Islam----not just a religion

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This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.

Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country on earth.

What sort of government do they have?
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.

"The people" sure don't seem to resist.

No they don't, but they choose to remain ill-informed, the alternative is too much to believe for them. The people for the most part live within the system, they don't directly force it upon everyone else. Willing ignorance is easier to swallow than trying to grasp the concept that your Nation, your leaders, your banks, and your Military are all conspiring to simply make money for the Bankers. He who controls the money wins.

Oh, here we go with the "evil bankers" and the "global elites". Yep, that tiny cabal of rich guys is really controlling the entire world-------------------:ack-1:

The great conspiracy, right?

Your ignorance is not my problem.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.

Of cousres it's a religion. That's ALL that matters.

We've accepted Islam as a religion for ages.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.

Of cousres it's a religion. That's ALL that matters.

We've accepted Islam as a religion for ages.

Yes, it is. It is also a system of government, a body of law, and a culture. In muslim countries Islam is the law, the leaders are the religious leaders. No other religion is allowed or tolerated.

Please do some research before making a fool of yourself.
American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.

"The people" sure don't seem to resist.

No they don't, but they choose to remain ill-informed, the alternative is too much to believe for them. The people for the most part live within the system, they don't directly force it upon everyone else. Willing ignorance is easier to swallow than trying to grasp the concept that your Nation, your leaders, your banks, and your Military are all conspiring to simply make money for the Bankers. He who controls the money wins.

Oh, here we go with the "evil bankers" and the "global elites". Yep, that tiny cabal of rich guys is really controlling the entire world-------------------:ack-1:

The great conspiracy, right?

Your ignorance is not my problem.

yeah, right. How about giving a list of the names of the members of the evil world wide banking cabal that controls the world? Is Goldfinger one of them? Scaramanga?

Then explain how they control the governments of every country on earth.

This is a fantasy.
No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.

"The people" sure don't seem to resist.

No they don't, but they choose to remain ill-informed, the alternative is too much to believe for them. The people for the most part live within the system, they don't directly force it upon everyone else. Willing ignorance is easier to swallow than trying to grasp the concept that your Nation, your leaders, your banks, and your Military are all conspiring to simply make money for the Bankers. He who controls the money wins.

Oh, here we go with the "evil bankers" and the "global elites". Yep, that tiny cabal of rich guys is really controlling the entire world-------------------:ack-1:

The great conspiracy, right?

Your ignorance is not my problem.

yeah, right. How about giving a list of the names of the members of the evil world wide banking cabal that controls the world? Is Goldfinger one of them? Scaramanga?

Then explain how they control the governments of every country on earth.

This is a fantasy.

Well, a "capitalist" nation ran the world's economic system into the ground and was then bailed out with socialism across both "conservative" and "liberal" administrations; the entire planet witnessed it. Furthermore no matter who anyone votes for, they are always voting to have a heavily Goldman Sachs?Wall Street influenced economic system.

The IMF, the World Bank, globalization, the fictitious US economic growth via the issuing of debt with nothing to back that up save printing more paper money.

I would suggest that yes, there is quite a bit of fantasy involved in propping the whole thing up, but it is inherently unsustainable.
No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.

"The people" sure don't seem to resist.

No they don't, but they choose to remain ill-informed, the alternative is too much to believe for them. The people for the most part live within the system, they don't directly force it upon everyone else. Willing ignorance is easier to swallow than trying to grasp the concept that your Nation, your leaders, your banks, and your Military are all conspiring to simply make money for the Bankers. He who controls the money wins.

Oh, here we go with the "evil bankers" and the "global elites". Yep, that tiny cabal of rich guys is really controlling the entire world-------------------:ack-1:

The great conspiracy, right?

Your ignorance is not my problem.

yeah, right. How about giving a list of the names of the members of the evil world wide banking cabal that controls the world? Is Goldfinger one of them? Scaramanga?

Then explain how they control the governments of every country on earth.

This is a fantasy.

If I thought it would help you I would. Again, your lack of knowledge is willful and for you necessary. You aren't ready to have your eyes opened. When you're ready to understand what the reality it is all out there for you. The biggest lesson that ever needs to be learned is that a thing that is true in no way needs you to believe it to be true whether it's the truth of the Banking Industry or anything else.
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"The people" sure don't seem to resist.

