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CDZ Islamophobia

No it’s hate. Flying the flag of Palestine at the DNC is hate

Wow, thinking the Palestinians should have their own country is hate?


Because even most Zionists admit that a two-state solution is the only way forward.

That flag represents terror and destruction of the only Jewish state but regardless it does not belong at the DNC. This is not hate to you?
Are you serious? Flag burning outside? And their own country? Name one mostly Muslim country that not a social, economic or military disaster. You cannot and there are 50+. Why would the world want another one?


so both partys are ran by isreal???
what proof do you have or are you just expressing your emotions???

The fact that when Netanyahooo comes here, they both kiss his ring like he's Don Corleone...

cause what I said was true and its backed up by the Koran and sharia law

and how do you know what happens in that mosque???

one more time, buddy. Muslims are not the Borg.

sorry I dont play make believe,,,and you trying to suck me into your delusions instead of proving me wrong kinda proves me right
Jewish self determination was moving to New York for preserve one's self and one's family. Zionism was building a political system that Zionists could run.
Jews are an amazing group of people, much to be admired. Zionism is a movement that has many things to answer for.

You haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about.

Zionism is the name of the movement that gave Jewish people the right to self determination in their traditional homeland.

Antisemites have worked feverishly to invest the term with a sense of innate perfidy as if it is a dirty thing. That way they can rail against "Zionism" thinking they are fooling people into thinking they arent railing against Jews.
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The whole Public School system we have today was a reaction to the Catholic Parochial School system. The wave of fear of Catholic Immigrants led directly to the recreation of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920's.

Today, we look back at that as a little silly, but it's not that we learned anything from it.
sorry but nazis havent killed anyone in decades where as muslims kill people daily

Did you miss all the right wing violence and terrorism in recent years?

FBI: reported hate crimes increased by 17 percent in 2017
sorry jew hating is a democrat and muslim thing

the right wing youre refering to is a european right not american right

I am a Jew and all the hate I have experienced Recently has come from the Left.
Jewish self determination was moving to New York for preserve one's self and one's family. Zionism was building a political system that Zionists could run.
Jews are an amazing group of people, much to be admired. Zionism is a movement that has many things to answer for.

You haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about.

Zionism is the name of the movement that gave Jewish people the right to self determination in their traditional homeland.

Antisemites have worked feverishly to invest the term with a sense of innate perfidy as if it is a dirty thing. That way they can rail against "Zionism" thinking they are fooling people into thinking they are railing against Jews.

That flag represents terror and destruction of the only Jewish state but regardless it does not belong at the DNC. This is not hate to you?
Are you serious? Flag burning outside? And their own country? Name one mostly Muslim country that not a social, economic or military disaster. You cannot and there are 50+. Why would the world want another one?

Most Christian countries are poor. The vast majority of the world is poor and miserable...

And, no, the Zionist Entity is not a good thing. It's an apartheid state based on the theft of land and oppression of native people.
the vast majority were not 'nazi' but they fought for 'hitler' down to the last old man and little boy eh . The same could be said for 'muslims' as they fight for 'mohamad' eh Joe .

well, let's look at that. Not sure who is fighting for "Mohammed" exactly, but in our interminal quest to play "Hall Monitor In the Middle East", we've enlisted the help of the Kurds, the Saudis, Turkey, various friendly governments.

Again, if all of the 1.6 BILLION Muslims in the world were against us, we'd be in a LOT of trouble.
----------------------------------------------------------- lot of trouble , heck , we'd just have to do to them what we did in ww2 to both 'germany' and 'japan' you scaredy cat . And in ww2 we were just babees with weaponry , [you scaredy cat] . As i said somewhere else , a small amount of 'nazis' controlled the ENTIRE 'german' people during ww2 with death . Its the same thing with the 'muslims' if you scaredy cats were correct about their being the RADICAL and then the peaceful apostate muslims . The socalled RADICAL 'muslims' control the Apostate or good muslims very easily with threats of death and actual death and torture . JoeB .
That flag represents terror and destruction of the only Jewish state but regardless it does not belong at the DNC. This is not hate to you?
Are you serious? Flag burning outside? And their own country? Name one mostly Muslim country that not a social, economic or military disaster. You cannot and there are 50+. Why would the world want another one?

