Isn't the timing of Buttigeig's dropping out suspect

Probably has more to do with the way he lost instead of your conspiracy theory.

" Pete Buttigieg, the former small-city Indiana mayor and first openly gay major presidential candidate, said Sunday night he was dropping out of the Democratic race, following a crushing loss in the South Carolina primary where his poor performance with black Democrats signaled an inability to build a broad coalition of voters."

WRONG............On the surface what would it harm Buttsgig to wait one more day, as big as Super Tuesday? There's no conspiracy theory here, he dropped out now over speculation. The only question is does he hope to help Biden or Sanders? My guess would be the OP is right.
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

Well, kinda makes sense. It's the same reason Klobuchar dropped out today. She's throwing her support behind Biden. The people want Sanders, but it appears that the Dem establishment wants Biden.
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

The Primaries and campaigning have a way of exposing candidates' weaknesses. Legitimately vetting candidates exponentially increases scrutiny and exposing those weaknesses.

Barak Obama was NOT even close to thoroughly vetted, as the Liberal media protected him while repeating the mantra 'His past does not matter'. Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and quoted Socialist Saul Alensky, mentored by racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'Pastor' Jeremiah Wright, was associated with the Weathermen Underground - friends with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers...etc... During his campaign he defended post-birth abortion and declared he wanted Single Payer..... had Barry been legitimately thoroughly vetted he would probably not beaten Hillary, but the fact is he was - as Biden said - 'a clean articulate black man' and propped up to be the 1st Black President.

Hillary is the queen of the Corrupt Government Crime Syndicate, possibly the most corrupt / criminal politician in US history. Both Obama and the Liberal media protected her from indictment / prison. There are some snowflakes who will NEVER admit to it, but they know this as well.....the FBI reported they found classified information from a program she was 'read out' of from her time in the State Department - information she did not legally have the authority to possess - on her own private, unsecured, unencrypted personal computer...that she stored illegally in the BATHROOM of a company that did not possess the security clearances required to have her server in their possession....AND THIS IS ONLY A TINY PORTION OF THE UNDENIABLE SECURITY VIOLATIONS COMMITTEED.

Buttiieg's weakness exposed that forced him out of this race is the fact that he can NOT get the minority vote and can not win without it.

Bloomberg's past - being vetted - caught up with him and has killed him: 'Stop & Frisk', 'Carbon Copy Violent Young Minorities'....buh-bye.

Buttigieg, Warren, and Bloomberg are / were all 'fishing in the same sighing hole' for voters. I give Buttigieg credit for realizing now what Bloomberg and Warren either can't see or refuse to accept yet - they can't win. Warren's only hoping in a Contested / Brokered Convention she will be the survivor of the 'Anyone But Bernie' DNC candidate competition....

IMHO.....if Biden is still in it come Convention time Biden gets it....but if he is still way too weak.....look for the Dems to consider making a deal with the 'devil'...Hillary...
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

The Primaries and campaigning have a way of exposing candidates' weaknesses. Legitimately vetting candidates exponentially increases scrutiny and exposing those weaknesses.

Barak Obama was NOT even close to thoroughly vetted, as the Liberal media protected him while repeating the mantra 'His past does not matter'. Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and quoted Socialist Saul Alensky, mentored by racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'Pastor' Jeremiah Wright, was associated with the Weathermen Underground - friends with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers...etc... During his campaign he defended post-birth abortion and declared he wanted Single Payer..... had Barry been legitimately thoroughly vetted he would probably not beaten Hillary, but the fact is he was - as Biden said - 'a clean articulate black man' and propped up to be the 1st Black President.

Hillary is the queen of the Corrupt Government Crime Syndicate, possibly the most corrupt / criminal politician in US history. Both Obama and the Liberal media protected her from indictment / prison. There are some snowflakes who will NEVER admit to it, but they know this as well.....the FBI reported they found classified information from a program she was 'read out' of from her time in the State Department - information she did not legally have the authority to possess - on her own private, unsecured, unencrypted personal computer...that she stored illegally in the BATHROOM of a company that did not possess the security clearances required to have her server in their possession....AND THIS IS ONLY A TINY PORTION OF THE UNDENIABLE SECURITY VIOLATIONS COMMITTEED.

Buttiieg's weakness exposed that forced him out of this race is the fact that he can NOT get the minority vote and can not win without it.

