Islam----not just a religion

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yes, and entering this country illegally is a violation of our law, sooooooooooo every person who does that should be prosecuted, according to you. I agree.

When was the last time US jews stoned an adulterer in the US?

The following Verses are from the NIV Bible:

Exodus 20:14 "You shall not commit adultery."

Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who
slept with her and the woman must die."

Leviticus 20:10 "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."

Proverbs 6:32 "But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself."

Leviticus 21:9 "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire."

Deuteronomy 25:11-12 "If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity."

Who lives by a literal reading of the old testament? Answer: no one

Now, who lives by a literal reading of the Koran? Answer: devout muslims.

Oh I'm sure you have yourself a rationalization, but there is this commonality that binds all 3 male dominator god religions that the middle east vomited up.

The difference is that if you lived in a muslim nation and said that you would be beheaded. Christians and Jews would try to show you the way, but would not kill you for rejecting their religion.

I do know what I am talking about on this topic. I lived and worked in the mid east for many years. I worked with muslims, I have friends who are muslims. I understand Islam and its followers. Your naivete could result in your death.

Clearly you don't.

Since you lied about Turkey and Indonesia- and are now lying that if you said anything in Indonesia you would get beheaded.

what I said about Turkey and Indonesia is correct. Currently they are mostly secular countries but the radical islamists are getting stronger every day. Those countries could very easily allow their governments to be taken over by the radicals who would invoke sharia law.

But feel free to continue to embarrass yourself on a topic you know nothing about.
the problem is not religion, the problem is a cult of hate masquerading as a religion. No real religion calls for the murder of non believers.
The following Verses are from the NIV Bible:

Exodus 20:14 "You shall not commit adultery."

Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who
slept with her and the woman must die."

Leviticus 20:10 "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."

Proverbs 6:32 "But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself."

Leviticus 21:9 "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire."

Deuteronomy 25:11-12 "If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity."

Who lives by a literal reading of the old testament? Answer: no one

Now, who lives by a literal reading of the Koran? Answer: devout muslims.

Oh I'm sure you have yourself a rationalization, but there is this commonality that binds all 3 male dominator god religions that the middle east vomited up.

The difference is that if you lived in a muslim nation and said that you would be beheaded. Christians and Jews would try to show you the way, but would not kill you for rejecting their religion.

I do know what I am talking about on this topic. I lived and worked in the mid east for many years. I worked with muslims, I have friends who are muslims. I understand Islam and its followers. Your naivete could result in your death.

Clearly you don't.

Since you lied about Turkey and Indonesia- and are now lying that if you said anything in Indonesia you would get beheaded.

what I said about Turkey and Indonesia is correct. Currently they are mostly secular countries but the radical islamists are getting stronger every day. Those countries could very easily allow their governments to be taken over by the radicals who would invoke sharia law.

But feel free to continue to embarrass yourself on a topic you know nothing about.

Your statement about Turkey and Indonesia was completely false and now you are creating 'alternate facts' about what you said

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey,......, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government.

You either lied about Indonesia and Turkey, were ignorant about Indonesia and Turkey, or made an 'honest mistake'.

But claiming now that your statement was in fact correct is just a blatant lie.
the problem is not religion, the problem is a cult of hate masquerading as a religion. No real religion calls for the murder of non believers.

And we have 3 million American Muslims who are not out murdering non believers

Just like we have around 3 million American Jews who are not out murdering adulterers.

No 'real religion' calls for the murder of adulterers........
the problem is not religion, the problem is a cult of hate masquerading as a religion. No real religion calls for the murder of non believers.
Often followers of religions do however.

which ones, other than Islam?
the problem is not religion, the problem is a cult of hate masquerading as a religion. No real religion calls for the murder of non believers.

And we have 3 million American Muslims who are not out murdering non believers

Just like we have around 3 million American Jews who are not out murdering adulterers.

No 'real religion' calls for the murder of adulterers........

Islam beheads adulterers (female ones, not male ones). The shooters in San Bernardino and Orlando were American muslims. So at least 2 of American muslims are murdering non believers. How many does it take?

