Isn't it kind of her own fault...?

Her fault? No. But should she have seen it coming? Well...what do you reasonably expect to happen next, when you stick your hand in the mouth of an alligator?

Sweetie I'm sorry but you're not a woman and you have never had to deal with this situation from a woman's perspective.

I am a woman and I have. I've lived it. From when I was a teenager working at a restaurant where on certain nights of the week if a woman walked into the kitchen she was at risk of losing her shirt. Literally. To later in life when first meeting a boss I held out my hand to shake his and he grabs my breast. Those are just the mild things I've experienced while working.

Would I go to work for fox? No. I've worked with some fox employees and I've worked on a fox reality show but I was technically hired by Pepsi. All the fox employees I've ever met kept a very low profile. They didn't interact with many people around them and when asked who they were working for, they just said the channel number. Not the name of the network. They also park their cars and vans away from everyone else.

I have never met a fox employee who was proud of where they worked.

That being said, I'm not Gretchen Carlson. She has to make her own choices based on what she knows.

I still don't blame her for what someone else did to her when she was only trying to earn a living.

In my view, you're blaming the victim.
Again. Never said I blamed her. .....

Right before you blamed her, you fucking hypocrite scumbag.
Show where I blamed her, motor-mouth.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

What's the title of the thread, you fucking moron?
Oh! I understand, now. You're one of those people. You read the title of a thread and presume that you know everything there is to know about the thread. Well, I can't be held responsible for your ignorant assumptions. Feel free to come post again, once you have actually read the conversation in the thread. Until then your ignorant posts are just as relevant as you are - which is to say, not at all.
... I wouldn't feel a whole lot of sympathy for a guy who knowingly walked into a bear's den, and was shocked that he got mauled...

... It's rather like sticking one's hand in the mouth of an alligator, then being surprised when it gets bitten off. Well, stupid? What did you think was going to happen?

... When she comes to me, and said, "They didn't respect me!!!", then my response is gonna kinda be, "Well, genius?!?! What did you expect?!?!"

.... How am I supposed to feel a great deal of sympathy for a woman who was bojectified at work, when she chose to work for the very network that endorses just such attitudes?

= her fault, according to a hypocrite fucking scumbag like you.
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... I wouldn't feel a whole lot of sympathy for a guy who knowingly walked into a bear's den, and was shocked that he got mauled...

... It's rather like sticking one's hand in the mouth of an alligator, then being surprised when it gets bitten off. Well, stupid? What did you think was going to happen?

... When she comes to me, and said, "They didn't respect me!!!", then my response is gonna kinda be, "Well, genius?!?! What did you expect?!?!"

.... How am I supposed to feel a great deal of sympathy for a woman who was bojectified at work, when she chose to work for the very network that endorses just such attitudes?

= her fault, according to a hypocrite fucking scumbag like you.
No, that would be according to an irrational psycho like you. I never made any such connection.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
..... I never made any such connection.

Your own words are right there for all to see, you filthy fucking scumbag hypocrite.
My words are, motor-mouth. The assumption that those words imply blame is entirely yours. Particularly when I made clear they don't.

But hey, you keep trying. At least you're trying to use your brain. Good for you.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
..... The assumption that those words imply blame is entirely yours. ......

It's not "assumption," it's "reading," you fucking hypocrite.
Really? I must be getting senile. Quote for me, in the text of my posts where I said, it was her fault, or I blamed her.

We've already established the title was poorly worded, and does not reflect the view of the posts. So, where in the body of my posts did I actually say the things you claim - that I blame her.

While you're at it, answer this question: is it reasonable, or not, to assume that the management of Misogynist Inc will, likely, treat it's female employees badly?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
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We've already established the title was poorly worded, .......

It was accurately worded (by YOU) to express your piss poor attitude toward women and your shameless fucking hypocrisy, asshole.
.... to assume that the management of Misogynist Inc will, likely, treat it's female employees badly?...

While it's easy to see how an absolute fucking moron like you could fail to realize how transparent your little false premise is, everyone else knows that it is bullshit and in no way justifies your piss poor attitude toward women.
Okay, there is nothing I hate more than the rape victim who is first, and immediately told, "Well, if you hadn't worm that dress...", or, "If you hadn't gone to that party...", or "If you hadn't had that last beer..." Let's get that out of the way, right here.