Bloomberg's past - being vetted - caught up with him and has killed him: 'Stop & Frisk', 'Carbon Copy Violent Young Minorities'....buh-bye.

Buttigieg, Warren, and Bloomberg are / were all 'fishing in the same sighing hole' for voters. I give Buttigieg credit for realizing now what Bloomberg and Warren either can't see or refuse to accept yet - they can't win. Warren's only hoping in a Contested / Brokered Convention she will be the survivor of the 'Anyone But Bernie' DNC candidate competition....

IMHO.....if Biden is still in it come Convention time Biden gets it....but if he is still way too weak.....look for the Dems to consider making a deal with the 'devil'...Hillary...

I think Hillary may be preoccupied with trying to stay out of jail right now.

Judge orders Hillary Clinton deposition in email flap
Especially when all of those who ran interference for her before are under fire and trying to save their own hides.
Anyone who thinks that Hillary will somehow sneak into the race is either brain dead or seriously deluded.
Shitstain obama called both Buttplug and Klobuchar and gave them the facts of the campaign. That's why they dropped out.
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates? more than Klobuchar dropping out just before Super Tuesday. And Tom Steyer.
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?
VERY suspect. I believe the Dim Dems REALLY want a Biden-Sanders showdown. I wouldn't be surprised if Buttplug was paid to bow out of the race.
It's always a conspiracy, isn't it? :71:
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

Amy probably promised a shot at VP (she would be horrible) and Buttigieg promised a prime time prime time speaking spot at the DNC
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

The Primaries and campaigning have a way of exposing candidates' weaknesses. Legitimately vetting candidates exponentially increases scrutiny and exposing those weaknesses.

Barak Obama was NOT even close to thoroughly vetted, as the Liberal media protected him while repeating the mantra 'His past does not matter'. Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and quoted Socialist Saul Alensky, mentored by racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'Pastor' Jeremiah Wright, was associated with the Weathermen Underground - friends with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers...etc... During his campaign he defended post-birth abortion and declared he wanted Single Payer..... had Barry been legitimately thoroughly vetted he would probably not beaten Hillary, but the fact is he was - as Biden said - 'a clean articulate black man' and propped up to be the 1st Black President.

Hillary is the queen of the Corrupt Government Crime Syndicate, possibly the most corrupt / criminal politician in US history. Both Obama and the Liberal media protected her from indictment / prison. There are some snowflakes who will NEVER admit to it, but they know this as well.....the FBI reported they found classified information from a program she was 'read out' of from her time in the State Department - information she did not legally have the authority to possess - on her own private, unsecured, unencrypted personal computer...that she stored illegally in the BATHROOM of a company that did not possess the security clearances required to have her server in their possession....AND THIS IS ONLY A TINY PORTION OF THE UNDENIABLE SECURITY VIOLATIONS COMMITTEED.

Buttiieg's weakness exposed that forced him out of this race is the fact that he can NOT get the minority vote and can not win without it.

Bloomberg's past - being vetted - caught up with him and has killed him: 'Stop & Frisk', 'Carbon Copy Violent Young Minorities'....buh-bye.

Buttigieg, Warren, and Bloomberg are / were all 'fishing in the same sighing hole' for voters. I give Buttigieg credit for realizing now what Bloomberg and Warren either can't see or refuse to accept yet - they can't win. Warren's only hoping in a Contested / Brokered Convention she will be the survivor of the 'Anyone But Bernie' DNC candidate competition....

IMHO.....if Biden is still in it come Convention time Biden gets it....but if he is still way too weak.....look for the Dems to consider making a deal with the 'devil'...Hillary...
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

The Primaries and campaigning have a way of exposing candidates' weaknesses. Legitimately vetting candidates exponentially increases scrutiny and exposing those weaknesses.

Barak Obama was NOT even close to thoroughly vetted, as the Liberal media protected him while repeating the mantra 'His past does not matter'. Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and quoted Socialist Saul Alensky, mentored by racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'Pastor' Jeremiah Wright, was associated with the Weathermen Underground - friends with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers...etc... During his campaign he defended post-birth abortion and declared he wanted Single Payer..... had Barry been legitimately thoroughly vetted he would probably not beaten Hillary, but the fact is he was - as Biden said - 'a clean articulate black man' and propped up to be the 1st Black President.