The point, which you seem unable to grasp. is that Islam, unlike all other religions, demands that its members destroy and kill non believers.
Who lives by a literal reading of the old testament? Answer: no one

Now, who lives by a literal reading of the Koran? Answer: devout muslims.

Oh I'm sure you have yourself a rationalization, but there is this commonality that binds all 3 male dominator god religions that the middle east vomited up.

The difference is that if you lived in a muslim nation and said that you would be beheaded. Christians and Jews would try to show you the way, but would not kill you for rejecting their religion.

I do know what I am talking about on this topic. I lived and worked in the mid east for many years. I worked with muslims, I have friends who are muslims. I understand Islam and its followers. Your naivete could result in your death.

Clearly you don't.

Since you lied about Turkey and Indonesia- and are now lying that if you said anything in Indonesia you would get beheaded.

what I said about Turkey and Indonesia is correct. Currently they are mostly secular countries but the radical islamists are getting stronger every day. Those countries could very easily allow their governments to be taken over by the radicals who would invoke sharia law.

But feel free to continue to embarrass yourself on a topic you know nothing about.

Your statement about Turkey and Indonesia was completely false and now you are creating 'alternate facts' about what you said

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey,......, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government.

You either lied about Indonesia and Turkey, were ignorant about Indonesia and Turkey, or made an 'honest mistake'.

But claiming now that your statement was in fact correct is just a blatant lie.

Yes, I earlier misstated the amount of Islamic control in Turkey and Indonesia. Not a lie, a misstatement. I corrected it. Unlike you on the left who never correct or admit it when you post things that are not accurate.

That's the real difference between conservatives and liberals. We admit our mistakes, call out our guys when they screw up, and are honest about what is going on in the country. Whereas you libs all worship at the same pile of bullshit talking points and lies.
My neighbor is a Christian and he believes that there is a little red man that lives in a hot, firey world. He has little horns and a tail. He carries a pitchfork and he runs around going "Look at me! I'm the devil! I'm gonna getcha!"

In the case of my neighbor, it's kind of cute that he believes in this shit. But in many more cases, these religious nut jobs take their fantasy down a violent path of intolerance, hate and depravity. They must be stopped.

Your cute neighbor is always just one tent revival away from metastasizing into a fiery lunatic chasing sinners through the streets with a pitchfork of his own...

Until people see that religious indoctrination of children into irrational beliefs that contradict well know facts about reality amounts to murder and is solemnly and permanently banned there will always be some snake in the garden trying to upload malware into the minds of the gullible for personal gain...

When any irrational assertion is professed to be the gospel truth it automatically establishes cognitive dissonance, irreconcilable enmity between rational and irrational thinking within the mind of the person who does not think very deeply. When any rational thought or objection to any irrational religious belief is taught to be a satanic attack, the epitome of evil, the mind of the believer is set against itself to be swept clean of the ability to be think rationally.

It doesn't take a genius to know whats wrong, but if it is ever going to stop people have to know what is right, and do it.

A difficult task in a world where diametrically opposed and openly irrational religious people all claim moral authority over everyone else, perceive intelligence as the enemy, and have somehow usurped places of authority but haven't had a rational thought in their entire lives and pray to a figment of their imagination for guidance because they have exchanged their birthright, the ability to think rationally, for a bowl of fairy tale porridge ....
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My neighbor is a Christian and he believes that there is a little red man that lives in a hot, firey world. He has little horns and a tail. He carries a pitchfork and he runs around going "Look at me! I'm the devil! I'm gonna getcha!"

In the case of my neighbor, it's kind of cute that he believes in this shit. But in many more cases, these religious nut jobs take their fantasy down a violent path of intolerance, hate and depravity. They must be stopped.

Your cute neighbor is always just one tent revival away from metastasizing into a fiery lunatic chasing sinners through the streets with a pitchfork of his own...

Until people see that religious indoctrination of children into irrational beliefs that contradict well know facts about reality amounts to murder and is solemnly and permanently banned there will always be some snake in the garden trying to upload malware into the minds of the gullible for personal gain...

