it literally also... That makes you a Fundamentalist twit too.
The Koran, itself, says to interpret it literally. You know 0 about Islam even after all you have seen and been told. Try a thread where you can fool someone.
The Bible says the same thing, so don't wear cotton and gabardine at the same time or else you'll be stoned to death or whatever it is LOL
Is it fun being as dumb and useless as you?
It's a waste of time debating debating with a brainwashed functional moron. Education for all fundamentalists...
I got an idea, find one verse where Muhammad or Allah condemn terror

Find one verse in the bible, first. Since "Terrorism" is a recent word, you probably won't find it in either.

I would argue that Samson was the first terrorist. He killed himself bringing down a building with 4000 people dying, just like Mohammed Atta.

Not about the Jews. You need to start a new thread. This is about the violence and hate promoted in Islamic holy literature. Pay attention.

No, it's about you trying to dress up your racism as a theological argument, which is one step above watching Corky the Retard try to discuss physics.
Sorry, you are so sorry. Stop the names and look at what Islam says. Tell me, does me being a racist change what it says?

I've looked at what Islam says. It has the same percentage of crazy as the Bible has, but if it was what you going around claiming, we'd be facing 1 Billion angry Muslims and not just a handful in some country we brutalized into insanity.

Christians don't kill over misunderstandings, more than enough Muslims do.


Hey, let's try this one on for size.

"Though shall not suffer a witch to live!" How many women were killed on the mere suspicion of being witches. Except the original word in Hebrew was mekhashepha which more accurately translates into "poisoner".

We can also talk about how many Christians went around killing each other over the number of sacraments or whether or not the bread and wine really turns into Jesus.

If you want to get a more modern example, how about all the Christian nuts who go around bombing abortion clinics and gay bars because that's what Jesus would do?

Do you think terror will stop because you just say "but Christians" out of apathy or fear? The religion is at war, and always has been. And, again, it tells you it is.

No, guy, I think it stops when we stop invading over there, stop arming bad guys and expecting them to not turn on us, stop supporting bad regimes and the Zionist entity. Then human beings, being what they are, will find something else to be shitty over.
It is a shame you cannot talk about Islam, it is the topic. Prove it is not what it says it is. You seem to be good at finding Christian verses, give Islam a try.

I got an idea, find one verse where Muhammad or Allah condemn terror.

“But if the enemies incline towards peace, do you also incline towards peace. And trust in God! For He is the one who hears and knows all things.” (8:61)

“Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors.” ()2:190
Sorry, you are so sorry. Stop the names and look at what Islam says. Tell me, does me being a racist change what it says?

I've looked at what Islam says. It has the same percentage of crazy as the Bible has, but if it was what you going around claiming, we'd be facing 1 Billion angry Muslims and not just a handful in some country we brutalized into insanity.

Christians don't kill over misunderstandings, more than enough Muslims do.


Hey, let's try this one on for size.

"Though shall not suffer a witch to live!" How many women were killed on the mere suspicion of being witches. Except the original word in Hebrew was mekhashepha which more accurately translates into "poisoner".

We can also talk about how many Christians went around killing each other over the number of sacraments or whether or not the bread and wine really turns into Jesus.

If you want to get a more modern example, how about all the Christian nuts who go around bombing abortion clinics and gay bars because that's what Jesus would do?

Do you think terror will stop because you just say "but Christians" out of apathy or fear? The religion is at war, and always has been. And, again, it tells you it is.

No, guy, I think it stops when we stop invading over there, stop arming bad guys and expecting them to not turn on us, stop supporting bad regimes and the Zionist entity. Then human beings, being what they are, will find something else to be shitty over.
It is a shame you cannot talk about Islam, it is the topic. Prove it is not what it says it is. You seem to be good at finding Christian verses, give Islam a try.

I got an idea, find one verse where Muhammad or Allah condemn terror.

“But if the enemies incline towards peace, do you also incline towards peace. And trust in God! For He is the one who hears and knows all things.” (8:61)

“Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors.” ()2:190
Those are two abrogated verses. Try again, the Verse of the Sword abrogates both.
You finally ready to get serious about this?
I got an idea, find one verse where Muhammad or Allah condemn terror

Find one verse in the bible, first. Since "Terrorism" is a recent word, you probably won't find it in either.