Hillary is the queen of the Corrupt Government Crime Syndicate, possibly the most corrupt / criminal politician in US history. Both Obama and the Liberal media protected her from indictment / prison. There are some snowflakes who will NEVER admit to it, but they know this as well.....the FBI reported they found classified information from a program she was 'read out' of from her time in the State Department - information she did not legally have the authority to possess - on her own private, unsecured, unencrypted personal computer...that she stored illegally in the BATHROOM of a company that did not possess the security clearances required to have her server in their possession....AND THIS IS ONLY A TINY PORTION OF THE UNDENIABLE SECURITY VIOLATIONS COMMITTEED.

Buttiieg's weakness exposed that forced him out of this race is the fact that he can NOT get the minority vote and can not win without it.

Bloomberg's past - being vetted - caught up with him and has killed him: 'Stop & Frisk', 'Carbon Copy Violent Young Minorities'....buh-bye.

Buttigieg, Warren, and Bloomberg are / were all 'fishing in the same sighing hole' for voters. I give Buttigieg credit for realizing now what Bloomberg and Warren either can't see or refuse to accept yet - they can't win. Warren's only hoping in a Contested / Brokered Convention she will be the survivor of the 'Anyone But Bernie' DNC candidate competition....

IMHO.....if Biden is still in it come Convention time Biden gets it....but if he is still way too weak.....look for the Dems to consider making a deal with the 'devil'...Hillary...

I think Hillary may be preoccupied with trying to stay out of jail right now.

Judge orders Hillary Clinton deposition in email flap
Especially when all of those who ran interference for her before are under fire and trying to save their own hides.
Ah...ANOTHER under oath interview. How many does that made now that she's never run away from.....unlike fat donnie and his merry band of crooks?
Biden does not stand a chance.
He not only faces the age problem that Sanders does, but he will never be able to explain away the firing of Shokin in the Ukraine, the millions paid to his son, his withholding of US aid, etc.
Biden has never shown presidential material, and is clearly fatally compromised.
Only Bernie Sanders has polls showing he could easily beat Trump.
Bernie won't be able to explain his 4 wives, his 3 homes and the $100 Million he has in the bank.
Isn't the timing of Buttigeig's dropping out suspect
We could say that what is suspect is the entire mise en scene of the duopoly, this pretense that candidates are offered and the will of the voters will be done. We do not say that because suspicion has nothing to do with it. We all know full well that the 'fix is in', and we get to pay whatever tab it is given us to pay, whether in our treasure or in the lives of our sons and daughters in 'defense' of this system that is using us.
The very presence of candidates such as the ex-mayor is laughable, people who have no place in the seat of the single most powerful person in the world.
No President since Eisenhower has been seriously prepared for the position. None has performed in a way that would have genuinely advanced the long term interests of America, and, so , the world.
That the American public, the general population, and especially the voters would have the character to assume responsibility and apply themselves to necessary citizen participation in a democratic republic leaves us deeply worried. We don't want to think it impossible, despite everything that indicates it is thus.
Biden does not stand a chance.
He not only faces the age problem that Sanders does, but he will never be able to explain away the firing of Shokin in the Ukraine, the millions paid to his son, his withholding of US aid, etc.
Biden has never shown presidential material, and is clearly fatally compromised.
Only Bernie Sanders has polls showing he could easily beat Trump.
Bernie won't be able to explain his 4 wives, his 3 homes and the $100 Million he has in the bank.
Please post a link that Bernie has a $100 million dollars in the bank. Me thinks you are barking up the wrong tree.
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

The Primaries and campaigning have a way of exposing candidates' weaknesses. Legitimately vetting candidates exponentially increases scrutiny and exposing those weaknesses.

Barak Obama was NOT even close to thoroughly vetted, as the Liberal media protected him while repeating the mantra 'His past does not matter'. Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and quoted Socialist Saul Alensky, mentored by racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'Pastor' Jeremiah Wright, was associated with the Weathermen Underground - friends with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers...etc... During his campaign he defended post-birth abortion and declared he wanted Single Payer..... had Barry been legitimately thoroughly vetted he would probably not beaten Hillary, but the fact is he was - as Biden said - 'a clean articulate black man' and propped up to be the 1st Black President.

Hillary is the queen of the Corrupt Government Crime Syndicate, possibly the most corrupt / criminal politician in US history. Both Obama and the Liberal media protected her from indictment / prison. There are some snowflakes who will NEVER admit to it, but they know this as well.....the FBI reported they found classified information from a program she was 'read out' of from her time in the State Department - information she did not legally have the authority to possess - on her own private, unsecured, unencrypted personal computer...that she stored illegally in the BATHROOM of a company that did not possess the security clearances required to have her server in their possession....AND THIS IS ONLY A TINY PORTION OF THE UNDENIABLE SECURITY VIOLATIONS COMMITTEED.

