CDZ Islamophobia

As do not understand the energy or oil situation now....we are becoming the world's biggest producer of energy...we did not take any oil from Iraq....and thanks to recent technology developed in the oil industry we have very little need for their oil.................

I wasn't talking about the situation "now'. I was talking about the situation in 1990, when George H. Bush admitted the Gulf War was about Oil. Or in 2003, when PNAC encouraged the less smart Bush that we needed to invade Iraq to bring "Democracy" to the middle east.
Of course it doesn’t. It is barbaric. So why is it no one makes a fuss when it occurs elsewhere?

It is not as systemic elsewhere or as celebrated elsewhere in my opinion. In Islam they seem to be almost proud of it. Add in the Hijabs and the fact that women cannot work and you now have the finger pointed at you even more.
Here is a group of women in a Muslim majority country - Indonesia.

Only one is wearing a Hijab.


Indonesia is really bad but maybe getting better idk. I do Know that doctors check girls to make sure they are virgins prior to marriage. Crazy.

Indonesia isn't great for women, but like a lot of the undeveloped world there is a big difference between the rural areas and urban areas. Violence towards women is also a problem.

In Islam as a whole women do not have the same rights as men. Islam also hates dogs. I dont understand any religion that could hate dogs.

And yet these women became head of state in muslim countries.
List of female Muslim heads of Government and State - Wikipedia

The world is more complicated than you think.
It is not as systemic elsewhere or as celebrated elsewhere in my opinion. In Islam they seem to be almost proud of it. Add in the Hijabs and the fact that women cannot work and you now have the finger pointed at you even more.
Here is a group of women in a Muslim majority country - Indonesia.

Only one is wearing a Hijab.


Indonesia is really bad but maybe getting better idk. I do Know that doctors check girls to make sure they are virgins prior to marriage. Crazy.

Indonesia isn't great for women, but like a lot of the undeveloped world there is a big difference between the rural areas and urban areas. Violence towards women is also a problem.

In Islam as a whole women do not have the same rights as men. Islam also hates dogs. I dont understand any religion that could hate dogs.

And yet these women became head of state in muslim countries.
List of female Muslim heads of Government and State - Wikipedia

The world is more complicated than you think.

That is your rebuttal? How about the millions who suffer? You a convert Tommy?
So you admit it’s a hornets nest? LOL
They kill people because of cartoons. Evil. Time to exterminate the hornets

They kill people because they are being disrespected... kind of like you are going to get a whuppin' if you go into a biker bar and start insulting their mothers.

See it didn't take long to start advocating genocide, though.

Cartoons = disrespect? I hope The Feds are viewing these posts and end up at your house. Your post is pure insanity. Cartoons mock many don’t see them killing people for it. You need professional help.
Cartoons = disrespect? I hope The Feds are viewing these posts and end up at your house. Your post is pure insanity. Cartoons mock many don’t see them killing people for it. You need professional help.

And most of the people who drew those cartoons weren't killed, either.

Did you all forget how Christians lost their minds over episodes of South Park or the guy who put a crucifix in a jar of his own urine? Nobody likes being disrespected.
You are an evil human. Butt out of this conversation. You justified Charlie Hedbo murders because of a cartoon. All set with you. Truly you are a waste of space.

Hardly justifying it... but never mind. Christians never lose their minds over something like that.. unless you count all the gay bars and abortion clinics that get bombed in this country.
Cartoons = disrespect? I hope The Feds are viewing these posts and end up at your house. Your post is pure insanity. Cartoons mock many don’t see them killing people for it. You need professional help.

And most of the people who drew those cartoons weren't killed, either.

Did you all forget how Christians lost their minds over episodes of South Park or the guy who put a crucifix in a jar of his own urine? Nobody likes being disrespected.

People didn’t try to kill those who work for Comedy Central. You’re a disturbed person who needs help. Free country means disrespect is par for the course. Yankees fans don’t kill Red Sox fans.
You are an evil human. Butt out of this conversation. You justified Charlie Hedbo murders because of a cartoon. All set with you. Truly you are a waste of space.

