CDZ Islamophobia

Look what happened in Africa after the colonial powers departed...mass starvation, millions slaughterd in tribal wars, widespread disease etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

Those things all happened when the Europeans were colonizing, too. The worst famine was in Bangledesh in the 1940's when the British diverted resources to fight WWII. 3 Million people starved to death. Winston Churchill's response was, "Why hasn't Ghandi starved." (Churchill hated Ghandi more than he hated Hitler.)

Thus as stated....the famine was one of the results of WWII...not colonialism.
The Fallacy of Grievance-based Terrorism

The fundamental premise of much scholarly examination and public discourse is that grievances with U.S. policies in the Middle East motivate Islamist terrorism. Such assumptions, though, misunderstand the enemy and its nature. In reality, the conflict is sparked not by grievance but rather by incompatibility between Islamist ideology and the natural rights articulated during the European Enlightenment and incorporated into U.S. political culture. Acquiescing to political grievances will not alter the fundamental incompatibility between Lockean precepts of tolerance and current interpretations of Islam: Only Islam's fundamental reform will resolve the conflict.

That had nothing to do with anything i posted.

So let's agree, that Islamic Culture and Western Culture are incompatable.

Sounds like a good reason to keep out of their part of the world.
Thus as stated....the famine was one of the results of WWII...not colonialism.

Um, no. The British decided winning the war was more important than making sure the "Wogs" had enough to eat. Yet despite that, very few colonies rose up against them to fight for the Axis.... They fought for the allies on the condition that after the war, they get their own countries back.

What a concept.

The Arab-Israeli conflict....the basic facts for all who do not know the history and thus are susceptible to being seduced by Arab propaganda.

A bunch of Jews from Europe stole Arab land. How much more complicated do you need to get?
The Fallacy of Grievance-based Terrorism

The fundamental premise of much scholarly examination and public discourse is that grievances with U.S. policies in the Middle East motivate Islamist terrorism. Such assumptions, though, misunderstand the enemy and its nature. In reality, the conflict is sparked not by grievance but rather by incompatibility between Islamist ideology and the natural rights articulated during the European Enlightenment and incorporated into U.S. political culture. Acquiescing to political grievances will not alter the fundamental incompatibility between Lockean precepts of tolerance and current interpretations of Islam: Only Islam's fundamental reform will resolve the conflict.

That had nothing to do with anything i posted.

So let's agree, that Islamic Culture and Western Culture are incompatable.

Sounds like a good reason to keep out of their part of the world.

You claimed that muslim terrorism against America was because of our middle east policy.

I agree islamic culture is not compatible with America...thus they should not be allowed to come here.
Thus as stated....the famine was one of the results of WWII...not colonialism.

Um, no. The British decided winning the war was more important than making sure the "Wogs" had enough to eat. Yet despite that, very few colonies rose up against them to fight for the Axis.... They fought for the allies on the condition that after the war, they get their own countries back.

What a concept.

The Arab-Israeli conflict....the basic facts for all who do not know the history and thus are susceptible to being seduced by Arab propaganda.

A bunch of Jews from Europe stole Arab land. How much more complicated do you need to get?

If the allies had not won WWII what do you think the Nazis would have done in India?
Please do not take the name of My Lord in vain.

"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

There is no God. There was no Jesus.

No excuse is needed.....just a explanation of what happened....when your enemies invade you and are defeated and their cousins flee in panic because they fear revenge will be exacted on them not only for the invasion but for decades of terrorism they themselves inflicted on the Jews...they have no legal or moral case to stand on.

When people from Europe come over and take land that you and your ancestors lived on for centuries because a book with Giants and Talking Snakes said it was theirs, that's an invasion.

Zionism is an immoral, colonialist philosophy, and the world will rejoice when Israel is pushed into the sea.
You seem to think just because a muslim was born here excuses his terrorism? Ridiculous.....that is the in it indicates that allowing the fathers to come here in the first place is a huge,huge mistake.

again, when a brown person shoots something up, it's "Terrorism".

When a white person shoots something up, it's "Mental Illness".

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

If the allies had not won WWII what do you think the Nazis would have done in India?

Probably nothing. If anything, they'd have left it in the Japanese Sphere of Influence. The ironic thing was, Hitler was perfectly willing to accept the British Empire controlling those regions.
You claimed that muslim terrorism against America was because of our middle east policy.

