Islam----not just a religion

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I am a non apologetic agnostic. Liberals are just so conflicted on this, they push secularism. And attack christian practices and mock and ridicule Christians. And, ON THE OTHER HAND, they are defending religion (as long as it's Islamic) under the guise of freedom of religion because of Trump's recent travel ban....BECAUSE these people ARE MUSLIM? Muslims are the antithesis of western liberalism. So what really gives here? Liberals have to be consistent here, either religion is something we need to protect or it's something we need to be protected FROM. Which is IT? You can't have it both ways.
Dearborn Michigan------------check it out, you might learn something, but I doubt it.

Dearborn Michigan?

Are you just really stupid, really gullible, or really lying?

As of the 2010 census the population of Dearborn was 98,153. The racial and ethnic composition was 89.1% Whites, 4.0% black or African-American, 0.2% Native American, 1.7% Asian, 0.2% Non-Hispanics of some other race, 4.0% reporting two or more races and 3.4% Hispanic or Latino.[16] 41.7% were of Arab ancestry (categorized as "White" in Census collection data).[17]

he city's population includes 40,000 Arab Americans.[21] Arab Americans own many shops and businesses, offering services in both English and Arabic.[22] Per the 2000 census, Arab Americans totaled 29,181 or 29.85% of Dearborn's population; many are from families who have been in the city since the early 20th century. The city has the largest proportion of Arab Americans in the United States.[23] As of 2006 Dearborn has the largest Lebanese American population in the United States.[24]

The first Arab immigrants came in the early-to-mid-20th century to work in the automotive industry and were chiefly Lebanese Christians (Maronites). Other immigrants from the Mideast in the early twentieth century included a large Armenian community, who are also Christian. Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syriacs have also immigrated to the area. Since then, Arab immigrants from Yemen, Iraq and Palestine, most of whom are Muslim, have joined them. Lebanese Americans comprise the largest group of ethnic Arabs.[25][26] The Arab Muslim community has built the Islamic Center of America, the largest mosque in North America,[27] and the Dearborn Mosque. More Iraqi refugees have come, fleeing the continued war in their country since 2003.

Here is the City Council of Dearborn Michigan- clearly no 'separation of church and state'

View attachment 111212

Damn you are stupid. Did you happen to look at the names of the council members? Its a muslim city.

Damn you are determined to remain ignorant.

Yes- I looked at the names of the council members. Tell me how you can tell if someone is 'muslim' by their name?

It is such a 'muslim' city that the mayor is named John O'Reilly- and unless he is a recent convert- I am fairly certain that is not a 'muslim' name.

Remember- you were the one who claimed that there were 'muslim enclaves' in the United States with no separation of church and state.

So far all you have been able to show is that you are scared of a city that is majority origin from the Middle East.


the evidence is clear. The poster "ding" provided it if you care to look. Arabic last names almost always mean the person is muslim. There are exceptions, but the vast majority of arabs are muslims.

LOL- you religious bigots are such idiots. Ding posted three video's- not evidence of anything.

Nor have you provided proof of anything you claimed.

Remember you claimed that there was no separation of state in Dearborn- where the Mayor is very religious and the first member with an 'arabic' last name belongs to a Catholic legal fraternity.

Why are you so determined to be terrified of Arabs?

I am not terrified of anyone, especially arabs. I lived and worked in the mid east for many years, I had contracts with arab/muslim companies and had arab/muslims working with and for me. I have first hand experience and what I said in the OP is 100% true. Islam is not just a religion, it is a culture, system of government, and body of law. The system of government and body of law is not compatible in any way with USA government and law.

You can stick your tiny head up your ass and pretend that isn't so, but it is and ignoring that reality will result in many more American deaths on American soil.

Orlando, San Bernardino, Boston, and Chattanooga were just the start.

