Isn't the timing of Buttigeig's dropping out suspect

Probably has more to do with the way he lost instead of your conspiracy theory.

" Pete Buttigieg, the former small-city Indiana mayor and first openly gay major presidential candidate, said Sunday night he was dropping out of the Democratic race, following a crushing loss in the South Carolina primary where his poor performance with black Democrats signaled an inability to build a broad coalition of voters."
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?
VERY suspect. I believe the Dim Dems REALLY want a Biden-Sanders showdown. I wouldn't be surprised if Buttplug was paid to bow out of the race.
Biden does not stand a chance.
He not only faces the age problem that Sanders does, but he will never be able to explain away the firing of Shokin in the Ukraine, the millions paid to his son, his withholding of US aid, etc.
Biden has never shown presidential material, and is clearly fatally compromised.
Only Bernie Sanders has polls showing he could easily beat Trump.
Biden does not stand a chance.
He not only faces the age problem that Sanders does, but he will never be able to explain away the firing of Shokin in the Ukraine, the millions paid to his son, his withholding of US aid, etc.
Biden has never shown presidential material, and is clearly fatally compromised.
Only Bernie Sanders has polls showing he could easily beat Trump.

Does America normally elect almost dead socialists to the highest office?
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?
it would not bother me a weensy bit, if someone whispered in his ear to quit before Super Tuesday,,,,

though likely, it was his decision, not to be known as the spoiler in this primary... so he can run again in 2024 or 2028, all spit shined....

I prefer looking at it as him giving one of the more experienced ladies a shot, not sanders or biden.... :D
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

Works on the assumption that his votes will go to Biden. They might just as well go to Bernie. Or Bloomberg, for that matter.

The appeal of Buttigeig was that he was gay. Nobody was really in love with his ideas.
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?
Not when you consider that Bloomberg promised to overfund Mayor Pete's next effort, be it Senator or Governor
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

Works on the assumption that his votes will go to Biden. They might just as well go to Bernie. Or Bloomberg, for that matter.

The appeal of Buttigeig was that he was gay. Nobody was really in love with his ideas.

Homophobe much?
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

Because of the way primary rules work in the DNC, and for that matter, maybe even in the GOP, one had to go from the moderate group if they expected any chance to stop BERNARD in California from running away with it.

We must all understand, that the DNC has swallowed its fate of a brokered convention, and that is NOW the goal, not pushing a moderate to win the nomination outright, but to FORCE a brokered convention.

The moderate as the DNC standard bearer? That my friends, will be taken care of in Milwaukee!

Hillary in fourth
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

With 26 delegates Buttigieg still had a shot to win the nomination. But, I think it would have been highly unlikely he wins. In any event, not sure why he wouldn't hang in until after Super Tuesday since he came this far. Seems like some sort of deal was struck. But honestly, I don't see an issue with this. If Bernie can't beat Biden 1v1 then he doesn't deserve to win.
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?
VERY suspect. I believe the Dim Dems REALLY want a Biden-Sanders showdown. I wouldn't be surprised if Buttplug was paid to bow out of the race.
You're an idiot.

He must be pregnant
And you're a childish idiot.
You poor baby.
By the time the convention occurs Biden will be a fucking footnote.
Bernie will show up to find the DNC has crowned Bloomberg with the nomination.
Bernie's Brown Shirts will go on a violent rioting and looting and fire bombing rampage.
And then Trump will eat Bloomberg's lunch on the debate stage.
Trump: "Bloomberg literally bought the Dem party. How does it feel all you Dems to know you were willing to sell yourselves to the highest bidder?".
Probably has more to do with the way he lost instead of your conspiracy theory.

" Pete Buttigieg, the former small-city Indiana mayor and first openly gay major presidential candidate, said Sunday night he was dropping out of the Democratic race, following a crushing loss in the South Carolina primary where his poor performance with black Democrats signaled an inability to build a broad coalition of voters."
It's the timing that's in question here...even if your reasoning is correct what does his constituency do now? i.e. those who planned on voting for him on super tuesday.
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

I wouldn't call it suspect. It's rather obvious. The moderates think Bernie will sink their chances of winning the general. I'm not sure Biden's chances are much better, but they're clearly worried.
Last evening while watching CNNI almost died. The Pepsi I was drinking went up my nose b/c I was laughing so hard.
During prime-time there were a number of Buttplug Pete's campaign ads run.
I thought: And 'Mrs. Buttplug' wanted to run the country!!!!!!!!!!

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