When any irrational assertion is professed to be the gospel truth it automatically establishes cognitive dissonance, irreconcilable enmity between rational and irrational thinking within the mind of the person who does not think very deeply. When any rational thought or objection to any irrational religious belief is taught to be a satanic attack, the epitome of evil, the mind of the believer is set against itself to be swept clean of the ability to be think rationally.

It doesn't take a genius to know whats wrong, but if it is ever going to stop people have to know what is right, and do it.

A difficult task in a world where diametrically opposed and openly irrational religious people all claim moral authority over everyone else, perceive intelligence as the enemy, and have somehow usurped places of authority but haven't had a rational thought in their entire lives and pray to a figment of their imagination for guidance because they have exchanged their birthright, the ability to think rationally, for a bowl of fairy tale porridge ....

Your atheist beliefs are tolerated and allowed in this country. What seems to be missing is your toleration of the widely held beliefs of a majority of americans.

As to me. God is real. Jesus was the human incarnation of God on earth. Eternal life exists, we do not understand it, or comprehend it, but it exists. Eternity is not "all time" but rather the absence of time.
My neighbor is a Christian and he believes that there is a little red man that lives in a hot, firey world. He has little horns and a tail. He carries a pitchfork and he runs around going "Look at me! I'm the devil! I'm gonna getcha!"

In the case of my neighbor, it's kind of cute that he believes in this shit. But in many more cases, these religious nut jobs take their fantasy down a violent path of intolerance, hate and depravity. They must be stopped.

Your cute neighbor is always just one tent revival away from metastasizing into a fiery lunatic chasing sinners through the streets with a pitchfork of his own...

Until people see that religious indoctrination of children into irrational beliefs that contradict well know facts about reality amounts to murder and is solemnly and permanently banned there will always be some snake in the garden trying to upload malware into the minds of the gullible for personal gain...

When any irrational assertion is professed to be the gospel truth it automatically establishes cognitive dissonance, irreconcilable enmity between rational and irrational thinking within the mind of the person who does not think very deeply. When any rational thought or objection to any irrational religious belief is taught to be a satanic attack, the epitome of evil, the mind of the believer is set against itself to be swept clean of the ability to be think rationally.

It doesn't take a genius to know whats wrong, but if it is ever going to stop people have to know what is right, and do it.

A difficult task in a world where diametrically opposed and openly irrational religious people all claim moral authority over everyone else, perceive intelligence as the enemy, and have somehow usurped places of authority but haven't had a rational thought in their entire lives and pray to a figment of their imagination for guidance because they have exchanged their birthright, the ability to think rationally, for a bowl of fairy tale porridge ....

Your atheist beliefs are tolerated and allowed in this country. What seems to be missing is your toleration of the widely held beliefs of a majority of americans.

As to me. God is real. Jesus was the human incarnation of God on earth. Eternal life exists, we do not understand it, or comprehend it, but it exists. Eternity is not "all time" but rather the absence of time.
What makes you think that I am an atheist? I know that God is real, I believe that Jesus was the visible manifestation of the invisible God through the revelation of his preexisting Word, teaching that came to Jesus from God like manna from heaven that became his flesh, a metaphor for his unique body of teaching..

In other words, through his teaching, his flesh, Jesus revealed the hidden wisdom of God by showing the deeper meaning and hidden subjects in the divine commands that make clear the way to eternal life.

I do not believe that Jesus claimed to be God. If he did he was insane.

There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence.
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My neighbor is a Christian and he believes that there is a little red man that lives in a hot, firey world. He has little horns and a tail. He carries a pitchfork and he runs around going "Look at me! I'm the devil! I'm gonna getcha!"

In the case of my neighbor, it's kind of cute that he believes in this shit. But in many more cases, these religious nut jobs take their fantasy down a violent path of intolerance, hate and depravity. They must be stopped.

Your cute neighbor is always just one tent revival away from metastasizing into a fiery lunatic chasing sinners through the streets with a pitchfork of his own...