Ignorance is bliss and you must be very blissful because you are very ignorant.
I am a non apologetic agnostic. Liberals are just so conflicted on this, they push secularism. And attack christian practices and mock and ridicule Christians. And, ON THE OTHER HAND, they are defending religion (as long as it's Islamic) under the guise of freedom of religion because of Trump's recent travel ban....BECAUSE these people ARE MUSLIM? Muslims are the antithesis of western liberalism. So what really gives here? Liberals have to be consistent here, either religion is something we need to protect or it's something we need to be protected FROM. Which is IT? You can't have it both ways.

Syriusly is no liberal.

He is merely a very, very stupid boy and only knows what he is expected to say.
Obama had a similar travel ban similar to Trump's. No problem with liberals back then. It did same thing and yet here we are. I don't like it NOW , but guess what? It is temporary. All the phony outrage over this won't help any more, either. WHAT are we supposed to do about Muslim terrorists? Anything we do seems to feed into reasoning behind Muslim terrorism, according to liberals. We caused 9/11. Hubris. OK, well, now it's Muslim's turn for Hubris. Oh ,no, that's racismisamusliphobic....bullshit.
Dearborn Michigan?

Are you just really stupid, really gullible, or really lying?

As of the 2010 census the population of Dearborn was 98,153. The racial and ethnic composition was 89.1% Whites, 4.0% black or African-American, 0.2% Native American, 1.7% Asian, 0.2% Non-Hispanics of some other race, 4.0% reporting two or more races and 3.4% Hispanic or Latino.[16] 41.7% were of Arab ancestry (categorized as "White" in Census collection data).[17]

he city's population includes 40,000 Arab Americans.[21] Arab Americans own many shops and businesses, offering services in both English and Arabic.[22] Per the 2000 census, Arab Americans totaled 29,181 or 29.85% of Dearborn's population; many are from families who have been in the city since the early 20th century. The city has the largest proportion of Arab Americans in the United States.[23] As of 2006 Dearborn has the largest Lebanese American population in the United States.[24]

The first Arab immigrants came in the early-to-mid-20th century to work in the automotive industry and were chiefly Lebanese Christians (Maronites). Other immigrants from the Mideast in the early twentieth century included a large Armenian community, who are also Christian. Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syriacs have also immigrated to the area. Since then, Arab immigrants from Yemen, Iraq and Palestine, most of whom are Muslim, have joined them. Lebanese Americans comprise the largest group of ethnic Arabs.[25][26] The Arab Muslim community has built the Islamic Center of America, the largest mosque in North America,[27] and the Dearborn Mosque. More Iraqi refugees have come, fleeing the continued war in their country since 2003.

Here is the City Council of Dearborn Michigan- clearly no 'separation of church and state'

View attachment 111212

Damn you are stupid. Did you happen to look at the names of the council members? Its a muslim city.

Damn you are determined to remain ignorant.

Yes- I looked at the names of the council members. Tell me how you can tell if someone is 'muslim' by their name?

It is such a 'muslim' city that the mayor is named John O'Reilly- and unless he is a recent convert- I am fairly certain that is not a 'muslim' name.

Remember- you were the one who claimed that there were 'muslim enclaves' in the United States with no separation of church and state.

So far all you have been able to show is that you are scared of a city that is majority origin from the Middle East.


the evidence is clear. The poster "ding" provided it if you care to look. Arabic last names almost always mean the person is muslim. There are exceptions, but the vast majority of arabs are muslims.

LOL- you religious bigots are such idiots. Ding posted three video's- not evidence of anything.

Nor have you provided proof of anything you claimed.

Remember you claimed that there was no separation of state in Dearborn- where the Mayor is very religious and the first member with an 'arabic' last name belongs to a Catholic legal fraternity.

Why are you so determined to be terrified of Arabs?

The system of government and body of law is not compatible in any way with USA government and law.

You can stick your tiny head up your ass and pretend that isn't so, but it is and ignoring that reality will result in many more American deaths on American soil.