Hardly justifying it... but never mind. Christians never lose their minds over something like that.. unless you count all the gay bars and abortion clinics that get bombed in this country.

Bullshit you justified killing over a cartoon. In France it was not illegal. It was free speech. Your fondness for Islam is baffling. You are illogical and evil.
People didn’t try to kill those who work for Comedy Central. You’re a disturbed person who needs help. Free country means disrespect is par for the course. Yankees fans don’t kill Red Sox fans.

Well,actually, they do..

Two get prison for beating Giants fan at Dodger Stadium

Red Sox fan stabbed five times in fight with Dodgers fans after World Series Game 5

Well, they were Dodgers fans...

Bullshit you justified killing over a cartoon. In France it was not illegal. It was free speech. Your fondness for Islam is baffling. You are illogical and evil.

It's not baffling at all. It's very simple.


The Palestinians want to blow up the Zionists? NOT MY PROBLEM.

Exxon has to pay the Arabs a fair price for oil? NOT MY PROBLEM.

Some disgruntled kid wants to kill you because you drew a cartoon insulting his religion? NOT MY PROBLEM.

In fact, we need those very words carved into the State Department Building.. "NOT MY PROBLEM".
Here is a group of women in a Muslim majority country - Indonesia.

Only one is wearing a Hijab.


Indonesia is really bad but maybe getting better idk. I do Know that doctors check girls to make sure they are virgins prior to marriage. Crazy.

Indonesia isn't great for women, but like a lot of the undeveloped world there is a big difference between the rural areas and urban areas. Violence towards women is also a problem.

In Islam as a whole women do not have the same rights as men. Islam also hates dogs. I dont understand any religion that could hate dogs.

And yet these women became head of state in muslim countries.
List of female Muslim heads of Government and State - Wikipedia

The world is more complicated than you think.

That is your rebuttal? How about the millions who suffer? You a convert Tommy?

Your standard response to those who disagree with you is to "accuse" them of being a muslim.
If that is the level that you think on I cant see the point of discussing anything with you.

I have illustrated that muslim women do not all suffer oppression like Saudi women. Which I believe is where you are drawing your stereotypes from.
You describe a religion followed by billions as an ideology because you want to strip away their religious protections. You want to "exterminate" 2 billion people for the actions of a few. Who is the extremist ?
People didn’t try to kill those who work for Comedy Central. You’re a disturbed person who needs help. Free country means disrespect is par for the course. Yankees fans don’t kill Red Sox fans.

Well,actually, they do..

Two get prison for beating Giants fan at Dodger Stadium

Red Sox fan stabbed five times in fight with Dodgers fans after World Series Game 5

Well, they were Dodgers fans...

Bullshit you justified killing over a cartoon. In France it was not illegal. It was free speech. Your fondness for Islam is baffling. You are illogical and evil.

It's not baffling at all. It's very simple.


The Palestinians want to blow up the Zionists? NOT MY PROBLEM.

Exxon has to pay the Arabs a fair price for oil? NOT MY PROBLEM.

Some disgruntled kid wants to kill you because you drew a cartoon insulting his religion? NOT MY PROBLEM.

In fact, we need those very words carved into the State Department Building.. "NOT MY PROBLEM".

Fans fight each other they don’t take
Machine guns and kill the Yankees front office. You’re losing this debate badly.
Indonesia is really bad but maybe getting better idk. I do Know that doctors check girls to make sure they are virgins prior to marriage. Crazy.

Indonesia isn't great for women, but like a lot of the undeveloped world there is a big difference between the rural areas and urban areas. Violence towards women is also a problem.

In Islam as a whole women do not have the same rights as men. Islam also hates dogs. I dont understand any religion that could hate dogs.

And yet these women became head of state in muslim countries.
List of female Muslim heads of Government and State - Wikipedia

The world is more complicated than you think.

