CDZ Islamophobia

Are you somehow under the impression that your Edited-meister claptrap has anything at all to do with the subject of the thread?

This is a thread is about how the rejection of an oppressive supremacist ideology is labelled as some sort of mental disorder by those who have been hoodwinked into supporting it.

I know that's what you'd like the thread to be about.

Again, have to ask the question if you know any Muslims personally. I know a few, not a one of them has tried to convert me, not a one has tried to behead me. It's the most amazing thing, there is this major disconnect between the Muslims you guys describe and the ones I've met in the real world.

Not worried about getting killed. I don't like that many treat women as property or 2nd class citizens. Seems primitive.

Given the Right Wing in this country wants to turn women into involuntary baby mills, I really will take your sudden concern about women with a grain of salt.

That is complete bullshit. It is the Lefts fault that we have so many more assaults vs women. Baby mills? This is made up.

muslim woman beheaded in broad daylight in moderate muslim nation as the police look on. - Graphic Scene of Woman Beheaded in the Middle of the Road in Broad Daylight
There are a lot of beheadings in Latin America. Not many muslims though.
Tell us how we can tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Why do you spread muslim propaganda?

How can you tell a good white person from a Neo-Nazi?

See, it cuts both ways.

I'm not spreading any propaganda. I just don't quiver at the fake fear the Oil Companies and Zionists spread to get us all to fight perpetual war for their benefit.
and I agree on tthe wars,,,they are bullsht and why I hate democrats and republicans

but the fact is muslims have been killing americans since the 1700's
So have Christians. In fact Christians killed more Americans than any other religious groups. Who would have thought? :dunno:
Tell us how we can tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Why do you spread muslim propaganda?

How can you tell a good white person from a Neo-Nazi?

See, it cuts both ways.

I'm not spreading any propaganda. I just don't quiver at the fake fear the Oil Companies and Zionists spread to get us all to fight perpetual war for their benefit.
and I agree on tthe wars,,,they are bullsht and why I hate democrats and republicans

but the fact is muslims have been killing americans since the 1700's
So have Christians. In fact Christians killed more Americans than any other religious groups. Who would have thought? :dunno:

those were democrats
Tell us how we can tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Why do you spread muslim propaganda?

How can you tell a good white person from a Neo-Nazi?

See, it cuts both ways.

I'm not spreading any propaganda. I just don't quiver at the fake fear the Oil Companies and Zionists spread to get us all to fight perpetual war for their benefit.
oh and weren't muslims and nazis alies???yeah I think they are/were

They were also our allies. They arent a single group. They are comprised of a multitude of nations and cultures. Second World War record of Muslims is worth marking
For those claiming to oppose "Islamization" in America...what do you consider Islamization here? Is it just a code word for anti-Zionism is a code word for antsemitism?
I noticed an article just this morning about the number of child brides the u.s. government is allowing to be shipped to their new masters here in the states.

I wonder if they ship theyoung chattel freight?
First we hate Jews, then we hate Germans, then we hate Japanese then Muslims now Mexicans. who is next?
who is WE????

I dont hate any of them,,,but the muslims do hate us and want us dead,,,I do hate that
None of the Muslims I know do.

None that I know do either but they all treat women as 2nd class citizens or worse.
Same for Hindu countries and Bhuddist countries.

Yes I agree. But not universally such as happens in Islamic countries.
Are you somehow under the impression that your Edited-meister claptrap has anything at all to do with the subject of the thread?

This is a thread is about how the rejection of an oppressive supremacist ideology is labelled as some sort of mental disorder by those who have been hoodwinked into supporting it.

I know that's what you'd like the thread to be about.

Again, have to ask the question if you know any Muslims personally. I know a few, not a one of them has tried to convert me, not a one has tried to behead me. It's the most amazing thing, there is this major disconnect between the Muslims you guys describe and the ones I've met in the real world.

Not worried about getting killed. I don't like that many treat women as property or 2nd class citizens. Seems primitive.

Given the Right Wing in this country wants to turn women into involuntary baby mills, I really will take your sudden concern about women with a grain of salt.

That is complete bullshit. It is the Lefts fault that we have so many more assaults vs women. Baby mills? This is made up.

muslim woman beheaded in broad daylight in moderate muslim nation as the police look on. - Graphic Scene of Woman Beheaded in the Middle of the Road in Broad Daylight
There are a lot of beheadings in Latin America. Not many muslims though.