Orlando, San Bernardino, Boston, and Chattanooga were just the start.

Ignorance is bliss and you must be very blissful because you are very ignorant.

We have 3 million Muslim Americans and you just named 6 Muslims who have killed Americans.

If Islam is incompatable with the USA- why are the other 2,999,994 Muslims following American laws, participating in American government and not killing people?

And yes- you appear to be terrified.
Obama had a similar travel ban similar to Trump's. No problem with liberals back then. It did same thing and yet here we are.t.


The State Department did in fact stop processing Iraq refugees during a six-month period in 2011, which was reported by ABC News and other media outlets. Some of those who faced a slower entry into the United States had previously helped U.S. forces, serving as interpreters or in intelligence roles.

But the 2011 situation wasn't a full travel ban — simply a refugee application slowdown brought on by a Kentucky case involving two al Qaeda terrorists from Iraq found living in Bowling Green, Ky. Obama's measure didn't apply to immigrants and tourists
I am a non apologetic agnostic. Liberals are just so conflicted on this, they push secularism. And attack christian practices and mock and ridicule Christians. And, ON THE OTHER HAND, they are defending religion (as long as it's Islamic) under the guise of freedom of religion because of Trump's recent travel ban....BECAUSE these people ARE MUSLIM? Muslims are the antithesis of western liberalism. So what really gives here? Liberals have to be consistent here, either religion is something we need to protect or it's something we need to be protected FROM. Which is IT? You can't have it both ways.

Syriusly is no liberal.

He is merely a very, very stupid boy and only knows what he is expected to say.

Doggie is just a silly little girl who applauds lies- when they are used to attack Muslims.
I am a non apologetic agnostic. Liberals are just so conflicted on this, they push secularism. And attack christian practices and mock and ridicule Christians. And, ON THE OTHER HAND, they are defending religion (as long as it's Islamic) under the guise of freedom of religion because of Trump's recent travel ban....BECAUSE these people ARE MUSLIM? Muslims are the antithesis of western liberalism. So what really gives here? Liberals have to be consistent here, either religion is something we need to protect or it's something we need to be protected FROM. Which is IT? You can't have it both ways.

I am very consistent.

I think that refugees should be admitted regardless of whether they are Christians or Muslims.
I believe in separation of church and state- regardless of whether the 'church' is Christian or Muslim.
I don't approve of the stances of many religions on many topics- but I support the right of people to worship as they believe.
I am not defending any religion- I am defending the rights of people to practice their religion.
And I am against anyone who uses religion as an excuse to deny freedoms to other people.
If those people are Muslims- then I am against those people.

But I am not against people simply because they belong to a religion which I personally disagree with.
Ignorance is bliss and you must be very blissful because you are very ignorant.

Well lets see- so far in this thread I have caught you making two false statements-

  1. Making false claims about Turkey and Indonesia
  2. Making false claims about "Islamic enclaves' in the United States that have eliminated separation of church and state.
Maybe if you stopped making false statements in your jihad against Muslims you would appear to be less ignorant.
Take action, do something to save your soul. Don't just sit there and put all your money on wishful thinking praying to a phantom for mercy unanswered while life slips through your fingers and you slowly degenerate into nothingness...

The message of Christ was about how to live in this world. His message was a message of transformation. He taught us to die to self to see reality.
I am a non apologetic agnostic. Liberals are just so conflicted on this, they push secularism. And attack christian practices and mock and ridicule Christians. And, ON THE OTHER HAND, they are defending religion (as long as it's Islamic) under the guise of freedom of religion because of Trump's recent travel ban....BECAUSE these people ARE MUSLIM? Muslims are the antithesis of western liberalism. So what really gives here? Liberals have to be consistent here, either religion is something we need to protect or it's something we need to be protected FROM. Which is IT? You can't have it both ways.

I am very consistent.

