Islamic State Born from CIA and NATO


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Two weeks after the fall of Mosul last June, William Engdahl quoted sources who wondered if IS had the power to capture and control Mosul without help?
"Iranian journalist Sabah Zanganeh notes, 'ISIS did not have the power to occupy and conquer Mosul by itself. What has happened is the result of security-intelligence collaborations of some regional countries with some extremist groups inside the Iraqi government...'

Engdahl goes on to allege IS received financial support from "three of the closest US allies in the Sunni world..." and American passports for some of its key members:
"Key members of ISIS it now emerges were trained by US CIA and Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012, according to informed Jordanian officials. The US, Turkish and Jordanian intelligence were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region, conveniently near the borders to both Syria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two Gulf monarchies most involved in funding the war against Syria’s Assad, financed the Jordan ISIS training."

Since the early 90s when the CIA transported hundreds of Mujahideen vets of the 1980s Afghan war into Chechnya to disrupt Russia, radical Islam has been a useful tool to advance western interests in the New Middle East while ensuring oil prices remain relatively high:

"Whatever the final details that emerge, what is clear in the days since the fall of Mosul is that some of the world’s largest oilfields in Iraq are suddenly held by Jihadists and no longer by an Iraqi government determined to increase the oil export significantly."
ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA NATO dirty war op RT Op-Edge
Wow, I didn't realize the cia and nato existed hundreds of years ago.
Two weeks after the fall of Mosul last June, William Engdahl quoted sources who wondered if IS had the power to capture and control Mosul without help?
"Iranian journalist Sabah Zanganeh notes, 'ISIS did not have the power to occupy and conquer Mosul by itself. What has happened is the result of security-intelligence collaborations of some regional countries with some extremist groups inside the Iraqi government...'

Engdahl goes on to allege IS received financial support from "three of the closest US allies in the Sunni world..." and American passports for some of its key members:
"Key members of ISIS it now emerges were trained by US CIA and Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012, according to informed Jordanian officials. The US, Turkish and Jordanian intelligence were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region, conveniently near the borders to both Syria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two Gulf monarchies most involved in funding the war against Syria’s Assad, financed the Jordan ISIS training."

Since the early 90s when the CIA transported hundreds of Mujahideen vets of the 1980s Afghan war into Chechnya to disrupt Russia, radical Islam has been a useful tool to advance western interests in the New Middle East while ensuring oil prices remain relatively high:

"Whatever the final details that emerge, what is clear in the days since the fall of Mosul is that some of the world’s largest oilfields in Iraq are suddenly held by Jihadists and no longer by an Iraqi government determined to increase the oil export significantly."
ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA NATO dirty war op RT Op-Edge

So what is your point?
Wow, I didn't realize the cia and nato existed hundreds of years ago.
Do you realize wars of aggression have existed for thousands of years?
"The very details of the ISIS military success in the key Iraqi oil center, Mosul, are suspect. According to well-informed Iraqi journalists, ISIS overran the strategic Mosul region, site of some of the world’s most prolific oilfields, with barely a shot fired in resistance.

"According to one report, residents of Tikrit reported remarkable displays of 'soldiers handing over their weapons and uniforms peacefully to militants who ordinarily would have been expected to kill government soldiers on the spot.'

"We are told that ISIS masked psychopaths captured 'arms and ammunition from the fleeing security forces' - arms and ammunition supplied by the American government.

"The offensive coincides with a successful campaign by ISIS in eastern Syria.

"According to Iraqi journalists, Sunni tribal chiefs in the region had been convinced to side with ISIS against the Shiite Al-Maliki government in Baghdad.

"They were promised a better deal under ISIS Sunni Sharia than with Baghdad anti-Sunni rule."

ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA NATO dirty war op RT Op-Edge
Two weeks after the fall of Mosul last June, William Engdahl quoted sources who wondered if IS had the power to capture and control Mosul without help?
"Iranian journalist Sabah Zanganeh notes, 'ISIS did not have the power to occupy and conquer Mosul by itself. What has happened is the result of security-intelligence collaborations of some regional countries with some extremist groups inside the Iraqi government...'