Until people see that religious indoctrination of children into irrational beliefs that contradict well know facts about reality amounts to murder and is solemnly and permanently banned there will always be some snake in the garden trying to upload malware into the minds of the gullible for personal gain...

When any irrational assertion is professed to be the gospel truth it automatically establishes cognitive dissonance, irreconcilable enmity between rational and irrational thinking within the mind of the person who does not think very deeply. When any rational thought or objection to any irrational religious belief is taught to be a satanic attack, the epitome of evil, the mind of the believer is set against itself to be swept clean of the ability to be think rationally.

It doesn't take a genius to know whats wrong, but if it is ever going to stop people have to know what is right, and do it.

A difficult task in a world where diametrically opposed and openly irrational religious people all claim moral authority over everyone else, perceive intelligence as the enemy, and have somehow usurped places of authority but haven't had a rational thought in their entire lives and pray to a figment of their imagination for guidance because they have exchanged their birthright, the ability to think rationally, for a bowl of fairy tale porridge ....

Your atheist beliefs are tolerated and allowed in this country. What seems to be missing is your toleration of the widely held beliefs of a majority of americans.

As to me. God is real. Jesus was the human incarnation of God on earth. Eternal life exists, we do not understand it, or comprehend it, but it exists. Eternity is not "all time" but rather the absence of time.

All three male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems. Your belief in yours versus theirs is a function of where you were born alone.
My neighbor is a Christian and he believes that there is a little red man that lives in a hot, firey world. He has little horns and a tail. He carries a pitchfork and he runs around going "Look at me! I'm the devil! I'm gonna getcha!"

In the case of my neighbor, it's kind of cute that he believes in this shit. But in many more cases, these religious nut jobs take their fantasy down a violent path of intolerance, hate and depravity. They must be stopped.

Your cute neighbor is always just one tent revival away from metastasizing into a fiery lunatic chasing sinners through the streets with a pitchfork of his own...

Until people see that religious indoctrination of children into irrational beliefs that contradict well know facts about reality amounts to murder and is solemnly and permanently banned there will always be some snake in the garden trying to upload malware into the minds of the gullible for personal gain...

When any irrational assertion is professed to be the gospel truth it automatically establishes cognitive dissonance, irreconcilable enmity between rational and irrational thinking within the mind of the person who does not think very deeply. When any rational thought or objection to any irrational religious belief is taught to be a satanic attack, the epitome of evil, the mind of the believer is set against itself to be swept clean of the ability to be think rationally.

It doesn't take a genius to know whats wrong, but if it is ever going to stop people have to know what is right, and do it.

A difficult task in a world where diametrically opposed and openly irrational religious people all claim moral authority over everyone else, perceive intelligence as the enemy, and have somehow usurped places of authority but haven't had a rational thought in their entire lives and pray to a figment of their imagination for guidance because they have exchanged their birthright, the ability to think rationally, for a bowl of fairy tale porridge ....

Your atheist beliefs are tolerated and allowed in this country. What seems to be missing is your toleration of the widely held beliefs of a majority of americans.

As to me. God is real. Jesus was the human incarnation of God on earth. Eternal life exists, we do not understand it, or comprehend it, but it exists. Eternity is not "all time" but rather the absence of time.

All three male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian systems. Your belief in yours versus theirs is a function of where you were born alone.

Human civilization has been "male dominated" since the beginning of time. The sexes are different for good and valid reasons. Each sex has a biologically determined role in life. Males protect females and young. Females nurture and feed. That has nothing to do with religion.

Your second point has some validity. However, as you said earlier, the three major religions all originated in virtually the same place. So where one was born really isn't the determining factor. Personally I was raised Christian, but was exposed to the other religions and was free to choose any of them. I chose Christian, and I don't have to justify that choice to you or anyone else.
My neighbor is a Christian and he believes that there is a little red man that lives in a hot, firey world. He has little horns and a tail. He carries a pitchfork and he runs around going "Look at me! I'm the devil! I'm gonna getcha!"

