Islam----not just a religion

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You could have just come right out and said that you were as completely ignorant as any human could possibly be.

Obviously, you failed to see it, the way you've let Trump manipulate you in the same fashion as Hitler manipulated his followers.

However, that's no reason to get angry at us for pointing out the obvious. Instead, you should get angry at the people who manipulated you.
What I have found in this forum is that not piling on in demonizing Islam is considered defending Islam. And I would suggest that perhaps when it comes to foreign policy perhaps we should consider not climbing into bed with Islamists and tyrants when it suits our purposes to point them at others. Seems to have this way of coming back on us. And it all fits nicely because you have an industial war machine and economy such that the masses must always be kept anxious and fearful; always pointed outward away from the power structure that contintually squeezes them economically.

You started off badly and then descended into all the typical regressive platitudes from there.

Would you like to display some knowledge of the subject matter, instead?

Islam is a totalitarian ideology that was invented by a murderous warlord in order to bind his warriors to him. It comes complete with it's own set of laws, a tradition that includes treating this warlord as the world's most perfect being despite the fact he was a murderer, rapist, thief and had sex with children. The doctrine he created orders eternal warfare against all who had any different notions as to how the world should be. It allows no quarter for pluralism, it is archly misogynistic by design, allows for no separation of religion and politics and is the very antithesis of secular humanism.

You are simply a know-nothing idiot who has learned to parrot all the pablum you have been fed by other know-nothings, and so offer these canned responses as you have been rained to offer.

We are living in Dar al Harb. Muslims want to turn it into Dar al Islam. They are well under way in Europe.

You seem to be laboring under the illusion that I need to please you here, thankfully I don't accept that burden. And I don't intened to participate in your little religious war. This disease, this way of looking at all life, and the planet, rolled out over the tribes of Europe first before it came to the americas. We are all the decedents of tribes and a spiritual perceptual reality of the universe and the creator. That memory has been wiped out of human consciousness pretty much, their enslavement having happened long before the disease rolled out across the rest of the planet via colonialism and proselytizing as it pertains to christianity.

That perceptual reality was replaced with a male dominator god perceptual reality which gave rise to the notion that this male dominator god gave mankind, only the “chosen ones” mind you, dominion over the natural world, the planet, anything they “discovered”, and any other human beings they could manage to whip into consent. So you bring that into a technological perceptual reality era where we are now, and we’ve all been enslaved to/by an economic system that has no other purpose than to continue the colonialization of all human beings, further redistributing and concentrating wealth into the pockets of fewer and fewer, much of that wealth coming from the natural world that was in place long before the humans who manipulate it into their own hands. In the same manner the system mines uranium or coal or gold, it also mines the energy, spirit, and soul of the human being to run these authoritarian systems that enslave us all. In essence, they mine the being part of the human being.

All three of the male dominator god religions the middle east vomited up are authoritarian systems. If those of you who have been warring over this shit for centuries want to keep on warring, be my guest. I would suggest that ancient hatreds and modern weapons might turn out to be a toxic mix for humanity.
Muslims follow Sharia in the same way that people of other faiths follow their sacred laws and traditions. The Constitution, especially the religion clauses of the First Amendment, sets the framework for how Americans of various religious persuasions practice their religious traditions. The First Amendment allows complete freedom of belief and freedom of religious practice, so long as believers respect other people’s rights.
You could have just come right out and said that you were as completely ignorant as any human could possibly be.

Obviously, you failed to see it, the way you've let Trump manipulate you in the same fashion as Hitler manipulated his followers.

However, that's no reason to get angry at us for pointing out the obvious. Instead, you should get angry at the people who manipulated you.
I did not vote for Trump, child.
The USA was founded on folks who knew "The Bible" was a bunch of bullshit. BUT...the "Christian" element was tolerated in its various forms.

Judaism is always a lingering parasitic force...but Islam is an immediate danger.

Neither Christianity or Judaism brings a different system of government and body of law with it. Your attempt at analogy fails. Islam IS the government in muslim countries. Sharia IS the system of law in muslim countries. Islam is a state religion, the religious leaders are the government leaders. There is no separation of church and state.

What I have found in this forum is that there is an inverse relationship between a poster's level of knowledge and their propensity for defending Islam.

What I have found in this forum is that not piling on in demonizing Islam is considered defending Islam. And I would suggest that perhaps when it comes to foreign policy perhaps we should consider not climbing into bed with Islamists and tyrants when it suits our purposes to point them at others. Seems to have this way of coming back on us. And it all fits nicely because you have an industial war machine and economy such that the masses must always be kept anxious and fearful; always pointed outward away from the power structure that contintually squeezes them economically.