That being said, I came across this this morning:

This supercut of Gretchen Carlson being sexually harassed by her Fox News co-hosts will break your heart

Now, I need my "Libtard" friends to help me out here, because I must be just a horrible person. The entire time I was reading her story, and even watching the video - some of the comments really were offensive - I couldn't help thinking, "But, ya know...she chose to work for the network that pushes the agenda that objectifies women, pushes the anti-choice agenda, and promotes the objectification of women.

Now, I know that there are going to be a bunch of conservatives whjo will insist that FOX does no such thing. To them I say, "Piss off,"

So, here is where I need help. How am I supposed to feel a great deal of sympathy for a woman who was bojectified at work, when she chose to work for the very network that endorses just such attitudes?

Unwanted sexual harassment from men has been a decades old problem.

There's not a woman alive that hasn't experienced it. If it's not about sex, then you're too dumb to comment on something.

As Carly Fiorina stated women have to work 3 times as hard as a man to get anywhere, and she too talked of this attitude, and she praised Hillary Clinton, "stating I know what she's been through."

Frankly, Madeleine Albright was right. Any woman, (and I don't care what side of the isle she's on)-- that doesn't support another woman deserves a special place in hell. I couldn't imagine what she went through back in the day.

This exemplifies the main reason the GOP put up 16 candidates this year. 15 of them male. It was a raining men platform that collapsed. It's why they continually attack Hillary Clinton-over Benghazi & emails (that have now turned into dust.) If Hillary Clinton was a Henry Clinton, they wouldn't have been so vicious in their attacks. It's not that they fear Hillary Clinton so much but what they FEAR most is the 1st Woman President of the United States. They just won't admit it.


So YES, gender bias & sexual harassment is still alive and well in this country.

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Okay, there is nothing I hate more than the rape victim who is first, and immediately told, "Well, if you hadn't worm that dress...", or, "If you hadn't gone to that party...", or "If you hadn't had that last beer..." Let's get that out of the way, right here.

That being said, I came across this this morning:

This supercut of Gretchen Carlson being sexually harassed by her Fox News co-hosts will break your heart

Now, I need my "Libtard" friends to help me out here, because I must be just a horrible person. The entire time I was reading her story, and even watching the video - some of the comments really were offensive - I couldn't help thinking, "But, ya know...she chose to work for the network that pushes the agenda that objectifies women, pushes the anti-choice agenda, and promotes the objectification of women.

Now, I know that there are going to be a bunch of conservatives whjo will insist that FOX does no such thing. To them I say, "Piss off,"

So, here is where I need help. How am I supposed to feel a great deal of sympathy for a woman who was bojectified at work, when she chose to work for the very network that endorses just such attitudes?

Unwanted sexual harassment from men has been a decades old problem.

There's not a woman alive that hasn't experienced it. If it's not about sex, then you're too dumb to comment on something.

As Carly Fiorina stated women have to work 3 times as hard as a man to get anywhere, and she too talked of this attitude, and she praised Hillary Clinton, "stating I know what she's been through."

Frankly, Madeleine Albright was right. Any woman, (and I don't care what side of the isle she's on)-- that doesn't support another woman deserves a special place in hell. I couldn't imagine what she went through back in the day.

This exemplifies the main reason the GOP put up 16 candidates this year. 15 of them male. It was a raining men platform that collapsed. It's why they continually attack Hillary Clinton-over Benghazi & emails (that have now turned into dust.) If Hillary Clinton was a Henry Clinton, they wouldn't have been so vicious in their attacks. It's not that they fear Hillary Clinton so much but what they FEAR most is the 1st Woman President of the United States. They just won't admit it.


So YES, gender bias & sexual harassment is still alive and well in this country.

And I disagree with absolutely nothing you've said. My only point, from my opening post, has been, the lady willingly went to work for Misogynist Inc. And we're not talking she worked there in the "early days" before they had had a chance to brand themselves. No, no. She went to work there in 2005, when it was well known to everyone that it was Misogynist Inc, and they were damn proud of their brand, and the agenda they pushed.