In the case of my neighbor, it's kind of cute that he believes in this shit. But in many more cases, these religious nut jobs take their fantasy down a violent path of intolerance, hate and depravity. They must be stopped.

Your cute neighbor is always just one tent revival away from metastasizing into a fiery lunatic chasing sinners through the streets with a pitchfork of his own...

Until people see that religious indoctrination of children into irrational beliefs that contradict well know facts about reality amounts to murder and is solemnly and permanently banned there will always be some snake in the garden trying to upload malware into the minds of the gullible for personal gain...

When any irrational assertion is professed to be the gospel truth it automatically establishes cognitive dissonance, irreconcilable enmity between rational and irrational thinking within the mind of the person who does not think very deeply. When any rational thought or objection to any irrational religious belief is taught to be a satanic attack, the epitome of evil, the mind of the believer is set against itself to be swept clean of the ability to be think rationally.

It doesn't take a genius to know whats wrong, but if it is ever going to stop people have to know what is right, and do it.

A difficult task in a world where diametrically opposed and openly irrational religious people all claim moral authority over everyone else, perceive intelligence as the enemy, and have somehow usurped places of authority but haven't had a rational thought in their entire lives and pray to a figment of their imagination for guidance because they have exchanged their birthright, the ability to think rationally, for a bowl of fairy tale porridge ....

Your atheist beliefs are tolerated and allowed in this country. What seems to be missing is your toleration of the widely held beliefs of a majority of americans.

As to me. God is real. Jesus was the human incarnation of God on earth. Eternal life exists, we do not understand it, or comprehend it, but it exists. Eternity is not "all time" but rather the absence of time.
What makes you think that I am an atheist? I know that God is real, I believe that Jesus was the visible manifestation of the invisible God through the revelation of his preexisting Word, teaching that came to Jesus from God like manna from heaven that became his flesh, a metaphor for his unique body of teaching..

In other words, through his teaching, his flesh, Jesus revealed the hidden wisdom of God by showing the deeper meaning and hidden subjects in the divine commands that make clear the way to eternal life.

I do not believe that Jesus claimed to be God. If he did he was insane.

There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence.

somewhat contradictory, but OK if that's how you see it. I disagree on a couple of points. Christianity teaches that Jesus was God incarnate. You are free to disagree if you wish.
Why does ANY religion need special protections, anyway? Islam is a cult, why are liberals protecting ANY cult, especially one that contradicts human rights and every belief liberals espouse? Muslims are NOT our friend, ladies and gentlemen. Are liberals that stupid and that oblivious?
Why does ANY religion need special protections, anyway? Islam is a cult, why are liberals protecting ANY cult, especially one that contradicts human rights and every belief liberals espouse? Muslims are NOT our friend, ladies and gentlemen. Are liberals that stupid and that oblivious?

sadly, yes they are.

American women are protecting a religion that treats women no better than livestock.
My neighbor is a Christian and he believes that there is a little red man that lives in a hot, firey world. He has little horns and a tail. He carries a pitchfork and he runs around going "Look at me! I'm the devil! I'm gonna getcha!"

In the case of my neighbor, it's kind of cute that he believes in this shit. But in many more cases, these religious nut jobs take their fantasy down a violent path of intolerance, hate and depravity. They must be stopped.

Your cute neighbor is always just one tent revival away from metastasizing into a fiery lunatic chasing sinners through the streets with a pitchfork of his own...

Until people see that religious indoctrination of children into irrational beliefs that contradict well know facts about reality amounts to murder and is solemnly and permanently banned there will always be some snake in the garden trying to upload malware into the minds of the gullible for personal gain...

When any irrational assertion is professed to be the gospel truth it automatically establishes cognitive dissonance, irreconcilable enmity between rational and irrational thinking within the mind of the person who does not think very deeply. When any rational thought or objection to any irrational religious belief is taught to be a satanic attack, the epitome of evil, the mind of the believer is set against itself to be swept clean of the ability to be think rationally.

It doesn't take a genius to know whats wrong, but if it is ever going to stop people have to know what is right, and do it.