Buttiieg's weakness exposed that forced him out of this race is the fact that he can NOT get the minority vote and can not win without it.

Bloomberg's past - being vetted - caught up with him and has killed him: 'Stop & Frisk', 'Carbon Copy Violent Young Minorities'....buh-bye.

Buttigieg, Warren, and Bloomberg are / were all 'fishing in the same sighing hole' for voters. I give Buttigieg credit for realizing now what Bloomberg and Warren either can't see or refuse to accept yet - they can't win. Warren's only hoping in a Contested / Brokered Convention she will be the survivor of the 'Anyone But Bernie' DNC candidate competition....

IMHO.....if Biden is still in it come Convention time Biden gets it....but if he is still way too weak.....look for the Dems to consider making a deal with the 'devil'...Hillary...
Does anyone find Pete Buttigeig dropping out before Super Tuesday just a little suspect? Would this not free up his supporters to vote for Biden and keep Bernie from winning more delegates?

The Primaries and campaigning have a way of exposing candidates' weaknesses. Legitimately vetting candidates exponentially increases scrutiny and exposing those weaknesses.

Barak Obama was NOT even close to thoroughly vetted, as the Liberal media protected him while repeating the mantra 'His past does not matter'. Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and quoted Socialist Saul Alensky, mentored by racist, hate-spewing anti-American 'Pastor' Jeremiah Wright, was associated with the Weathermen Underground - friends with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers...etc... During his campaign he defended post-birth abortion and declared he wanted Single Payer..... had Barry been legitimately thoroughly vetted he would probably not beaten Hillary, but the fact is he was - as Biden said - 'a clean articulate black man' and propped up to be the 1st Black President.

Hillary is the queen of the Corrupt Government Crime Syndicate, possibly the most corrupt / criminal politician in US history. Both Obama and the Liberal media protected her from indictment / prison. There are some snowflakes who will NEVER admit to it, but they know this as well.....the FBI reported they found classified information from a program she was 'read out' of from her time in the State Department - information she did not legally have the authority to possess - on her own private, unsecured, unencrypted personal computer...that she stored illegally in the BATHROOM of a company that did not possess the security clearances required to have her server in their possession....AND THIS IS ONLY A TINY PORTION OF THE UNDENIABLE SECURITY VIOLATIONS COMMITTEED.

Buttiieg's weakness exposed that forced him out of this race is the fact that he can NOT get the minority vote and can not win without it.

Bloomberg's past - being vetted - caught up with him and has killed him: 'Stop & Frisk', 'Carbon Copy Violent Young Minorities'....buh-bye.

Buttigieg, Warren, and Bloomberg are / were all 'fishing in the same sighing hole' for voters. I give Buttigieg credit for realizing now what Bloomberg and Warren either can't see or refuse to accept yet - they can't win. Warren's only hoping in a Contested / Brokered Convention she will be the survivor of the 'Anyone But Bernie' DNC candidate competition....

IMHO.....if Biden is still in it come Convention time Biden gets it....but if he is still way too weak.....look for the Dems to consider making a deal with the 'devil'...Hillary...

I think Hillary may be preoccupied with trying to stay out of jail right now.

Judge orders Hillary Clinton deposition in email flap
Especially when all of those who ran interference for her before are under fire and trying to save their own hides.
Ah...ANOTHER under oath interview. How many does that made now that she's never run away from.....unlike fat donnie and his merry band of crooks?
You mean lime the one with the FBI that did not record the interview, did not take notes, and the one Both the FBI AND DOJ said was not part of any investigation because they never wanted one or conducted one?!
Probably has more to do with the way he lost instead of your conspiracy theory.

" Pete Buttigieg, the former small-city Indiana mayor and first openly gay major presidential candidate, said Sunday night he was dropping out of the Democratic race, following a crushing loss in the South Carolina primary where his poor performance with black Democrats signaled an inability to build a broad coalition of voters."
They KNEW Biden was gonna win that one. Meant nothing. The rational candidate would have stuck it out for Super Tuesday, but Obama had other plans
Maybe it wasn't his choice. Democrats don't support a single issue openly homosexual candidate any more than republicans do.

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