Doesn’t make it right? It is savage.
" Supremacist Sectarian Class Based "

* Qurayshism Is Analogous With Torahnism *
For those claiming to oppose "Islamization" in America...what do you consider Islamization here? Is it just a code word for anti-Zionism is a code word for antsemitism?
#I_SLAM_A_PHOBIA is the paranoia and delusion invoked from surah 9 for over 1400 years by fictional ishmaelism to defend hejaz when it was not ever under duress .

Torahnism is a genetic religion for preservation of the patriarchal lineage of eponymous isaac , where the tenets , cultural traditions and city state laws ( 613 mitzvot ) , as proposed in the torah , would only apply within israel .

Qurayshism is a genetic religion for preservation of the patriarchal lineage of eponymous ishmael, where the tenets , cultural traditions and city state laws ( sharia ) , as proposed in the qurayn , would only apply within hejaz .

Any pretense that qurayshism applies outside of hejaz is debase and termed fictional ishmaelism .

* Ulterior Motives For Tyranny By Majority *

Hisbah - Wikipedia
Hisbah (Arabic: hisbah) is an Islamic doctrine which means "accountability".[1] Hisbah is the divinely-sanctioned duty of the ruler (government) to intervene and coercively "enjoining good and forbidding wrong" in order to keep everything in order according to sharia (Islamic law).[2]
The Hisbah has the following major aspects:[5]

  • An obligation of a Muslim.
  • An obligation of a state to ensure its citizens comply with hisbah such as sharia.

Did you actually read these or did you just google Sharia in America and post links with out reading?

The first one, for example is quite good and informative, here is an excerpt:

Of course, these conflicts are nothing new. Virtually every religious group has had to accommodate U.S. law—and in numerous cases, the U.S. has adjusted to the beliefs of religious groups. In the Amish community, which follows their own law, called Ordnung, conflicts between Amish and American law even created an important Supreme Court decision in 1972: The court recognized the importance of religious freedom and upheld the right of Amish families in Wisconsin to remove their children from school after the eighth grade. Many Mormons have had to change elements of their family practices, including polygamy, to abide by U.S. laws. And American Jews who follow Halakha have courts and institutions that enforce it called the Beth Din. These courts have operated both formally and informally in conjunction with American society for as long as Jews have resided in the U.S.

Some Americans become particularly concerned when they think about Sharia invading their national courts. The fear and alarm driving people’s activism have already led to more than half a dozen states passing some sort of measure to stop their courts from considering foreign, international, or religious law. But panic-stricken rumors that U.S. courts are enforcing Sharia have been blown out of proportion: What is really happening is that the court is allowing U.S. citizens to set their own rules and resolve their own disputes through contractual agreements, as long as these aren’t in conflict with American law.

This happens when, say, two Muslims agree by contract to have some business disagreement solved by an Islamic arbitration committee, several of which exist in the U.S. in states like Texas and New York. If the parties disagree with the arbitration, they might take it to an American court of law, which would likely uphold the original contract and the decision of the Islamic arbitration committee. Virtually every religious group in the U.S.uses private arbitration committees, including the Jewish community and some Christians.

Similarly, the American legal system allows for individuals to create their own rules around things like wills and divorce settlements, so the court will uphold legally created documents that incorporate Islamic (or Jewish) law alongside personal wishes. Traditionally, the political system of the U.S. has viewed such arrangements positively, as extensions of individual liberty.

While Muslims are among the newest religious immigrants to the United States, they are joining a long line of people who have had to accommodate their religious and personal needs to a new cultural and legal environment. Like all who came before them, Muslims have some issues that are difficult to fit into the mainstream. But, like other religious groups, these are challenges they meet with care and thought. Islamic law, far from being a strict, draconian code of medieval discipline, can adapt to new circumstances—a very American virtue. U.S. citizens should accept this Americanization of Islamic law with open arms.

Your third article, is not an example of Sharia in America but rather how people feel about one another, and fears about Sharia, again, I don’t think you read it.

Your fourth link, on Dearborn is likewise not an example of Sharia in America but of identity and unfounded rumors.

The fifth one is on an anti Sharia bill....a response to a non existent problem.

I don’t think your links support your claims.
Are you somehow under the impression that your Edited-meister claptrap has anything at all to do with the subject of the thread?