I agree islamic culture is not compatible with America...thus they should not be allowed to come here.

That's awesome, dude.. but a lot of people believe things that aren't compatable with American "culture", including a lot of the hard core Trump cultists. We aren't throwing them out, either.
but it was the muslims that took jewish land first

joe please pedal your hate somewhere else

Okay, let's look at that.

So the Jews (the Judeans, actually) lost that land to the Romans, who got fed up with their petty revolts, dispersed them throughout the Empire, and renamed the land Palestine.

It then switched hands several times between the Romans, Byzantines, Parthians before finally being overrun by the Arabs, who've been there ever since.
You have swallowed the Arabist propaganda...hook line and sinker.

You seem to indicate you are some sort of foreigner or perhaps a person of color? It is more disturbing when a white American falls victim to Arab propaganda.
Which indicates a huge failure in our public in it is not politically correct to teach the real history of the Middle east.

Wow, guy, you are wrong about just ... Everything.

I'm 57, white (German American heritage), a US Army Veteran... I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... and I was pretty conservative up until about 12 years ago... You know, when the Crazies took over the Conservative movement. The kind of crazy who thinks we need to support Israel so Jesus can come back.

And the funny thing about it is, I really don't see who an imaginary sky fairy gave a strip of land to as being something that is worth young Americans coming home in pine boxes.

We engage in stupid policies to prop up the Zionist Entity and keep the flow of oil going, and then wonder why we are in essentially Year 28 of the Persian Gulf War....
I did not say we should throw the muslims out....but I would agree with at least tossing out the ones that are so suspicious they have to be monitored by the FBI 24-7.

Okay, as long as you apply the same standard to white supremacists who are on FBI watch lists.

If you are going to ignore that pesky constitution and stuff.

I remember in St. Louis back in the 80's long before the revival of muslim terrorism that a muslim family in St. Louis had a daughter who was dating a black kid in her H.S. on the sly...the parents found out about it and killed their own daughter at home.

The result of the honor killing syndrome that the muslims are well known for...anyhow...the FBI had the whole grisly affair on tape....they were being monitored.

I remember back in the 1980's, one of my neighbors dismembered his wife and left the parts in a vacant lot.... what's your point?

A lot of blacks have fallen victim to islam just like you...not knowing the history.

It is quite evident you have no problem with muslims killing white folks...I wonder if you have been radicalized to the extent you might need to be monitored?

Again, if the Government is monitoring a decorated veteran because they don't like his views, we don't have to worry about Terrorists, America is already over.

But I go back to my original point. Don't stick you hand in a hornet's nest and whine about getting stung.
You have swallowed the Arabist propaganda...hook line and sinker.

You seem to indicate you are some sort of foreigner or perhaps a person of color? It is more disturbing when a white American falls victim to Arab propaganda.
Which indicates a huge failure in our public in it is not politically correct to teach the real history of the Middle east.

Wow, guy, you are wrong about just ... Everything.

I'm 57, white (German American heritage), a US Army Veteran... I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... and I was pretty conservative up until about 12 years ago... You know, when the Crazies took over the Conservative movement. The kind of crazy who thinks we need to support Israel so Jesus can come back.

And the funny thing about it is, I really don't see who an imaginary sky fairy gave a strip of land to as being something that is worth young Americans coming home in pine boxes.

We engage in stupid policies to prop up the Zionist Entity and keep the flow of oil going, and then wonder why we are in essentially Year 28 of the Persian Gulf War....

That is quite tragic and of course due to your lack of historical knowledge.

You may have thought you were conservative...I do not think you have ever understood what Real Conservatism is. You might have been a republican of the pc variety aka moderate republican aka liberal republican aka coinfused republican.

What is it about Germans...they must have some kind of jew hating gene....and Catholicsm? do not even get me started ....regarding how Hitler was raised in catholicism, how papist priests indoctrinated europeans into jew hatred for hundreds of years before Hitler got going.

As do not understand the energy or oil situation now....we are becoming the world's biggest producer of energy...we did not take any oil from Iraq....and thanks to recent technology developed in the oil industry we have very little need for their oil..................Opinion | The U.S. is about to be the world’s top crude oil producer. Guess who didn’t see it coming.
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That is quite tragic and of course due to your lack of historical knowledge.