A difficult task in a world where diametrically opposed and openly irrational religious people all claim moral authority over everyone else, perceive intelligence as the enemy, and have somehow usurped places of authority but haven't had a rational thought in their entire lives and pray to a figment of their imagination for guidance because they have exchanged their birthright, the ability to think rationally, for a bowl of fairy tale porridge ....

Your atheist beliefs are tolerated and allowed in this country. What seems to be missing is your toleration of the widely held beliefs of a majority of americans.

As to me. God is real. Jesus was the human incarnation of God on earth. Eternal life exists, we do not understand it, or comprehend it, but it exists. Eternity is not "all time" but rather the absence of time.
What makes you think that I am an atheist? I know that God is real, I believe that Jesus was the visible manifestation of the invisible God through the revelation of his preexisting Word, teaching that came to Jesus from God like manna from heaven that became his flesh, a metaphor for his unique body of teaching..

In other words, through his teaching, his flesh, Jesus revealed the hidden wisdom of God by showing the deeper meaning and hidden subjects in the divine commands that make clear the way to eternal life.

I do not believe that Jesus claimed to be God. If he did he was insane.

There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence.

somewhat contradictory, but OK if that's how you see it. I disagree on a couple of points. Christianity teaches that Jesus was God incarnate. You are free to disagree if you wish.

What do you see as contradictory?

And yes, obviously we disagree on the most basic of Christian beliefs that Jesus is God. So what.

I believe that for a living being to qualify as God he would have to be incorporeal, unequaled, his existence uncreated and absolute.

To me this precludes the possibility that a coequal trinity was created a human being that is God. There was never any such living being ever in existence.

The way I see it, by saying that you believe that Jesus is God, and that he said so, you might as well be saying that you believe that Jesus was insane and you are an idolator under the condemnation of God's law..

if you are wrong you are already suffering the consequences to devoting yourself to a false image of God. This explains to me why you do not see any evil in what has become to you a religious devotion.

Do you want to reason together about it or not?
My neighbor is a Christian and he believes that there is a little red man that lives in a hot, firey world. He has little horns and a tail. He carries a pitchfork and he runs around going "Look at me! I'm the devil! I'm gonna getcha!"

In the case of my neighbor, it's kind of cute that he believes in this shit. But in many more cases, these religious nut jobs take their fantasy down a violent path of intolerance, hate and depravity. They must be stopped.

Your cute neighbor is always just one tent revival away from metastasizing into a fiery lunatic chasing sinners through the streets with a pitchfork of his own...

Until people see that religious indoctrination of children into irrational beliefs that contradict well know facts about reality amounts to murder and is solemnly and permanently banned there will always be some snake in the garden trying to upload malware into the minds of the gullible for personal gain...

When any irrational assertion is professed to be the gospel truth it automatically establishes cognitive dissonance, irreconcilable enmity between rational and irrational thinking within the mind of the person who does not think very deeply. When any rational thought or objection to any irrational religious belief is taught to be a satanic attack, the epitome of evil, the mind of the believer is set against itself to be swept clean of the ability to be think rationally.

It doesn't take a genius to know whats wrong, but if it is ever going to stop people have to know what is right, and do it.

A difficult task in a world where diametrically opposed and openly irrational religious people all claim moral authority over everyone else, perceive intelligence as the enemy, and have somehow usurped places of authority but haven't had a rational thought in their entire lives and pray to a figment of their imagination for guidance because they have exchanged their birthright, the ability to think rationally, for a bowl of fairy tale porridge ....

Your atheist beliefs are tolerated and allowed in this country. What seems to be missing is your toleration of the widely held beliefs of a majority of americans.

As to me. God is real. Jesus was the human incarnation of God on earth. Eternal life exists, we do not understand it, or comprehend it, but it exists. Eternity is not "all time" but rather the absence of time.
What makes you think that I am an atheist? I know that God is real, I believe that Jesus was the visible manifestation of the invisible God through the revelation of his preexisting Word, teaching that came to Jesus from God like manna from heaven that became his flesh, a metaphor for his unique body of teaching..