This is a thread is about how the rejection of an oppressive supremacist ideology is labelled as some sort of mental disorder by those who have been hoodwinked into supporting it.

I know that's what you'd like the thread to be about.

Again, have to ask the question if you know any Muslims personally. I know a few, not a one of them has tried to convert me, not a one has tried to behead me. It's the most amazing thing, there is this major disconnect between the Muslims you guys describe and the ones I've met in the real world.

Not worried about getting killed. I don't like that many treat women as property or 2nd class citizens. Seems primitive.

Given the Right Wing in this country wants to turn women into involuntary baby mills, I really will take your sudden concern about women with a grain of salt.

That is complete bullshit. It is the Lefts fault that we have so many more assaults vs women. Baby mills? This is made up.

muslim woman beheaded in broad daylight in moderate muslim nation as the police look on. - Graphic Scene of Woman Beheaded in the Middle of the Road in Broad Daylight
There are a lot of beheadings in Latin America. Not many muslims though.

Doesn’t make it right? It is savage.
Of course it doesn’t. It is barbaric. So why is it no one makes a fuss when it occurs elsewhere?
First we hate Jews, then we hate Germans, then we hate Japanese then Muslims now Mexicans. who is next?
who is WE????

I dont hate any of them,,,but the muslims do hate us and want us dead,,,I do hate that
None of the Muslims I know do.

None that I know do either but they all treat women as 2nd class citizens or worse.
Same for Hindu countries and Bhuddist countries.

Yes I agree. But not universally such as happens in Islamic countries.
Name one Hindu majority country where women are treated equally to men.
who knows eh , its 'islam' thats in the news EVERYDAY plus 'islam' has a bad history of invading Spain and Americas first war was to slap the 'muslims' around back in the early 1800s Coyote . Hindus don't appear to be a problem for Americans or America Coyote . [ hindu women , who cares' about their problems if they aren't Americans Coyote] Where is the 'hindu suzy b. antony ' Coyote ??
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I know that's what you'd like the thread to be about.

Again, have to ask the question if you know any Muslims personally. I know a few, not a one of them has tried to convert me, not a one has tried to behead me. It's the most amazing thing, there is this major disconnect between the Muslims you guys describe and the ones I've met in the real world.

Given the Right Wing in this country wants to turn women into involuntary baby mills, I really will take your sudden concern about women with a grain of salt.

That is complete bullshit. It is the Lefts fault that we have so many more assaults vs women. Baby mills? This is made up.

muslim woman beheaded in broad daylight in moderate muslim nation as the police look on. - Graphic Scene of Woman Beheaded in the Middle of the Road in Broad Daylight
There are a lot of beheadings in Latin America. Not many muslims though.

Doesn’t make it right? It is savage.
Of course it doesn’t. It is barbaric. So why is it no one makes a fuss when it occurs elsewhere?

It is not as systemic elsewhere or as celebrated elsewhere in my opinion. In Islam they seem to be almost proud of it. Add in the Hijabs and the fact that women cannot work and you now have the finger pointed at you even more.
who is WE????

I dont hate any of them,,,but the muslims do hate us and want us dead,,,I do hate that
None of the Muslims I know do.

None that I know do either but they all treat women as 2nd class citizens or worse.
Same for Hindu countries and Bhuddist countries.

Yes I agree. But not universally such as happens in Islamic countries.
Name one Hindu majority country where women are treated equally to men.

That is complete bullshit. It is the Lefts fault that we have so many more assaults vs women. Baby mills? This is made up.

muslim woman beheaded in broad daylight in moderate muslim nation as the police look on. - Graphic Scene of Woman Beheaded in the Middle of the Road in Broad Daylight
There are a lot of beheadings in Latin America. Not many muslims though.

Doesn’t make it right? It is savage.
Of course it doesn’t. It is barbaric. So why is it no one makes a fuss when it occurs elsewhere?

It is not as systemic elsewhere or as celebrated elsewhere in my opinion. In Islam they seem to be almost proud of it. Add in the Hijabs and the fact that women cannot work and you now have the finger pointed at you even more.

Well of course the big difference between the ones in Latin America and those in the arab countries of the middle east is that in Latin America such barbarity is the handiwork of drug cartels aka muslim nations it is inspired by the islamic religion and everyday citizens participate and of course it is sanctioned by their in it is the law....huge,huge difference.

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