Isn't it safe to say that if Trump would win the WH, he would likely quit within a few months?

More evidence that the left is not just in fear....but in absolute the looming Trump Ascendancy!

I'm from the left and I've been rooting for Trump since day 1, just sayin'.

you're a minority

Trump's Image Among Democrats, Independents Most Negative of Any GOP Candidate

just sayin'
Trump is like the India crashing into Asia and forming the Himalayas. It is inevitable and America is beginning to realize it.
And the frustration grows. lol
Oh please. You don't actually have a reason for for supporting him. He has what, 2 actual policy ideas? I mean it's pathetic. He's a joke.
Stop trying to tell other people who to vote for. You can't even count.
So you admit that Trump doesn't have an actual platform so anyone who is voting for him is a complete retard? Thanks for clearing that up.
And the frustration grows. lol
Oh please. You don't actually have a reason for for supporting him. He has what, 2 actual policy ideas? I mean it's pathetic. He's a joke.
Stop trying to tell other people who to vote for. You can't even count.
So you admit that Trump doesn't have an actual platform so anyone who is voting for him is a complete retard? Thanks for clearing that up.
Silly! Trump wants to check immigration, stop the unraveling of American identity and confront the country's external enemies.

It would be suicidal to do otherwise.
And the frustration grows. lol
Oh please. You don't actually have a reason for for supporting him. He has what, 2 actual policy ideas? I mean it's pathetic. He's a joke.
Stop trying to tell other people who to vote for. You can't even count.
So you admit that Trump doesn't have an actual platform so anyone who is voting for him is a complete retard? Thanks for clearing that up.
HTF do you come up with THAT conclusion, dumbshit?
And the frustration grows. lol
Oh please. You don't actually have a reason for for supporting him. He has what, 2 actual policy ideas? I mean it's pathetic. He's a joke.
Stop trying to tell other people who to vote for. You can't even count.
So you admit that Trump doesn't have an actual platform so anyone who is voting for him is a complete retard? Thanks for clearing that up.
HTF do you come up with THAT conclusion, dumbshit?
It really isn't hard to figure out. All you have to do is listen to that scumbag talk.

He calls ObamaCare terrible and says he's going to replace but has never explained WITH WHAT. Doesn't that bother you? Has it ever occurred to you that he doesn't actually have a plan in mind? He is just pandering to the GOP. It's amazing you people buy into this crap.

Any idiot can say "we're going to destroy ISIS!" and then never actually explain HOW. I mean my god. Crazy Joe from the trailer park could come up with crap like that. Trump doesn't explain it because he doesn't even have the slightest idea how he would do it. He knows NOTHING about foreign policy. Of course any expert in the field of Islamic terrorism would tell you that putting American troops on the ground for full scale war would be the worst tactical mistake the US could make. Beyond that, Trump has the lazy, awful idea of nuking the Middle East and killing millions of people. Again, any white trash dumbass could come up with the stupid ideas Trump has.

Oh, and let's not foget his ridiculous idea of building a wall on the Mexico border and making Mexico pay for it. Gee that's brilliant.
More evidence that the left is not just in fear....but in absolute the looming Trump Ascendancy!

I'm from the left and I've been rooting for Trump since day 1, just sayin'.

you're a minority

Trump's Image Among Democrats, Independents Most Negative of Any GOP Candidate

just sayin'
Trump is like the India crashing into Asia and forming the Himalayas. It is inevitable and America is beginning to realize it.
I have a really hard time telling the difference between a crazy cult leader with his followers and Trump with his supporters. You people do not know your asses from last Tuesday.
He calls ObamaCare terrible and says he's going to replace but has never explained WITH WHAT. Doesn't that bother you?
Hell no, it doesn't bother me. Obamacare IS terrible and I don't care if he replaces it as long as he gets rid of it.

Any idiot can say "we're going to destroy ISIS!" and then never actually explain HOW.
And what has Obama done to destroy ISIS? Not a damn thing. He pretends to fight them and gets bitch slapped by Putin and kicked out of Syria because he's in the way. You had your chance, now step aside and let somebody else do it.

Beyond that, Trump has the lazy, awful idea of nuking the Middle East and killing millions of people.
Post a link where Trump said he intends to nuke the Middle East, idiot. You'll say just about anything, won't you? But since you're worried about an American president threatening the use of nuclear weapons, you might want to check out what Hillary has to say about it.

Oh, and let's not foget his ridiculous idea of building a wall on the Mexico border and making Mexico pay for it. Gee that's brilliant.
I don't give a shit WHO pays for the damn wall as long as it's built. You may not mind having no border and no security but most Americans DO. You can rant and rave all you want about Trump but you might as well get used to him being elected because it's gonna happen whether you like it or not.
He really has no earthly idea what the job is like. He knows nothing about government adminstration on any level. He is just in this for his own narcissism. It's winning that all really cares about - not actual governing. He doesn't give two shits about anything else.