No they don't, but they choose to remain ill-informed, the alternative is too much to believe for them. The people for the most part live within the system, they don't directly force it upon everyone else. Willing ignorance is easier to swallow than trying to grasp the concept that your Nation, your leaders, your banks, and your Military are all conspiring to simply make money for the Bankers. He who controls the money wins.

Oh, here we go with the "evil bankers" and the "global elites". Yep, that tiny cabal of rich guys is really controlling the entire world-------------------:ack-1:

The great conspiracy, right?

Your ignorance is not my problem.

yeah, right. How about giving a list of the names of the members of the evil world wide banking cabal that controls the world? Is Goldfinger one of them? Scaramanga?

Then explain how they control the governments of every country on earth.

This is a fantasy.

If I thought it would help you I would. Again, your lack of knowledge is willful and for you necessary. You aren't ready to have your eyes opened. When you're ready to understand what the reality it is all out there for you. The biggest lesson that ever needs to be learned is that a thing that is true in no way needs you to believe it to be true whether it's the truth of the Banking Industry or anything else.

If you are so sure that it exists, it should be no problem to give us a list of the names of the members. Or just give us a list of the banks and who owns them. Put up something to support your claims or move to something else.

Either give us the names, or admit that the "evil globalist banking cabal" is a fantasy.
If we accept islam as a religion in the USA, then we must also accept sharia law as a valid form of law in the USA. Because you don't get Islam without sharia. They are one and the same.

So, liberals. are you ready for executions of gays, subjugation of women, genital mutilation of little girls, honor killings, beheadings of non believers?

Careful what you wish for. It could kill you.
No they don't, but they choose to remain ill-informed, the alternative is too much to believe for them. The people for the most part live within the system, they don't directly force it upon everyone else. Willing ignorance is easier to swallow than trying to grasp the concept that your Nation, your leaders, your banks, and your Military are all conspiring to simply make money for the Bankers. He who controls the money wins.

Oh, here we go with the "evil bankers" and the "global elites". Yep, that tiny cabal of rich guys is really controlling the entire world-------------------:ack-1:

The great conspiracy, right?

Your ignorance is not my problem.

yeah, right. How about giving a list of the names of the members of the evil world wide banking cabal that controls the world? Is Goldfinger one of them? Scaramanga?

Then explain how they control the governments of every country on earth.

This is a fantasy.

If I thought it would help you I would. Again, your lack of knowledge is willful and for you necessary. You aren't ready to have your eyes opened. When you're ready to understand what the reality it is all out there for you. The biggest lesson that ever needs to be learned is that a thing that is true in no way needs you to believe it to be true whether it's the truth of the Banking Industry or anything else.

If you are so sure that it exists, it should be no problem to give us a list of the names of the members. Or just give us a list of the banks and who owns them. Put up something to support your claims or move to something else.

Either give us the names, or admit that the "evil globalist banking cabal" is a fantasy.

This isn't my first rodeo kid, if you were ready to know you'd look for it yourself, it isn't being hidden. Your silly ultimatums notwithstanding, the truth is out there but you will not see it until you are ready.
For example you still believe that Kennedy was shot by Oswald from the book depository which was behind him.....
Oh, here we go with the "evil bankers" and the "global elites". Yep, that tiny cabal of rich guys is really controlling the entire world-------------------:ack-1:

The great conspiracy, right?

Your ignorance is not my problem.

yeah, right. How about giving a list of the names of the members of the evil world wide banking cabal that controls the world? Is Goldfinger one of them? Scaramanga?

Then explain how they control the governments of every country on earth.

This is a fantasy.

If I thought it would help you I would. Again, your lack of knowledge is willful and for you necessary. You aren't ready to have your eyes opened. When you're ready to understand what the reality it is all out there for you. The biggest lesson that ever needs to be learned is that a thing that is true in no way needs you to believe it to be true whether it's the truth of the Banking Industry or anything else.

If you are so sure that it exists, it should be no problem to give us a list of the names of the members. Or just give us a list of the banks and who owns them. Put up something to support your claims or move to something else.

