CDZ Islamophobia

Tell us how we can tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Why do you spread muslim propaganda?

How can you tell a good white person from a Neo-Nazi?

See, it cuts both ways.

I'm not spreading any propaganda. I just don't quiver at the fake fear the Oil Companies and Zionists spread to get us all to fight perpetual war for their benefit.
and I agree on tthe wars,,,they are bullsht and why I hate democrats and republicans

but the fact is muslims have been killing americans since the 1700's
So have Christians. In fact Christians killed more Americans than any other religious groups. Who would have thought? :dunno:
Do you even understand how ridiculous of a statement this is?

This is almost like saying that Muslims have killed more Saudi Arabians than Christians.
the vast majority were not 'nazi' but they fought for 'hitler' down to the last old man and little boy eh . The same could be said for 'muslims' as they fight for 'mohamad' eh Joe .

well, let's look at that. Not sure who is fighting for "Mohammed" exactly, but in our interminal quest to play "Hall Monitor In the Middle East", we've enlisted the help of the Kurds, the Saudis, Turkey, various friendly governments.

Again, if all of the 1.6 BILLION Muslims in the world were against us, we'd be in a LOT of trouble.

We are in a lot of trouble....too many simply do not realize that.

The question arises....are we in more trouble from within or from without.

Thousands of unknowns are streaming across our Southern many jihadists are mixed in with them? We have a ongoing attempt to oust a duly elected President simply because the democrats do not like him...not even to mention all of our racial problems.

Technology is rapidly increasing....some have predicted the next stage of muslim terrorism here in America will not be from extremists armed with assault rifles but from drone attacks...all the ways that could be done is only limited by one's imagination....not even to mention what the payload on these drones could consist of.

We are educating muslims right here in America in some of our most prestigious schools in sciences that could be used to develop very lethal payloads for the attack drones and I am not talking about just explosives.

As has been pointed out previously it is the children of the muslims that have immigrated here who are most susceptible to radicalization.
Are you somehow under the impression that your Edited-meister claptrap has anything at all to do with the subject of the thread?

This is a thread is about how the rejection of an oppressive supremacist ideology is labelled as some sort of mental disorder by those who have been hoodwinked into supporting it.

I know that's what you'd like the thread to be about.

Again, have to ask the question if you know any Muslims personally. I know a few, not a one of them has tried to convert me, not a one has tried to behead me. It's the most amazing thing, there is this major disconnect between the Muslims you guys describe and the ones I've met in the real world.

Not worried about getting killed. I don't like that many treat women as property or 2nd class citizens. Seems primitive.

Given the Right Wing in this country wants to turn women into involuntary baby mills, I really will take your sudden concern about women with a grain of salt.

There are reasons for abortion but to use abortion as a means of birth control is abhorrent. With all the methods to control unwanted pregnancies available to women today....there is no excuse to rely on abortion to prevent an unwanted pregnacy...not even to mention all the health threats that abortion presents to the woman.
'Islamophobia' is yet another manifestation of righting ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate.

And like all manifestations of rightwing bigotry, it’s completely unwarranted and devoid of merit.

The question was does Islamaphobia pose any problems in does ignorance pose a problem even if that were true as you ignorant people threaten you or harm you just because they are ignorant....where is the headline of ignorant person shoots up a school because he is ignorant.

Now regarding ignorance we know the only education most muslim kids get over there is being forced to study the does knowledge of the koran help anyone?

Then you mention fear....even if it were true....that Americans run around in a state of fear is it harmful?...has anyone noticed fearful Americans out lynching muslims because they are afraid of them....give some examples of how this supposed fear of muslims is a problem...islam is not even on the radar screen of most people....the only time they think ot it is when it is on the news as in another muslim terrorist attack...usually in Europe....why so many in Europe intead of here in America?...obviously because they are overrun with muslims.

Then you bring up bigotry...which exists all across society no matter your race or political orientation but how is it a you see some bigot committing an act of terrorism and scream I do this for bigotry? No...these terrorists usually shout Allah Akhbur....