As do not understand the energy or oil situation now....we are becoming the world's biggest producer of energy...we did not take any oil from Iraq....and thanks to recent technology developed in the oil industry we have very little need for their oil.

Here's where you are little confused... You think the oil companies care about America. America is just another customer.

The fact they've gotten the government to allow them to despoil pristine wildernesses really is nothing to be happy about.
I did not say we should throw the muslims out....but I would agree with at least tossing out the ones that are so suspicious they have to be monitored by the FBI 24-7.

Okay, as long as you apply the same standard to white supremacists who are on FBI watch lists.

If you are going to ignore that pesky constitution and stuff.

I remember in St. Louis back in the 80's long before the revival of muslim terrorism that a muslim family in St. Louis had a daughter who was dating a black kid in her H.S. on the sly...the parents found out about it and killed their own daughter at home.

The result of the honor killing syndrome that the muslims are well known for...anyhow...the FBI had the whole grisly affair on tape....they were being monitored.

I remember back in the 1980's, one of my neighbors dismembered his wife and left the parts in a vacant lot.... what's your point?

A lot of blacks have fallen victim to islam just like you...not knowing the history.

It is quite evident you have no problem with muslims killing white folks...I wonder if you have been radicalized to the extent you might need to be monitored?

Again, if the Government is monitoring a decorated veteran because they don't like his views, we don't have to worry about Terrorists, America is already over.

But I go back to my original point. Don't stick you hand in a hornet's nest and whine about getting stung.

White supremacists are not a problem...there are very few of them who ever resort to violence under any circumstances....remember Ruby Ridge? Ruby Ridge, 1992: the day the American militia movement was born

The terrorists and their running dogs have been worse than stung...we have slaughtered them by the is what is called payback.

Again as a result of your arabist indoctrination you continue to confuse criminals with terrorists.

Honor killings are not criminal according to muslims...just a part of their religion...which they continue to practice over here....and that is a huge,huge problem.
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O.K. I got to go for a bike ride....I will let someone else take over for awhile. Keep him in check....not that difficult. He will be checkmated soon. hehheh
None of the Muslims I know do.

None that I know do either but they all treat women as 2nd class citizens or worse.
Same for Hindu countries and Bhuddist countries.

Yes I agree. But not universally such as happens in Islamic countries.
Name one Hindu majority country where women are treated equally to men.


??Where is that???

Nepal and India are the only two Hindu majority countries I can find. The status for women there sucks. Child marriage rates and forced marriage rates are very high. Rape is a huge problem. Like with some Islam countries, particularly in the rural villages - many women cover their heads. Widows in Hinduism are treated abysmally.
That is complete bullshit. It is the Lefts fault that we have so many more assaults vs women. Baby mills? This is made up.

muslim woman beheaded in broad daylight in moderate muslim nation as the police look on. - Graphic Scene of Woman Beheaded in the Middle of the Road in Broad Daylight
There are a lot of beheadings in Latin America. Not many muslims though.

Doesn’t make it right? It is savage.
Of course it doesn’t. It is barbaric. So why is it no one makes a fuss when it occurs elsewhere?

It is not as systemic elsewhere or as celebrated elsewhere in my opinion. In Islam they seem to be almost proud of it. Add in the Hijabs and the fact that women cannot work and you now have the finger pointed at you even more.

The thing're painting the entire religion with the cultural attributes of ony a few countries. In many muslim countries women do not cover their hair or wear Hijabs and in most countries they work. There are also wide differences between women in rural villages and in urban centers, and this is similar to many other under developed countries. I will agree that the status of women in some of these areas is among the worst.

It's intersting to note the top ten and worst ten countries to be a woman. A few surprises.

These Are the Best and Worst Countries to Be a Woman in 2018

Norway, Sweden, Finland, Nicaragua, Rwanda, New Zealand, Philippines, Ireland, and Namibia followed Iceland to make up the top 10.

The top 10 countries where progress is the slowest include Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Syria, Iraq, and Pakistan, which ranked as the worst places for gender equality in the world, with Yemen coming in the last place.

7 of the worst are strong Muslim majority, 2 are roughly half Muslim. Some of the worst are not really surprising. Yemen and Congo, with ongoing long running wars are not surprising - rape and violence towards women often seems to come with conflict.

I would agree with you that Muslim majority countries in the undeveloped world are often way behind on women's rights.

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