Engdahl goes on to allege IS received financial support from "three of the closest US allies in the Sunni world..." and American passports for some of its key members:
"Key members of ISIS it now emerges were trained by US CIA and Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012, according to informed Jordanian officials. The US, Turkish and Jordanian intelligence were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region, conveniently near the borders to both Syria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two Gulf monarchies most involved in funding the war against Syria’s Assad, financed the Jordan ISIS training."

Since the early 90s when the CIA transported hundreds of Mujahideen vets of the 1980s Afghan war into Chechnya to disrupt Russia, radical Islam has been a useful tool to advance western interests in the New Middle East while ensuring oil prices remain relatively high:

"Whatever the final details that emerge, what is clear in the days since the fall of Mosul is that some of the world’s largest oilfields in Iraq are suddenly held by Jihadists and no longer by an Iraqi government determined to increase the oil export significantly."
ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA NATO dirty war op RT Op-Edge

So what is your point?
The US has been funding and supporting radical Islam since the 1950s, and IS is simply our latest tool to maintain control over Middle East oil and gas resources.
That line is really getting old.
Two weeks after the fall of Mosul last June, William Engdahl quoted sources who wondered if IS had the power to capture and control Mosul without help?
"Iranian journalist Sabah Zanganeh notes, 'ISIS did not have the power to occupy and conquer Mosul by itself. What has happened is the result of security-intelligence collaborations of some regional countries with some extremist groups inside the Iraqi government...'

Engdahl goes on to allege IS received financial support from "three of the closest US allies in the Sunni world..." and American passports for some of its key members:
"Key members of ISIS it now emerges were trained by US CIA and Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012, according to informed Jordanian officials. The US, Turkish and Jordanian intelligence were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region, conveniently near the borders to both Syria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two Gulf monarchies most involved in funding the war against Syria’s Assad, financed the Jordan ISIS training."

Since the early 90s when the CIA transported hundreds of Mujahideen vets of the 1980s Afghan war into Chechnya to disrupt Russia, radical Islam has been a useful tool to advance western interests in the New Middle East while ensuring oil prices remain relatively high:

"Whatever the final details that emerge, what is clear in the days since the fall of Mosul is that some of the world’s largest oilfields in Iraq are suddenly held by Jihadists and no longer by an Iraqi government determined to increase the oil export significantly."
ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA NATO dirty war op RT Op-Edge

So what is your point?
The US has been funding and supporting radical Islam since the 1950s, and IS is simply our latest tool to maintain control over Middle East oil and gas resources.
That line is really getting old.
Two weeks after the fall of Mosul last June, William Engdahl quoted sources who wondered if IS had the power to capture and control Mosul without help?
"Iranian journalist Sabah Zanganeh notes, 'ISIS did not have the power to occupy and conquer Mosul by itself. What has happened is the result of security-intelligence collaborations of some regional countries with some extremist groups inside the Iraqi government...'

Engdahl goes on to allege IS received financial support from "three of the closest US allies in the Sunni world..." and American passports for some of its key members:
"Key members of ISIS it now emerges were trained by US CIA and Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012, according to informed Jordanian officials. The US, Turkish and Jordanian intelligence were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region, conveniently near the borders to both Syria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two Gulf monarchies most involved in funding the war against Syria’s Assad, financed the Jordan ISIS training."

Since the early 90s when the CIA transported hundreds of Mujahideen vets of the 1980s Afghan war into Chechnya to disrupt Russia, radical Islam has been a useful tool to advance western interests in the New Middle East while ensuring oil prices remain relatively high:

"Whatever the final details that emerge, what is clear in the days since the fall of Mosul is that some of the world’s largest oilfields in Iraq are suddenly held by Jihadists and no longer by an Iraqi government determined to increase the oil export significantly."
ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA NATO dirty war op RT Op-Edge

So what is your point?
The US has been funding and supporting radical Islam since the 1950s, and IS is simply our latest tool to maintain control over Middle East oil and gas resources.
Think how much older it sounds to the millions of Muslims who have been displaced (or worse) by our latest war of aggression in Iraq?
Obama's "extremist idiocy":
"Obama justified pummeling Libya in 2011 so that that nation would not become 'a new safe haven for extremists' – but there are far more violent terrorists there now than before the U.S. intervened.