Most Christian countries are poor. The vast majority of the world is poor and miserable...

And, no, the Zionist Entity is not a good thing. It's an apartheid state based on the theft of land and oppression of native people.

That flag represents terror and destruction of the only Jewish state but regardless it does not belong at the DNC. This is not hate to you?
Are you serious? Flag burning outside? And their own country? Name one mostly Muslim country that not a social, economic or military disaster. You cannot and there are 50+. Why would the world want another one?


He claims those evil Jews control us, yet it was a Palestinian flag flying at the Dem convention, not an Israeli.
Funny, that for a tiny group that supposedly has such power over others, they were unable to prevent that.

Oh, wait!! I just figured it out! It was quite literally a false flag operation as it was Joe's evil Jews who actually put up that flag, instead!! Trying to put us all off the scent, they were.
That flag represents terror and destruction of the only Jewish state but regardless it does not belong at the DNC. This is not hate to you?
Are you serious? Flag burning outside? And their own country? Name one mostly Muslim country that not a social, economic or military disaster. You cannot and there are 50+. Why would the world want another one?

Most Christian countries are poor. The vast majority of the world is poor and miserable...

And, no, the Zionist Entity is not a good thing. It's an apartheid state based on the theft of land and oppression of native people.
------------------------------- feck the Majority of the world that is poor . For the most part they are nonWestern and not America JoeB .
You haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about.

Zionism is the name of the movement that gave Jewish people the right to self determination in their traditional homeland.

Antisemites have worked feverishly to invest the term with a sense of innate perfidy as if it is a dirty thing. That way they can rail against "Zionism" thinking they are fooling people into thinking they are railing against Jews.

Except it is a dirty thing. It's going into land that has belonged to someone else for centuries and stealing it. Even a lot of Jews are uncomfortable with what the Zionists are doing. They act pretty much like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.

Now, if someone wanted to create a homeland for the Jews in Europe where they came from, I'd have no issue with that. Going into Palestine and taking their land because they currently practice a variation of the Abrahamic Religion (as are Christianity and Islam) while creating an apartheid state is kind of unacceptable.
and just a comment , Western World has long had a problem with 'muslims' . For sure muslims invaded Westen and Christian Spain in the 700 AD and the 'muslims' were forced out in the late 1400s . USA first war was against 'muslim' of the 'barbary coast' pirates who were taking Western world merchant shipping . 'muslims' have long been a problem for the Western World JoeB .
You haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about.

Zionism is the name of the movement that gave Jewish people the right to self determination in their traditional homeland.

Antisemites have worked feverishly to invest the term with a sense of innate perfidy as if it is a dirty thing. That way they can rail against "Zionism" thinking they are fooling people into thinking they are railing against Jews.

Except it is a dirty thing. It's going into land that has belonged to someone else for centuries and stealing it. Even a lot of Jews are uncomfortable with what the Zionists are doing. They act pretty much like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.

Now, if someone wanted to create a homeland for the Jews in Europe where they came from, I'd have no issue with that. Going into Palestine and taking their land because they currently practice a variation of the Abrahamic Religion (as are Christianity and Islam) while creating an apartheid state is kind of unacceptable.
TAKING back what was stolen from you is not stealing,,,they didnt come from europe they came from isreal and were its first inhabitants

what about george soros???
You haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about.

Zionism is the name of the movement that gave Jewish people the right to self determination in their traditional homeland.

Antisemites have worked feverishly to invest the term with a sense of innate perfidy as if it is a dirty thing. That way they can rail against "Zionism" thinking they are fooling people into thinking they are railing against Jews.

Except it is a dirty thing. It's going into land that has belonged to someone else for centuries and stealing it. Even a lot of Jews are uncomfortable with what the Zionists are doing. They act pretty much like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.