That is your rebuttal? How about the millions who suffer? You a convert Tommy?

Your standard response to those who disagree with you is to "accuse" them of being a muslim.
If that is the level that you think on I cant see the point of discussing anything with you.

I have illustrated that muslim women do not all suffer oppression like Saudi women. Which I believe is where you are drawing your stereotypes from.
You describe a religion followed by billions as an ideology because you want to strip away their religious protections. You want to "exterminate" 2 billion people for the actions of a few. Who is the extremist ?

Find where I said I want to exterminate them all? Just the radicals.
" His Bah Theocratic Hubris "

* Containment And Undermine *
ou describe a religion followed by billions as an ideology because you want to strip away their religious protections. You want to "exterminate" 2 billion people for the actions of a few. Who is the extremist ?
Quryashism does not apply outside of hejaz , period .

That fictional ishmaelism includes tenets of creed to violate non aggression principles entitles self defense to those subject to the edicts and that includes not extending an opportunity for citizenship to prevent them from entering the voting booth and implementing their aspirations for democracy as tyranny by majority even as they covertly facilitate a dispatch of individual liberty .
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" Objective While Ignorant Advocates Missing Essential Facts "

* Absolution For Cause Granted For Nomian Dogma *
Hardly justifying it... but never mind. Christians never lose their minds over something like that.. unless you count all the gay bars and abortion clinics that get bombed in this country.
And yet to preclude that such actions are consistent with antinomian theory , upon which christian ethos is based , is emphatically false , irrespective of whether one chooses to claim themselves to be a christian adherent.

A basic understanding for the distinction between ideologies is a core flaw in the reasoning from those who defend fictional ishmaelism , as illegitimate aggression is not disavowed by its doctrine , rather such endeavors hold credence within its institutions .
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maybe not all of them,,,

do you know how Iran got its name and what it means???

I'm sure I'm about to be treated to a bunch of misinformation.

The British deposed the legitimate ruler of Iran in favor of his son, who was an incompetant boob who gave us the Ayatollah's. Why? Because they wanted to keep the supply lines open.

Imagine the kind of resentment that causes. 'Hey, we are invading your country because you happen to be in our way!"

The topic of this thread being Islamophobia in America does it really exist and if it does what harm has it caused. aka are there actual people in America with Islamophobia and do they go out and harm muslims? That is the point of this thread. So far I have seen no evidence presented that would lead anyone to believe Islamophobia actually exists in America...thus if it does....they must keep it within themselves...certainly no evidence of any muslims being slaughtered in any way shape or form here in America. Yet there is much evidence of infidels being slaughtered in muslim nations or in nations where there is a large number of muslims such as Europe.

Yes. Real people have been harmed. Here's a random selection of violence.

Gunman Kills 6 at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin

'Hero' Muslim cop, her son harassed by bigot in Brooklyn who shouted 'I will cut your throat' - NY Daily News

How Zoning Laws Are Used to Block Mosque Construction - CityLab

Assaults against Muslims in U.S. surpass 2001 level

Woman Is Held in Death of Man Pushed Onto Subway Tracks in Queens

Iranian-American beaten in racist attack in NY Archives | NIAC

Tennessee Man Sentenced to 183 Months in Prison for Burning Islamic Center

2011 Dearborn mosque bombing plot - Wikipedia

Man convicted in slaying of Iraqi artist at Florin Road Home Depot

Community mourns Somali Muslim teen's death in Kansas City hate crime

2016 Minneapolis shooting - Wikipedia

2017 Olathe, Kansas shooting - Wikipedia

Garden City, Kansas - Wikipedia

Canadian JDL member charged in D.C. beating of Palestinian-American
because of the requirement of the muslim religion to kill non believers it is not compatible with the USA and should not be allowed

all mosques should be closed and leveled and the people sent to a country that is compatible

they are here for the sole purpose to conquer not to assimilate,,,

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