"Obama has written himself a blank check to expand bombing in Iraq and Syria because of extremist perils – even though the U.S. government previously covertly armed some of the same extremists it is now trying to destroy.

"The notion that the U.S. government is entitled to bomb foreign lands based solely on the president’s decree – regardless of congressional opposition – would have been considered extremist idiocy by earlier generations of Americans."

CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names
That line is really getting old.

Oh, the old "i don't have an argument, so I'm going to try a put down.

The US supported the Mujahadin in Afghanistan, Saddam in Iran, and even Reagan supplied weapons to the current regime. They supported Pakistan getting nukes, they've supported Saudi Arabia who have a human rights record to make constipated people feel well again, among other countries.

I mean, from a country that supported Pol Pot, Stalin, Saddam and here's a website with an extensive list most people have never heard of Dictators supported by the US in Forum - What s Newsy and HOT Right Now Forum

friendly dictators

or another site.

The US will support anyone.
Obama's "extremist idiocy":
"Obama justified pummeling Libya in 2011 so that that nation would not become 'a new safe haven for extremists' – but there are far more violent terrorists there now than before the U.S. intervened.

"Obama has written himself a blank check to expand bombing in Iraq and Syria because of extremist perils – even though the U.S. government previously covertly armed some of the same extremists it is now trying to destroy.

"The notion that the U.S. government is entitled to bomb foreign lands based solely on the president’s decree – regardless of congressional opposition – would have been considered extremist idiocy by earlier generations of Americans."

CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

US military authorization by the UN.

Korea, Lebanon, Kuwait, Bosnia, Liberia, Haiti and Libya.

Military engagements endorsed by Congress.

France 1798, Ottomans 1802 and 1815, Paraguay 1858, Mexico 1914, Russia 1918, Lebanon 1958, Vietnam 1964, Lebanon 1983, Iraq 2003, Afghanistan 2001.

Formal declaration's of war.

UK 1812, Mexico 1846, Spain 1898. WW1 and WW2.

That's it.

100 years of interference, of bombing the hell out of people, of changing leaders, of doing all sorts of unsightly things and there have been 5 official declarations of war. 11 other authorized engagements by Congress, and 7 authorized by the UN.

It's like a distorted picture of US foreign policy.
Obama's "extremist idiocy":
"Obama justified pummeling Libya in 2011 so that that nation would not become 'a new safe haven for extremists' – but there are far more violent terrorists there now than before the U.S. intervened.

"Obama has written himself a blank check to expand bombing in Iraq and Syria because of extremist perils – even though the U.S. government previously covertly armed some of the same extremists it is now trying to destroy.

"The notion that the U.S. government is entitled to bomb foreign lands based solely on the president’s decree – regardless of congressional opposition – would have been considered extremist idiocy by earlier generations of Americans."

CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

US military authorization by the UN.

Korea, Lebanon, Kuwait, Bosnia, Liberia, Haiti and Libya.

Military engagements endorsed by Congress.

France 1798, Ottomans 1802 and 1815, Paraguay 1858, Mexico 1914, Russia 1918, Lebanon 1958, Vietnam 1964, Lebanon 1983, Iraq 2003, Afghanistan 2001.

Formal declaration's of war.

UK 1812, Mexico 1846, Spain 1898. WW1 and WW2.

That's it.

100 years of interference, of bombing the hell out of people, of changing leaders, of doing all sorts of unsightly things and there have been 5 official declarations of war. 11 other authorized engagements by Congress, and 7 authorized by the UN.

It's like a distorted picture of US foreign policy.
It's almost comical; Obama and Saudi King Abdullah denounce religious extremism as a perversion, yet the Saudis behead their people for sorcery.

"Having the Saudis join a war against extremism is like enrolling the Mafia in a high-profile campaign against abusive loan collection practices."

CounterPunch Tells the Facts Names the Names

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