I would argue that Samson was the first terrorist. He killed himself bringing down a building with 4000 people dying, just like Mohammed Atta.

Not about the Jews. You need to start a new thread. This is about the violence and hate promoted in Islamic holy literature. Pay attention.

No, it's about you trying to dress up your racism as a theological argument, which is one step above watching Corky the Retard try to discuss physics.
You got some really lame arguments that have nothing to do with Islam and what it says. Why is that?
Sorry, you are so sorry. Stop the names and look at what Islam says. Tell me, does me being a racist change what it says?

I've looked at what Islam says. It has the same percentage of crazy as the Bible has, but if it was what you going around claiming, we'd be facing 1 Billion angry Muslims and not just a handful in some country we brutalized into insanity.

Christians don't kill over misunderstandings, more than enough Muslims do.


Hey, let's try this one on for size.

"Though shall not suffer a witch to live!" How many women were killed on the mere suspicion of being witches. Except the original word in Hebrew was mekhashepha which more accurately translates into "poisoner".

We can also talk about how many Christians went around killing each other over the number of sacraments or whether or not the bread and wine really turns into Jesus.

If you want to get a more modern example, how about all the Christian nuts who go around bombing abortion clinics and gay bars because that's what Jesus would do?

Do you think terror will stop because you just say "but Christians" out of apathy or fear? The religion is at war, and always has been. And, again, it tells you it is.

No, guy, I think it stops when we stop invading over there, stop arming bad guys and expecting them to not turn on us, stop supporting bad regimes and the Zionist entity. Then human beings, being what they are, will find something else to be shitty over.
It is a shame you cannot talk about Islam, it is the topic. Prove it is not what it says it is. You seem to be good at finding Christian verses, give Islam a try.

I got an idea, find one verse where Muhammad or Allah condemn terror.

“But if the enemies incline towards peace, do you also incline towards peace. And trust in God! For He is the one who hears and knows all things.” (8:61)

“Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors.” ()2:190
Those are two abrogated verses. Try again, the Verse of the Sword abrogates both.
You finally ready to get serious about this?

Abrogation in the Qur’an, and the order of its soorahs and verses -

Slay them wherever you find them? The sword verse explained | Faith in Allah الإيمان بالله
Sorry, you are so sorry. Stop the names and look at what Islam says. Tell me, does me being a racist change what it says?

I've looked at what Islam says. It has the same percentage of crazy as the Bible has, but if it was what you going around claiming, we'd be facing 1 Billion angry Muslims and not just a handful in some country we brutalized into insanity.

Christians don't kill over misunderstandings, more than enough Muslims do.


Hey, let's try this one on for size.

"Though shall not suffer a witch to live!" How many women were killed on the mere suspicion of being witches. Except the original word in Hebrew was mekhashepha which more accurately translates into "poisoner".

We can also talk about how many Christians went around killing each other over the number of sacraments or whether or not the bread and wine really turns into Jesus.

If you want to get a more modern example, how about all the Christian nuts who go around bombing abortion clinics and gay bars because that's what Jesus would do?

Do you think terror will stop because you just say "but Christians" out of apathy or fear? The religion is at war, and always has been. And, again, it tells you it is.

No, guy, I think it stops when we stop invading over there, stop arming bad guys and expecting them to not turn on us, stop supporting bad regimes and the Zionist entity. Then human beings, being what they are, will find something else to be shitty over.
It is a shame you cannot talk about Islam, it is the topic. Prove it is not what it says it is. You seem to be good at finding Christian verses, give Islam a try.

I got an idea, find one verse where Muhammad or Allah condemn terror.

“But if the enemies incline towards peace, do you also incline towards peace. And trust in God! For He is the one who hears and knows all things.” (8:61)

“Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors.” ()2:190
Those are two abrogated verses. Try again, the Verse of the Sword abrogates both.
You finally ready to get serious about this?
The funny rating from Coyote after she passes off abrogated verses that hide the truth about Islam, is she knowingly lying. Why would she do that? Remember not knowing about abrogation does damage credibility of anything about Islam.

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