I think that refugees should be admitted regardless of whether they are Christians or Muslims.
I believe in separation of church and state- regardless of whether the 'church' is Christian or Muslim.
I don't approve of the stances of many religions on many topics- but I support the right of people to worship as they believe.
I am not defending any religion- I am defending the rights of people to practice their religion.
And I am against anyone who uses religion as an excuse to deny freedoms to other people.
If those people are Muslims- then I am against those people.

But I am not against people simply because they belong to a religion which I personally disagree with.
I think we need to scrutinize Islam a little further and not give them a free pass as a "religion". I am an agnostic, so I see religion a little differently. I believe we need to review and revise the constitution on "freedom of religion". Islam isn't what our forefathers were shooting for as a "religion" any more than was Nazism or suicide bombers protected by free speech. We really need to scrutinize what religion truly is.
Doggie is just a silly little girl who applauds lies- when they are used to attack Muslims.


Ah such a Christian thing to wish.

I remember when Jesus himself said exactly the same thing......
That is your signature which is displayed at the bottom of everyone of your posts, lol.

That is me quoting the USMB poster Vigilante who expressed those lovely sentiments to me- which is why the words are in italics.- and his name is in front of it.

Vigilante: May it be Your FRIENDS and family KILLED BY THESE ANIMALS
I am a non apologetic agnostic. Liberals are just so conflicted on this, they push secularism. And attack christian practices and mock and ridicule Christians. And, ON THE OTHER HAND, they are defending religion (as long as it's Islamic) under the guise of freedom of religion because of Trump's recent travel ban....BECAUSE these people ARE MUSLIM? Muslims are the antithesis of western liberalism. So what really gives here? Liberals have to be consistent here, either religion is something we need to protect or it's something we need to be protected FROM. Which is IT? You can't have it both ways.

I am very consistent.

I think that refugees should be admitted regardless of whether they are Christians or Muslims.
I believe in separation of church and state- regardless of whether the 'church' is Christian or Muslim.
I don't approve of the stances of many religions on many topics- but I support the right of people to worship as they believe.
I am not defending any religion- I am defending the rights of people to practice their religion.
And I am against anyone who uses religion as an excuse to deny freedoms to other people.
If those people are Muslims- then I am against those people.

But I am not against people simply because they belong to a religion which I personally disagree with.
I think we need to scrutinize Islam a little further and not give them a free pass as a "religion". I am an agnostic, so I see religion a little differently. I believe we need to review and revise the constitution on "freedom of religion". Islam isn't what our forefathers were shooting for as a "religion" any more that was Nazism or suicide bombers protected by free speech. We really need to scrutinize what religion truly is.

Oh boy- now we can have government deciding what is a religion and what is not a religion.

What could possibly go wrong with that.......

After all we have no record at all of labeling Mormons or Jews or other faiths as being 'false' religions.....
Doggie is just a silly little girl who applauds lies- when they are used to attack Muslims.


Ah such a Christian thing to wish.

I remember when Jesus himself said exactly the same thing......
That is your signature which is displayed at the bottom of everyone of your posts, lol.

That is me quoting the USMB poster Vigilante who expressed those lovely sentiments to me- which is why the words are in italics.- and his name is in front of it.

Vigilante: May it be Your FRIENDS and family KILLED BY THESE ANIMALS
It doesn't come off that way. It comes off as you promoting it.
Doggie is just a silly little girl who applauds lies- when they are used to attack Muslims.


Ah such a Christian thing to wish.

I remember when Jesus himself said exactly the same thing......
That is your signature which is displayed at the bottom of everyone of your posts, lol.

That is me quoting the USMB poster Vigilante who expressed those lovely sentiments to me- which is why the words are in italics.- and his name is in front of it.

Vigilante: May it be Your FRIENDS and family KILLED BY THESE ANIMALS
It doesn't come off that way. It comes off as you promoting it.

You are the first person to be confused about it- but since I think Vig has gone off to more accommodating forums, probably time to retire his sick hopes.
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