Israel and Genocide

Actually, no...if Conservatives had their way, women would not be equal..Conservatives are still pissed women have the right to this guy.....

"John Gibbs, who defeated in the primary an incumbent Republican who had voted to impeach Trump, also made comments in the early 2000s praising an organization trying to repeal the 19th Amendment which also argued that women’s suffrage had made the United States into a “totalitarian state. The Society for the Critique of Feminism was cited by other anti-feminist websites, including on anti-feminist and conspiracy website Father’s Manifesto” A great website detailing, among other things, the unconstitutional laws which passed as a result of the 19th amendment, and providing further evidence of the damages done by the 19th amendment, Gibbs said."

I also see how you didn't even mention gays-- I guess you know right-wingers and fundamentalist muslims have that hatred in common....
Modern Feminism is it's own anti-feminism.
They didn't start the 1967 war. Egyptian troops were all in Yemen. They didn't invade Lebanon or hijack Syrian airliners. Even recently they tried to take the Litani and Hasbani rivers in Lebanon.

This whole episode in Gaza is another land grab. Hamas has always been Johnny on the spot for Israel.
Your lies are never ending
Have you seen the destruction in Gaza?
That’s on Hamas. Got anything else?

It’s like saying my stomach hurts cause I punched you after you beat up my little brother and sister. Yeah it hurts cause you’re an asshole and got retribution.
Why did you avoid the truth I posted?

Please name me a prominent conservative who championed women's rights?

I can name quite a few "liberal women" dating all the way back to Ida B. Wells, Fannie Lou Hamer, you know, people you never heard of because you never gave a fuck about women's rights...until conservatives lost that y'all gotta pretend you weren't on the wrong side of history
All of them. They GOP stands for equal rights for everyone. No affirmative action. No discrimination.

I did Answer you. But you chose to ignore that answer.
Your lies are never ending
Reality----the '67 war began on June 5. ---My freshman finals ended Mid May.
when "CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE EAST" UN PROCEEDINGS began being televised.
Mid may----freshman finals OVER!!!! ----TV in the basement. Clips of Nasser
exalting over his coming DEFEAT of the ZIONIST ENTITY. Lots of arab diplomats
---interestingly all chewing gum and wearing sunglasses---indoors and
SMILING BROADLY. Open threats from the UAR players both during the
UN proceedings and----outside with reporters. Reports ---hundreds of Russian
supplied war tanks lined up on the border between Sinai and Israel --with
RUSSIAN MILITARY PERSONEL in the field.....gossipy statements on the streets
near the UN of "raping israeli girls" Then CLOSURE OF THE STRAITS OF TIRAN----
judged an act of war by Egypt according to "experts" More threats by "UAR"
players----one jerk in sunglasses DEMANDED ----"WE WANT HAIFA" sorta like
HAND THE HILLS OVER.!!!! random bits of fire-----inconsequential stuff----baseline
from the vicinity of Gaza-----THEN BIG SURPRISE ---JUNE 5 WAR!!!! and
from egypt's Nasser "WATTA A SURPRISE" "THEY DID IT" Today's southern
Lebanon is a recap of the conditions created by Egypt in May-June 1967--which
will be followed by "WATTA SURPRISE---"THEY DID IT"
They are alone. Hamas hit that hospital not Israel
One atrocity in a millennium of them does not make them exclusive Az

The M.E is a cesspool of hate and darkness

Spiritual evolution has always been love and light

Those are the 'sides' we all get to choose

Israel is committing genocide as we post. Apparently you’re cool with it.

I thought mankind had progressed beyond mass murder. I realize now how naive I was.
The Neanderthal Didn't Die Out; They Were Killed Off

The survival of the fittest won't continue until the unfittest are exterminated. The survival of the "fatherest" is behind that obstruction.

The Third World War must be against the Third World. The transnationalist hereditary plutocracy gets in our way and must be removed first.
One atrocity in a millennium of them does not make them exclusive Az

The M.E is a cesspool of hate and darkness

Spiritual evolution has always been love and light

Those are the 'sides' we all get to choose

Except the media and many here automatically blamed Israel and Tlaib still does. Facts matter. Islam is a plague and if you can’t see that, I cannot help you.
The transnationalist hereditary plutocracy

welcome to the show.....~S~
somewhere in your life----did you ever learn the definition of murder?
or were you in the fucking idiot reading group in the second grade?
A big complaint from Gaza is that it takes too long for their knocked
up women to get to HADASSAH HOSPITAL. Your heroes have a penchant
for short exploding bombs that hit kids and even hospitals. The shut off
the electricity program is silly------Israel should ban ALL MUSLIMS from
Israeli hospitals pending the release of the people they stole. Did you know
that Muhummad developed his "leadership"skills and following by raiding
caravans for slaves? READ YOU KHARAHAN
Fuck you, Rosie! You are an anti-Semite!

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