Then you bring up hate...again...lots of hateful people across in every society....but do they go out and committ terrorism? Hate does motivate some people to kill.....but I have yet to hear of a report of any American going out and killing a muslim in the name of a matter of fact I never hear any reports of Americans going out in killing muslims in America....So how is this supposed Islamophobia the protestors in the street shout about actually harming they muslim or not.

The truth of the matter is...a lot of people do not like muslims and for good reasons....but so far it has not manifested itself in any manner that would harm muslims.

It is very obvious that if Islamophobia was a problem in America it would be seen as in the results of it it would be obvious.

There is only one documented case of an American going out here in America and killing someone purely because they were muslim.

On the other hand there are many,many documented cases of Muslims killing innocent people for all the reasons you try to associate with Islamophobia....muslims kill because they fear jews, infidels, Christianity etc. Muslims kill out of ignorance...because the majority of them and especially the radicals get no real education...they are steeped in ignorance, bigotry, fear of foreigners or anyone different from them...very hateful people these islamic terrorists.

Thus in a fallacious attempt to indict indict the very people you try to make excuses for ...the muslims. Case closed.

I will explain it to you because you are not reading correctly. Men on average are larger and stronger than women and we are bred to protect them. The idiot Left wants to treat women as men and state they don’t need their protection so more assaults occur. Again I am talking about treatment of women not crime. Learn to read. Please.

Oh, was that your point?

Funny thing, most of what we do in the world doesn't require superior strength. There's really no reason to keep women as second class citizens, which is what the Right wants to do.

You claim the right wingers want to turn women into second class citizens....where is that actually muslim nations of course.
maybe not all of them,,,

do you know how Iran got its name and what it means???

I'm sure I'm about to be treated to a bunch of misinformation.

The British deposed the legitimate ruler of Iran in favor of his son, who was an incompetant boob who gave us the Ayatollah's. Why? Because they wanted to keep the supply lines open.

Imagine the kind of resentment that causes. 'Hey, we are invading your country because you happen to be in our way!"

The topic of this thread being Islamophobia in America does it really exist and if it does what harm has it caused. aka are there actual people in America with Islamophobia and do they go out and harm muslims? That is the point of this thread. So far I have seen no evidence presented that would lead anyone to believe Islamophobia actually exists in America...thus if it does....they must keep it within themselves...certainly no evidence of any muslims being slaughtered in any way shape or form here in America. Yet there is much evidence of infidels being slaughtered in muslim nations or in nations where there is a large number of muslims such as Europe.
why would we deny facts,,,but you left out that muslims have been killing americans since the 1700's

You mean when we were sending ships into their territorial waters looking for slaves?

You call the opposition to a supremacist ideology "Islamophobia", but you mask your hatred of an ethnicity by calling it "legitimate concern".

The fact that you brought Jews into a thread about this made up term called "Islamophobia" reveals your agenda here.

I didn't. Azog brought up the Jews.

Considering I just voted for a Jew to become governor of my state, I'm really not doing a very good job at this anti-Semitism thing you are on about.

Arabs were going into Africa procuring slaves centuries before Westerners got involved in slave fact they were the pioneers in regard to that.

Among the last states to abolish slavery were Saudi Arabia and Yemen, which abolished slavery in 1962 under pressure from Britain; Oman in 1970, and Mauritania in 1905, 1981, and again in August 2007.
That flag represents terror and destruction of the only Jewish state but regardless it does not belong at the DNC. This is not hate to you?
Are you serious? Flag burning outside? And their own country? Name one mostly Muslim country that not a social, economic or military disaster. You cannot and there are 50+. Why would the world want another one?

Most Christian countries are poor. The vast majority of the world is poor and miserable...

And, no, the Zionist Entity is not a good thing. It's an apartheid state based on the theft of land and oppression of native people.

Not one acre lf land was stolen anywhere in Israel....a lot of land was bought and paid for and when the Arab invasion of Israel failed in 1948 a lot of Arabs panicked and fled to neighboring muslim countries abandoning their property....because they feared the Jews would retaliate for all the heinous acts muslims had comitted against Jews under Ottoman rule and later British rule......that is what motivated them to flee--no one forced them to was their choice.