Now, I know Dana has tried to mitigate Gretchen's willingness to join a harem, and then be surprised that she's treated like part of a harem, suggesting she was desperate for the money, blah, blah, blah. But, I'm sorry. That's bullshit. she was Miss Fucking America, for fuck's sake! She could have landed a job anywhere she wanted! She went to work for FOX, because she agreed with their politics, and their agenda.

Well, guess what? As I have been saying all along. When you willingly, and knowingly go to work for Misogynist Inc, then you should expect them to be...well...misogynists. I think the real irony here is that she is suing FOX for treating her exactly the way that she and all of the other talking heads have spent years insisting that FOX doesn't treat women.
This brainless, hyper-partisan puke keeps hoping his false premise will excuse his hatred of women. It doesn't.
OP believes it's the woman's fault. Good to know. Remember that if a woman in your family ever gets raped or sexually harassed.

She was asking for it.

You fucking moron.
If that woman went to work for a company that publicly announces, "We hate women. We will degrade women every chance we get. We will tell everyone who will listen that women belong at home, int the kitchen, barefoot, and pregnant," then yeah. When she comes to me, and said, "They didn't respect me!!!", then my response is gonna kinda be, "Well, genius?!?! What did you expect?!?!"

When did Fox ever publicly announce "we hate women?"
OP believes it's the woman's fault. Good to know. Remember that if a woman in your family ever gets raped or sexually harassed.

She was asking for it.

You fucking moron.
If that woman went to work for a company that publicly announces, "We hate women. We will degrade women every chance we get. We will tell everyone who will listen that women belong at home, int the kitchen, barefoot, and pregnant," then yeah. When she comes to me, and said, "They didn't respect me!!!", then my response is gonna kinda be, "Well, genius?!?! What did you expect?!?!"

When did Fox ever publicly announce "we hate women?"
When did MSNBC ever announce we're socialists?
OP believes it's the woman's fault. Good to know. Remember that if a woman in your family ever gets raped or sexually harassed.

She was asking for it.

You fucking moron.
If that woman went to work for a company that publicly announces, "We hate women. We will degrade women every chance we get. We will tell everyone who will listen that women belong at home, int the kitchen, barefoot, and pregnant," then yeah. When she comes to me, and said, "They didn't respect me!!!", then my response is gonna kinda be, "Well, genius?!?! What did you expect?!?!"

When did Fox ever publicly announce "we hate women?"
When did MSNBC ever announce we're socialists?

Never as far as I know.. wtf are you talking about?
OP believes it's the woman's fault. Good to know. Remember that if a woman in your family ever gets raped or sexually harassed.

She was asking for it.

You fucking moron.
If that woman went to work for a company that publicly announces, "We hate women. We will degrade women every chance we get. We will tell everyone who will listen that women belong at home, int the kitchen, barefoot, and pregnant," then yeah. When she comes to me, and said, "They didn't respect me!!!", then my response is gonna kinda be, "Well, genius?!?! What did you expect?!?!"

When did Fox ever publicly announce "we hate women?"
When did MSNBC ever announce we're socialists?

Never as far as I know.. wtf are you talking about?
So, MSNBC, as far as you know, is a neutral, unbiased news source?
Okay, there is nothing I hate more than the rape victim who is first, and immediately told, "Well, if you hadn't worm that dress...", or, "If you hadn't gone to that party...", or "If you hadn't had that last beer..." Let's get that out of the way, right here.

That being said, I came across this this morning:

This supercut of Gretchen Carlson being sexually harassed by her Fox News co-hosts will break your heart

Now, I need my "Libtard" friends to help me out here, because I must be just a horrible person. The entire time I was reading her story, and even watching the video - some of the comments really were offensive - I couldn't help thinking, "But, ya know...she chose to work for the network that pushes the agenda that objectifies women, pushes the anti-choice agenda, and promotes the objectification of women.

Now, I know that there are going to be a bunch of conservatives whjo will insist that FOX does no such thing. To them I say, "Piss off,"

So, here is where I need help. How am I supposed to feel a great deal of sympathy for a woman who was bojectified at work, when she chose to work for the very network that endorses just such attitudes?