Careful there, you are treading on conspiracy territory, you're correct but you'll get called crazy for it.
What I have found in this forum is that not piling on in demonizing Islam is considered defending Islam. And I would suggest that perhaps when it comes to foreign policy perhaps we should consider not climbing into bed with Islamists and tyrants when it suits our purposes to point them at others. Seems to have this way of coming back on us. And it all fits nicely because you have an industial war machine and economy such that the masses must always be kept anxious and fearful; always pointed outward away from the power structure that contintually squeezes them economically.

You started off badly and then descended into all the typical regressive platitudes from there.

Would you like to display some knowledge of the subject matter, instead?

Islam is a totalitarian ideology that was invented by a murderous warlord in order to bind his warriors to him. It comes complete with it's own set of laws, a tradition that includes treating this warlord as the world's most perfect being despite the fact he was a murderer, rapist, thief and had sex with children. The doctrine he created orders eternal warfare against all who had any different notions as to how the world should be. It allows no quarter for pluralism, it is archly misogynistic by design, allows for no separation of religion and politics and is the very antithesis of secular humanism.

You are simply a know-nothing idiot who has learned to parrot all the pablum you have been fed by other know-nothings, and so offer these canned responses as you have been rained to offer.

We are living in Dar al Harb. Muslims want to turn it into Dar al Islam. They are well under way in Europe.

I beg to diffuh suh.

"Seems to have this way of coming back on us. And it all fits nicely because you have an industial war machine and economy such that the masses must always be kept anxious and fearful;"

This part is spot on, he just needed to take a bit further. The Banks are in on it too.
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.
What I have found in this forum is that not piling on in demonizing Islam is considered defending Islam. And I would suggest that perhaps when it comes to foreign policy perhaps we should consider not climbing into bed with Islamists and tyrants when it suits our purposes to point them at others. Seems to have this way of coming back on us. And it all fits nicely because you have an industial war machine and economy such that the masses must always be kept anxious and fearful; always pointed outward away from the power structure that contintually squeezes them economically.

You started off badly and then descended into all the typical regressive platitudes from there.

Would you like to display some knowledge of the subject matter, instead?

Islam is a totalitarian ideology that was invented by a murderous warlord in order to bind his warriors to him. It comes complete with it's own set of laws, a tradition that includes treating this warlord as the world's most perfect being despite the fact he was a murderer, rapist, thief and had sex with children. The doctrine he created orders eternal warfare against all who had any different notions as to how the world should be. It allows no quarter for pluralism, it is archly misogynistic by design, allows for no separation of religion and politics and is the very antithesis of secular humanism.

You are simply a know-nothing idiot who has learned to parrot all the pablum you have been fed by other know-nothings, and so offer these canned responses as you have been rained to offer.

We are living in Dar al Harb. Muslims want to turn it into Dar al Islam. They are well under way in Europe.

I beg to diffuh suh.

"Seems to have this way of coming back on us. And it all fits nicely because you have an industial war machine and economy such that the masses must always be kept anxious and fearful;"

This part is spot on, he just needed to take a bit further. The Banks are in on it too.

Well of course they are, this is all an integrated authoritarian economic system.
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.

"The people" sure don't seem to resist.
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.

"The people" sure don't seem to resist.

No they don't, but they choose to remain ill-informed, the alternative is too much to believe for them. The people for the most part live within the system, they don't directly force it upon everyone else. Willing ignorance is easier to swallow than trying to grasp the concept that your Nation, your leaders, your banks, and your Military are all conspiring to simply make money for the Bankers. He who controls the money wins.
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.

"The people" sure don't seem to resist.

No they don't, but they choose to remain ill-informed, the alternative is too much to believe for them. The people for the most part live within the system, they don't directly force it upon everyone else. Willing ignorance is easier to swallow than trying to grasp the concept that your Nation, your leaders, your banks, and your Military are all conspiring to simply make money for the Bankers. He who controls the money wins.

Same thing; cooperation and participation while blaming politicians is not any type of resistance. I agree we can't face the truth of being part of an authoritarian system.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand.

I understand Hitler used the same tactics you do, just with Jews instead of Muslims.

That's just one reason why all decent humans are disgusted by you.

