Israel and Genocide

thanks for that really LONG article------and the two pictures----do you have anything
on the jews prodding them along with machine guns?-----I don't see even ONE.
I did mention that I have been reading your propaganda since I was about 8. I SAW
A PICTURE!!!! of a zionist concentration camp. It was a picture of an arab woman
and two sloppy looking kids standing behind a barbed wire fence. The caption read---
THE JEWS PUT US HERE. I was horrified----it looked like something out of Auschwitz-
I showed it to my mother----HORRIFIED "Israel has concentration camps"----she looked
---read the associated stuff and said "THAT'S EGYPT" Whoever are you
photographers------they seem to MISS lots

Read Benny Morris. They started with firebombing the refinery in Haifa in December 1947. ... and destroyed hundreds of Arab villages.

Saint Benny Morris is the best you can do-----he is a propagandaist -----like you
Got some pictures of DA JOOOOS DESTROYING DA VILLAGE? Once all the arabs
took off from the village next to hubby's----he had no problem walking past it-----
it was the same mess of huts that it had been before they left. There was a problem--
they left DOGS!!!!!!-----of the hungry type-----those lousy jews did not want to feed them
so some of them committed ANOTHER ATROCITY----and shot them
Palestinians are in their own lands, own homes.
NO ONE has the right to bomb them, unless you are from those who call for and try to justify the ongoing genocide. War criminals should be punished.
Occupiers should stop their atrocities.
I noticed you didn't mention anything about the Palestinians kidnapping and murdering Jews. Hamas's charter calls for the destruction of Israel and that terrorist group controls the Gaza Strip.
Israel has killed more babies than Hamas. Fuck you, Rosie!
somewhere in your life----did you ever learn the definition of murder?
or were you in the fucking idiot reading group in the second grade?
A big complaint from Gaza is that it takes too long for their knocked
up women to get to HADASSAH HOSPITAL. Your heroes have a penchant
for short exploding bombs that hit kids and even hospitals. The shut off
the electricity program is silly------Israel should ban ALL MUSLIMS from
Israeli hospitals pending the release of the people they stole. Did you know
that Muhummad developed his "leadership"skills and following by raiding
caravans for slaves? READ YOU KHARAHAN
I noticed you didn't mention anything about the Palestinians kidnapping and murdering Jews. Hamas's charter calls for the destruction of Israel and that terrorist group controls the Gaza Strip.
old pussy cat supports the EMULATION OF AL NABI-----who made his reputation
by raiding caravans and TAKING SLAVES -----then he married a really rich widow.
In the GOP everyone is equal you Hamas supporting terrorist
Why did you avoid the truth I posted?

Please name me a prominent conservative who championed women's rights?

I can name quite a few "liberal women" dating all the way back to Ida B. Wells, Fannie Lou Hamer, you know, people you never heard of because you never gave a fuck about women's rights...until conservatives lost that y'all gotta pretend you weren't on the wrong side of history
somewhere in your life----did you ever learn the definition of murder?
or were you in the fucking idiot reading group in the second grade?
A big complaint from Gaza is that it takes too long for their knocked
up women to get to HADASSAH HOSPITAL. Your heroes have a penchant
for short exploding bombs that hit kids and even hospitals. The shut off
the electricity program is silly------Israel should ban ALL MUSLIMS from
Israeli hospitals pending the release of the people they stole. Did you know
that Muhummad developed his "leadership"skills and following by raiding
caravans for slaves? READ YOU KHARAHAN
Surada disagreed-----she seems to NOT WANT YOU TO READ YOUR KORAN

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