Then when they began to suffer in the arab nations they fled to and began to think of how good they had it in Israel....they decided they wanted their abandoned land back....but we also must consider what would have happened if the invading muslim armies had defeated Israel in 1948...what do you think they would have done to the Jews?
and just a comment , Western World has long had a problem with 'muslims' . For sure muslims invaded Westen and Christian Spain in the 700 AD and the 'muslims' were forced out in the late 1400s . USA first war was against 'muslim' of the 'barbary coast' pirates who were taking Western world merchant shipping . 'muslims' have long been a problem for the Western World JoeB . thing that is not well that muslims have been going to Europe and kidnapping women for their harems for hundreds of year even up to present the olden days it was mostly only the european cities on the coast where this took place...but now with modern forms of travel it can happen anywhere.

It is common knowledge that, for over a thousand years, Arab and Muslim slavers took enormous numbers of men, women and children from sub-Saharan Africa. What is not so well known is that they took equally large numbers of people from Europe. As with Africa, Arab slave-taking in Europe began in the seventh century – shortly after the rise of Islam – and continued virtually without interruption into the modern epoch.

Modern Western culture, with its Anglo-centric world-view, has an almost obsessive preoccupation with the European trade in African slaves, a trade which commenced in the late fifteenth century and ended in the mid-nineteenth, but seems to have little knowledge of or interest in the equally intense Muslim trade in European slaves during the same epoch. This is a strange state of affairs, given the fact that, in general, the Europeans enslaved by the Muslims between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries, were treated appallingly, and the trade had a long-term and devastating impact upon large areas of the continent.

The Islamic Trade in European Slaves

They purchased land from the previous landowners, developed that land, and as prosperity grew, so did the influx of people into the area both Arab and Jews. The Jewish population grew faster as those with views similar to yours in Europe were persecuting them so terribly and again after the Creation of the state of Israel as those you support indulged in the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Arab lands.

Edited-meister did you forget all the wars they had where they seized land after being backed up by the British?

The thing was, the British opened up Palestine to European Jews and up until WWII, they were like, "Nah, we're good!"

After the war, a different story.

Still doesn't make it right. Colonialism is never a good thing.

Look what happened in Africa after the colonial powers departed...mass starvation, millions slaughterd in tribal wars, widespread disease etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

millions of africans have died of famine and tribal wars - Google Search
We are in a lot of trouble....too many simply do not realize that.

The question arises....are we in more trouble from within or from without.

Thousands of unknowns are streaming across our Southern many jihadists are mixed in with them? We have a ongoing attempt to oust a duly elected President simply because the democrats do not like him...not even to mention all of our racial problems.

again, we've heard this story about the Jihadists sneaking in with the illegals since 2001, about Prayer Rugs being littered all over the dessert (you'd think they'd be more careful with their prayer rugs and not just leave them lying around.) And the number of terror attacks carried out int he US by Muslims sneaking in through the Southern Border?

Zero. The few "Terror Attacks" (Read, mass shootings or bombings not carried out by "mentally ill" white guys) have been carried out by people who were born here or people who legally immigrated, often as children.

Technology is rapidly increasing....some have predicted the next stage of muslim terrorism here in America will not be from extremists armed with assault rifles but from drone attacks...all the ways that could be done is only limited by one's imagination....not even to mention what the payload on these drones could consist of.

You mean the Islamophobes will find new things to be scared of that will never happen.

As has been pointed out previously it is the children of the muslims that have immigrated here who are most susceptible to radicalization.

Okay, so are the children of white people. It's just when a member of the Aryan Brotherhood does something awful, we call it "Mental Illness". We even have a president who calls them "Very fine people".

So, yes, you might be killed by a young American Muslim who doesn't like our middle east policy... or you might be killed by a young American Christian who didn't like the last Batman Movie. It's not like we are going do something crazy like have common sense gun control or something.
Look what happened in Africa after the colonial powers departed...mass starvation, millions slaughterd in tribal wars, widespread disease etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

Those things all happened when the Europeans were colonizing, too. The worst famine was in Bangledesh in the 1940's when the British diverted resources to fight WWII. 3 Million people starved to death. Winston Churchill's response was, "Why hasn't Ghandi starved." (Churchill hated Ghandi more than he hated Hitler.)
Not one acre lf land was stolen anywhere in Israel....a lot of land was bought and paid for and when the Arab invasion of Israel failed in 1948 a lot of Arabs panicked and fled to neighboring muslim countries abandoning their property....because they feared the Jews would retaliate for all the heinous acts muslims had comitted against Jews under Ottoman rule and later British rule......that is what motivated them to flee--no one forced them to was their choice.