Either give us the names, or admit that the "evil globalist banking cabal" is a fantasy.

This isn't my first rodeo kid, if you were ready to know you'd look for it yourself, it isn't being hidden. Your silly ultimatums notwithstanding, the truth is out there but you will not see it until you are ready.
For example you still believe that Kennedy was shot by Oswald from the book depository which was behind him.....

Right, and Bush and Cheney set explosives in the twin towers. Now I know who you are.
In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion. .

Not in the United States.

In the United States everyone is required to follow the law, regardless of what their religion may tell them they are supposed to do.

Simple idea- enforce the law. If Muslims- or anyone else- is violating the law- then prosecute them.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.

The leftists here would not recognize a liberal principle if it smacked them along side their little regressive heads. All they know is that they are required to defend Islam..

The contards here would not recognize a conservative principal if it smacked them alongside their little fascist heads.

All they know is that they are required to attack Muslims- and silently enable those who attack Jews.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.

Of cousres it's a religion. That's ALL that matters.

We've accepted Islam as a religion for ages.

Yes, it is. It is also a system of government, a body of law, and a culture. In muslim countries Islam is the law, the leaders are the religious leaders. No other religion is allowed or tolerated.

Please do some research before making a fool of yourself.

I don't think Coyote is really making a fool of itself so much as indulging in Kitman.

The creature vacillates between Kitman and Taqiyya quite regularly. It follows the motto "All Hiyal, all the time".
But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government..

Actually Turkey it is not- despite the efforts of the current Turkish government to change that.

The 1982 constitution established the country as a secular state and provides for freedom of belief and worship and the private dissemination of religious ideas.

And the Indonesian Constitution provides for freedom of religion

The Indonesian constitution provides for freedom of religion. The government generally respects religious freedom for the six officially recognized religions: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.

The leftists here would not recognize a liberal principle if it smacked them along side their little regressive heads. All they know is that they are required to defend Islam..

The contards here would not recognize a conservative principal if it smacked them alongside their little fascist heads.

All they know is that they are required to attack Muslims- and silently enable those who attack Jews.

Ah -- I see you recognized yourself as one of the many I was describing.

Thanks for standing up to be counted like you did, although a little originality next time might be nice..
Ah -- I see you recognized yourself as one of the many I was describing.

Thanks for standing up to be counted like you did, although a little originality next time might be nice..

It takes no originality to point how "THE CULT COMMANDS! I MUST OBEY!" is your sole guiding principle

Now, I've been trying to decode the meanings of your secret cult codewords.

From your "hiyal" codeword, I learn that you're a muslim trying to pass himself off as non-muslim.

And from "kitman" and "taqiyaa", I see you're telling other muslims to lie to non-believers.

My question. Should you be advertising that openly here, before you implement your Sharia dream-empire over the whole world?
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.
Islam would either destroy or convert Modern American liberals to their ideals. Islam bans women's rights, gay rights, freedom of speech. Please. Islam is a male driven superstition that promotes hate and violence. I thought liberals were above pandering to such backward ideologies. But now they tacitly support it? Liberals are a tad conflicted. They need to re- examine their base and their logic here.
In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion. .

Not in the United States.

In the United States everyone is required to follow the law, regardless of what their religion may tell them they are supposed to do.

Simple idea- enforce the law. If Muslims- or anyone else- is violating the law- then prosecute them.

OK, lets take this slow so you might get it.

If a person is a true follower of Islam, then no law is above the law of the Koran (sharia). Islam is a religion, a form of government, a body of law, and a culture.

If it was only a religion then your points would be valid. But its not.
But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government..

Actually Turkey it is not- despite the efforts of the current Turkish government to change that.

The 1982 constitution established the country as a secular state and provides for freedom of belief and worship and the private dissemination of religious ideas.

And the Indonesian Constitution provides for freedom of religion

The Indonesian constitution provides for freedom of religion. The government generally respects religious freedom for the six officially recognized religions: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

what you said about Turkey and Indonesia is basically correct. However, the radicals are gaining strength in both of those countries, they could become like Iran very soon if the radicals are not stopped.
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