Sorry, idiot, but you once again made a fool of yourself. Judaism is not a system of laws and government, it is a religion. Yes, Hitler persecuted jews----because he hated jews. No one is saying that muslims should be persecuted. The only purpose of the thread is to attempt to educate morons like you to the FACT that islam is not just a religion. Apparently you are not intelligent enough to understand.
What I have found in this forum is that not piling on in demonizing Islam is considered defending Islam. And I would suggest that perhaps when it comes to foreign policy perhaps we should consider not climbing into bed with Islamists and tyrants when it suits our purposes to point them at others. Seems to have this way of coming back on us. And it all fits nicely because you have an industial war machine and economy such that the masses must always be kept anxious and fearful; always pointed outward away from the power structure that contintually squeezes them economically.

You started off badly and then descended into all the typical regressive platitudes from there.

Would you like to display some knowledge of the subject matter, instead?

Islam is a totalitarian ideology that was invented by a murderous warlord in order to bind his warriors to him. It comes complete with it's own set of laws, a tradition that includes treating this warlord as the world's most perfect being despite the fact he was a murderer, rapist, thief and had sex with children. The doctrine he created orders eternal warfare against all who had any different notions as to how the world should be. It allows no quarter for pluralism, it is archly misogynistic by design, allows for no separation of religion and politics and is the very antithesis of secular humanism.

You are simply a know-nothing idiot who has learned to parrot all the pablum you have been fed by other know-nothings, and so offer these canned responses as you have been rained to offer.

We are living in Dar al Harb. Muslims want to turn it into Dar al Islam. They are well under way in Europe.

You seem to be laboring under the illusion that I need to please you here, thankfully I don't accept that burden. And I don't intened to participate in your little religious war. This disease, this way of looking at all life, and the planet, rolled out over the tribes of Europe first before it came to the americas. We are all the decedents of tribes and a spiritual perceptual reality of the universe and the creator. That memory has been wiped out of human consciousness pretty much, their enslavement having happened long before the disease rolled out across the rest of the planet via colonialism and proselytizing as it pertains to christianity.

That perceptual reality was replaced with a male dominator god perceptual reality which gave rise to the notion that this male dominator god gave mankind, only the “chosen ones” mind you, dominion over the natural world, the planet, anything they “discovered”, and any other human beings they could manage to whip into consent. So you bring that into a technological perceptual reality era where we are now, and we’ve all been enslaved to/by an economic system that has no other purpose than to continue the colonialization of all human beings, further redistributing and concentrating wealth into the pockets of fewer and fewer, much of that wealth coming from the natural world that was in place long before the humans who manipulate it into their own hands. In the same manner the system mines uranium or coal or gold, it also mines the energy, spirit, and soul of the human being to run these authoritarian systems that enslave us all. In essence, they mine the being part of the human being.

All three of the male dominator god religions the middle east vomited up are authoritarian systems. If those of you who have been warring over this shit for centuries want to keep on warring, be my guest. I would suggest that ancient hatreds and modern weapons might turn out to be a toxic mix for humanity.

I truly feel sorry for you. You an angry misguided person.
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.

"The people" sure don't seem to resist.

No they don't, but they choose to remain ill-informed, the alternative is too much to believe for them. The people for the most part live within the system, they don't directly force it upon everyone else. Willing ignorance is easier to swallow than trying to grasp the concept that your Nation, your leaders, your banks, and your Military are all conspiring to simply make money for the Bankers. He who controls the money wins.

Oh, here we go with the "evil bankers" and the "global elites". Yep, that tiny cabal of rich guys is really controlling the entire world-------------------:ack-1:

The great conspiracy, right?
Islam is a totalitarian form of social control. It is a control mechanism designed to keep it's adherents ignorant and in a perpetual state of agitation.

American society works in the same manner.

No, not society in general. The Banks, the CIA, the Political Leaders and as you said the MIC. Those 4 things want war with Russia, the last president that bucked them was JFK. That turn out so well.

"The people" sure don't seem to resist.

No they don't, but they choose to remain ill-informed, the alternative is too much to believe for them. The people for the most part live within the system, they don't directly force it upon everyone else. Willing ignorance is easier to swallow than trying to grasp the concept that your Nation, your leaders, your banks, and your Military are all conspiring to simply make money for the Bankers. He who controls the money wins.

Same thing; cooperation and participation while blaming politicians is not any type of resistance. I agree we can't face the truth of being part of an authoritarian system.

what you are missing is that we voted that system out in the last election. That's why the establishment pukes are so desperately trying to discredit Trump, because he has called them out and threatens their control.
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