Sweet evil Jesus, you actually think that's an acceptable excuse?
We are in a lot of trouble....too many simply do not realize that.

The question arises....are we in more trouble from within or from without.

Thousands of unknowns are streaming across our Southern many jihadists are mixed in with them? We have a ongoing attempt to oust a duly elected President simply because the democrats do not like him...not even to mention all of our racial problems.

again, we've heard this story about the Jihadists sneaking in with the illegals since 2001, about Prayer Rugs being littered all over the dessert (you'd think they'd be more careful with their prayer rugs and not just leave them lying around.) And the number of terror attacks carried out int he US by Muslims sneaking in through the Southern Border?

Zero. The few "Terror Attacks" (Read, mass shootings or bombings not carried out by "mentally ill" white guys) have been carried out by people who were born here or people who legally immigrated, often as children.

Technology is rapidly increasing....some have predicted the next stage of muslim terrorism here in America will not be from extremists armed with assault rifles but from drone attacks...all the ways that could be done is only limited by one's imagination....not even to mention what the payload on these drones could consist of.

You mean the Islamophobes will find new things to be scared of that will never happen.

As has been pointed out previously it is the children of the muslims that have immigrated here who are most susceptible to radicalization.

Okay, so are the children of white people. It's just when a member of the Aryan Brotherhood does something awful, we call it "Mental Illness". We even have a president who calls them "Very fine people".

So, yes, you might be killed by a young American Muslim who doesn't like our middle east policy... or you might be killed by a young American Christian who didn't like the last Batman Movie. It's not like we are going do something crazy like have common sense gun control or something.

The Fallacy of Grievance-based Terrorism

The fundamental premise of much scholarly examination and public discourse is that grievances with U.S. policies in the Middle East motivate Islamist terrorism. Such assumptions, though, misunderstand the enemy and its nature. In reality, the conflict is sparked not by grievance but rather by incompatibility between Islamist ideology and the natural rights articulated during the European Enlightenment and incorporated into U.S. political culture. Acquiescing to political grievances will not alter the fundamental incompatibility between Lockean precepts of tolerance and current interpretations of Islam: Only Islam's fundamental reform will resolve the conflict.

The Fallacy of Grievance-based Terrorism

Not one acre lf land was stolen anywhere in Israel....a lot of land was bought and paid for and when the Arab invasion of Israel failed in 1948 a lot of Arabs panicked and fled to neighboring muslim countries abandoning their property....because they feared the Jews would retaliate for all the heinous acts muslims had comitted against Jews under Ottoman rule and later British rule......that is what motivated them to flee--no one forced them to was their choice.

Sweet evil Jesus, you actually think that's an acceptable excuse?

Please do not take the name of My Lord in vain.

"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

No excuse is needed.....just a explanation of what happened....when your enemies invade you and are defeated and their cousins flee in panic because they fear revenge will be exacted on them not only for the invasion but for decades of terrorism they themselves inflicted on the Jews...they have no legal or moral case to stand on.

'Throughout most of the next stages of the war, until the liberation of the Northern Negev and Central Galilee in October 1948, local deportations were the result of military needs, mainly used to deny the invaders bases in the vicinity of Jewish settlements and securing control of important roads. Even in October 1948, massacres and lesser atrocities were sporadic and exceptional and expulsions were partial.

Unlike the Jews, who had nowhere to go and fought with their back to the wall, the Palestinians had nearby asylums. Flight accompanied the fighting from the beginning of the civil war and an increasing flow of refugees drifted from mixed Jewish-Arab towns into the heart of Arab-populated areas as well as to the adjacent countries. The Palestinians had not yet recovered from their revolt between1936 and1939.

