Islam is misunderstood.

Palestine has never existed . . . as an autonomous entity. There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc.

Okay... except they were in Palestine and the Jews were in Europe.
This isn't complicated.
Go back and read the OP. Where is Palestine mentioned?
Go back and read the OP. Where is Palestine mentioned?

Guy... you are the one claiming hteir belief in a sky pixie is worse than your belief in a sky pixie, if you only count the last 50 years.

Um. Okay. So let's look at what they are actually upset about.

Palestine's occupation by the Zionist Entity.
Our continous support of awful regimes.
Our invasion, occupation or bombing of 14 Islamic Countries since 1980.

That's what they are upset about. Not some obscure verse in the Koran you really don't understand.
Palestine has never existed . . . as an autonomous entity. There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc.

Okay... except they were in Palestine and the Jews were in Europe.
This isn't complicated.

The land of Judea is the home of the Jews.

Its not complicated.
Go back and read the OP. Where is Palestine mentioned?

Guy... you are the one claiming hteir belief in a sky pixie is worse than your belief in a sky pixie, if you only count the last 50 years.

Um. Okay. So let's look at what they are actually upset about.

Palestine's occupation by the Zionist Entity.
Our continous support of awful regimes.
Our invasion, occupation or bombing of 14 Islamic Countries since 1980.

That's what they are upset about. Not some obscure verse in the Koran you really don't understand.
Those verses are hardly obscure, they are numerous through out the Koran.

Go to the Palestinian thread where you belong.
We all know how much you hate Jews. To bad you let it infect you so much. LOL

only when they insist Americans should die for their religious fantasies.
The point of this thread is another religious fantasy is killing people, it is called Islam. And it tells you what it is obligated to do. Refusing to see that is willful ignorance.
Go back and read the OP. Where is Palestine mentioned?

Guy... you are the one claiming hteir belief in a sky pixie is worse than your belief in a sky pixie, if you only count the last 50 years.

Um. Okay. So let's look at what they are actually upset about.

Palestine's occupation by the Zionist Entity.
Our continous support of awful regimes.
Our invasion, occupation or bombing of 14 Islamic Countries since 1980.

That's what they are upset about. Not some obscure verse in the Koran you really don't understand.

to what "obscure verse in the Koran" do you refer, joe?
Unless Islam is understood as an ideological virus that seeks to destroy all other ideologies, it is not understood for what it is.

The useful idiots here don't WANT to know anything about it. All they know is that they are required to defend it.
Unless Islam is understood as an ideological virus that seeks to destroy all other ideologies, it is not understood for what it is.

The useful idiots here don't WANT to know anything about it. All they know is that they are required to defend it.
Actually, they are obeying Sharia law.
The point of this thread is another religious fantasy is killing people, it is called Islam. And it tells you what it is obligated to do. Refusing to see that is willful ignorance.

Zionism isn't a religious fantasy that is killing people?

You don't stick your hand in a hornet's nest and then get to complain about getting stung, buddy.

to what "obscure verse in the Koran" do you refer, joe?

Whichever one the racists started this thread with. I didn't care enough to bother reading them.

Unless Islam is understood as an ideological virus that seeks to destroy all other ideologies, it is not understood for what it is.

The useful idiots here don't WANT to know anything about it. All they know is that they are required to defend it.

Here's the thing. Islam has been around for 1400 years and they STILL haven't gotten around to destroying all other idealogies.

In fact, inside the Islamic World, you can still find Zoroastrians, Christians, Druze, Yazidis, Mandeans, Bahai and other non-Islamic faiths that usually live in peace until some idiot with a couple of armored divisions pops buy and upsets all the apple carts.

As opposed to Christianity, which has not only destroyed all pagan religions in its sphere of influence, but also managed for centuries to wipe out heretical movements like the Macronians, Arians, Monophysites, Hussite, Albigensian.

But just remember, kiddies, THEY are the bad ones. So shut up while we send your kid off to get PTSD so we can save the oil. I mean the women. Yes, the women. Who are standing on top of all that oil.
joe-----you are not ignorant or sick------YOU ARE FILTH

And you are batshit crazy, but don't let that stop you.

now now----SERIOUSLY----joe. You have commented, in sum and substance, that Christians, Jews,
Buddhists, Hindus, Bahais, Zoroastrians LIVE HAPPILY AND IN PEACE in muslim dominated societies
UNTIL THE USA steps in and fucks everything up. How do you know?---------
PS----Joe----how do you know ---as you have commented, in sum and substance ---Zionism is
killing people ??
Any religion whose adherents really understood 'God' would have no adherents.
in furtherance of the OP comment------ie THE UNDERSTANDING OF ISLAM-----are there any muslims out there today? Today is Saturday----thus YESTERDAY was Friday------the weekly Friday "KHUTBAH
JUMAAT" IMHO----tells lots about islam and the understanding thereof. Anybody out there experience a
"Khutbah Jumaat" yesterday? If so, could you provide a comment on the content thereof?
now now----SERIOUSLY----joe. You have commented, in sum and substance, that Christians, Jews,
Buddhists, Hindus, Bahais, Zoroastrians LIVE HAPPILY AND IN PEACE in muslim dominated societies
UNTIL THE USA steps in and fucks everything up. How do you know?--

Dude, you had the Yazidis who were worshiping the Islamic DEVIL, and in Saddam's Iraq, people were cool with them. Then we invaded, and pretty much everyone has turned them into their bitch.

PS----Joe----how do you know ---as you have commented, in sum and substance ---Zionism is
killing people ??

now now----SERIOUSLY----joe. You have commented, in sum and substance, that Christians, Jews,
Buddhists, Hindus, Bahais, Zoroastrians LIVE HAPPILY AND IN PEACE in muslim dominated societies
UNTIL THE USA steps in and fucks everything up. How do you know?--

Dude, you had the Yazidis who were worshiping the Islamic DEVIL, and in Saddam's Iraq, people were cool with them. Then we invaded, and pretty much everyone has turned them into their bitch.

PS----Joe----how do you know ---as you have commented, in sum and substance ---Zionism is
killing people ??


who was "cool" with Yazidis??? -----Yazidis are ESSENTIALLY LEFT OVER ZOROASTRIANS-----
they were subjected to GENOCIDE IN IRAQ---------when the muslims invaded. Old Baghdad
was a DIVERSE CITY------Christians, Jews and ZOROASTRIANS---------when islam got there ---DHIMMIA
"HAPPY PEACE" ???? ------have you ever had a conversation with any Jews, Christians or Zoroastrians
with family background in BAGHDAD? Mumbai (the erstwhile Bombay) is chock full of
escapees ----ie people who sailed from Iraq and Iran to BOMBAY ---to escape ISLAM. centuries ago.
It is an interesting history. You CAN learn lots from the REMNANTS of decimated communities

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