In other words, through his teaching, his flesh, Jesus revealed the hidden wisdom of God by showing the deeper meaning and hidden subjects in the divine commands that make clear the way to eternal life.

I do not believe that Jesus claimed to be God. If he did he was insane.

There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence.

somewhat contradictory, but OK if that's how you see it. I disagree on a couple of points. Christianity teaches that Jesus was God incarnate. You are free to disagree if you wish.

What do you see as contradictory?

And yes, obviously we disagree on the most basic of Christian beliefs that Jesus is God. So what.

I believe that for a living being to qualify as God he would have to be incorporeal, unequaled, his existence uncreated and absolute.

To me this precludes the possibility that a coequal trinity was created a human being that is God. There was never any such living being ever in existence.

The way I see it, by saying that you believe that Jesus is God, and that he said so, you might as well be saying that you believe that Jesus was insane and you are an idolator under the condemnation of God's law..

if you are wrong you are already suffering the consequences to devoting yourself to a false image of God. This explains to me why you do not see any evil in what has become to you a religious devotion.

Do you want to reason together about it or not?

Sure, I am open to debate on any topic. But religious beliefs are "beliefs". We believe what we believe. I have no issue with you believing what you think is right. We may know who is right when we die. Until then its all speculation.
Your cute neighbor is always just one tent revival away from metastasizing into a fiery lunatic chasing sinners through the streets with a pitchfork of his own...

Until people see that religious indoctrination of children into irrational beliefs that contradict well know facts about reality amounts to murder and is solemnly and permanently banned there will always be some snake in the garden trying to upload malware into the minds of the gullible for personal gain...

When any irrational assertion is professed to be the gospel truth it automatically establishes cognitive dissonance, irreconcilable enmity between rational and irrational thinking within the mind of the person who does not think very deeply. When any rational thought or objection to any irrational religious belief is taught to be a satanic attack, the epitome of evil, the mind of the believer is set against itself to be swept clean of the ability to be think rationally.

It doesn't take a genius to know whats wrong, but if it is ever going to stop people have to know what is right, and do it.

A difficult task in a world where diametrically opposed and openly irrational religious people all claim moral authority over everyone else, perceive intelligence as the enemy, and have somehow usurped places of authority but haven't had a rational thought in their entire lives and pray to a figment of their imagination for guidance because they have exchanged their birthright, the ability to think rationally, for a bowl of fairy tale porridge ....

Your atheist beliefs are tolerated and allowed in this country. What seems to be missing is your toleration of the widely held beliefs of a majority of americans.

As to me. God is real. Jesus was the human incarnation of God on earth. Eternal life exists, we do not understand it, or comprehend it, but it exists. Eternity is not "all time" but rather the absence of time.
What makes you think that I am an atheist? I know that God is real, I believe that Jesus was the visible manifestation of the invisible God through the revelation of his preexisting Word, teaching that came to Jesus from God like manna from heaven that became his flesh, a metaphor for his unique body of teaching..

In other words, through his teaching, his flesh, Jesus revealed the hidden wisdom of God by showing the deeper meaning and hidden subjects in the divine commands that make clear the way to eternal life.

I do not believe that Jesus claimed to be God. If he did he was insane.

There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence.

somewhat contradictory, but OK if that's how you see it. I disagree on a couple of points. Christianity teaches that Jesus was God incarnate. You are free to disagree if you wish.

What do you see as contradictory?

And yes, obviously we disagree on the most basic of Christian beliefs that Jesus is God. So what.

I believe that for a living being to qualify as God he would have to be incorporeal, unequaled, his existence uncreated and absolute.

To me this precludes the possibility that a coequal trinity was created a human being that is God. There was never any such living being ever in existence.

The way I see it, by saying that you believe that Jesus is God, and that he said so, you might as well be saying that you believe that Jesus was insane and you are an idolator under the condemnation of God's law..

if you are wrong you are already suffering the consequences to devoting yourself to a false image of God. This explains to me why you do not see any evil in what has become to you a religious devotion.