In this early phase of the war, their fragile social structure crumbled not because of military setbacks but owing to economic hardships and administrative disorganization that worsened as the fighting intensified. Contrary to the Jews who built their “state in the making” during the mandate period, the Palestinians had not created substitutes for the government services that vanished with the British withdrawal. The absence of leaders, the collapse of services and a general feeling of fear and insecurity generated anarchy in the Arab sector.

When riots broke out early in December 1947, many middle class Palestinians sent their families to neighboring countries, joining them after the situation worsened. Others moved from the vicinity of the front lines to less exposed areas in the interior of the Arab region. Non-Palestinian laborers and businessmen returned to Syria, Lebanon and Egypt to avoid the hardships of war. First-generation emigrants from the countryside who had moved to the urban centers returned to their villages. Thousands of government employees — doctors, nurses, civil servants, lawyers, clerks, etc. — were fired as the mandatory administration disintegrated. This created an atmosphere of desertion that rapidly expanded to wider circles. Between half and two-thirds of the inhabitants of cities such as Haifa or Jaffa had abandoned their hometowns before the Jews stormed them in late April 1948.

In the last six weeks of the British mandate, the Jews occupied most of the area that the UN partition planallotted to the Jewish State. They took over five Arab and mixed towns and 200 villages. Approximately 250,000 to 300,000 Palestinians and other Arabs fled to Palestine's Arab sectors or to neighboring countries. The Palestinian irregulars and the League’s army disintegrated and became militarily immaterial.

This rapid and almost total collapse astonished all observers. It was unbelievable that plain defeatism lacking any ulterior motives had prompted this mass flight. The Jews suspected that the exodus was nothing but a conspiracy — concocted by the Palestinian leadership — to embroil the Arab states in the war. Later, this guess would become the official explanation of Israeli diplomacy for the Palestinian mass flight. The documentary evidence, however, shows that Palestinian and other Arab leaders did not encourage the flight. On the contrary, they tried in vain to stop it. The old Israeli narrative of conspiracy is as wrong as the new Palestinian one of expulsion, as the historical picture is far more complex.

Before the invasion of the Arab armies, fleeing was for the most part voluntary as it preceded the conquest of the Arab towns. Dependence on fallen towns, the quandaries of maintaining agricultural routine and rumors of atrocities exacerbated mass flight from the countryside. Many hamlets that the Haganah occupied in April and May were found empty. No premeditated deportations had taken place at this stage and the use of intimidation and psychological warfare was sporadic.'

You do not know the history and thus you have bought arab propaganda and now are attempting to disseminate it.

For a complete history see...............
Israel Studies An Anthology: War of 1948
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We are in a lot of trouble....too many simply do not realize that.

The question arises....are we in more trouble from within or from without.

Thousands of unknowns are streaming across our Southern many jihadists are mixed in with them? We have a ongoing attempt to oust a duly elected President simply because the democrats do not like him...not even to mention all of our racial problems.

again, we've heard this story about the Jihadists sneaking in with the illegals since 2001, about Prayer Rugs being littered all over the dessert (you'd think they'd be more careful with their prayer rugs and not just leave them lying around.) And the number of terror attacks carried out int he US by Muslims sneaking in through the Southern Border?

Zero. The few "Terror Attacks" (Read, mass shootings or bombings not carried out by "mentally ill" white guys) have been carried out by people who were born here or people who legally immigrated, often as children.

Technology is rapidly increasing....some have predicted the next stage of muslim terrorism here in America will not be from extremists armed with assault rifles but from drone attacks...all the ways that could be done is only limited by one's imagination....not even to mention what the payload on these drones could consist of.

You mean the Islamophobes will find new things to be scared of that will never happen.

As has been pointed out previously it is the children of the muslims that have immigrated here who are most susceptible to radicalization.

Okay, so are the children of white people. It's just when a member of the Aryan Brotherhood does something awful, we call it "Mental Illness". We even have a president who calls them "Very fine people".

So, yes, you might be killed by a young American Muslim who doesn't like our middle east policy... or you might be killed by a young American Christian who didn't like the last Batman Movie. It's not like we are going do something crazy like have common sense gun control or something.

You seem to think just because a muslim was born here excuses his terrorism? Ridiculous.....that is the in it indicates that allowing the fathers to come here in the first place is a huge,huge mistake.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
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