Islam----not just a religion

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But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government..

Actually Turkey it is not- despite the efforts of the current Turkish government to change that.

The 1982 constitution established the country as a secular state and provides for freedom of belief and worship and the private dissemination of religious ideas.

And the Indonesian Constitution provides for freedom of religion

The Indonesian constitution provides for freedom of religion. The government generally respects religious freedom for the six officially recognized religions: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

what you said about Turkey and Indonesia is basically correct. However, the radicals are gaining strength in both of those countries, they could become like Iran very soon if the radicals are not stopped.

So what I said was correct.

And what you said:
Go to Indonesia, Turkey, L......, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government.

Was a lie.
In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion. .

Not in the United States.

In the United States everyone is required to follow the law, regardless of what their religion may tell them they are supposed to do.

Simple idea- enforce the law. If Muslims- or anyone else- is violating the law- then prosecute them.

OK, lets take this slow so you might get it.

If a person is a true follower of Islam, then no law is above the law of the Koran (sharia). Islam is a religion, a form of government, a body of law, and a culture.

If it was only a religion then your points would be valid. But its not.

My point is valid.

Prosecute people for violating the law.

Not for what you think that their religion tells them to do.

Otherwise we would be prosecuting Jews for stoning adulterers.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.
Yes, we get it. That is why our Founding Fathers gave us a First Amendment, first.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.
Islam would either destroy or convert Modern American liberals to their ideals. Islam bans women's rights, gay rights, freedom of speech. Please. Islam is a male driven superstition that promotes hate and violence. I thought liberals were above pandering to such backward ideologies. But now they tacitly support it? Liberals are a tad conflicted. They need to re- examine their base and their logic here.

I no more 'support' Islam than i support Christianity. Truth be told, I find much about Islam to be repellent.

But Americans have the right to participate in repellent religions.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.

The leftists here would not recognize a liberal principle if it smacked them along side their little regressive heads. All they know is that they are required to defend Islam.

No amount of rational discussion will ever penetrate the fortresses they have erected around the vacuum between their two ears.
Projection and fallacy is all the national socialist right wing has.
The USA was founded on folks who knew "The Bible" was a bunch of bullshit. BUT...the "Christian" element was tolerated in its various forms.

Judaism is always a lingering parasitic force...but Islam is an immediate danger.

Neither Christianity or Judaism brings a different system of government and body of law with it. Your attempt at analogy fails. Islam IS the government in muslim countries. Sharia IS the system of law in muslim countries. Islam is a state religion, the religious leaders are the government leaders. There is no separation of church and state.
I guess trying to drag, "Ten (religious) Commandments" into our courtrooms, doesn't ring any bells to the national socialist, right wing?
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.

The leftists here would not recognize a liberal principle if it smacked them along side their little regressive heads. All they know is that they are required to defend Islam.

No amount of rational discussion will ever penetrate the fortresses they have erected around the vacuum between their two ears.

sadly, it seems that you are correct. The crazy ass Hollywood people who beg for islam would be the first ones put under black sheets and beheaded if they were gay.
all the understanding of the issues for the national socialist right wing, comes from dictionaries not encyclopedias.
America needs Islam.

As the U.S. sinks deeper into moral depravity and economic perversion.

Islam will be there to salvage the wreckage and build a just society based on logic and morality. ..... :thup: ... :cool:

Yeah....all I need is some radical blowing me up
you would not say that if you were a guy, and it was about a hot chic.
But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.
What a difference the socialism of a social Contract makes.

Only the national socialist right wing, never gets it.
But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.
You make it seem, like all we really need is, "conflicts of interest" with the entire Middle East.
But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government.

and if you don't like oil, park your car and ride a bike, I don't give a shit how you feel about the natural product that keeps the world running and billions fed.
I prefer to advance fusion (an energy with a future) over fossil fuels.
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.
only in right wing national socialist fantasy; simply because, it will require wartime tax rates.
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.
only in right wing national socialist fantasy; simply because, it will require wartime tax rates.

Look at the bright side, what you don't know won't hurt you, until it does. You don't want to know and that's fine, it doesn't concern me.
I no more 'support' Islam than i support Christianity.


So THAT'S why you defend it at every turn and have a 100% track record on the subject. It's because you do not support it. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Damn, is there a factory somewhere spitting out mindless leftists who all indulge in this exact, same, doublespeak?
I no more 'support' Islam than i support Christianity.


So THAT'S why you defend it at every turn and have a 100% track record on the subject. It's because you do not support it. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Damn, is there a factory somewhere spitting out mindless leftists who all indulge in this exact, same, doublespeak?
"Alternative facts" perhaps.
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.
only in right wing national socialist fantasy; simply because, it will require wartime tax rates.

Look at the bright side, what you don't know won't hurt you, until it does. You don't want to know and that's fine, it doesn't concern me.

i already know the fantastical right wing answer; "hell no, we won't go, if there is Any tax increase", to look, fiscally tough.
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