Unwanted sexual harassment from men has been a decades old problem.

There's not a woman alive that hasn't experienced it. If it's not about sex, then you're too dumb to comment on something.

As Carly Fiorina stated women have to work 3 times as hard as a man to get anywhere, and she too talked of this attitude, and she praised Hillary Clinton, "stating I know what she's been through."

Frankly, Madeleine Albright was right. Any woman, (and I don't care what side of the isle she's on)-- that doesn't support another woman deserves a special place in hell. I couldn't imagine what she went through back in the day.

This exemplifies the main reason the GOP put up 16 candidates this year. 15 of them male. It was a raining men platform that collapsed. It's why they continually attack Hillary Clinton-over Benghazi & emails (that have now turned into dust.) If Hillary Clinton was a Henry Clinton, they wouldn't have been so vicious in their attacks. It's not that they fear Hillary Clinton so much but what they FEAR most is the 1st Woman President of the United States. They just won't admit it.


So YES, gender bias & sexual harassment is still alive and well in this country.

And I disagree with absolutely nothing you've said. My only point, from my opening post, has been, the lady willingly went to work for Misogynist Inc. And we're not talking she worked there in the "early days" before they had had a chance to brand themselves. No, no. She went to work there in 2005, when it was well known to everyone that it was Misogynist Inc, and they were damn proud of their brand, and the agenda they pushed.

Now, I know Dana has tried to mitigate Gretchen's willingness to join a harem, and then be surprised that she's treated like part of a harem, suggesting she was desperate for the money, blah, blah, blah. But, I'm sorry. That's bullshit. she was Miss Fucking America, for fuck's sake! She could have landed a job anywhere she wanted! She went to work for FOX, because she agreed with their politics, and their agenda.

Well, guess what? As I have been saying all along. When you willingly, and knowingly go to work for Misogynist Inc, then you should expect them to be...well...misogynists. I think the real irony here is that she is suing FOX for treating her exactly the way that she and all of the other talking heads have spent years insisting that FOX doesn't treat women.
So by your standards, any woman who has ever worked for (or supported) the Clintons is a whore, right???
OP believes it's the woman's fault. Good to know. Remember that if a woman in your family ever gets raped or sexually harassed.

She was asking for it.

You fucking moron.
If that woman went to work for a company that publicly announces, "We hate women. We will degrade women every chance we get. We will tell everyone who will listen that women belong at home, int the kitchen, barefoot, and pregnant," then yeah. When she comes to me, and said, "They didn't respect me!!!", then my response is gonna kinda be, "Well, genius?!?! What did you expect?!?!"

When did Fox ever publicly announce "we hate women?"
When did MSNBC ever announce we're socialists?

Never as far as I know.. wtf are you talking about?
So, MSNBC, as far as you know, is a neutral, unbiased news source?

Are you drunk? You're all over the map. You start off claiming someone "asked for it" by working for Fox, and now you're babbling about MSNBC being unbiased?
Okay, there is nothing I hate more than the rape victim who is first, and immediately told, "Well, if you hadn't worm that dress...", or, "If you hadn't gone to that party...", or "If you hadn't had that last beer..." Let's get that out of the way, right here.

That being said, I came across this this morning:

This supercut of Gretchen Carlson being sexually harassed by her Fox News co-hosts will break your heart

Now, I need my "Libtard" friends to help me out here, because I must be just a horrible person. The entire time I was reading her story, and even watching the video - some of the comments really were offensive - I couldn't help thinking, "But, ya know...she chose to work for the network that pushes the agenda that objectifies women, pushes the anti-choice agenda, and promotes the objectification of women.

Now, I know that there are going to be a bunch of conservatives whjo will insist that FOX does no such thing. To them I say, "Piss off,"

So, here is where I need help. How am I supposed to feel a great deal of sympathy for a woman who was bojectified at work, when she chose to work for the very network that endorses just such attitudes?
If you don't want to feel sympathy for her then don't. Would have been a lot better than making a fool out of yourself on the ensuing pages.

Sent from my rotary-dialPhone...using my fingers.

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