Now, if someone wanted to create a homeland for the Jews in Europe where they came from, I'd have no issue with that. Going into Palestine and taking their land because they currently practice a variation of the Abrahamic Religion (as are Christianity and Islam) while creating an apartheid state is kind of unacceptable.
------------------------------------------- UNACCEPTABLE to Who . I am fine with Zionism as i understand Zionism simply to be Israel FIRST JoeB .
Only in whatever sphincter functions as a bed wetter's "mind" is it a phobia to oppose being blow up in a crowd or decapitated by flea bitten bearded zealot of a cult started by a pedophile warlord and thief who had seizures in some cave in a shit hole desert 1400 years ago.

What sort of "phobia" are people suffering from when they oppose being governed by zealots of a religion devoted to a guy born 2000 years ago, that believe it's wrong to murder, steal, fuck around on your wife or stick your pecker in another dude's ass?

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We hear that accusation and chant constantly...particuarly from the antifa group when they are out in the streets hollering 'Islamaphobe' and of course we see it on the board constantly.

First of all let me post a definition of Islamaphobia to make sure we are on the same page..................'unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:' from --the Cambridge English Dictionary.

The key word being of course.....'unreasonable' ---so can it be said at least truthfully that 'Islamaphobia' is a problem in America or can it be truthfully said that Republicans are guilty of Islamaphobia?

There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. Most of them are just trying to get by in life. There are 6 million Muslims in the US. Most of them are law abiding folks as well.

You are more likely to be killed by a white extremist than a Muslim extremist in this country.

View attachment 239109

Nobody talks about Caucasia-phobia... we just kind of accept it.

Islamists are intent on making America a Sharia ruled nation in the end.

We should not allow it even though the progress they make to achieve their goal is very gradual and hard to see.

Even if the outcome would be centuries from now.

We should stop the process now because the job will never be easier than it is now.
You haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about.

Zionism is the name of the movement that gave Jewish people the right to self determination in their traditional homeland.

Antisemites have worked feverishly to invest the term with a sense of innate perfidy as if it is a dirty thing. That way they can rail against "Zionism" thinking they are fooling people into thinking they are railing against Jews.

Except it is a dirty thing. It's going into land that has belonged to someone else for centuries and stealing it. Even a lot of Jews are uncomfortable with what the Zionists are doing. They act pretty much like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.

Now, if someone wanted to create a homeland for the Jews in Europe where they came from, I'd have no issue with that. Going into Palestine and taking their land because they currently practice a variation of the Abrahamic Religion (as are Christianity and Islam) while creating an apartheid state is kind of unacceptable.
That is not what happened.
You are simply repeating the lies crafted by Arabs in order to influence the uneducated.
lot of trouble , heck , we'd just have to do to them what we did in ww2 to both 'germany' and 'japan' you scaredy cat . And in ww2 we were just babees with weaponry

well, first, and foremost, the Islamic World covers a lot more land than Germany and Japan, and we required allies in WWII to do most of the heavy lifting in that war. The fact we ran off and cried with a bloody nose after 5000 dead in Iraq shows me that we don't have the wherewithal to fight a bigger scale fight.

When the Islamophobes start signing their kids up for the Army, then I'll take you seriously.

As i said somewhere else , a small amount of 'nazis' controlled the ENTIRE 'german' people during ww2 with death .

Well, no, the Nazis controlled Germany because most Germans were pretty cool with what they did. the whole idea that there were "Good Germans" was silly. The Good Germans never show up. I'm still waiting for the Good Americans to get rid of Trump.

Its the same thing with the 'muslims' if you scaredy cats were correct about their being the RADICAL and then the peaceful apostate muslims .

Again, which branch of the Armed forces did you sign up for? I was in the Army, and frankly got out because I thought the Gulf War was BS. I didn't think we'd still be fighting it 28 years later.

he socalled RADICAL 'muslims' control the Apostate or good muslims very easily with threats of death and actual death and torture .

We've been trying to bomb them into submission for 30 years now... I don't think they are going for it.

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