Do you want to reason together about it or not?

Sure, I am open to debate on any topic. But religious beliefs are "beliefs". We believe what we believe. I have no issue with you believing what you think is right. We may know who is right when we die. Until then its all speculation.

I am not interested in debating unsubstantiated beliefs. Thats not what I meant.

We do not live in a universe or on a planet where anything a person can imagine is possible. Not everything is speculation. If it was how could you or anyone have hold of the truth or even know what the truth is?

If you want to know the truth that Jesus said would set you free before you die you have to have the courage to seek proof for the truth of what you have been led to 'just believe' while you are still alive.

Would you want to live out the rest of your days not knowing for certain whether what you profess to believe is the truth really is the truth or not? What if it isn't? Do you expect presents from God for living a lie? If you don't actively work to correct errors in your thinking while you are alive, how are you going to correct anything after you are dead?

It is actually very simple to reason out whether a human being could be God or not. It is possible to know for certain whether such a belief is the truth or not. You really do not have to live out the rest of your days saying , who knows.

You just have to be willing to take a journey to where the facts lead you and open your eyes to see what is there.

As I said before, if it is wrong to worship another human being as if they were a deity, you are already dead and under the condemnation of God. Your mind has been defiled and contaminated by an array of irrational and contradictory beliefs. Thats why you have absolutely no conviction.

Do not be dismayed. Rising from the dead is as easy or as difficult as it is for a person to be honest with themselves and others.

Take action, do something to save your soul. Don't just sit there and put all your money on wishful thinking praying to a phantom for mercy unanswered while life slips through your fingers and you slowly degenerate into nothingness...

Get out of your deathbed, stand up and walk like a man..
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Oh I'm sure you have yourself a rationalization, but there is this commonality that binds all 3 male dominator god religions that the middle east vomited up.

The difference is that if you lived in a muslim nation and said that you would be beheaded. Christians and Jews would try to show you the way, but would not kill you for rejecting their religion.

I do know what I am talking about on this topic. I lived and worked in the mid east for many years. I worked with muslims, I have friends who are muslims. I understand Islam and its followers. Your naivete could result in your death.

Clearly you don't.

Since you lied about Turkey and Indonesia- and are now lying that if you said anything in Indonesia you would get beheaded.

what I said about Turkey and Indonesia is correct. Currently they are mostly secular countries but the radical islamists are getting stronger every day. Those countries could very easily allow their governments to be taken over by the radicals who would invoke sharia law.

But feel free to continue to embarrass yourself on a topic you know nothing about.

Your statement about Turkey and Indonesia was completely false and now you are creating 'alternate facts' about what you said

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey,......, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government.

You either lied about Indonesia and Turkey, were ignorant about Indonesia and Turkey, or made an 'honest mistake'.

But claiming now that your statement was in fact correct is just a blatant lie.

Yes, I earlier misstated the amount of Islamic control in Turkey and Indonesia. Not a lie, a misstatement. I corrected it. Unlike you on the left who never correct or admit it when you post things that are not accurate.

That's the real difference between conservatives and liberals. We admit our mistakes, call out our guys when they screw up, and are honest about what is going on in the country. Whereas you libs all worship at the same pile of bullshit talking points and lies.

LOL- no you are admitting your mistake NOW- after I pointed out your mistake- and you continued to claim that your original statement was correct.

After I pointed out your 'mistake'- you replied "what I said about Turkey and Indonesia is correct."

And I pointed out- again- that you were not correct- and at that point yes you were lying.

That is the difference between a liberal and a conservative like yourself- when I have my mistake pointed out to me, I admit it- and apologize for my mistake.

You don't.
Why does ANY religion need special protections, anyway? Islam is a cult, why are liberals protecting ANY cult, especially one that contradicts human rights and every belief liberals espouse? Muslims are NOT our friend, ladies and gentlemen. Are liberals that stupid and that oblivious?

I have many Muslim friends.

Conservatives are so stupid and oblivious- and bigoted- that they believe anyone who doesn't believe their approved of religions is their enemy.

You are that stupid.
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