Why is this not apparent to repubs.

This is an absurd supposition even for you.
He calls ObamaCare terrible and says he's going to replace but has never explained WITH WHAT. Doesn't that bother you?
Hell no, it doesn't bother me. Obamacare IS terrible and I don't care if he replaces it as long as he gets rid of it.

Any idiot can say "we're going to destroy ISIS!" and then never actually explain HOW.
And what has Obama done to destroy ISIS? Not a damn thing. He pretends to fight them and gets bitch slapped by Putin and kicked out of Syria because he's in the way. You had your chance, now step aside and let somebody else do it.

Beyond that, Trump has the lazy, awful idea of nuking the Middle East and killing millions of people.
Post a link where Trump said he intends to nuke the Middle East, idiot. You'll say just about anything, won't you? But since you're worried about an American president threatening the use of nuclear weapons, you might want to check out what Hillary has to say about it.

Oh, and let's not foget his ridiculous idea of building a wall on the Mexico border and making Mexico pay for it. Gee that's brilliant.
I don't give a shit WHO pays for the damn wall as long as it's built. You may not mind having no border and no security but most Americans DO. You can rant and rave all you want about Trump but you might as well get used to him being elected because it's gonna happen whether you like it or not.

Christ it doesn't matter if ObamaCare is terrible or not. The point is Trump is lying about replacing it. He has no earthly idea what system is better. Either way, you would have a to be a complete moron to think our healthcare system before ObamaCare wasn't an embarrassment to the rest of the developed world.

I'll agree that the US's war against ISIS hasn't been adequately effective, but you are a complete idiot to think its the wrong strategy. US ground troops beyond trainers and special forces is a TERRIBLE idea. The reason why ISIS hasn't folded, is because the surrounding Arab counties are too much of pussies to commit any of their own troops. That is the ONLY way to defeat ISIS. They need to take out the trash. Of course how typical for you to put all the blame on Obama and not at all fault the pentagon or the advisors working in the region. You are a partisan hack that is too stupid to think for yourself because you let Fox News do all your thinking for you.

Oh Christ. A wall. Gee what solution. Again it's something a retard could easily come up with. Of Course, it's hard to get more stupid to think rounding up all illegals and deporting them is a feasible and economic idea. It would cost trillions and take decades to implement and for what? Is it really worth it? Would it make America all that much better? No it really wouldn't. I'm not a fan of illegal immigrants, but I also know we have much bigger problems than them.
He really has no earthly idea what the job is like. He knows nothing about government adminstration on any level. He is just in this for his own narcissism. It's winning that all really cares about - not actual governing. He doesn't give two shits about anything else.

Why is this not apparent to repubs.

This is an absurd supposition even for you.
Well this is a forum. We do elaborate here. What are you waiting for?
He really has no earthly idea what the job is like. He knows nothing about government adminstration on any level. He is just in this for his own narcissism. It's winning that all really cares about - not actual governing. He doesn't give two shits about anything else.

Why is this not apparent to repubs.
wow, the irony that this op is a copy of many op's when obama made his run.

well, billy, you fucking racist, blah blah blah racist blah racist blah
I'll agree that the US's war against ISIS hasn't been adequately effective, but you are a complete idiot to think its the wrong strategy.
It's been adequately ineffective but it's the right strategy? ROFLMAO!!! And the hits just keep on comin'. LOL
I'll agree that the US's war against ISIS hasn't been adequately effective, but you are a complete idiot to think its the wrong strategy.
It's been adequately ineffective but it's the right strategy? ROFLMAO!!! And the hits just keep on comin'. LOL
I'm right and you know I'm right.
Ok, Billy. You better go to bed now before you get in trouble. LOL
So transparent you are.
I'll agree that the US's war against ISIS hasn't been adequately effective, but you are a complete idiot to think its the wrong strategy.
It's been adequately ineffective but it's the right strategy? ROFLMAO!!! And the hits just keep on comin'. LOL
I'm right and you know I'm right.
Ok, Billy. You better go to bed now before you get in trouble. LOL
So transparent you are.
So stupid you are.
He really has no earthly idea what the job is like. He knows nothing about government adminstration on any level. He is just in this for his own narcissism. It's winning that all really cares about - not actual governing. He doesn't give two shits about anything else.

Why is this not apparent to repubs.
To be fair to Billy, he's probably never had a job so he's channelling his own thoulophobia, or fear of work in his silly supposition and the expectation that he support himself with a Trump victory.

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